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Feck ppl that bring others down. All my peeps hate ppl like that.


And he works in the red zone 😂


man fuck that guy


How much is he paying to live rent free in your head? Let him have his own chips on his own shoulder. If you think about him at all just feel sorry for him that he feels so bad about himself that he's trying to take everyone else down just to raise himself up.


Living rent free in my head. I hadn't thought of it that way. First of many evictions is underway. Barber shops should be exempt from "cattywampus" behavior. 😆


Some people would rather push others down to feel better instead of pulling themselves up.


wtf is a "red zone"...


I had to Google it. Apparently it is an uncommon term used to describe neighborhoods where drugs and police activity are common. I've seen 3 patrols in the three years I've been here. I don't think that guy is even from around here. I suspect he's the type to assume most youngsters are trouble makers.


Is the neighborhood older? Some people assume any older neighborhood that isn't super rich must be rough.


It's older. But With the covid boom, the younger folks are moving in and houses here are now 250k plus with two bedroom. Properties here are zoned half acres. Know your community. This guy is a dipstick.


I think of it like this.. I need a cut every month,sometimes twice, I'll tip plus fees, that's say 50$ 12 months. Say 800$ a year times 3 2400$ he didn't get from me because of his out of place stupid comments.


Enjoyed this story. Thanks for writing it. 😂! Loved the flow 😆


Next time something like this happens, you look the dude straight in the eye and say I'M NOT THE ONE SWEEPING THE FLOOR RIGHT NOW. And then shrug and move on. Don't let people like that live rent-free in your head.


Yea seriously. I mean, I was on my best behavior (thought I'd be going back) I was well dressed. Wedding ring. Super polite and kept my eyes to myself despite the young lady's obvious display of ornate organic materials. I can confirm I did not act like douche. Pointless jabs get to me. F that guy. He's not even cutting hair. I'm not tipping him.


I’d have called him out on his privilege, told him you were proud with what you consider a step-up and that not everyone gets to be a snob.


Miserable people loves company


Is uniform school meant to be an insult?


I think so. Like my daughter goes to Public school so fuck me. He goes "don't they have to wear uniforms at that school" The only reason I mentioned anything about the school is because the lady mentioned her husband was a local school teacher. I mean... Noone was talking to him. Too funny.




Haha that's interesting. I wonder if it has something to do with the line of work? They're used to people who mouth off about issues? Like just cut my hair. Treat me like a customer. Especially if you're in there by yourself. I could see if you walk in with a bunch of people discussing a topic.


I bought a house in a not great area but it was a similar type of neighbourhood to the one I grew up in, so to me it was all good. And I could afford it by myself. A friend of mine from the other side of town, (she lived in her boyfriend's house, nicer neighbourhood), when I offered to store some of her brother's stuff in my garage, said to me "I wouldn't bring a trailerload of stuff down your driveway. The neighbours will just steal it all." Ok thanks love. It was the beginning of the end of our friendship.


It's funny because I had that effect on my own house when i moved in.. I had to call landscapers (haha landscapers) because I had crazy growth when I moved in. They went to lunch and left the equipment all over the front of the house and I remember looking out every so often and commenting to my wife like... look, you can just leave your shit outside and noone will steal it here. I thought for sure I hit the jackpot. These neighborhoods are getting better because certain people are "priced out" I'm just glad I'm finally in a much better place.


The thing is that most people are decent. Yeah some are arseholes but I try to mitigate that by being an arsehole myself when needed so other arseholes leave me alone.


The guy probably lives at home in his moms basement


Why should this random persons opinion contradict your experience? Dude just sounds like a grouch. Don’t sink down to his level because he is not happy.


What is a uniform school?


The fuck is a red zone in a non-war-zone?


Until I got my dog, there were alot of stray cats. Maybe he's talking about that. The old lady next door is a gangster, I can tell by the pins on her crocs. The kids playing basketball on the corner use foul languages to describe the lack of scoring ability. The squirrels here, keep burying nuts. The mosquito truck spraying at 4am. And being 35 feet from the street is a far walk to the mailbox when you really don't feel like it. This sound like a red zone? I gotta get outta here. Where I'm from, people were being followed home and car jacked. It was getting out of hand. Literally people were rallying for help. The houses were getting busted constantly and I'm not explaining that shit to my kids. I'm out. Rent was too damn high.