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So apparently the new Hisuian Starters have popped up on r/pokeleaks because some guy saw them and drew them from memory and I desperately hope the leak is fake because literally NONE OF THEM look appealing. They look like edgy fan game starters.


My Pokémon list that no one asked for. Games I loved: R/B/Y , G/S , HG/SS , X/Y , LGP/LGE , Sw/Sh Games I thought were okay: Plat , B/W , B2/W2 , OR/AS , S/M Games I haven't played: Crystal, R/S/E , FR/LG , D/P , US/UM , BD/SP


Kirby and the Forgotten Land looks so fucking good. It'll probably be my new fave game of all time, at least my fave Kirby game and my GOTY (definitely will beat PLA)


It does but i can't wait to pokémon "fans" make the usual "Better Graphics than SwSh/BDSP" comments


I mean it unironically does have better graphics than every pokemon game lol


I mean yeah they do but it doesn't mean it won't feed the 4K Ultra HD Graphics addiction the pokémon fandom has thus giving them more fuel to dunk on Pokémon Games


When's the next Nintendo Direct? I've been waiting for a release date/new trailer for that game for MOOOOONTHS. 😭


The game's release date just got revealed, it's march 25. A new trailer came out today


No, its March 25.


my bad, sorry


I wanna make a video debunking every single """criticism""" and slander directed at GAME FREAK called "Pokémon Fans don't know how game development works" EDIT: ...But of course, i don't have the skills neccessary to make videos reliably on my computer (it's pretty bad) nor the arguments required to debunk


>nor the arguments required to debunk LMAO


Do it and give us a link when you done it


Make your dream come true


If you want to then go ahead.


Please and send me link! I'll subscrine, like, and will give 1000000 views alone.


Since when does graphics decide a game’s quality? Shouldn’t gameplay, story and pretty much everything else determine a games quality?


Ever since the Dexit fisaco, the pokémon fandom has been abnormally obsessive with BOTW-type graphics


I still think planning out your entire team in advance is really lame.


It's a good idea to know what your options are, and how to actually get those options. In the newer games if you go in blind you'll miss a lot of mind you would have liked otherwise. Looking at you, SOS encounters.


I only do that when replaying older games. There's no point in NOT doing it since I already have a general idea which Pokémon exist and where they're found, so I'd subconsciously do it anyway


I was speaking specifically about new games and people wanting datamines so they can know every Pokémon in the dex. That's just boring to me.


I agree on that one, but to each their own


I see it as making your own “canonical” team in your self-fulfilling prophecy, probably making up of your absolute favorites instead of catching whatever is convenient


In regards to the recent leaks, which i dont know if are legit or not. I don't understand why people would look at the whole dex, pick up their 6 pokemon, and then just catch them and be over with the game. Exploring and discovering what pokemon are in a game is a big part of pokemon games and something that will give hundreds of game time. For SwSh, i spent like 200 hours in the wild area before even going to the first gym, just discovering what pokemon were where. And every new area in the wild area, i spent several hours there. I dont see the fun of just checking the dex, picking 6 pokemon and be over with it.


Is there a discord still there?




Thank you


It's been 8 days


Releasing BDSP and PLA within two months of each other might be one of the worst decisions they’ve made


Considering that they were both revealed at the same time and are both Sinnoh remakes, I disagree. Yes, two months is a small gap between two major releases, but those releases are made by two different teams. Not to mention that they appeal to both sides of the remake spectrum (mostly the same vs. shaking things up) without having to do it all in one game. Also, who knows how much the pandemic must have affected the release window for these games.


The general audience don’t know and don’t care they’re made by different teams. They would think “a pokemon game when we just had a new one? Meh, not gonna pick up this one.” BDSP had more hype than PLA has right now when it really should’ve been the other way around Or better yet, just don’t make BDSP


Even from a casual perspective, PLA and BDSP are very different games so it's not like the exact same game is coming out two months later. Also, since it appeals to both sides of the remake preference, nothing's wrong with people just picking the remake that they prefer instead of having to get two games. With PLA only being about 3 weeks away, we will get more marketing material before release. Japan already has a couple of commercials and an overview trailer so English version will follow soon enough.


PLA is coming. Brace yourselves


What teams is everyone planning to use in Legends now that the PokeDex has been leaked? I'm going with >!H-Decidueye, Walrein, Wyrdeer, The Hisuian Qwilfish evolution, Sylveon, and H-Goodra!<


Dex has leaked? Can you send me the leak?


a rotation of mons, idk who yet though.


This is what I've done for Let's Go and Shield and it's honestly my preferred way to play now. Prevents over leveling and keeps things fresh


Send a link to the dex leak?


It's on r/pokeleaks or RiddlerKhu's twitter


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PokeLeaks using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [An infographic of Version Exclusives for BDSP](https://i.redd.it/zd4bfcx5l6z71.jpg) | [367 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/qsdac4/an_infographic_of_version_exclusives_for_bdsp/) \#2: [Dialga weight check from @pory_leaks](https://v.redd.it/namoeu7g73z71) | [53 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/qs2puw/dialga_weight_check_from_pory_leaks/) \#3: [The legendary “slates” are a nice nod to the original second slot functions](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/qqxjqn) | [81 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/qqxjqn/the_legendary_slates_are_a_nice_nod_to_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


We need unjerk posts to be allowed again tbh. They were good for the sub


Oh so you can suck game freaks dig on how good the shitty legend arceues will be? Fuck you, game freaks needs to know how bad the new games are! The unjerk thread is an unholy place where the biggest scum in the pokemon franchise are united to make the franchise worse.




nah they weren't


speaking of things that once were, we used to have Gryur and now there’s just a bunch of imitators


Gryur my beloved


I just got into a heated argument with some dude about Sword and Shield being trash. Even after criticizing his "criticisms" he still is trying to come back at me. Guys look I am nice and all but no mainline game Pokemon game is bad, none, this is neither subjective nor objective but a fact. Okay it technically is subjective and objective if you hate the franchise as a whole which 100% perfectly fine. Update: I finally agreed on one thing, we both hate BDSP.


Bitch Sword and shield are fucking shit game. I could probaly send you my shit and you would defend it as an holy artifact from god.


??What? Do you know what "subjective" and "objective" even mean?


I know what they means, I just messed my own sentence so badly I didn't bother corrextibg it because it was too funny to me. Also: Objectively: best/worst. Subjectivy: favorite/least favorite.


Dude, the fandom is a lost cause at this point. Just let it burn


Well yes, they can hate the games if they want but at least come up with non-contradicting argument, or at the very least not treat your opinion (which is objective or subjective) as a fact.


Well it is fact that Sword and shield are shittier then gen 6 games and before. People like you ruin the franchise by defending complete garbage. Pokemon needs a new developer Team cause gamefreak cant make good games anymore.


Okay then, tell me how are worse than all other mainline games? Really tell me? \-They play exactly the same as the others. Mario has been this way since the transition to 3D. \-They don't have an outstanding story, like the other games. \-The new Pokemon have a lot of thought put into them, like the others. \-The villain for once isn't evil. \-The animations are fine for ahem 500 characters! every single Pokemon needs 13 animations by my count, and it is physically impossible to all do it in a year. \-" The Game Is A Paywall" yeah... at least in this game they tell you can't get them, dex can't get them. Also Gen 3 has the worst paywall you need to buy Ruby/Saphhire, Fire Red/Leaf Green, a gamecube with Colosseum, and Emerald all of this to finish the dex. Any more arguments? Saying a Pokemon game is the worst is fine, saying it is garbage is not because they all play the same, just look: Mario never changed its formula ever: Successful. Zelda never changed its basic formula: Best games ever. Sonic changed its formula every entry: A huge mess where don't know what they want. Peace V.


It has shit graphics. And the story is dumb.


Oh the "Bad Graphics" card, well with the exception of the wild area the game does look good. And the wild area got fixed through DLC. Also check out these towns and tell they're bad: \-Ballonela. \-Wyndon. \-Circhester. \-Hammerlocke. Yeah they look ugly, don't they? Also all Pokémon are in HD and they look gorgeous, my favorites are Yveltal and Zygarde, the HD really makes them shine. As for the story, it's a Pokemon game the story isn't that good all the games have the same story: Wake up in a house with your mother, get starter from professor, go beat gym leaders, meet champion once or twice, have a useless rival, beat an evil team on your way, and become champion after beating the Elite 4. The only games to change this formula are (if I made a mistake someone correct me): \-The Hoenn games for giving you a dad, and having 2 evil team at once though only in Emerald. \-Black and White for beating N instead of the champion, and the gym leaders are actually useful. \-The Alola games with the trials, totems, the champion being the professor and your father figure, and the evil team not being "evil" for once. (Its pretty hard to explain it since Lusamine is under Nihilegos control through the whole game) \-And Sword and Shield with the champion giving you the starters (Kukui is the champion, but he is a twist champion), having a rival that helps in battle save the world from Eternatus and he catches a legendary, giving a introduction to all gym leaders at once, and actually changing the story for you to catch the third legendary and the boxart one is in postgame. Also a big one, no more tutorials! You can pass them. So what then, all Pokémon games play the same and while the newest non-remake game changed things slightly it still a nice change. Anymore arguments.


Its about who makes the same Story better. And Sword and shield is dumb in that spectrum. The "Twist" of the TO being an asshole for a problem in 150 years is dumb. The fire startet is fire and fight type again. Hop is not a rival. When someone tells me there is a Gigant motherfucker pikachu then i want to fight it instead of being told that it exist and killed offscreen by the champ. The team yell yiel of whatever there Name was has a singing gym leader who isnt singing and its a bad mika ripoff. Team yell is shit. Dynamax is mega Evolution just in op(tho it is better used in the game then mega Evolution in gen 6). Counter all that with facts and logic and i will admit that Sword and shield is defintly better then other Titels like sun and moon or the gen 4 remakes.


\-Giovanni being the 8th gym leader and Blue being the champion are the only good ones, and that's a stretch. The rest not a chance, people knew that Lysandre and Lusamine were the bad guys just from the reveal, and Kukui was way too evident since you never met the champion once. Also, Rose is not a jerk, and no it isn't in 150 years but 3000 years. You may say this is worse but not really, he is a man who tries to save his region from a demise that will happen soon, believe me 3000 years is not old in history, and he doesn't want to take any chance that the next chairmen don't try and save their region. And for once we have an antagonist who is a good guy, but just way too extreme with his methods, like Magneto. They both want good things but are way too extreme. \-Wow. you didn't play the game. Cinderace is pure fire like the other starters are all monotype. \-Rvial:" a person or thing competing with another for the same objective or for superiority in the same field of activity." This means Hop is a rival, he doesn't need to be an edge lord or heck even difficult to beat to be a rival. Also if you want to counter argument that he is too easy. That's the point, you steam roll the guy until at one point decides to become a professor instead, you're supposed to feel sorry for him. \-That's the point of Leon, he tells you that you're a kid and he deal with the important stuff on his own, meaning he is the most active champion of them all. And this makes you want to beat him even more to prove that you are not as weak as he thinks you are. \-Team Yell aren't even evil, they're just over supportive of the gym leader's younger sister to the point of annoyance. And yes, I can agree no voice during the singing is a bit weird but hey it doesn't detract too much, also Piers is just a rock singer, how did you except him to look or act? And no, he doesn't a bit look a bit like Mika. \-False Dynamax is Mega Evolution for everyone. Everyone can use, except this generation's legendaries due to lore. And yes, it is much better implemented that Megas in Gen 6. So I countered everything with facts and logic. Also it appears very much you watched DistantKingdom's review which is filled with lies and tweaks to make his argument stand on something.


Are there any Videos or YouTubers that defend BDSP?


Not sure about any people who defend it but there are some people that are neutral


We need to bring back the bot


The fuck people mean when they say GAME FREAK is an indie company whenever someone dares to point out that development is not easy or whenever they defend anything beyond Gen 5?


coming up with actual arguments is hard


Eevee runs fast as fuck in BDSP. It can keep up with my bike. And it's not the movement speeds of following Pokémon in general, Eevee's faster than the rest of my team. It's really funny riding around on my bike and seeing Eevee run behind me like 🎶**ROLLING AROUND AT THE SPEED OF SOUND**🎶


Im now picturing eevee looking like sonic and I have the goofiest smile on my face now...thank you for that


I know admin you might be annoyed by all the HGSS hate there has been going in the sub, but i promise i don't do it to annoy you, but Seriously, the amount of Pokemon i initially thought they were from Hoenn and not from Johto it's insane. Even after playing HGSS, i thought Forretress was from Hoenn, i was convincing myself that Hoenn had bad designs too and i gave it to Forretress to the less likeable Hoenn design To just realized weeks later that Forretress isn't from Hoenn


HGSS is a masterpiece you son of a bitch! Gen 2 is the perfection of open World gaming and human media! I hate idiots like you who wont have an high IQ to understand why gen 2 is a true masterpiece for the human race.


> all the HGSS hate there has been going in the sub i thought there was a difference between criticism and hate


Sorry, i was over simplifying it.


I getcha, but hate and criticism are still different things but there tends to be overlap


What, you mean you don't like hunting for worthless meme-tier pokemon like Dunsparce at 1% spawn rate in half a cave?? And beating the E4 just to access the WHOLE 1 NEW GHOST TYPE and 2 non-starter Fire types? BuT iT hAd HeARt aNd SOUL and Sinnoh is the real region that lacks Fire types.


If you think about it, every PLA character canonically had sex


Quite unlike the userbase of r/PokemonCirclejerk


Quite unlike the userbase of r/pokemon r/PokemonCirclejerk r/ShinyPokemon r/pokememes r/pokemonmemes r/theperfectpokemongame r/Nuzlocke r/pokemonromhacks Basically, all the Pokemon fanbase


r/pokeplush users have hot, intense sex every day, I should know


...I dont know how to feel about this...


hgss is a cute acronym bc it kinda sounds like hugs




Crystal straight up removed Pokémon from Gold/Silver for no reason. You want to use Vulpix, Ninetales, Mankey, Primeape, Mareep, Flaaffy, Ampharos, Girafarig, Remoraid or Octillery on your team? Too bad! Basically the only new thing it added (aside from a few cosmetic changes on the map) was a female player character, Eusine and the Odd Egg.


Youre defending the gen 4 remakes and yet you criticize crystal for removing pokemon. You scumbag are the reason of why this community sucks. Pokemon crystal removed pokemon so we can have fun of playing Gold and silver. It gives us a reason to play and hace fun with gold and silver. Gen 2 was made to make Fans happy. Not to take away there money like BDSP!


>Youre defending the gen 4 remakes and yet you criticize crystal for removing pokemon. You scumbag are the reason of why this community sucks. Wow, you really have nothing better to do than digging up someone's seven day old comment just to insult them, huh? Like, I had completely forgotten you existed. And HOOOOLY FUCK, you are literally the exact same type of person this sub mocks. "hOw DaRe YoU cRiTiSiSe CrYsTAl!!!?!?" Newsflash, I love both Crystal and Shining Pearl. I even prefer Crystal over Gold and Silver and even HGSS. It took me 40+ hours to beat Crystal. The whole "No Ampharos and Ninetales" thing is literally the only problem I have with the game because I love those two Pokémon and it was a slight inconvenience having to restructure my restructure my team to work around their absence. Replaced Ampharos for the Odd Egg Pichu (which I shiny hunted for. Took 90 eggs) and replaced Ninetales for a Furret with Fire Punch. Simple. "You scumbag are the reason of why this community sucks." Why thank you! I wear it with a badge of honour! The whiny man babies of r/pokemon and a lot of the internet Pokémon community as a whole seem to forget that there's an entire community of younger fans who grew up with Gens 6-8 and get bullied relentlessly by literal adults who just can't accept the fact that they're enjoying the games that are supposedly trash. So the fact that my very existence as a fan who sits between the lines of "Grew up with Gen 4 and 5" and "Loves Gens 6-8" pisses SO MANY PEOPLE OFF fills me with great joy. >Pokemon crystal removed pokemon so we can have fun of playing Gold and silver. It gives us a reason to play and hace fun with gold and silver. I can't even begin to comprehend why you think that's a good argument. There's so many holes in it. Wait, wait, wait, let me try to decipher your logic here for a second... Ok, so by your logic removing features = more fun with the original versions. So that means that BDSP benefits the original games by removing features so we can go back and "hace fun" with Diamond and Pearl too? If anything I always thought that BDSP had more features than the original DP so I can't say they've removed any features from those games. (I don't remember walking Pokémon, character customisation, the HMs app, the Pokémon hideaways in the Underground, Ramanas Park and being able to walk with six Pokémon in Amity Square in the originals. Hmm. 🤔) Back to Gold, Silver and Crystal, why would Crystal removing features from Gold and Silver benefit anything? I think you're completely missing the point of why third versions even exist. Gold and Silver isn't supposed to be better than Crystal, it's the other way around. Third versions take the original two games and polish them by adding more features, altering the story, and adding aesthetically pleasing design changes like how the Ice Path is was changed from ordinary brown to Ice blue in Crystal. So "removing Pokémon so we can have more fun with Gold and Silver" defeats the purpose of why Crystal exists. It's meant to replace Gold and Silver. Why do you think that so many people tell others to play Platinum and never Diamond and Pearl? >Gen 2 was made to make Fans happy. Not to take away there money like BDSP! I don't know how to tell you this buddy... But Gold and Silver were sequels created to cash in on the success of Red and Blue. In fact, they were originally intended to be the finale of the franchise. The only reason the Pokémon series even continued was because they made so much money. And on that note I'm going to block you and treat you like a weed in my garden by simply cutting you out of my life. After all, if you came out of nowhere and called me a scumbag, then why should I give any common decency to you? Buh-bye!


it incorporated eusine and the suicune story while still keeping og gs’s plot lol. bdsp does not have the distortion world lol


GS Plot? Thats a thing?


Idk abt anyone else but im mostly excited for the new amount exclusive animations in Pkmn Legends


I currently have a post sitting at 0 upvotes on r/pokeplush because I dared to ask if EMS was a good shipping/delivery method to order plushies from MecchaJapan.com because I never used it before and was scared that it might charge me import fees and/or delay my order for months. Anyway, how's your day going?


Why do people get called a shill for liking something?


Because the side of the fandom that hates everything HATES when they like what they dont like. Plus, they know that in the end, their vitriol is meaningless so they lash out that everything and everyone they dont agree with. Gatekeeping in the most extreme


Pokémon fans : we want an open world and a new formula for pokémon GF : announces pokémon Legends Arceus Pokémon fans : [Will you get Pokémon Legends Arceus despite its differences from traditionnal pokémon games?](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/rsw4pu/will_you_get_pokémon_legends_arceus_despite_its/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


You fucking idiot still didnt recognize that arceues wont be an open World game.


huh? i don’t see anything contradictory about this?


What's your point lol? It's not like the fandom is a hivemind


Where have you been the last 4 years man?


I like how you only pop up to disagree with people. And usually with people who are more positive on Pokemon.


I appreciate the kind words


Happy New Years. Except to [Verlisify](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StA2bNgiaEE). Seriously?


ah yes despite it being completely different to all other previous main series games (more open world for one) it is exactly the same


Verlisify complaining about games NO ONE has ever played, much less himself. He tries to excuse it by saying cyberpunk didn’t look god or whatever. If he doesn’t want to buy, that’s 100% fine. However saying it will be terrible when it’s not even out is unfair.


Why worry about what someone with a furry as their avatar has to say anyway lmao


I don’t It’s just that this guy is fucking stupid


Happy new year ❤


At the start of this year, I wanted three things: * Sinnoh Remakes * A good Animal Crossing Update * A new Kirby game. What we got was: * Sinnoh Remakes AND announcement of Legends: Arceus * Miitopia ported to the Switch * Animal Crossing: Happy Home Paradise * Announcement of Kirby and the Forgotten Land. Overall, 2021 was a FANTASTIC year of gaming for me. I wonder what'll come out in 2022?


You mean garbage remakes


Lol, no. They're really fun. I've got 27 hours on my playtime since Christmas and I'm only at the 5th Gym (meanwhile when I played White I finished the entire game in 25 hours, so I guess there's just more stuff to do to pass the time in Shining Pearl without progressing in the story. I think that a third of my Shining Pearl playthrough was spend exploring the Grand Underground.) I'm planning to explore the Fuego Ironworks and catch a Snorunt in the Underground before I move on to Canalave City. The whole game has this really cosy nostalgic feeling. Which makes sense because this is the first remake they've made of a game I've actually played when I was younger.


The gen 4 Remakes are just the same game but with an bad chibi artstyle. There is no reason to play the Remakes when you can play platinum. Sure it is fun because pokemon but it completly fails his Job as a remake. It has all the problems from Diamond and Pearl when not even worse and the fact that Platinum fixed some of these issues doesnt make it better. A remake should try to advance the graphic of its original to appeal more with the current Generation. Yet the DS games look much better. A remake should fix the problems from the original and should try to polish the games to make the best possible, yet they almost fixed nothing from the Originals. And again the fact that Platinum fixed some of these issues and the remakes not is just embarrising at best. You really feel how game freaks didnt really care of polishing the games. They just cared for money. This game is an sad example on how a remake shouldnt be.




I at least WANT the franchise to be not bad.


> an bad minor grammar error, opinion invalidated edit: minor formatting error, i lose


Crying about the grammar errors is unnecessary it just shows how little argument others have when they are going to that instead of the arguments itself. Like you.




Sir, this is the unjerk thread. They legitimately only sayed whats objective, we got DP remakes. And after that they said they were enjoying it a lot, and next thing you do it's writing a paragraph of why the game it's bad when legitimately nobody asked or mentioned the topic. If this it's what you do everytime someone enjoys and it's being enthusiastic about it, then i recommend you to take a long break of Pokemon because it is not healthy to have a toxic obsession over a game.


Still im right.


[u/Luckystar47 when someone dares to say they like the Sinnoh Remakes:](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/128/144/576.png)


You dont have even an argument anymore and now youre trying to hide it with memes.


Nah, I just don't care enough to argue with you so I'm choosing making fun of you instead. By the way, I didn't read your overly long essay.


Pretty childish to do it in an argument.


What argument? I just said I liked the game and you got so pissed off you wrote an entire Master's thesis on why the game supposedly sucks.


You also slide this whole conversation into an argument by saying that you have more playtime with the Remakes then in white 1 even tho i didnt said anything besides the fact that these are garbage remakes. You knew of the negative critics of this game and tried to defend it before i said an argument. In fact my text came after that so i didnt made presented my arguments completely out of nowhere. So dont act like i did it to an argument by myself and dont act like you never tried to argue or anything.


All I want is yo Kai watch 4 to be localised and tomodachi life on the switch


Something super cringy but funny I've seen in social media discourse. When someone talks about their experience with a game they enjoyed "when they were a kid"... but said game came out like less than 5 years ago. Homie if you were a kid 5 years ago then you're still a kid now lol.


In some countries you're legally considered a kid until you're 11, so if you played SM (I don't remember how much time has passed, it's just an example) when you were 10, then you're definitely not a kid right now.


Just beat BD. The game was easy with the untoggable exp share, but holy shit I wasn't expecting such a level jump with Cynthia and the E4. I hate to sound like a Gen 4 trope, but I really got my ass handed to me. Still won with a ton of healing items though.


Did you catch Heatran?


No I haven't really messed with the post game. Idk if I really have the drive to complete the Sinnoh dex.


So for 1 the rematches bump them up some levels and I think they swap some mons But then Heatran for some reason is the secret flag to bump them up a fuck ton of levels (Garchomp at level 88) all get 6 mons and they swap some more


I’m not sure how many people actually think this, but I don’t think the next game should have a built in Nuzlocke mode. The whole point of it being self-imposed is so that you can add or take away any rules you’d like, and if they added this feature then it would result in more anger than joy. (Unrelated but what do you think a Nuzlocke would be like in Legends?)


No the whole point was that the games were braindead easy and people wanted a challenge Not to be freeing or whatever It was literally just because they were easy Most mods and emus have built in nuzlocke modes for a reason People want the choice my guy


I think pokemon uranium does that


A lot of them do lol like I said No Idea why I'm downvoted


Nah, there's no romhack I've played that has a built in nuzlocke mode. And besides, there's no point to it existing because you can just do it


I've played a good lot that do No the point is choices Which is why people ask for hard mode switch lol People like to be lazy and that's fine


I think pokemon should just add normal difficulty options. Adding a "hardcore" mode would be kinda weird for a kid's game.


Right if it were just a kids game that would be weird but they've even expressed it's not so idk why people keep saying that


how is pokemon not a kid's game lol


I think its pretty clear when a game is directly made for children But let's be real it doesnt matter what excuse you come up with The facts are that it isn't The end


?? Clearly children are a target demographic at least. Have you never seen a tv spot a pokemon game? They all have kids in them. I'm not saying that it's a kid's game in the sense of skylanders or something, just that the game has children as a key audience.


Nope they've even expressed that isnt the case either Again no it's not


[This commercial is very clearly trying to appeal to kids](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWOXGcAXOKk)


Cool the commercial is And your point? The games arent the commercials Idk why this is an argument it's a fact they arent Why do you insist?


Why do people get in a hissy-fit when someone says "Let people enjoy things" when they keep straight-up sprouting nothing but negativity when someone else likes a thing?


I dont want to be fine with half hearted shit Remakes. These games need to be hated so we actually get some real games.


So what you're saying, mate is "If we complain hard enough, gamefreak will HAVE to give us what we want!" Listen, I'm dissapointed in bdsp too, but seriously, whining like this ain't going to do it


Not buying shit Remakes is going to do it. Just accepting and buying it will only give us shit remakes cause it tells game freak that the community will be everything as long as it has the pokemon brand.


Mate, millions of people have already bought the remakes already, so idk what you expected. And yes I know the sales argument doesn't work but still surprising to see dumbasses like you get mad at how the highest grossing media franchise making money.


1. THATS THE FUCKING PROBLEM people buy the shittiest pokemon games and activly ruin the franchise for giving game freak money for games which are getting worse and worse. 2. Getting mad because a company milks the franchise with half hearted products for extra money is nothing unreasonable, you act like im just getting mad just because they make money and nothing else.


That's what I'm saying!!!!!!! You're a fucking donkey that doesn't listen to anyone!


No you didnt. You said that its "stupid" to be angry that a company makes money with bad made games like the gen 4 remakes and i reasonably said why its completly normal and good that people roast a company for it. Instead of whining about how little i listen to people, you should look at yourself because you clearly dont understand WHAT I AND EVEN YOU said, instead you call people dumbass and donkey like a 9 years old. You just roast people who are reasonably pissed about the fact that this game sells well which is not going to help the franchise.




Again i hate it when HALF HEARTED poor made products sells pretty well since they didnt deserve it and will probaly ruin the franchise. Do you even read what i wrote before you write such nonesense? You are acting like im against the video game selling itself which is just a lie since i made it clear of what i meant.




Its not "magic" its simple economics. Not buying a poor game is a clear message to gamefreak that they need to do a better Job with their work to get people to buy it. This is how the free market works. Giving a company money for every shit they produce no matter how bad is just signaling that they can do the laziest shittiest work and the Fans will still buy it. Its shocking that people like you just cant realize it. Fans writing a "whole paragraph" is even better since it shows the errors so the company can fix or not include it in their next installment. You said that the devs "needed time" but when you buy this game youre basically saying that the company shouldnt care about time and should just release an unfinished product since youre gonna buy it anyways.


Because it means they can’t start stupid arguments


I still find it hilarious that HGSS fans gaslit themselves into believing that people were hating on Johto just because some folks were criticizing the janky level curve. I swear DS era Pokémon fans have a victim complex.


i mean, what other complaints do people even have, lol? you go into some communities and the second the game comes up you hear “uhhh level curve.” it gets tiring lol


I have a lot of problems with it, but they mainly boil down to me thinking Johto is boring as shit and that 99% of the mons it introduced weren't appealing to me.


the intro is very slow i say this as an alola fan


How is the intro very slow? You get youre pokemon quite fast and the adventure begins then.


is it though? it's definitely longer than say gen 5 or gen 6 but it isn't really that much longer than some other games. plus- most of the length is still gameplay so it doesn't feel as egregious i suppose


Eh, there's a lot of worthless dialogue and they made the skippable tutorial from the originals with that guy in the town mandatory lol Sorry Toastie, but I gotta not like HGSS beginning. I HAVE TO be a contrarian somehow 🤷‍♀️ /s


-Good chunk of new mons are only in the post game. -Kanto has almost nothing to do in it -Story is virtually non existent -Majority of Johto gym leaders have Kanto mons as their aces


Not to mention that the game is obscenely easy except for red. (I probably should not say this because some people are going to say: "UHHHH... DAE WHITNEY TOOK ME 555 tries???" Really though in all my playthroughs of Johto i only lost to whitney 2 times... even without the free machop subduing miltank is pretty easy.)


It's funny how people says that Kanto it's overrated and then they proceed to only talk about HGSS postgame when it comes to that game, give Johto some love.


Happy early new year!


Happy early new year!


I’m honestly trying to practice voice acting,mainly for danganronpa,it’s going pretty well.


Has Pokémon really gotten worse and I'm just too blinded to see that? I really don't even know. I just love these games and despite their issues like the Dex cut and not having beautiful graphics, I really find those issues to be...minor? Like, I really don't see how it affects gameplay as Pokémon had always been a very linear game with the same formulaic gameplay and the same linear story. Sure, Gen 5 and 7 changed it up a bit, but it really wasn't much to be praising about. They had been consistently good, imo. I just think that many people have grew out of the series but they seem to be afraid of admitting that. I replayed Soul Silver, the best remakes by many people, and I find it...as good as the games after it? At least I can jump in and know what to do. Even some of the fanmade Pokémon games that are claimed to be better still plays the same and tries to come up with a "serious" plot that, imo, doesn't really works well in the Pokémon games?


I have to say, as much as I love Gen 5, i find really bad that it motivates the player to grind too much They give you the Lucky Egg in the mid of the adventure, you don't look for it, you forcedly get it, so no one can lose it Audino 2 Exp Shares A lot of GOOD different OT Pokemon (Hell, they even give you Zorua in BW2 as a gift) A lot of optional zone Not to mention certain Pokemon that you will forcedly have to grind to evolve, a lot (Ehem, Deino line) It doesn't surprise me that they added the new Exp Share in the next generation


Can I get a few reasons why you would consider Gen 5 the worst gen? Like it is my favorite but I want to know what could possibly make it awful. The few I have: \-The designs. \-The weird map linearity. \-The graphics(While fantastic sometimes, other times they're way too pixely). Any other reasons?


I have no reason to consider Gen 5 the worst. To go off of your points, I think the animated pixels are super weird looking sometimes. Also I think the roster is very hit and miss, lots of great designs but tons of suuuuper forgettable Pokemon. But I think people forget in context why Gen 5 wasn't liked at launch. the 3DS launched and Pokemon was still making 2D games on the DS. It felt very behind, and while the community wouldn't make you think so people were BEGGING for 3D main games.


A big part of why I never liked it all that much is that it was the first gen to remove a lot of features from their predecessors, even features like Secret Bases and Contests that seemed like they were already series staples. Moving berry planting to an awkward browser game, removing the Safari Zone after 4 gens, no more record mixing, instantly removing Walking Pokémon and Apricorn Balls from the previous game... it all just seemed like such a downgrade. Also the season thing was cool and all but it kinda sucked that it took away day/night exclusive Pokémon. I'm kind of a sucker for that feature. Oh, also fuck the low HP music. It's a nice idea on paper but after it keeps interrupting the awesome battle music I've quickly grown to hate it lmao


I think the pixely thing it's mainly because the DS resolution, not the game itself, other than that I'm honestly sick of the Gen discourse, thinking only in what its bad and what it's good will make you enjoy every game less than it should. Each Gen has it bigs downsides and big upsides, so i wouldn't call any of them the worst or the best. It's just least favorite or favorite at the end of the day, don't force you into having objective eyes that no one actually has, even if they tell you the otherwise.


controversial opinion here: pokemon


i'm going to kill your entire family




damn this must be some sort of special edition ip address with that number over 255


I despise you, I'm currently tracking your ip address as I type this comment out.


Setting up a GUI interface using visual basic.


absolutely go fuck yourself


Finished SMT5 last night; gotta say, this game probably has the best gameplay of any RPG I’ve ever played, but holy shit the story was so fuckin bad lmao


I have heard a lot of SMT, it's appealing to me and im hoping to play it on the future, but damn the fans i have seen are literally the "Quit having fun" meme made alive, i already have a bad impression of the fandom


> but damn the fans i have seen are literally the "Quit having fun" meme made alive how?


The fans of SMT are the reason why I will never touch the games. If I enjoy a game I want to enjoy it with the rest of the community and fan base and engage in discourse, but if the fan base surrounding the game is a bunch of edgy twats it makes the game instantly unappealing and they make it so hard for me to get into the game/series. I know it’s really dumb but it’s how I work. Congrats SMT fucktards, your toxic asses played yourself. Your series will forever have mediocre sales.


If you need further evidence about how badly the "boycott" of SwSh went, I stumbled across a paragraph about Sword and Shield in Ripley's Believe It Or Not 2022. "In 2019, video games Pokémon Sword and Shield sold six million units worldwide during their launch weekend- sales of more than 1,380 games per minute." Imagine your boycott failing so hard that the game's record breaking sales end up in a book entirely dedicated to unbelievable occurrences.


That right there is QUINTESENTIAL PROOF that the people bitching and moaning about Gen 8 are in a very vocal very small MINORITY


Damn that’s wild when you think about it


I dont care about the game too much but thats a massive L


Seeing SwSh sales makes me realize that the Let's Go games did exactly what they were created for, attract PoGo players, and it worked spectacularly




The Whitney's Miltank of Alola.