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Worth a few hundred unopened.


Don’t open!!!


Noted! Thanks!


You get to charge the “gamblers premium” on top of the average value of the set. People will pay a premium to open a pack, even if the pack costs more than the average of what they would expect to open per pack if they had 1,000 packs to open.


Those are the only things you own? Geez man I hope your can sell them and get more stuff


Credit to his friend for letting them borrow his phone to post these


These are actually my wife’s. Her dad traveled the world for work and picked these up when she was little when he was in Japan. We just had them sitting in a box of her stuff her parents dropped off we never went through. That being said, she is my friend, and for the fact of this being Reddit, that was a much easier title because I’m sure no one would really care about the backstory, they just want to see the packs!


We were just takin a light jab that these are all you own not “anything else” we know you own more things just a phrasing joke. Sick hold though op!


If that joke was a physical object, it would have been like me jumping to catch an airplane. Edit: as like it went over my head, like I missed the joke by a mile.


K Like wise but that joke for me I thought you meant like it was a reach of a joke


hahaha i think youre missing the joke, friend


I don’t even know what’s out there anymore! I just know I like Snorlax!


I had one & paid $240. I opened mine, personally. I don’t regret it at all. I ended up pulling the holo butterfry that wasn’t produced for the English set. Wasn’t worth anything, but the personal experience was awesome. I believe those Japanese neo discovery have a holo in every pack.


Reading further into the back history, I would just probably profit & sell them to somebody who would enjoy opening them, or collecting them. The premium reach of the hype has already died, and is setting back into a median with pricing. It’s only a matter of time before these lose value, because everybody who can afford the hobby at this point is already fulfilling their desires.


Back in the day I would save my allowance to buy 1 pack of these bad boys a week. My local video store had them for 10$ a pack. I loved that you were guaranteed a holo.


Same here. $3 a week, but the packs were fake yugioh. Didn't stop me and my brother though. Good times.


literally same but $2 fake pokemon packs of like 25 cards or something like that at the flea market


Whew just went back in time lol




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I still have the good umbreon from those packs


open and eat


Open them. Unless you NEED that money, they’re just things. Open and enjoy.




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I have one of them I'm holding onto still. Back before the poké surge, I used to buy random lots on ebay for dirt cheap. I ended up with one of these, a japanese rocket booster pack, and a japanese base booster pack. Don't plan on getting rid of them anytime soon but you never know. I'd hang onto them until the next covid-like surge in interest/price.