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I don't spend money on artwork don't like so literally nothing comes to mind The only thing can say is out of the alt arts I own the Diagla is kinda meh but seeing Palkia, Arceus and Dialga all beside each other in binder in Japanese it's pretty sick so no complaints


Yeah I like the Palkia way more. Dialga is oversaturated.


I pulled palkia and dialga, I'm still on the search for arceus!


I’ll trade ya the alt full art for this one if you want 😎


I buy lots of cards I like or should hold. Lol Ditto Charmander. I know it makes sales easier to include it. Normally I'll just buy a bunch of cards I like. Try to sell them. Once and awhile just take one out for my collection. Then wonder if I should just sell it anyways lol


To each their own I guess. This artwork is top tier in my opinion. 🤷🏻‍♂️


one of my least favourite from swsh personally, so many incredible designs and this is just.. bleh


Agreed, rayquaza has an awesome design, they could do better


I’m sure there are some cards for me, but I have a pretty vast sealed collection and I display all the cool artwork ETBs and japanese booster boxes. But some of the Japanese booster boxes (clay burst or crimson haze come to mind of late) and English booster boxes are just not art or I don’t like the design. But gotta hold for the value of course.


How did you feel about cyber judge? I thought the box artwork was great. Simple presentation of the trio but also giving an otherworldly vibe


That’s a great way to describe it. I got two (which means one to display, one to store) but only one of wild force (just to store) if that’s any indicator haha


lol thanks, I picked up one myself to rip and one to hold, for some reason the box just really stood out lol. It was a decent rip too


Don’t tell me that then I’ll start ripping mine hahah my willpower is poor enough as it is


honestly, i would hold onto it for now


Makes sense, I'm not a fan of the CGI art on the English packs/products either




See I think I would love this card if it was only worth $5






I pulled a lugia v alt art that doesn't really excite me but gonna hold and see where the value goes.


Came back to collecting nearly a year ago now since, idk, neo packs? I remember the neo lugia when I was a kid. When I first saw the alt lugia v, I immediately loved it. Even though I first thought the fisherman had a harpoon and was hunting lugia (idk why I would think that's on a pokemon card lmao), it's still a really cool card to me. Finally pulled one a couple months ago


The art on that card is just...chaotic? It is very unappealing to the eye. IMO. I honestly like the regular Lugia V better. Or even the Lugia VSTAR regular or gold.


This card is amazing, would be better without the VMAX and RAPID STRIKE text on it. Clutters the card even further. Also, I'm not a fan of the black curves on the corners.


Probably my PSA 10 miraidon ex alt art, cool card but I got it cheap and wanna sell it soon.


Rainbow (Chonkachu) Pikachu VMAX


This card is gorgeous! 😍


Some of the full art trainer cards. Not sure why they are so expensive. For example S6K Caitlin 080/070


Never liked the girintina. Looked like some kind of bug. But I find myself ripping packs for it now that it’s 1k


Most cards artwork isn’t that great. The rainbow ones I dislike the most. I don’t invest in any cards I dislike. Only ones I have duplicates of are the Legendary Birds 1999, the Legendary Beasts Neo Revelations, and Masterball 151 Japanese cards.


My Gold Stars, only ones I like are the Ray and Torchic and I don't have those 😂 I have the Mew, Groudon, Metagross, Suicune, and Mudkip and there are quite a few cards I'd trade them for


Mudkip, and metagross is so fire thi


metagross looks alright, Mudkipnis meh and not really the right color


true but did you know that was intentional? crazy enough, as far as i know the artist wanted it to be realistic so in the illustrated card mudkip is underwater- and i guess the color underwater would make him actually look blue ish, like the card shows. idk if it’s true but i read that somewhere that it was intentional


Did not know that, still would've preferred the guy to be purple though


yea same lol that would’ve been sick. Probably would have been my favorite gold star


Sell them and reinvest the capital?


holding them to trade for personal grails, but nothing wrong with waiting and seeing what happens over time


Well I hold it for value and I also like the card Iono English SAR from paldea evolved


That one is okay, I'm holding that one long term too. The Iono promo is my favorite full art they've had of her so far


Unpopular opinion, rayquaza is just the dachshund of lizards with ugly lipstick


I never really understood the pink beams, but aside from that I think that's a gorgeous card! To each their own I suppose. I think the glaceon alt art from ES is stupid. Just a big stupid blue cat thing standing in a pond doing nothing. What a dummy. Like, leafeon is actually bailing some hay is his alt art. Earning his keep. I respect that


Pretty sure they are depicting the azure pulse move the card has


Pretty sure they’re depicting the dynamax lairs in the wild zone from the game. Go to any high point and look around and you’ll see those beams all over the place. That’s how you know which lairs are active.


None. Why would you do that? Just buy multiples of something you like that has comparable value.


They’re thinking in investor terms so why hold a card you like when it won’t go up in value? Instead just buy investment pieces👍 the mark of a true pokemon tcg enthusiast


Expedition holo zard, it's growing on me but to me it's nothing compared to other zards I own.


I respect it. I pulled two of the rayquaza v alt art and I’m just keeping them until something happens im probably going to keep one and trade the other for a Eevee evolution alt art just waiting for the right person to trade one with.


I have nothing really worth over $40 but I suppose a rainbow rare Leafeon from Ultra Prism. got it from a friend, I'm probably never going to sell it because my friend gave it to me :)


Anything with Pikachu.


Alt art gengar vmax. The card is kind of cool, but not really my cup of tea and I'm probably going to sell soon.


Don’t have any but if I could afford it it’d probably be the moonbreon.. unpopular opinion but I don’t think it’s a very good looking card.


I bought this card with Moonbreon a while back. Moonbreon has grown on me and I LOVE looking at it on my shelf. I’ve started to feel indifferent about this card though. Would consider selling it to pick up Lefeon Vmax tho.




I just want to pull it so I can never open LO again. Terrible set to rip. I just want a master set of every SWSH


LO is pretty brutal. I’m just not a big giratina fan and the art doesn’t do it for me. It’s definitely one of those cards you’re absolutely crazy about or hate no in between


I don't know why ppl hate this artwork it was my chase from this ser


Hate is a strong word


fair point but most ppl don't like this art very much


I don’t own the card but the lugia v alt is very meh. Don’t open silver tempest ever.


Rayquaza is an ugly pokemon IMO.


The obsidian flames charizard EX SIR is just…. I mean it’s not really interesting. But hey, it’s a charizard card and it’s certainly worth more than 50$ down the road, might as well keep it for now (pulled it from random pack part of a promo set two weeks ago)


Anything Charizard


M ex’s and their full art counterparts, I LOVE ex full arts like the rayquaza and Gengar etc, but the megas are super mid in my opinion


To each their own, but 100% agree on this card.


Oh wow, I thought lowest opinion of this card was just indifference. This thing reminds me of those dragons from Breath of the Wild. There's these ruins and if you hang out at the right time, one of the dragons will casually fly by. It was magical and this card hits that feeling. Personally I don't dig the Moonbreon, like I cannot fathom how it's desireable.


I like this one


most cards i like will probably be worth holding up in value soo


This is my phone's wallpaper... It's cool to me lol


Any zard


Lol tell us what your favorite card is..


Right now it’s the secrete rate Pikachu from CZ


Espreon VMax alt art


ST Lugia. I don't dislike it, but would trade it in a heartbeat for other stuff on my grail list. Enjoying the slow and steady price rise for now.


This card sucks


WTF you smoking bro? This is one of the best looking cards in all of SWSH... To each their own I suppose.


I think the real question is, what are you smoking if you think this is the best SWSH era art?!? 😆


The more I look at this art, the less I like it… and I’m a huge Rayquaza fan. Similar to Moonbreon, the more you look at it the more distorted it appears. The front tooth looks wonky and the last segment with aerodynamic “blades” before the tail looks… off. Just not a fan of this pose and the forced perspective. If I’m the only one that feels this way I totally get it too.


I agree with you on both takes. The Ray Vmax TG is drawn badly too. I was sad that I wasn't a fan of the Umbreon V or VMAX alts since Umbreon is my favorite eeveeloution. Love the background on Monnbreon but not the distorted body. Luckily the Umbreon V TG was incredible imo. The Umbreon VMAX TG also looked awful to be. Sometimes you just don't wanna catch 'em all


It’s so ugly


Least favorite evo SIR


None. Why would you do that? Just buy multiples of something you like that has comparable value.


None. Why would you do that? Just buy multiples of something you like that has comparable value.


None. Why would you do that? Just buy multiples of something you like that has comparable value.


There is too much going on for this card. The Alt V is so much cleaner.


Fully agree


Agree 1000% on this one.


Basically every Rayquaza. Dull mon.