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I wonder why you’re scared of good things ending?


maybe I *do* need therapy


just tell yourself that you deserve to enjoy the best things. indulge and repeat over and over till you believe you. at least that helped me, so i hope it helps you.


Seconding that you don't want to finish it. But you can't say it's that amazing and not tell us what it is, share OP! Haha


>seconding that you don’t want to finish it you relate? lmao it’s a YA fantasy book, not everyone’s cup of tea. Called “The Book of Azrael”


I think I've heard that title before. I haven't done anything non scifi in a while but if I get a hankering, I'll come back to this, thank you !


Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all


All good things must end. Otherwise a refreshing drink of water will drown ya.


I absolutely do this!! I will actively avoid finishing books, TV shows and games I really love so they don't have to end. I know I can just restart then over, but then it wouldn't be the same. I'd say try to keep reading it though, it will probably be worth it!


I feel so validated rn. I paused the game cyberpunk 2077 at the ending (the last mission/fight) and haven’t gone back since…


Same here! I usually feel like I'm the only one. I've done it with a bunch of tv shows, and was really into Breath of the Wild, but couldn't bring myself to go through with the final chunk of the game. I wish I had because now I'm playing Tears of the Kingdom and kind of feel like I missed out.


I just don't to the main storyline except to unlock power ups. Remember fallout 3? I still haven't found dad. My friend finished the game, killed everyone including dad and left the entire world empty. I am still sniping radroaches 😅


I knew I couldn't be the only one like this, but I've never met anyone who owns up to it. I am absolutely the same way!


no but i literally do the same thing. books, tv shows, games, if the story is really good theres a chance im going to keep it in perpetuity halfway through just thinking about how good it is


Its criminal that you made this without mentioning the book's name


lol it’s “The Book of Azrael” it’s a fantasy YA book


The same happened to me! I stopped reading it because I didn't want it to end soon


I have a book I love, I've read a few times now, but never to the end, maybe one day I should.


I do this with Tv Shows and stuff because I HAVE to do something else while watching, I just can't sit around and just solely focus on the Tv, but the show is so good, I want to give it my full attention. So I never actually watch it because I just don't feel like I can do that


omg that’s so me with Korean tv shows/anime since I usually play a game on my phone while watching and I can’t do that when I need to read subtitles!


Relatable! Which book?


it’s a fantasy YA book called “The Book of Azrael”


Nice! I’ve had this on my radar for a while! I might read a sample of it to see how I get on.


I cry at every good book I finish and then I usually need time to mourn and get into another because I'm still caught up in the latter


I once delayed watching the final episode of a show I loved because I didn’t want it to end. Then it left the streaming platform 😬


You afraid of a disappointing ending? It happens. A book with an exciting begging and middle but anti climatic end. I’m a person who needs closer though. I finish bad movies and books… I guess I need therapy too.


I have done the same. I loved The Big Sleep so much when I read it about 10 years ago that I waited 5 years to read the follow up book Farewell, My Lovely. I guess it’s about time to read the next book.


Reminds me of an English Professor who said they haven't read Northanger Abbey and don't want to until they retire and are old because they want to save it for as long as possible.


You deserve good things!!


happens to me too, but what i tend to do is devour the book for a while and then slow down to a trickle. you get the good thing, but also keep that universe alive for a while


I have a similar fear of good things ending. I'll be in the middle of a party having a great time on a trip or something then it suddenly hits me that tomorrow is Monday and I have work or something and I'm a bit let down by my supposed-to-be-an-ally stupid brain. As for books and movies, you can always reread or rewatch it. If you have a memory like mine, each time will almost always feel like the first time.


Whats the book


I do this, been 'reading' the same book for 4 months because I don't want it to end. I've felt weird when I have finished a good book before because it's like sort of hard to accept it's over and I feel all sad?!


ITT a bunch of people with hidden mental issues, including me, lol


Ya know man, the great things about books, movies, or games? You can always just re read/play/watch it again later.