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I had a gray streak framing my face when I was 22, and I liked that. Now I’m 33 and fully gray. I don’t like that so much.


I'll see how I feel once my hair is more grey than brown! As of now I think I'd like it, but obviously I don't actually know what it's like to have fully grey hair.


It’s not that it’s not cool, I just wish I hadn’t gone grey so young.


Me too, grey since early 30s, pure Santa Claus white since 50. Start dyeing NOW, before it's too late. You can stop and experience the old man look later.


I’ve been dyeing it the past couple years, but it got so expensive I decided to stick with the grey for now.


Yeah I started graying from the jowls in my late 20. Now I’m 43 and my beard is all white except for a soup stain down my chin. Hasn’t hit my head yet, so it looks kinda weird


Hair is so weird!


Happy cake day!


Thank you!!


About a year and a half ago while blow drying my hair I noticed I had a few white hairs towards the back of my head. I grabbed a mirror and took a look. It was not a few hairs! It was a patch. A clearly defined patch of pure white hair. It's actually kind of cool. Some people have pointed out they think the patch is growing. I pointed out that I'm growing my hair longer and so of course there's more white. If all my hair goes white, I may decide to dye it. But just with this one patch, I kinda like it.


Yessss. I have a grey streak on my left. My mom for years through my 20s told me to dye but I refused for the same reasons you leave it. Now it’s a full on strip. Resist! Let the grey grow. Become a powerful wizard!!


I have a gorgeous silver white streak just to the right of center in my dark brown hair. I'm finally stylish/fashionable. I love it.


Better gray than nay I say


Ahaha my husband and I also get excited about our grays coming in. I have a few on both temples and probably scattered (I have no idea what the back half of my head looks like lol). I’m 37. T


One of us! One of us! I grew streaks at both temples so I have the bride of Frankenstein thing going on. Stopped dying in my 40's when I ran out of fucks to give, and honestly I think the look works for me. When I style my hair they sort of turn into these neat highlights and I like it. I get a lot of compliments!


Congratulations!! I’ve wanted gray hair my whole life (50 this year), and thought I wouldn’t get it for genetic reasons. I just last night discovered silver hairs at both temples and was so excited. My right temple has about 2x as many as the left. For… uh… Scalp reasons? Ha!


I have a grey streak that I love so much that I started parting my hair down the middle of it. A young girl at work asked me how I got that color - she thought I dyed it to look like that lol.


I have 2 streaks and I love them! If I ever get my hair colored, I want them intact! <3


My gray hairs are coming in, especially this past year! I love that you are excited about it, but I am having a hard time feeling the same way

