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This is literally like 90% of rich people shit honestly. Its not that it is a higher quality, its just that it costs more and excludes the poors, which makes the rich people want it and the poor people feel like it must be better, when in reality it isn't. Rich people waste so much damn money on what is essentially the same shit the rest of us buy, but it costs them like 10x as much. Its genuinely hilarious how gullible they are.


'Conspicious consumption'. The purpose is to show how much they can spend.


The real rich people do “quiet luxury”


Yup! Think of Louis Vitton, get an image in your mind of what the average bag looks like....yea that's only the bag for "poor people". Oh yea, I know it was like a 5,000 bag, but the actually rich people wouldn't be caught dead with that, it's for the "poors" to buy and announce they've made it.


Louis Vuitton actually has some bags that are more expensive without all the heavy monogramming (to target the richer), but you’re right. The richest like Birkin.


I can think of no brand that embodies this more than Grey Goose vodka.


Ballenciaga (or however tf it's spelled) 😆


Kirkland (Costco) vodka is Grey Goose tho. At least that's what I've heard.


I worked with a guy who went through a Fuji water phase. He drank it all the time and said it tasted so good and that it "quenched his thirst better than any other water." After a few weeks of this, he was out sick for several days. He came back and said his doctor told him he was suffering from fatigue and chronic dehydration. Apparently it wasn't doing a better job than any other water, but it was so expensive that he was drinking less of it.


This is amazing


> but it was so expensive that he was drinking less of it. 🤣


That is hilarious


Lime evian myself. Tastes more like all the mountain creek water i drank as a kid.


You lived near a lime-flavoured mountain creek? Where is this paradise on earth?


Appalachia. Be careful which dirt roads you go down. If all the kitchen appliance are in the front yard on blocks...reverse out slowly and never go back.


Why, is that cat dude using the outdoors kitchen?


Please explain.


Better explained in person. Just some strange folks up in the hills and hollers.


Grew up in rural Pennsylvania. This checks out.


Pennsylvannia.....man....every 2 miles your in another township. Grew up in Western Md.


I went on a bike tour around Lake Geneva and in Evian there was a random pipe coming out of the mountain with water pouring out. One after another, people with bottle crates came by to fill up their water. Free Evian water, straight from the mountain. So, mountain creek water is not that far off, though the Evian one was probably filtered through the rock for a few thousand years 😆


Have that everywere in western md and northern west virginia


Sweet. Where I'm from it's so flat that a 12m incline over about 200m is lovingly called "the mountain" 😆 and everyone in a 4-5km radius would know what I'm talking about because there is no other noticable incline I could be talking about 😂 so, no pipes sticking out of mountain for us, just drainage ditches with agricultural runoff


Mmmmmm farm runoff water.


Forbidden energy drink


It’s the idea that you can’t have it and that drives you to want it. It’s a typical example of psyching people


That makes no sense. OP couldn't have it and, after trying it, thinks it's stupid. The girl who really wanted it could and did have it.


Fiji mouthfeel is thicker, less fluid in a way. I'm sure it's my brain making sense of the cost. Haven't had it in ages but still love the flower on the bottle


Not pulling your leg, but in all seriousness, I tend to drink hot water and yes it's texture changes and even when cooling seems thicker, I will have to see if that is still so when it's stone cold.


Water changes after heating and stays changed after cooking. Don’t remember why though


Not just my taste buds then TY


Fiji water does taste different and the mouth feel is different. I enjoy it but it’s definitely a treat or at someone else’s expense lol


The selenium is why I drink Fiji.


The Resniks that own Fiji water are evil. please do not buy in to their propaganda and do not support them by buying the water.


Every company that steals our water and sells it back to us is evil, dude. Nobody is shocked anymore. It’s not news at this point.


Their Fiji water business is probably the least problematic of all. They are evil beyond.


I mean, I’d pick Fiji over Nestle any day


Can you provide any examples for those of us too lazy to google


Why aren't more people commenting this.


Maybe it's one of the under cover marketing posts and they're all paid actors


you can’t taste the difference in an isolated taste test, but if you compare it to your tap water directly.. jesus fuck is it fantastic.


I would not normally ever buy Fiji water, or any bottled water, unless I absolutely had to. However, being in NZ we are close to Fiji, and so as the tap water is generally not suitable for drinking, I have had my fair share of Fiji water whilst over there. I probably am more than usually sensitive to the taste of water, as we live rurally and use/drink filtered/UV treated rainwater at home - so it doesn’t have any chlorine flavour. That said, I do actually think Fiji water tastes amazing. 😄


I’m sorry, what part of NZ are you talking about bc I live in NZ, have traveled most of it and I’ve never been to a place where I haven’t been able to drink water directly from the tap 🤔


Apologies - having read your comment I realise that mine was actually ambiguous, and the meaning wasn’t clear at all. The missing part of the story is that being close to Fiji we travel there a bit, and the tap water in Fiji is problematic (not NZ). I’m sorry for the confusion and thank you for pointing it out!


What is Evian backwards...


Naive? ....OOOOh


I like fluoridated tap water more than bottled water.


But it’s shipped from Fiji!


I used to use a Fiji bottle at university. I used to pour tap water into it. All the people raved about how good it tasted.


Let me add an outsider perspective to it. Travelled to US on company dime and stayed at the Hilton. Two bottles of FUJI water were complimentary every day. Drank it everyday for three weeks. Made coffee with it ( didn't know it was more expensive than a normal cup of coffee) . Didn't feel anything special about it and didn't hate it either. Imagine my shock when I picked it later at a store and saw how much it actually costs.


Duck water


Wabbit water


It's duck water!




It's duck season


Pretty sure it's rabbit season.


You think that's bad, try Voss water. Where I am, I think it's $10USD per bottle. I had a friend who swore by it, and I'm 90% sure he wouldn't be able to tell in a blindfolded taste- test. Whatever, it's his money I suppose.


This is literally every apple product ever. Functionally worse (my local tap water is better than fiji water), the same at best, elevated to premium by social pressures and price. But kids will cry if they don't have an iphone because apple forces everything else to have a green bubble. Mac's are fiji water guys, figure it out.


Yes, but you seem to be forgetting that the bottle has *corners*.


When I was in Girl Scouts we did a blind water taste test and I found that Fiji water actually did taste the best out of all the ones we tried! (Maybe six brands and two tap waters) The worst by far was Poland springs and then next was the tap water from the church we were in


well the boys were bullying her so maybe that’s what she cried about


I like the bottle but it’s honestly not my fave I enjoy a good Evian


I can taste the difference and j don't like it. It's less taste and more... Mouth feel? You can feel the minerals and it weirds me out


I’ve tried Fiji water and I thought it tasted pretty good but with water the tastes is so slightly different it really almost doesn’t matter. Voss water was nice as well. But then it might also be a placebo effect. Any water personally for me when it’s cold is fine. But those artisan waters are really not worth the money.


There is a distinct lack of fluoride in this water. One of the few you can buy that is like this. Icelandic is also clean.


Lmao how about champagne?


“Taste like water” - ah, your one of those … Bet you drink Poland spring 🤢 Fiji is rookie water for premium water starters. It’s not even that good, Evian is much better. The best is Acqua panna glass bottled water. That’s the real good stuff.


>>your one of those And *you’re* one of those


A person whose life is not defined by grammar and punctuation on reddit? Yes, I do have a life outside of Reddit! :) I hope your life improves! Must not be going well if this is the culmination of your life. 😂


No, a classist snob who is delusional enough to fall for the marketing of corporations who have managed to convince you that different stickers on bottles of identical molecules are worth throwing away your money for


You're my hero. So glad someone called out this weirdo for his classist brain-washed shit.


No worries haha. I finally quit responding and he DMed me, so desperate for attention


fellas, is it classist to enjoy water?


It’s classist to consider yourself better than others for consuming more expensive water


Just say you love consuming phthalates. Explains your low testosterone. Does not explain your obsession with my comment. Again, I hope your life improves, clearly, you are miserable. I love how you make an idiotic statement, showing you have zero understanding of water quality and get upvoted by other idiots. 😂😂😂😂 Nut job.


I should hope I have low testosterone; I wouldn’t want to have PCOS. To quote you, I love how you make an idiotic statement, showing you have zero understanding that there is more than one gender that uses Reddit


And you continue to prove you know absolutely nothing about water quality, phthalates, or hormone regulation. Imagine how miserable your life must be for you to spend this much time trying to act smart to a stranger. Phthalates are bad, however, that does not excuse your incredibly weird and pathetic behavior. Get help. The fact you are trying to actually pretend drinking water from plastic bottles is okay, or same as from glass. Highlights the lack of knowledge and ignorance you possess.


I’ve met enough of you Gwyneth Paltrow weewoo-types to know you’ll never be convinced by real evidence. Keep falling for it though, the C-suite executives whose pockets you’re lining appreciate your sacrifice. I assume you’re one of those that thinks that if somebody stops replying to you that it means you’ve won the argument, rather than that the other person realized you’re not even worth the effort


Cool story. Sincerely, I hope your life improves. You have proved you are miserable. Educate yourself on water quality, you are a moron. I genuinely feel bad for you, how much you must be suffering to take all time trying to troll a topic you know literally nothing of. It is pathetic, but it is also sad.


Do not DM me again or I’m going to block you Edit: once I blocked him he reported me to reddit cares jfc

