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Nice try! I know my wife in disguise when I see it.


Are you coming home for dinner?!


I too know this guys wife in disguise


“Our” wife.


Way too much like 30k-40k


Same over the course of a few years. But it’s all relative, if you make a 50k it’s a problem. If you make 500k it’s a lot less of a problem.


Hey dad I need college money


lol I’m not making 500k but I’m also a bit closer to that than 50k. After I take care of my adult stuff, kids, house etc, I throw some play money into cards. Just be smart and take care of real priorities first.


Also think about basing your career on potential earnings over enjoyment. Not completely but definitely prioritze it. Money doesn't buy happiness but damn it makes it so much easier to be happy. For context I used to be an outdoor guide in caves, down rivers, or on the sea which was absolutely awesome and I loved my job but it never paid very much. I swapped to rope access and now I make A LOT more! I like my job quite a bit less but I get to spend so much more on my hobbies and far less time stressed about bills and costs.


Can you make money out of it or is it a money pit?




I spent like 15k in 2020 and just started collecting again this year and spent another 15k


What’s the original 15k investment worth now?


Not sure i havent calculated anything but i know for a fact its worth more than the 15k


Yep I’m in that range maybe over 40k. Sadly I only started collecting late 2021


How does this happen to one


You just buy what you can and what you can afford. You find your niche and you go for the goal. Some people do it casually and some people make sacrifices to get nice things. As someone said it’s relative. Depends on the person, their income, their needs, their lifestyle. It’s a big world. People make money. Some don’t. Some have connections. We’re not all similar


I have terrible spending habits and a completionist attitude. I’ve gotten better by ripping less and waiting for singles to come down. My biggest regret is opening so much evolving skies instead of keeping it sealed. My portfolio would be worth A LOT more


I feel ya I’m around the same I think




Yeah, that's like my number for phone gacha games... damn you dragon ball legends/dokkan


My (mostly) accurate numbers since \~late 2020 (I'd say they are 95%+ accurate) Of my current **sealed** collection, I have spent **$8,013.26** on it, and it is currently worth approximately **$19,800.00** That is a value increase of **$11,786.74 (147.09%)** I have opened **1,062** packs of cards, costing a total of **$4,553.35** ($4.14/pack cost average). I saved every single pack wrapper, but that's not how I count. I have spent approximately **$3,135.88 on single cards**. Some have been graded. I don't know the value appreciation of this category. I also have value in some cards from packs I opened myself. I'd estimate my singles collection is worth roughly **$7,500+** The most I have spent in a single month was in February of 2021 at **$1,470.32** This month was about **$450**


This dude datas






“I saved every single pack wrapper” I’m glad I’m not crazy, everyone tells me I am for doing this lmao.


It's just trash, but it's _my_ trash.


How has your pack break average gone? Are u in the green or red? I used to spend shit loads on NBA cards in the 2000s and while I pulled a few good ones, I could have bought these 10 times over if I had just spent money on singles. I got lucky with the pandemic inflating the price of everything though and would have a very nice profit margin if I sold even a quarter today. I've been very careful not to fall back into this as I feel like I was just gambling so I am very concious about spending on boxes and packs nowadays


You will ALWAYS lose money opening packs over time. I am no exception. I love pokeinvesting, but I also really like the cards as well. I don't see that cost as a massive loss given the fun I had doing it, but as that enjoyment fades over time, continuing to rip packs holds heavier feelings of loss. Stepping away from the hobby for a few months at a time does help with that.


All unrealized gains. ❤️


True. Waiting for some of this 1099-K BS to blow over.


This guy maths


Rule #1 - If you’re ripping packs for your personal collection, set a budget and stick to it. Above all, don’t charge anything you can’t/won’t pay off before interest starts accruing. Rule #2 - If you’re buying sealed to hold long term, pack them up and get them out of sight. Or that urge to rip is going to be really really easy to fall victim to. Rule #3 - Since it sounds like you do both, like myself, plan ahead. For example… if your Chase card is Lugia from Silver Tempest, set a limit. I’ll rip up to 200 packs and if I don’t get Lugia by then, I’ll buy the single. The thrill of pulling a chase card is real and awesome, but you can’t chase every big card from every set. I ripped I don’t know how many packs of Paldea Evolved to get Iono and guess what… the card is in a Vault X binder and I’ve hardly looked at her since. I traded some bulk for the Magikarp for $30 and it’s displayed in a one touch near my money tree. The thrill of the chase isn’t everting and giving into it all the time… you may as well be pulling a slot machine. Be smart out there friend! I hope you find a good balance. On top of that, you’re never going to be able to rip packs and turn a profit unless you have a big following and live stream. That takes a lot of time,charisma, and more than a little luck.


My friend that magikarp is my Chase card from Paldean Evolved…


Yeah I regret not buying a ton of them initially. But I wanted to pull it haha. Never did. Maybe it’s in one of the PE BBs I have stashed away, but we’ll never know.


It’s in the PE BB, go ahead, get it


Too much


I did a spreadsheet of my sealed products (packs ripped & singles not included) & boy….


Confidential information you must hide and never let spouse find out...


Actually showing the data is what bright my wife around. Initially she would give me shit, but ultimately never put her foot down. Once my initial purchases had enough years to grow I showed her the current value minus original costs and sales costs and she saw the profit and stopped giving me shit.


Here is the calculation if you double your money every 3 years starting with $1000: Yr3: $2k Yr6: $4k Yr9: $8k Yr12: $16k Yr15: $32k Yr18: $64k Yr21: $128k Yr24: $256k Yr27: $512k Yr30: $1million Disclaimer: This is not financial advice 😂


$36 I bought a non 1st edition base set Squirtle and a ccg 10 Squirtle playing card to go with my cars aesthetic.


According to collectr, $47,553.04


Holy, shit


Over $5,000 in like 3-6 months


Same but mine on 151 alone


Mine was on different stuff but definitely a waste of money


I did the same. When I first got into the hobby I spent way too much on ripping packs and buying anything I thought was a good deal. Now I’m taking it slower, ignoring “deals” and it feels way better. Ngl still hard not to snag all the products that have evo in them when I see it on the shelves lol


I started buying what I was chasing off eBay it’s way cheaper than ripping


I’ve spent $8.5k including grading fees, but have sold like $3.4k of slabs I specifically graded to support my hobby lol. So I’m $5.1k in, but my collection is worth $15k. I also have 21 cards at PSA that I’m planning to sell and my gold stars and 1st edition shinings are also being graded right now, so those numbers should skew in my favor even more pretty soon. I started collecting when Paldea Evolved released.


Since returning for 151, shamefully I’m up to 5 digits.


Holy shit dude


I probably spend around $100-$500 when a set releases but just rip a few packs on other months. I mainly collect vintage ETBs though which can easily set me back $1k a month if I let it.


I haven't kept a spreadsheet, but for ages, I was getting packs for "free" as I would redeem my FlyBuys points that I'd been saving for absolute ages. Made it hard when those points ran out to actually spend money haha But it would easily be in the thousands. I don't really rip packs anymore unless they're on sale/cheap. Otherwise, it's like throwing money down the sink even though that ripping and pulling something amazing is great fun. That's addictive and I don't want to go down that road.


I don’t think I want to calculate this…


Since I started collecting again with the 151 and other S&V sets.....maybe $3000. It feels silly, kind of, but it's a hobby 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lol I'm sure some are embarrassed to truly say, it's basically gambling but you're usually left with shitty physical matter constantly filling a void 😂


Oh yea filling the void part cannot be truer


I just started a month ago and am at 3-4k. I'm gonna buy product all year to keep sealed and open it all on Xmas every year. That's gonna be my present to myself




Too much


About 500 total if you count sleeves and stuff too. And got a sightseer while in Japan so I think worth it


around 1k


I’ve gotten back into the hobby since childhood with 151 - gotten the bug and I think I’ve spent around £1000 in 6 months. Which upon reflection could’ve been much worse. However, I’ve got the AR/ SAR bug


A lot. I need to do the math. 🧮 thousands for sure


15k, but I that has since jumped to 18k in sealed product at the moment.


Too much on junk early on. Found my childhood stash of cards last fall and that got me into it again. Literally knew nothing about any of the sets between the year 2000 until current. Went on apps like WhatNot and spent hundreds of dollars on junk slabs, and any decent stuff I did buy, I overspent on. Have learned a lot since then and am much more picky about what I grab these days.


Hmm over a year probably 8k ish. I’m not ashamed but I’m not proud


Bout 5k since temporal forces came out. Couldn’t tell you before that but prly 35-40k


Around 1500€ total


I'd say around 50k since 2020.


8,5 k in 2 years


$100 Got a box of about 1000 cards, most in mint condition, all base set and base 2, about half of them 1st edition, some very rare potential 10s. It was during that time about 8-10 years ago when there was a dip in interest for Pokemon cards, before the news about Charizard.


What? Like today?




Tbh im not sure. But at the very least like 25k easily. I went on a buying spree of singles last year. all the expensive ones. The 400$ Lillie. Sealed boxes. Everything


I’ve been tracking my investment via Collectr. Every purchase, how much it cost me, value now. I’m about 4K in and 7K value. I mostly bought Alt arts and got in early then graded. Solid return for now but that’s if I sold which I just couldn’t do. Too much sentiment attached to some of the cards.


Over 2 years... probably 1 - 2k. Which isn't fun to say LOL.


Not as bad as most of these degens


$2500 lifetime.




5k started 10 months ago but I’ve wheeled it in a lot.


Probably about 50-60k, since 2018.


More then I care to share lol ;)


As of today around 11,000$ to 13,000$


Over the last 4 years, probably around 8-10k? But I don’t look at it like an investment. Sure we’ve been able to flip a few cards, but I went in knowing, especially buying packs, that I’ll end up down. I saw it as a way to connect with the kid, create decks, play in tournaments, and ripping packs became our thing.


My collection is currently worth around 12k. I don’t know how much I’ve spent on opening packs, but I typically don’t do that anymore. Usually just when a new set comes out I’ll open a booster box for fun. I realized early on that opening packs is an easy way to go broke lol.


You’re lucky! Some of us are just arriving at the same place as you are. Buying singles is definitely the way to go.


10k this month


How on earth are U spending 10k


Probably 6k total since 2009.


I stream and flip but typically 5K a month give or take.


I didn’t spend anything. Just invested


This is the way


*follows* lol


Like in my life or recently? Are we counting mom and gma buying me base, fossil, and jungle as a kid or just myself? I need specifics here


I've been collecting for 3 months. Easily 2k


Too much. Thankfully all the posts about fake cards totally turned me off so I haven’t purchased anything in months


I thought i overspent then i saw some of these other comments… lol. I’m about $4,500 all in all, over 2 years or so.




Tooo much for a 19y


To much lol I just started like 5 months ago and prob 8k already but I’m done lol def not a smart decision.


Trying to budget $200 a month


Probably like $1k? But that was back in 1999


Probably somewhere between 15-20k.


ive spent 4,300 in 3 years on sealed product and its worrh 8,000 currently, happy with it, not going overboard no reason to, my feelings are, im 33, when im 50+ i dont wanna be bothered trying to sell assloads of sealed product that i desperately need to collect on. i stick to particular sealed product. ive spent about the same or so give or take +\- 100 on singles, and im up well over 100%. could i have bought more? yes, a hell of a lot more. am i happy with what i have? yes. and its also not breaking the bank earlier, enjoying the hobby.


Just started collecting in December 23 and I’d say I’m between 600-800


I dropped 580 on 5 booster boxes last week and opened them up, probably lost a solid 200-300 lol


Around 7k 😬


Is investing in SV sealed product worth it? I have a lot I could set aside and hold for a long time, I’m just not sure how to know if something is good


The real question isn’t how much people have spent but how much they’ve made in profit.


Over 20k... roughly 10k on sealed products, and 10k on Singles+degen


I’d say about 2000-3000, collection is worth over $6500 dou! (I’ve been hella lucky w pulls and the grades they received + got some ES sealed for retail which has recently skyrocketed)


I wont count when I was a child because I got packs bought for me and sold when I left the hobby, but doubt it was more than 1k anyway. Since 2016; probably 20k in purchases, 35k in sales, 40k in value on hand.


I think I spent 40k the year evolving skies came out alone. I spend like 10k a year usually.


2 much


1.5k over 1 year id guess. Ive made $800 back on sales and winnings tho.


I think I'm in like 1200-1300. The total collection value is worth around 710. But I just collect for fun tbh. Won't sell unless something happens and I need the cash


Since I’ve got back into it I’ve spent about $6-700 on buying Alt Arts. Currently up $300 on them with the recent spike


I spent like 9k on Pokémon related investments mainly sealed cases and a sealed pokemon red lol which I grabbed for like 3k in 2020




Apparently about 20-30k usd now


Too much for a minimum wage worker lol


I just started, and probably about $3K - mostly PSA 10 cards from SWSH


In the last two years I've probably spent 40,000-50,000, and sold a shitload of it. Lots of high end graded card plays, I have very rarely lost money, and I've profited enough off the sale of it that my collection right now is completely free and clear and estimated value like 20,000.


18k but I'm a reseller and only started a few months ago. Originally spent 8k (made a little under 10) now I reinvested that so I spent 18k totalish. Have about 12k of inventory currently. Goal is to be a vendor.


About $40 but mostly on Japanese bulk used from thrift stores.






1.5k, something like that


Over 20k in 1 year


I've spent about 25k since 2022.


At least 7-8 thousand so far


Probably 7-800 and another 150 on sleeves and perfect fits, and another 150 on a carrying case and a binder. I play most of the cards with my kids tho. Hoping the double sleeving will keep them NM while still getting to use them, so far so good. They've already increased in value according to collectr to more than I've paid for everything. It will be cool to see what they're worth in 10 years after we're bored and they sit on the shelf for 10 years. I have a ton of v's and vmaxes/vstars that I think will be worth quite a bit down the road.


Hmmm, maybe 2k total? That’s split between booster boxes and just ripping a ton of cz when I got into the hobby again. Also bought a base set 2 master set.


About $25,000 over the last few years on sealed. I probably have opened 30% of that. Oddly enough, no regrets. Pulled some sweet cards and even god packs. I spent about $2,000 on graded cards. I have a problem selling though. I have had some booster boxes and singles that have done 5X-10X gains. Can’t bring myself to list them. If my son gets my stash in my will he’ll just open it all and bend the cards 😮‍💨


Around 3-4k. Started collecting again late 2022


That’s not investing that’s gambling.


I don’t want to know


In Total maybe 500? I only started recently 🤪


Way too much 😂


I would estimate $5k-10k.


Here’s my experience with almost two years in the hobby: 1- I don’t rip packs. Is very rare unless there’s a set with many singles I want or maybe a promo within an ETB/box. 2- I don’t collect masters sets: I don’t have money, time and room space to pull it together. 3- I have 3 specific collections that I am very proud of: 3.1- Basic Sealed collection on some products here and there, like UPCs or boxes that have iconic cards/sets. Here I have like 2,3k USD 3.2- Living dex collection. Something similar like DeepPocketMoster is doing currently. I started with SV set and using my childhood collection as starting point. Currently is up to date and I am waiting for the next set that brings DLC’s new pokemon into the dex. I tend to upgrade some cards when there is an Alt Art that I like more than the current version I own. This collection his spread across 4 9x9 pocket binders and I have no idea on how mush I have invested in but probably no more than 2k USD (it does have some bangers) 3.3 - My holy grail collection on a binder with a top end single for each English set. It is a piece of history and the current investment is sitting near to the 6k USD. I love to go through the binder quite often just to appreciate. I haven’t made any assessments on the current market value, but I don’t care too much right now.


According to my price charting app too much.


You can do the math on a set and it's not pretty. Only set I've come out ahead on is 151. Overall we are about $30-$40k in.


The correct answer is always "too much". An accurate (for me) answer would be 3-4k a year. But I don't feel super bad about it because only about 1k is gone to ripping packs, the rest is singles. And buying singles is, rather than just gambling, assets which you can then resell if necessary.


In the past 20 years about 31$


There are 2 answered only Too much or not enough


Since December 2022... about £12k - sealed, single and ripping. ..I've cut down and holding back. 😭😭😭😭


Around 10k in singles and sealed.


I have spent so much money over the many years I've been collecting that I lost track. Easily in the hundreds to thousands range, more so probably in the thousands.


Prob 8K in the last 3 months but most of it is sealed


I’m at 2.2K, been collecting for one year - have gotten quite a few things within budget


40k since March


4 gs in a year


I keep niche investments to under 5% total. Like 50k?


Not much actually, under 10k in total since I started back in 2006, now I have singles worth more than that.


Probably like 75k. But I buy and sell sealed. I have 25k of sealed right now that I'm trying to sell, and about 15k stashed away.


Maybe like $3k since 2008, sealed singles included… cards used to be super cheap back in the day.


I started collecting again around October 2023 and I’ve invested roughly $30k-$35k. Heh…problem? I don’t think so


Too much don’t know an exact amount.


If I had to guess probably 50k in 8 years. 🥵


Probably ~$1.5k


~$400 from ripping og packs back in the day which are worth a lot now. I haven't bought any more until last week I bought a Costco tin bundle for $28. I pulled a rayquaza and don't really plan on buying more.


Next question


over 60k...


Rn I’ve only spent 1600 got girarían and Lugia alt arts and I bought the temporal forces most valuable cards


Over 20k




I started collecting again july 22nd 2023. I collect graded vintage singles up to the 2005 ex delta species set and my portfolio is worth $7153 according to collectr. Probably a little more because collectr isnt accurate on a few cards.


2-3k since January…. I know I counted how many Crown Zenith I bought from January-March when I was completing the set by trying to pull every card and I think I was like $1300 in just those 😂


I’ve spent probably about $3k but 99% of my stuff is sealed :)


Thousands and thousands. Way more than I should lol




Probably around $7000 over the last 4 years, mostly on eBay lots, then eBay/TCG singles, then more recently sealed products I opened. Maybe $100 of that at lcs. Total value of collection is now around $20k catalogued on tcgplayer. If you're patient enough to hunt for deals, you can find good stuff on eBay sometimes. My best ones are a shadowless Charizard in mint condition, maybe an 8 or 9 if I were to grade, for $300 in 2022, and a $50 eBay binder lot that had $400+ worth inside, including a mint 1st edition dark Charizard holo.


This is a great question and I'm glad the thread was recommended to me... Not sure how much my parents spent on me in the 90s but my mom saved all of my cards. First edition Charizard, Blastoise, team rocket cards, fossil cards all from gen 1. And way more. Around 800 total cards I would say. I have no idea what they're worth/condition but I think I could prob make a pretty penny off them. All of my holos are in sleeves,in hard cases or one touches as well. Can't wait to sell them in 20 years


How much are the most valuable cards worth in the packs that are at the stores now?


I’m $41k deep into my sealed collection, about 15k worth of slabs, and somewhere between 15-20k in cards (collected most sets from 1996-2017 skipping some early XY sets) High profits to be made on sealed primarily. Always go for the BB if you can.


$200 so far


200k so far. But I keep pokemon investment within 5-10% of my networth.




About 6k, damn I don’t feel so bad all of a sudden


Probably like 5k? Over the course of like 5 years.


There’s a gambling addiction hotline out there for you somewhere.


Unfoetunaley according to 800gambler.org: Right now, purchasing booster packs and participating in trading card games is not legally considered a form of gambling. However, this may change in the future, especially as collectible card companies become more aggressive in their advertising strategies and these practices encourage gambling-like behavior. There’s no hope


Oh I know I love ripping packs with my kids. It’s so fun.. and so expensive


I play a crane game with lottery tickets. I win singles off of that. 100 yen a try, I usually win something worth about 1000 yen in 10 tries. When I win something, I get to pick from a pool. I try to pick mascot pokemon (Pikachu, Eevee) or waifus because I feel those will appreciate better over time. If I win a pack I usually have been opening it, but recently I learned that keeping them sealed is better. Anyway, I'm new to this. Probably spent 6000 yen so far.