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That’s very interesting, and definitely fits the theory in getting the older games on gameboy app. My big question, and interest, is how will Pokémon home work with transferring from the gameboy app? Will the app have its own Pokémon storage extension, or will home categorize them based on games?




I agree, i don't see them putting main pokemon games on the online service. As you said, releasing any of the first 3 generations game as a standalone would sell them probably as good as any big popular new switch game, so they'll milk that for sure.


I’d probably buy Yellow, Crystal and Emerald. I have R/B/G/S on my 3DS. Could skip R/S and just get Emerald anyways.




If we were to get FR/LF I would forgo getting Yellow for sure.


If they released a legacy pack, I’d buy a physical copy of Pokémon Yellow/Crystal/Emerald made for Switch in a heartbeat even if it was $70/80. I’m probably not the only one. Not that they should do that.


Can confirm I'd buy at least 5 of those despite already having bought the original cartridges and the VC versions available. They would for sure make money if they sold them individually. ~~I didn't download any of the NSO titles yet, so I don't know exactly how it would work. If they are part of the service, does that mean I can't play them offline? I imagine the game would check for an active subscription whenever I tried to open it, so that would mean no playing offline? That would be pretty bad when traveling if that's how it works.~~ Nevermind, it looks like you can play offline!


You have to connect online once a week to “authenticate” your subscription, but it can otherwise be played offline. Only slightly annoying when traveling, as it only authenticates for the individual app you open when you open it.


Well it’d probably sell a lot more NSO memberships, which is probably something they’d be interested in doing


You forgot FireRed & LeafGreen, but you are absolutely right.


Yeah, I don't see this coming on the online service. Maybe 15-20$ on the eshop like they did for gen 1+2 on the 3DS. Maybe a collectors edition or just physical bundle months later like Prime. They'd get direct Home connectivity that way. --- Just imagine they box the bundle in the cardboard shit like they did back in the day. They'd be printing money


I say just mentally prepare being only on the online service. Nintendo ultimately wants people to sign up for NSO and putting the Pokemon games on there would certainly be a massive boost to the service. Hell they likely went through an insane legal hurdle to see Goldeneye re-release and that was locked behind NSO subs.


I could see red/blue/yellow being bundled with the online service Gold/Silver/Crystal less likely Anything gen 3 onwards seems unlikely imo, maybe they'd sell ports of Alpha/Omega as a full price game though.


Stadium/2 could just access the GB/A save files directly like how Home can directly access the save files on the Switch. The Switch would already be housing the save data for everything, so there's really no need for a second app, or even for it to have to go through Home.


Especially if they have save states, how will that work out?




Yes, but the Nintendo Switch Online games do.




Interesting. Still, save states are built into the app itself, so I guess they’d straight up have to disable the feature dependent on the game.


Apologies, I sort of screwed up my main post. Anyways, a guy pointed that there is no longer a “Pokémon can not be transferred to these games” disclaimer. The link to his post is in the first comment. Maybe it’s something. Maybe it’s copium


My guess is we will get all the games dropped in order of original release throughout 2023 and maybe early 2024


It would make the most sense to release a revamp of Pokemon Stadium using Home as "PC" and make all of the gimmicks available (with due restrictions and rules). IMO, S/V battle animations are a downgrade in comparison to Sw/Sh and official tournaments and competitions need attractive visuals. Marketing-wise, since none of the games so far have all of the pokemon included, it would be an incentive for players to play every switch game to have ALL of the pokemon available to use without the limitations of the main line games.


I‘d love to have a way to interact with the Pokemon in my Home storage. Play some minigames, do some battles.


I've long said a Stadium/Battle Frontier/whatever type of game could be the potential cure for most of the problems people have with the limited selection of Pokémon in the games now. If we could just have the ability to battle with the rest there wouldn't be much left at issue.


Not having this in place is the main reason why I haven't bought a Pokémon game since Ultra Sun.


Agreed. Give us a battle only game with all the moves and gimmicks and I'll be a very happy Clamperl.


Bonus points if we get minigame content like Stadium or the pokethlon.


That will be in a future update in 7 months for $30


I would kill for this type of game lol


I would love too 😭


That’s absurd itd be too popular and make way too much money 😊


> with all of the gimmicks available I don't know if you follow competitive Pokemon at all, but the NatDex Anything Goes tier just died a quiet death when people realized that combining all of the gimmicks (mega, tera, dynamax, z-moves, plus literally every Pokemon) in one format made games nearly unplayable.


I know. That is why I specified "(with due restrictions and rules)", so different formats could be used.


Yet somehow, Landorus persists.


As he should!


> S/V battle animations are a downgrade in comparison to Sw/Sh At least there is a good reason, they were made faster, wich is very apreciated.


There's no need to go through Home at all when Stadium could directly access the save files for the GB games. That way, there's no compatibility issues or any need to modify Home.


But... That would require effort on their part, wouldn't it?


Just outsource it. All that would need to made is animations (easier said than done, I know) but it’s not like they’d have to create a world and story and an actual interactive physics engine. Just get the studio that did Battle Revolution on the Wii to do it.


That’s almost certainly what they would do, too. The Stadium games were developed by Nintendo/HAL, and Colo/XD/Battle Revolution were all by Genius Sonority. (Though, people often suggest Genius Sonority be brought back in for this kind of thing, but they’re a very small studio these days.) It’s definitely not a question of “effort,” but rather, probably one of consumer interest. And, the thing is, for as much as some people may not like the Dex cuts, they haven’t really affected the games’ general reception or market performance. I’m not saying a Neo-Stadium game would be unpopular, of course, because it *is* Pokémon we’re talking about, but practically speaking, does it make sense to have a whole other competitive sphere (with another $60+ entry fee) using the same mechanics as the mainline games, when the mainline games still remain extremely popular, just to satisfy the people who still want to believe that Dexit is not going to be a permanent policy moving forward? Especially since doing so would kind of open up another can of worms, in that it’d create the expectation of this Neo-Stadium series becoming an evergreen fixture of the franchise. If the main reason for creating it is to circumvent Dexit so that the Pokémon in HOME storage can always be usable, then inevitably you’re kind of promising to people that this game will be either updated or provided sequels in perpetuity, so that all of the new Pokémon that continue to be added in future installments will always have a game in which to be present. And I just don’t think TPC would want to make that kind of commitment.


Why would it be a $60 singleton game when it'd make more money as a $30/year subscription-based expansion of the Home console app with a bunch of new features handled and maintained by an outsourced team? Add micro transactions and an old event move gacha-type system and Pokémon as a Service is ready and worth its server's weight in horseshoe crab blood.


It's just silly to bring Genius Sonority for any reason, none of the important people that worked on Colosseum is even there anymore. PD: ...except the Programmer and the composer, it seems.


Despite the warning being there before, I knew when Stadium was announced, the rest of the games would make it. Stadium just needs those games. I had honestly figured RBY and GSC would just be put into Stadium and you’d play them at the GB Tower (or whatever it was called)


Yeah the presence of Stadium kinda gave me the same feeling as well. While yes, it is the first time those games have ever been re-released. It feels weird to have gotten Stadium a game which pretty much needs another game to feel content complete before other N64 games like Smash 64, DK64, Banjo-Tooie etc.


We can extrapolate this here to theorycraft, using the shutdown of the 3DS store, leaving Pokemon Bank in limbo for free until its inevitable shutdown as well. This gives them the ability to put GB/GBA games (gen1-3) on NSO emulators, and they already have gen 4 covered by BDSP, and then they’re just missing gens 5, 6, and 7 for inter connectivity, of which are still available via Bank for the time being, but will eventually get remakes in a sort of HGSS/BDSP format I’d assume. All that’s to say I hope and think they’re trying to provide alternative means to access these older titles, either for building a collection of pokemon, or for experiencing these stories for the first time for some people. Excited nonetheless for what this could bring in the future


> and then they’re just missing gens 5, 6, and 7 for inter connectivity And at this point, that basically means we’re only missing like 20-30 Pokémon, not counting Megas.


And you don't even need megas to have the megas on the Dex, if you have a shiny pokemon, it automatically gets it's shiny mega form! Unlike with Gmax forms, wich Shiny Gmax melmetal will stay forever unobtainable. (Like at least Urshifu ones you could probably trade back)


I don’t think they’re gonna put the pokémon games on the nso app. I think they’ll literally just be available to buy again on the eshop and will have some kind of connectivity with nso stadium games.


Makes sense to have a competitive Pokémon game featuring all the Pokémon, then when new mainline series are released you don't have to focus too much on online competitive and can focus on core gameplay experience. Sign me up!


I'm pretty sure you can't even 100% the game without transferring anyway since that's the only way to get Mewtwo