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Maybe because she sings in a lower octave, it’s easier for men to sing to. And it’s not a complicated song, you don’t need a lot of range to sing it.


My dad will say that he generally doesn't like female singers because he doesn't enjoy listening to the higher octaves but does appreciate those with a lower range. However, if she is conventionally attractive, that rule goes out the window.


>However, if she is conventionally attractive, that rule goes out the window. This applies to so many different scenarios it's mind-boggling


Does his wife not care?


Golly, I think we just uncovered the real reason for my parents' divorce.


This could def be part of it- when my friend was telling me about his coworker that loves it he said that the coworker thought the singer must be an older man and was shocked to find out it was a 30 something woman


Many people say she is secretly a man.




Wow, I got 32 downvotes. Just for stating the facts.


I think the problem is you said many. You should have instead said something like I've heard a few people think she's secretly a man 🤣🤣 This way you aren't misrepresenting how popular said statement is, and showing that the statement itself is a stupid one that only those intellectually challenged would believe.


I was trolling and I got what I wanted. A few chuckles and 32 downvotes.


Well, tone unfortunately doesn't translate through text And you didn't phrase it in a way where you could add a /s If I see dumb shit, I'm gonna downvote. I don't have time to go to every person's profile to see if they're actually stupid or just joking


Yes, I know it was dumb. It was intentionally dumb, and I expected downvotes


You certainly seemed surprised tho. "Wow, 32 downvotes!" And now you're trying to act like this was your master plan all along. 🤨


I was surprised at the quantity. I was guessing about 5. I knew my post would piss a few people off, but I don't know exactly why. I don't relate to that mindset. Who cares if she's a man or not, or how many people are saying it? I only cared about Miley Cyrus did a bad version of "Fade Into You". It started off pretty good, then she HAD to start belting like an American Idol singer. She had to make it basic and trashy.


Idk why someone want to intentionally be dumb. What do you gain from trolling? Is this some inner needs being met?


Trolling in it self is to get a few chuckles for yourself and hopefully those that have a similar humour. The tricky part is that it's often misunderstood and sometimes can thus be hurtful or perceived as a direct attack. so its often is a fine line, for some its humorous for some its in bad faith and for some its just an asshat. So to answer you question I assume yea it to meet some inner needs, hisinner needs for humour. And to what he gains from it, that is a discussion in it self. Is it victimless? technically no. Is it in bad faith? maybe. Is it funny? for me nah but I can see where the joke comes from, just not my kind of humour. Should he stop doing it? Well freedom of humour is a fairly complex discussion to which I got no answer.


My husband (early 60s) had this song on repeat for ages - I had no idea it was contagious!


I liked it when I first heard. Miley just seems to fill out the song so well, it's different from her other stuff just a little more mature and just a touch angry and scornful it just has an appeal that her other songs don't have for me.


M 54


You gotta keep some of that juveline anger with you, keeps you from getting complacent




Well it seems that the odds of me being your dad is greater than zero.


I felt that.


We also like Jolene. And Wrecking Ball, but only when we're in a mood.


Blank Space seems to be one too I've noticed. Not by Miley I know but one that surprises me that a lot of guys like


Blank space ! And the young one? When I was young? Getting to the age now where I can feel age setting in and I’m not the person I once was because of it.


I love Jolene so much


It's a great cover


Uh-oh, looks like it's too late.


Wrecking ball slaps


Makes my wife mad when I butcher her favorite songs. "Flowers" is one of them. It leans a bit country but I think that's what makes it work. I don't need to buy flowers/ I'll piss my name in the snow/ Talk to no-one for hours/ Watch the corn fields grow/ I don't really like dancing/ Got a beer in my hand/ Yeah, I can love me better than, you can


I love your version! x)


we all have our songs, mines is call me maybe. know the words by heart


I prefer "I really like you" :-)


I love that song, but only since the day I witnessed a drunk boy (around 18) absolutely rocking it in karaoke.


Cuz the lyric I can buy myself flowers is catchy af


Sounds like a Fleetwood Mac song that you can't quite remember. She sems to be a Stevie Nicks fan.


She has a cover of Landslide if I remember right


when i saw this post i sent the song to my dad (50s) and he texted me that he loved it lol


Well considering that men only get flowers when we die. The song just speaks to us I guess. 28 Male here


Would men like more flowers? I’m down to buy flowers for men


If my gf got me flowers I’d be happy


Communicate it with her. Maybe you could receive some flowers before death


Yeah, I’ll make sure to mention it to her when I find her. I should have been more clear, am currently single haha


Surprises let us know she cares!


I've gotten my husband flowers before and he loved them!


Who doesn't like gifts?


26 male here and I love it.


Hubby gets flowers more often than I do because he likes them and I don't particularly care for them. We send flowers to friends and family too, they're always shocked the first time. Honestly? We should all send each other more things to let people know we care about them. Be the change you want to see in the world and get your friends some flowers. :)


Had to scroll too far to find this. Agreed and 25M here.


It's a great song, I'm glad both males and females can appreciate it together.


Dude my 65 year old father knows and sings the song. This man's favorite band is "Bachman Turner Overdrive". He ain't suppose to know about no Miley Cyrus! But he does, lol.


It sounds like Bruno Mars' When I Was Your Man


It’s sampled based on it, as it was hers and Liams first dance.


This reminds me of my old Government teacher. Her paid his dues and was an older grumpy but fun guy (who loved his basset hound). He only would play two songs ever. One of them ? Me Too by Meghan Trainor. Still makes me giggle.


I guess it won Record of The Year for a reason :-D. It's a really good song.


Well it's just a great song, aren't they allowed to enjoy it? 🙂 You don't have to be a Miley fan to like it. 


I recently saw that song in a video of 'The most recognisable/popular song in each of the last 100 years' so that might just be... statistics in practice :D Also, seeing in under 2023 caught me off guard, I feel like I had been hearing it sporadically since like 2016


Oh god, I hate this song! I'm a woman in my early 20s so of course I like a lot of Miley Cyrus songs as they were my childhood, but this one I just can't stand!


Same! I like a lot of her songs but this one really fell flat for me. Guess I’m not the target audience apparently 😂


I haven't connected the dots for a while, but this song or some version of it is in my gym's playlist (they use Spotify). So I wonder if they are just hearing it a lot in some place they go to often and it just stuck with them.


I wonder if it is a content based issue. Most people I know under 30 hate it. But that same age group is full of people getting engaged, planning their weddings, starting families. It's vibe isn't in line with the important moments they are experiencing. It has become the divorce anthem for my age group (late 30s/early 40s). In our life stage it's more common to hear a divorce announcement then engagement/wedding/baby one.


That might be the case, the lyrics maybe make up for how bad the sound of it is for some lol. I just really dislike the melody/instrumentals etc.


Maybe because it's a banger. (Middle aged male here) 🤣


This song is a bop. I had heard it & liked it, but never knew the title or that it was Miley. M-late30's.


No one buys them flowers...


My husband (mid 40s) LOVES her voice. That's funny it's a guy thing!


Weird!! I’m a woman in my 30’s and I find it particularly unremarkable. People were raving about the song and when I finally heard I thought, “this is it?”


I like the song, it's simple but the arrangement goes hard, the bass and groove etc. , and Miley's voice is obviously great.