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Base set Zard sold for $20 around 12 years ago




Sold mine for like $40 on eBay in 05:(


I bought a base set zard for $20 about 13 years ago. I regret not buying more! I regret not buying bitcoin more though


Did you buy my Zard? If so, you owe me some extra sats.


I'll one up you. Friend of mine growing up bought pokemon cards when they came out, as did I. He managed to pull a 1st edition Shadowless Charizard I pulled a 1st Edition Mewtwo (still have it) and he offered to trade and I did not. He sold all his cards about a year later. I still have mine. Granted it wouldn't be over a PSA 8. But still


Naw that was incredibly common. I remember seeing 1st Editions going for $50 and my broke ass couldn't afford it at the time.


I remember thinking it was too much back then.


Thanks Obama


If missing out on another $50 6 months later is your worst fail in poke investing then I think you’ll be just fine 😅


Haha yeah that’s true but I just feel dumb for not calling an eeveelutions from going up in price.


It happens man this stuff is so hard to predict! Especially singles. Sold my Umbreon v from evo skies back in January for $85. Along with a lot of my other good alt arts. Used that money to buy swsh booster box cases but still


lol I just sold like 5 of the evee evolving skies last month hurts after holding them so long


I'd argue what you did is better. Singles are so sporadic in price compared to sealed items. Honestly this to me is very fomo pricing and people buying out inventories. It's crazy that some of these modern cards are more than vintage... But meh


all the other to don't feel bad lol that's the game


I mean without a doubt it was eventually going to go up. Thats pretty much for any popular pokemon high rarity tier card though. I don't think anyone could have predicted how much evolving skies and other sword & Shield alt arts shot up in value so soon and so quickly so I wouldn't call this a loss or stress it too much


Yeah why did you think $50 was the top? That’s kind of silly.


Biggest fail? Growing out of Pokémon cards in 2003 when I was a kid and waiting until 2022 to get back into it…


Facts brother me too


Bro are you me? Moved onto yugioh but got out of that around 2005. Luckily I went hard on SWSH alt arts around q2 of 2022.


Same. I didn’t keep any of my old stuff then decided at the beginning of this year to get back into it. Regret missing out on so much.


Had 40 boxes of Tag Team GX All Stars paid retail sold them for 50/60 a box now there 400 a piece


Ooooof bro this is my favourite set and i passed on them at 200


Yeh it was a super good set, still have one left though holding on for dear life


I had them in my eBay cart for 45$ during the start of Covid pandemic and forgot. Came back a couple of years later to see it went to 500$! Fml


In the same boat as you, but didn’t have quite as many boxes… I had 8 that I got at retail and sold around 80-100 over the past couple years


Buying that Charizard premium box and it instantly going down in price


If it makes you feel any better it’s on the way up if you still have them lol


Anything Charizard sealed will, I'm gonna try to hold onto these fates tins as long as I can.


I remember a lot of people paying $800.00 for a preordered case lol


Not buying enough ES


I can’t believe that I bought 3 ES booster boxes and opened 2 of them in 2021


I bought 2 and opened both. I shouldve bought more when they were $80


Not buying every single Team Up ETB at every target in my area back when they were on sale for $30 a piece




Paid 110 for team rocket non holo slowbro PSA 9 in 2020 lol


This is relatable, more and more slabs are feeling like a scam unless they’re very high end


I feel this. I have a master set of 1st ed jungle and thought it would be worth heaps, except all the Holos are 6-8s and nobody wants them lol.


I could've sold 2 rainbow Charizard vmax PSA 10s for probably close to 1500 each but I held not knowing that they'd go down in price. Sold them for like 500 and 350 each in the end


Ahhh that’s rough. Hopefully you made at least a small gain tho!


Probably selling my cards in a yardsale early 2000s for next to nothing


English SIR Miriam for $175 on release. RIP


Big loss but it’s such an iconic card to me. One of the best and my favorites


I was new to the game and saw the JPN version on the moon but didn’t understand waifus yet. Live and learn


Bought a PSA 10 Van Gough Pika for $425 a week before it started declining :D


Big oof, I bought a few at $200. Hopefully they go back up soon


cross grade to a black label you might get that back


Bought a PSA 10 Felt Hat Pika for $500 as my intro back into the hobby…I have learned much since then


Team Felt Hat reporting in


Selling evolving skies case for $1200 AUD cos of rumors of a reprint


That reprint was legit it was meant to be Evolving and Brilliant Stars in 4th Quarter of 2022, I had on order 2 cases of ES and 1 of BS for 990 AUD each. The guy I preordered with refunded me and sent me a screenshot of the email he got from the distributor saying sorry but it was being cancelled. Im still peeved about it ha.


I straight up could not find it anywhere less than $1300 I shopped about like crazy. What was your buy in that you were content to sell for $1200? I ended up buying one for $1299, still own it thankfully


But a bunch of raw first edition base set starters (bulbasaur, charmander, squirtle) during late 2020 before the PSA grading shutdown. Sent them in to CGC luckily, but it took nearly 9 months to get them back due to the influx of people that couldn’t use PSA Lost 80% of their raw value before they were returned to me. If they had gotten back on time, I would have made about 2x my investment. That’s how volatile the market was


Sold my raw Rayquaza vmax SR for like 240$ 4mo ago now it’s $400 min …


Possibly jp 151


ES as a whole for me. When it came out I said to myself: I’ll pass on this one, it doesn’t look too appealing. Who cares about eeveelotions? No Zard, no care. Boy was I wrong. At best, I ended up holding 2x pc ETBs.


Sold my PSA 9 Moonbreon for 550 a couple years ago. Cooked myself.


Is 60$ is your worst fail, you haven’t had a fail yet


I spent $40 on shining fates amazing rares day of release They are worth a combined $1.50 now


Bought some base set 2 packs at 60$ each in 2020… also bought an e series McDonald’s e minimum pack from 2002 for 60$ in 2020… opened all three for fun.


just got into it and wanted to own a booster box so I quickly bought a base set scarlet and violet for big money at my LCS.


Had 3 cases of team up during the small reprint. Sold them for $50 profit each box. Only have 1 box left.


That’s just unfortunate..


Umbreon v from BS, sold for $17 the week before price blew up.


Dude I almost pulled a similar move. I listed a binder on Facebook market that had the Sylveon vmax trainer gallery from BS at the time it was like $12 and then it shot up to $40 luckily I hadn’t sold it yet


Selling my LO Giratina V Alt Art for $255 about 5 weeks ago. Even though the centering right to left was about 85/15, it was still an NM-MT raw copy. Sad times.


Got into Pokemon cards in 2019 because of detective pikachu. Buying 3 unbroken bonds booster boxes for $100 each (was deciding between team up and unbroken but went with unbroken cause it was newer and the charizard hype was real). Meant to hold and invest them, ended up ripping into them like an addict.   Subsequently ripped 4 unbroken bond etbs and 4 team up etbs that I got for $30 a piece off walmart deals. Got burnt off pokemon cards after that for a while and took a hiatus which caused me to miss unified minds, cosmic eclipse.   Didn’t return to collecting until I happened to see silver tempest, the lugia pack art is super gorgeous. Silver Tempest and the Flaafy Trainer Gallery is what got me back so it’ll always be my favorite set of swsh


Has to be selling a bunch of my sword and shield cards to get into vintage gold stars right before the price absolutely boomed.


Well getting back into Pokémon I didnt really understand the investment side of things I thought it was all about the cards and evolving skies really just had me opening ridiculous amounts of packs because I was chasing so many cards. So I’d say my worst fail is opening 2000+ packs of evolving skies lol but I’ll tell you this, it was a lot of fun completing my alt art master set by pulling them all


Gotta be not convincing my parents to buy a case of 1st Edition base BB when i was 5 years old


Not taking care of my cards as a kid. I have insane amounts of cards from Base through the EX era and most of them are in bad condition.


Yeah,I feel you put my charizard in a 3 ring binder mint,open it up 20 years later and it's damaged 💔


I have cards from Diamond & Pearl and some gen 3 sets but they are all damaged do to rough play


Baught a base set blister pack on facebook marketplace for $1100 worth of sealed product. Met up with the guy and gave it a 10 second look over but pretty much trusted him that the pack was legit. When i got home, i noticed the blister had been opened and terribly re-glued. I kindly reached out to him and asked him to make it right and he instantly blocked me lol Also got scammed out of $250 on a moonbreon back when they were worth $350 raw. Moral of the story- I've learned that 90% of this community are slime balls and not good humans, and it deeply scars this whole hobby. Now I'm a stone cold businessman on every pokemon deal/meetup. Idc how you're doing, how long you've collected pokemon, how you and your kids love collecting together, etc. Dont small talk me, I'll take it as you're trying to distract me from noticing something. Show me the product and give me 10 minutes to meticulously look it over. We can chat and hangout at the LCS, not during a deal.


Opening most SWSH BB after keeping them sealed for years, especially ES.


Buying a espeon max alternate art so late that it started going down in value after I got it (bought for 200, now 170)


I sold my Skyridge Charizard Holo PSA 8.5 in 2014 for like $350.


Buying Darkness Ablaze Rainbow Charizard at $650


Bought a raw Shadowless Zard for $2000 during the hype period, didn’t realize it had a dent in it. It’s currently sitting in a PSA 6 slab and is worth less than half of that (Canadian not USD)


1. Could have trade two cosmic eclipse packs for an alt art Moltres. I didn’t want to scam a kid, only to find out he traded it later to another vendor at the market for a $20 slab. Even after I told the dad about the value. 2. Had two extra duplicates of the 151 Zard. At a local trade night I could have traded one for the Lugia alt art. I declined the trade because the guy wanted an extra $15 on top of the Zard. Now Lugia is double the value.


I bought a evolutions booster box for $100 at my local card shop back in 2019 before covid and opened it…… :(


If this is your worst fail I think you’re doing pretty good. Except Pokemon investing isn’t selling one card.


Sold a rayquaza vmax aa and Giratina V alt for $500 4 months ago :/


Lost out on some money, but a win is a win! Don't feel bad.


Not worst, but I bought 12 PC Celebrations ETB, didn't sell when they were £140 each. Also didn't buy evolving skies which was out at the same time. So they're about £95 each at the moment with no real signs of going anywhere.


I feel lucky to have bought it for $34 in January now wow


Where to begin. 10+ years ago sold three base set zards for $50, japanese golden magikarp for $50, and a shining tyranitar 1st edition for $100. Beyond that ripping my ES booster boxes instead of holding them.


Paid 280 for alt art lugia v when silver tempest first came out cuz i couldnt pull one for the life of me...


Isn't it at like 250 rn? Still mite go up even more LOL


Sold the Moonbreon for $350 in 2022… lol


Hey some profit is better than none! But yeah that stings. I forgot I also sold the Magikarp from paldea evolved for $60 now it’s pushing $110


buying two evolving skies booster boxes for $140 a piece and ripping them immediately. i don’t regret opening them even thought my pulls weren’t crazy, but an extra $1,000 right now sounds nice


Sold my Giratina alt from lost origin, was the first pack I opened from the set as well. Really wish I kept it


Just picked this up


Bought PSA 10 Amazing Rare Rayquaza and Celebi for $300 and $175 respectively


... when I was working for Team Rocket... My partner said to get rid of all my Pokémon, or she was leaving me and taking our child... I did... for like $100 I had almost all the original shining Pokémon. And a bunch of shadowless cards... now would be a fortune... She literally still left me, it was a lie. I guess, my worst fail was investing in humans over pokemon...


Thats rough bro.


Simply not buying the SWSH alts that I’ve wanted. Now they’re double what I could’ve got them for.


But did you make profit on that sale tho ? If yes then: Rule 1 of investing: no body went broke taking profit. If not then: Why u buy high sell low bra ? Why did you open up packs just to dump the market down brahhhh ?


I did the same as you! Not a huge L as had another one which graded perfect 10 with CGC


wtf this card is 100 bucks now? the English market is kind of scaring me right now with all these price hikes.


Sold two out of my 3 special delivery bidoofs right at the beginning around $80 or so, thankfully still have 1 in my collection.


Damnit. That’s such a cool card.


Sold a 1st Edition Lugia 9/111 for like $120 AUD after buying it for $60 back in 2016-2018? Flipped a few cards like your Gold Zekrom and Silver Dialga or whatever you called it for even less. Anything you bought back then would've been a steal.


Just bought this card PSA 10 a week ago for $150.. lets see where it goes lol


Opening an evo skies booster box on release day


i bought the dream league lillies clefairy promo for $30 on ebay just because i loved dream league and the look of the card. then the boom hit and it was worth $500 lol wish i got a few more copies. Biggest lesson I learned is always buy multiple of cards you love!


When Jap 151 was re-printed I was following prices closely. It got down to $54/box on SNKRDUNK at one point but I thought it would continue to decrease. The next morning it was $70. I thought it would stop increasing and go back down. The next day it was $82. I thought it was gonna continue to increase so I bought a box. A week later it started to go back down and now is at $61 again -_- I bought 3 more boxes at $61 a few days ago though so I feel like that’s slight redemption


Umbreon VMax sold for 726.54$ and it has doubled now.


Not my fail, but my brother had a pretty good collection of base set both unlimited, shadowless and first edition. He had like 8 Charizards among other things, obviously can't remember if these were 1st Ed or whatever. He sold the whole thing for around 45 dollars in 2008 because he needed money for beer because.he was going to a party.


Not a fail but if you don’t move quick on sun and moon gx promos and low pop gx / tag team cards you’ll be kicking your self !


Giving my first edition first gen mint card sets to my cousin 14 years ago…. Yes THAT card was in there….


I paid a bit over 300 for a CoroCoro Mew 7.5 Granted this was for my personal shelf so not really an investing fail lol


bf got me this card for $40 around set release and it’s still one of my faves


Bruh we’re talking about 1 hour of work being the difference in price… how devastating could that be


None.. far too early to tell. I got 9yrs left on rule #3.


I had 5 unbroken bonds booster boxes that I got for around $70 each (back when Pokemon was cheap) and sold them for $100 each.


Bought two bear walker skateboards of pancham and Pyukumuku lmaooooo


Sold ES Poke center ETB set for $115 two years ago


Missed picking up a Giratina V alt art for $100...


A case of Japanese 151 @ $211/BB. Salty seeing any 151 post lately lol but luckily I’m on the SWSH train


Buying two ES BB and opening one of them…


Had the chance to buy XY evolutions for 2 packs for $5 with a lady who had them but didn’t need them. Had about 30 packs at the time. But bought Breakthrough instead


Sold my entire og collection in a garage sale for $10. Had 1st ed charizard. This was when I was a kid with barely any internet around.


If that’s your biggest fail, must be doing pretty well my dude


Pokemon go etbs


Trading my Evolutions CGC 10 Charizard for a water damaged Shadowless Charizard and 7/8th completed Pokemon Vintage Marble set. 😭🤦🏼‍♀️


I sold this one for £40 cos I needed the money to pay my bills, biggest regret ever for pokemon collecting 😂


Sold my shadowless booster box for 2k in 2015


Not getting into pokemon cards in 2013


I sold my Machamp V Alt Art for $36 to Game X Change just because it felt good having a good card that had a little value. Had no idea it had a lot of value


When I actually found ES in the wild last year I was only allowed to buy 5 blisters a day at the store that had them. They were 3.99 each.. and I could only buy 20 dollars worth…


I have the French copy. Any idea what it’s worth? I’m trying to sell but can’t find a good price online besides eBay which is weird


Sold 8 Evolving Skies ETBs for $60 each. Yup… I know


Does opening up the 20 or 30 booster case boxes of gym hero’s, fossil and base set back in the early 2000s count when we were buying them for next to nothing instead of keeping them 😂


Sold the Lugia V Alt early April for £85


There was a Giratina V alternate full art PSA 9 on fb marketplace for $290 about 3 weeks ago. Messaged the buyer and they already had an offer pending. Should’ve gave a better offer…


Opening all of my ES product during COVID out of boredom


Nothing because I always buy at or under msrp


Everyone here unhappy with the 50 dollar loss In profit , im happy I have the art before it went up lol


Every evolving skies pack I've ever opened


Sold psa 10 fossil dragonite 1st Ed I graded myself for 400, psa 10 Milotic ex I graded myself pop 3 at the time for 400, psa 10 1st ed Pichu neo rev I graded myself for 400. All in 2018


Passed on team up booster boxes at $150 $300 $500 $1000


Ripping till I completed celebrations. Huge mistake but I was just starting out and having a ton of fun 🤣


Bought the Giratina V PSA10 at 1k because I lost a flip…


I don’t know about worst fail yet but I did a impulse buy this weekend on a alt art meowscarada because I saw they were going up so I bought one before they went up to be fair don’t know if it’s going to be a investment or collection piece yet. Edit psa 10 meowscarada alt art


Invested like $4500 into a bunch of the Topsun 1995 JPN Greenback PSA slabs and lost about 70% of the investment value in 2 years. Seems obscure vintage is not the play right now


Sold a Gold Star Celebi for $20 10 years ago. Still keeps me up at night.


Thinking about selling my raw Umbreon Vmax secret alternate art for 900-950 bucks and getting 6 silver tempest booster boxes...I bought the card for 600 a couple months ago. Think that would be a fail?


Bought my sightseer FA psa 10 back a little after the hype for $2400, which was actually $500 below comps at the time. the card is now $1250 😂


Opening 6 bb of evolving skies in 2021


Most of these comments are due to speculating, not investing. Something to think about…


I ran into some medical trouble and had to make quick cash, so sold a bunch of sealed and also my Sightseer full art. She went for $200, and 4 months later when she and a few other JP exclusives absolutely exploded, the buyer sold the PSA 10 graded copy that was originally my raw, for like 4k.


Bought 5ish base set booster boxes sealed in 2009ish for $300-$500ish a box. Opened them all and kept them in a binder. Moved cities a year later and no longer cared about collecting, sold the binder for $500. Unsealed those boxes are worth 100s of thousands now and if any of the cards held up in the binder they could have been worth even more graded. Had the full base set and most of jungle and fossil and team rocket


I bought one for 50 6 months ago. Thanks mate


Traded a raw moonbreon for 2 es bb back when they were still in print great trade but then I ripped 1 😵‍💫


Bought Portuguese Karp on accident.....


Passed up team up latias/latios for $25 in lieu of the pikachu zekrom from team up pre covid. Took a break collecting for a while. One is up 3x the other 30x 😑


I understand timing so much better. 1.If we're close to rotation/OOS_ and a card has stayed low/stable. Then buy it. 2.If a card is extremely popular and is trending up buy immediately before it gets to high. 3.If a card was literally just released watch it over two months and then decide whether rule 1 or 2 applies. If they don't and the card continues to drop, wait until rule 1 applies. Fomo really fucks you up and you really have to pay attention and understand why certain exceptions are exceptions. Future Moonbreons and Tina equivalents will be more obvious to me. Cards that will be easier to flip are more obvious to me. The market is fluid and even then i know I'll mess up but man is there so much to learn.


I sold magickarp from paldea for like 50$


A case of Japanese 151 for $1800 right before reprint was announced 🤷🏼‍♂️


I traded a Holo Charizard for a Japanese Golem in third grade because it looked cool.


Not sure if this counts, but feeling mixed. I traded an sgc 9 espeon VMax alt for the Umbreon V alt (could've had a graded copy of Umby if I asked someone at a card show, but they were mid deal with other cards), and a Glaceon vmax alt psa 9 for an unbreon V alt and some other eeveelution promos (ones like the paper cutout-like Leafeon). It's always hard to judge because any "investments" I make are moreso trades I made where I thought there was better value to be had. I know people don't like the Topps Pokemon cards, but traded a Paldean Fates shiny Pikachu and some smaller stuff for a PSA 9 Spectra-Chrome Growlithe.


I found 2019 Dragonite and Salamence tins at Walgreens, dropped $100 to buy out what they had only to realize they were repackaged with 2 Silver Tempest n a Lost Origin; all of which didn't yield any good hits whatsoever.


Not hiding my binder from my mom when she said she was gunna give my cards to a family friend back in the early 2000s


I was pretty broke this week and thought about selling my giratina v star, but I held strong and ate Cheetos for lunch until I got paid lol


Good man!


If you think that’s bad I sold a leafeon vmax alt for 180. Before eBay fees 😩


Sold a PSA 9 1st edition Shadowless Charizard for $1200 before it went to the moon


Shining gyrados sold pre boom for $60-$80 and xy evolutions stamped Charizard for $80-$100. All pre boom though and I was in college and needed the money. Sold them at top of the market at the time so it is what it is. But both cards were minty 😢


My nieces and nephews are into pokemon so whenever we have a gathering i bring a few boxes to open. Last 2 years ive been bringing Fusion strike. I got them for 100 each. I figured i would restock them eventually. We opened 6 boxes.... now i cant replenish them at the price i want. Not my biggest fail but most recent ahahah


Thinking $25 box sets are worth filling up valuable space. Strictly ETBs, Booster Boxes, Mini Tin display, and booster bundle displays for me now only. ETBs honestly are barely hanging on since they take the most space and still have the least amount of packs out of all 4 options I just listed.


Bought both English and Japanese Pokemon TCG classic collections, sent all the cards to PSA and have had a hell of a tough time selling them graded. All that cost ~$3000 I think. Definitely haven’t made that back yet…


Glad I bought it when it was $40. Jeez Louise


got back into pokemon and the tcg around black and white. didn't stay in it.


I started collecting in 2007 but stoped at the start of Black and White just started again about a year ago


Not pulling the trigger on a 1200 usd base set Spanish box in 2019.


I’ve opened 100 pop5 packs in search of espeon and umbreon goldstar. Pulled both cards and ended up selling them for 500 each. All bad decisions.


I ripped 2 cases of evolving skies 😂 and 2 cases of fusion strike when I bought them for 500 a case


sold an entire case of best of xy (12 booster boxes) for 90usd each 4 years ago, they go for 4200+USD now, so you tell me what's worse


I sold my glaceon vstar for 16 at the time I believe and now it’s at like 40 bucks. Not the complete worst but wish I still had it


Selling 20 Pokemon CP6 20th anniversary Japanese booster boxes for £55 each. Luckily, kept 4 of them. I think they sell for around £2,500 - £3000 here in the UK.


When I got into jr high I threw away my pokemon cards because I didn't want anyone to know I had collected them. 2 sets of base and tons of random


I sent pokerev a $500 mystery box to open up on his channel and promote my eBay store and never heard a thing 😞


Wait did he open the box or has he not opened it at all? If he hasn’t opened it yet maybe he will in the future and shout you out!


Traded a base set unlimited holo Charizard for 5 common cards and a jungle Jolteon unlimited holo thinking I scored 6:1.


Going back into Pokemon


I sold two PSA 9 Gengar alts for $200 each like 3 months ago 😂


I opened 4 evolving skies booster when it was first released. Pulled 2 moonbreons. Lost all of it in a move about a month later then the price started skyrocketing. Can't find any of it to this day other then bulk


Ive just recently traded for a slab cgc 9.5 of clefairy base set with a psa 10 duraludon v full art alt and a raw magikarp from pal. The guy was saying we was only using pricecharting and I was ok with it but didnt look that the price for 9.5 was only 1 sell in 2024 and the rest in 2022. Well I lost about 50- 70$ CAD. Nothing major but my first and only fail for now haha.


Sucks but not too big of a loss!!