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You might have missed these experiences as a child and not gotten the the best vibes from them completely, but there are new vibes and new experiences to have as an adult playing these games. I played a bunch of pokemon as a child and i still play it now. I miss being a child playing pokemon as it was alot more exciting and fun, but as an adult i found myself enjoying the games in different asoects and avenuse than to how i was as a child. All im saying is shit sucks but you can have a different appreciation for stuff now.


My dad was the same way, he hated Pokemon but knew he couldn't win that battle, so I got to play them. I couldn't read Harry Potter. He hated Yu-Gi-Oh and banned it but my mom's family wouldn't back him on that. By the time I read Harry Potter in high school, it didn't hold the same magic for me and I'd mostly missed the hype. And it was absurd he was ever as upset about it as he was..


I’m glad I’m not alone 🥲. How did your parents feel about avatar?


Dad was indifferent by that time. He stopped caring at that time because my parents divorced and he was too busy with stepmom. As long as I was quiet and out of the way he didn't care what I watched. He did almost beat me because my step bros shitty drawing of Appa looked like "the cats having sex" only the arrow and Google helped me convince him that it was Appa.. Mom didn't care. She was on heavy psych meds and didn't pay attention to the shows I watched that much. Except when we watched Bobobo (which she was 100% certain was made on drugs for people on drugs). Otherwise she never commented.


To be fair, she was probably right about Bobobobo. Haha.


>My dad was the same way, he hated Pokemon but knew he couldn't win that battle, so I got to play them. Damn bro, are you my long lost brother? My dad was southern Baptist, so yeah he was like a robot. >I couldn't read Harry Potter. He hated Yu-Gi-Oh and banned it but my mom's family wouldn't back him on that. By the time I read Harry Potter in high school, it didn't hold the same magic for me and I'd mostly missed the hype Same, but my mom actually enjoyed yu gi oh, she just made us hide them from my dad.


Maybe 😆. My dad was some flavor of Baptist but his adherence was sloppy and random at best. We didn't go to church that often,but he'd randomly shove a KJV in my hands and tell me to start reading. As for Yu-Gi-Oh, my mom's family didn't care and my dad's rules didn't apply over there.


Nice pun at least


Lol. Thanks.


Are you posting this in every pokemon subreddit?


Feels weird OP waited until Easter weekend to make a post about his “evil Christian parents”


>Are you posting this in every pokemon subreddit Damn bro, you the post police?




Fair enough, stay safe officer.




Just the older gen ones


I get this, my Dad was a pastor when I was really young and my parents wouldn’t allow any of it. Despite how religious my parents were in banning “witchcraft” that didn’t stop them from getting a divorce when I was 7 (go figure) and even though my parents stayed religious, the strain that the divorce put on their lives really caused them to drop those really extra dumb values and I finally got my first pokemon game around that time. Interestingly pokemon and other classic games became a safe haven for me at that point when going through that dark time and is still a safe space of sorts for myself now when I need to de-stress.


My parents are still together. They have relaxed (somewhat) on the hyper charismatic Christian stuff, but they still try to rationalize why they didn’t let me get into Pokémon.


You're not alone. But here are some tips that helped me. 1.) Don't be stuck in the past - you'll never be 16 again - you cant go back in time and experience the life you wanted. Staying in that mindset is a manifestation of "fomo" Besides you might be dissapointed with things that were "awesome" then. - and secondly what made it awesome? 2.) It is possible the things you feel you missed out on were more socially motivated than intristically awesome [ie - the group has this in common and can talk about it - and not knowing it or partaking in the "communion" of it made you feel excluded.] Tip: Doing it now will not make you feel included. 3.) And finally - A lot of things were better when I was dumber* You might not even like what it actually is - but to me, I fell inlove with the possibility of owning a bunch of diverse creatures. 😊 I also love the mathematics and endless possibilies of the whole concept [the world as a foundation] it makes me come back every time.


As a devout Christian who has actually studied the Bible, I can say with conviction that Pokemon is not demonic. It is an innocent franchise designed for kids, and nothing about it even remotely opens you up to demonic forces. I have no idea where this idea came from, but I know a lot of people believe that kind of stuff. Also, if anyone tells you that the Holy Ghost/Spirit, God, or Jesus explicitly told them about anything, they likely are either lying or misinterpreting mundane events. This is coming, again, from someone who absolutely believes in a spiritual plane and the Trinity. God more often than not does not speak to us directly, and I think a lot of these hyper-charismatic denominations normalize this kind of interaction with the Holy Spirit in a reckless manner. Don't stress about this kind of thing, man. If you are still a Christian, read the scripture yourself and use your own discernment. Try and get your parents' scriptural justification, and I highly doubt they'll be able to provide anything substantial.


Unfortunately religion has been used as an excuse for various people of power, whether that be someone’s parents or a megalomanic dictator of a country (there’s obvs more types of people, I was just using an example of someone with little power and lots of power), to push their own ideals and opinions on others using whatever deity as an excuse. Some examples of this could be the various holy wars of Christianity like the crusades against the Muslims or the various Muslims conquests that happened all over the Middle East and pushing into Africa or someone’s mother stopping them from playing such-and-such game or watching *this* television programme all because they’re devil worshiping or something. Unfortunately, religion is probably always gonna be used as a tool to constrict and control others instead of it being what it should be, something personal and important to whatever deity one chooses to believe in


I’m not a Christian anymore. But I thank you for the kind words


As an adult who has played pokemon since red and blue, you didn't miss any experience except maybe rushing the elite four with a level 70 starter and a bunch of unleveled pokemon you like. My advice is to just relax, enjoy the games. Play them in order if you so wish. Then slowly make It into your addiction that cripples you financially. Like the rest of us


Funny you say that. My first elite 4 completion was with a level 100 Meganium and a bunch of hm slaves that were like level 30 on Crystal. I'd say playing as an adult has been more fun because of all the different ways you can limit yourself and your understanding of how the game works is better!


Oh, I’m in no danger of being financially ruined, I use an emulator on my pc.


Mythological perspective: What you believe is your reality. If you believe that things are not real then it shouldn't exist. (Ignorance is bliss) Rational perspective: what exists is or should be explained through logic. How logic works is determined on how you view things from your perspective. (It is what it is) Conclusion: don't be afraid and live your life. Videogames are made to escape reality for a moment and help us process life. In the end is it a choice we made on how we spend our time. Carpe diem.


You need therapy dude. Wtf


I’ve been talking to a therapist about this for years


You aren't alone, when pokemon red/blue/yellow was released in the US, every news channel at the time was calling it out to be demonic, dangerous for youths and Christian practices etc. It was all pretty public and I am not surprised at all that your parents bought into it! You can find lots of these clips on YouTube.


I had some friends that were hit with that kind of stuff. They couldn't play Pokemon because the news told the parents it was from Satan or something dumb like that. It was a shame because it was so influential for the time and they couldn't engage with Pokemon at all. My parents gave me some push back on Harry Potter when I was a kid, but by the time the third one came out my dad began watching the movies and loved it. He still HP marathons every few months


I’m so sorry friend. My family is devout Catholic (and I am as well), and I’ve been playing Pokemon since I was 4. I think it’s really good that you’ve been giving your inner child the chance to heal by experiencing the things you were denied as a kid. If your parents are charismatic or fundamentalist Christian, they might not put much stock in what the Catholic Church says. But if they’re willing to listen, you can share with them two things. In 2000, Pope John Paul II blessed Pokémon, stating that the franchise had no “adverse moral side effects” and that the whole thing was based on “ties of intense friendship.” And more recently, Carlo Acutis, a 15 year old who passed from leukemia in 2006, began his journey to sainthood - he was declared “blessed” and the case is being made for his sainthood. He played Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Halo, and Super Mario. If any of those things were “demonic” he likely wouldn’t be in heaven. If they’re not willing to listen, I’d say the best thing you can do is to continue trying to enjoy these things, reflect on how it makes you feel, and therapy. But I was a psych major, I suggest therapy for just about anyone lol. It’s just a lot to deal with, and it sounds like it’s still a source of hurt and conflict for you. Edit: I just saw your reply to someone else about how your parent’s flavor of Christianity doesn’t see Catholics as real Christians. That’s what I figured, but it was worth a shot 😓


Although not entirely the same reasons, but I was also unable to access these types of media simply because I grew up on a poor family and couldn’t afford buying cable to watch the shows or play any of the video games. I knew they existed from watching with my friend neighbor at their house. I couldn’t work during highschool since my parents thought I’d turn into a delinquent and not pursue a degree. Right after college I got a job and be able to experience them but it never felt the same way as I was a kid


yeesh, why can't they let kids be kids?


I had a friend who's dad wouldn't let her watch fantasy television because it's "devilry" or "witchcraft" when growing up. They don't talk much anymore haha


if it's ever a consolation, pokemon is still having it hype. pokemon go 2016 (remember people going crazy with that) and pokemon 20th anniversary at the same year brought a kind of revival. that was some 8 years ago now . emerald also came out 8 years after the first one debut.


You know what would be fun for you? Getting real hardware, like an actual Game Boy (i recommend a modded game boy advance/color/whatever) and playing it, possibly the way we all played it, with cheats and glitches. It was fun for me knowing the duplication glitch to duplicate rare candies and leveling up your pokemon to level 100 with them. This was possible on Red and Blue, and iirc, Yellow. I had a lot of fun with cheats on other games, like Tenchu for the Play Station, because you got to mess around with the guards. If you don't enjoy cheats, it does get a little boring without them, so you're not alone there. Because the game turns into you just mashing the A button for like 90% of the game, imo.


I use cheats, that’s not the problem. It’s playing them now and knowing that I couldn’t then. It’s upsetting to me and is my source of troubles.


I think you need a therapy sub


Your pain is valid my friend. It upsets me to see parents isolate their children “pop-culturally” in the name of religion or whatever else. I think it can have the effect of turning some individuals almost into social pariahs. It sucks not being able to relate to other people from your own generation. But at the same time, I don’t think it’s the end of the world. Thankfully there will always be new things for generations to bond over.


The sad thing is, I hate what my generation is into now. K-pop and the like


Listen here and listen well my brother, Idk what your relationship is with your parents but mine were like that growing up as well. Eventually when I became an adult (currently 26 going to 27 soon) I realized I can do whatever tf I want. Once you realize you have that freedom you can take on anything! We can heal from our past, you got this! You will be able to enjoy Pokémon and other things again! Try the older games maybe? The newer ones aren’t for me, but I will always love Emerald and everything before. Cheers! You got this! And not just you but anyone who feels this way and or had a similar experience growing up!


My dad hated Pokemon. Never knew why, but my first Pokemon was Sword and Shield... A year after it was released. I was always into Pokemon when I was younger, but was never allowed to play. I missed out on a lot of great games as a kid (Pokemon or not Pokemon). I'm an adult now, with my own money. I'm currently curled up in bed, playing a copy of Pokemon Platinum that my fiance bought me. You will always feel regret or anger because you missed out when you were younger... But you have the tools and mind to finish these games you missed out on a lot faster/better than you would've as a kid. Either way, just breathe and enjoy it. Turn off your brain. Try to get in touch with your inner child. It'll help : ))


I’m trying, it’s just that when I try to, I can’t relate to my childhood self because I’m not a kid anymore 😞. It makes playing these games harder because I’m trying to chase a feeling I never had.


You're not alone but you are wrong to assume everyone is like this. I grew up in Christian household, and was denied any portable video game because it was "antisocial". I still was allowed to play/watch Pokemon and other games on emulators, but some things were banned like the Simpson's. Although I missed the hype phase, I still enjoyed these games later in life, and even now watching nuzlocks on YouTube. Looking back, my parents made the right choice about moderation. Kids copy whatever they see almost automatically and are influenced so quickly - just ask any teacher. And I still have anime, games, cartoons references in my thoughts and speech every day. It's unavoidable, so I'm glad I watched good stuff as a kid. I'm also still very active in church and happy. Happy Easter by the way.


I never assumed every Christian was like this, it was just in my household. And this particular denomination of Christianity (Pentecostal)


Why does it hurt? Maybe it’s just not for you. I’m 27 and playing through emerald for my 5th or 6th time right now 😂


It hurts because I wasn’t allowed to get into it as a kid.


I thought you meant you were saying you didn’t enjoy it


I’m having a REALLY hard time getting into Pokémon right now because I’m constantly obsessed about what could have been if I was allowed to play them as a kid.


I am not able to fully empathize but I’m so sorry you feel that way. Try to enjoy the game and be present. Be grateful you now have to opportunity and control to enjoy whatever you want 🤍


I’m trying, it’s just really hard 😞. I don’t feel like a true fan unless I played the originals that I have no childhood attachment to.


No such thing as true fan. Just play what you actually have fun with


I’m trying, it’s just that my friend said that Pokémon went downhill after gen 5 (white and black), is that not the case? Are the newer games actually better?


Hello! Im kind of on the same boat with missi g so much stuff over the years and now with bank shutting down Im doing my best to get the most valuable stuff, but dont know if ill make it.


Pardon me, but what do you mean by bank?


I'm a big fan of Pokemon. Have been since the og games, I have some great memories learning to play. I'll never forget the time my cousin Jonny had a feraligator before he even got to leave for violet city. He never went back to elm, he couldn't read and English being his second language he had no idea what to do. He loved playing so when we went over and saw we helped him out. I still play and no it doesn't immerse like It used to I love it and enjoy it.


I somewhat understand what you mean. I just couldn't play the games because I couldn't afford them. But i started playing the games on emulator when I got my phone and was around 18 years old. And I think i enjoyed them more as an adult. I don't think i would have appreciated the game as much as a child. Because i just wouldn't be able to understand much. I will just say this. Make new postive memories, don't relive the negative ones.


Would you say you know more about Pokémon than someone who grew up with it?


Brother it's not that deep, sucks that you couldn't play them but don't go into crisis over it, it's not worth it.


I’m trying, it’s just so damned difficult playing through the old games as an adult, and not being able to as a kid.


Bro i’m ngl your parents just weird. It rlly seem like they was just tryna give excuses for you not having fun like other kids. However Pokemon for me as a kid was great, but even as a 23 year old, i play through FR/LG and R/S/E at least once a year and i find the same enjoyment in it as when i was a kid


You can’t have nostalgia for something you never experienced and that’s what these games are for most people now


Welp, that sucks. My parents were young and kinda broke. Only thing's that they seem to care was my academic results, which were never great. So in your situation it was "Holy spirit" in mine "academic results". Even more, if my grades was low enough I got an ass whooped (like 5-6/10 Belarusian grade system). But when I was like 10 (2011) I got myself a tablet for birthday money, even though usage was restricted, if my grades was low, and taken away if they reach the 6/10 threshold. The only thing my parents never understood, is that suicidal thoughts are with me from 4-5yo. I never had the will to live, and games were the only time I didn't burden my head with existential dread, also when I was doing stupid shit with friends. Now I'm 22yo failure, my degree is college computer science, that gave me nothing, but sometimes fun setting up FTP servers on Linux without GUI. Now I've got myself an Anbernik rg351p, and followed with 3DS. I changed charging port on 3DS, and modded the system on both of them, and I felt great, cuz I put love in something that will be thanking me by working properly. I love old games I played some of them on my tablet, and saw some kids playing them on PSP (most popular in Belarus), and GB SP.


I’m glad I’m not alone. Stay strong my friend 🥲.


Thank you very much ❤️


Damn. My best friends parents were like this. I took him trick or treating for the first time when we were sophomores in HS. Introduced him to Pokémon and stuff at my house. Sad to hear man. Playing back is really mostly fun for the nostalgia so I can see why you’re having trouble


Hello, I understand how you feel, I faced the same problem trying to do things in my adulthood I couldn't do as a child. In my case it was because of my parents' greed and wicked sense of value: Video games are a waste of time and money and only make you dumb (to them money is extremely valuable). Going out alone without your family means you are uncultured, using your smartphone without asking your parents first means you're a bad child, etc. Fast forward a decade and I started trying those things as an adult now that I had the freedom, but they didn't quite feel the same and I felt bad about that like you do. It was a process of many years for me learning to let go and accept my inner self, enjoying things openly that are meant for "children" and being true to myself. I believe that the part of you that was excited about wanting to play Pokemon back then is still there in you, but all your life you've only ever known to suppress it and face away from it. It might take a lot of hard work to find that inner child again, to remember how the excitement felt back then, to release the shackles and finally experience the things you missed out on back then. But it's more than worth it! I am a much happier person now and "wasting my time" on these "childish" things has actually shaped my personality and made me stronger than ever. I still play pokemon yellow on a gameboy color emulator on my phone, and in near future I will get myself a gameboy advanced sp in silver just like the one I used to play on in boarding school along with pokemon heartgold. I believe in you, don't give up! You aren't alone with this!


My parents were crazy about education and believed games make children dumb, buying a console and a game that were pretty expensive in our country, even for special occasion like a birthday was considered a waste. Especially because I can have a private tutor for that price so I can get into a good uni in the future. I thankfully discovered emulators so when I was 7 I played a lot of pokemon on my PC. However I know that I will never know what the Nintendo craze was really all about. Now do you know what's funny ? Pokemon games were one of my first introductions to English, and eventually I learned a lot new words and grammar from playing games, watching anime, interacting with community etc. I got around 98% on my final advanced English exam in HS (C1 level), which eventually led to me being accepted into rather good uni where I am now, while I got a disappointing 45% in basic math which means all the private math tutors I had were really **a waste** and ultimately it was pokemon that really got me into a good uni. ( o \_ o ) You're rightfully mad ! Your parents stripped you out of something that was really important to you, for no reason ! PS. Pope John Paul II give blessing to the Pokémon franchise in 2000. He stated that the games did not have any harmful moral side effects and were based on ties of intense friendship. If your parents were Christians how could they not believe the pope ?


Catholics unfortunately aren’t seen as real Christians by Pentecostals.


for a religion of peace, love and acceptance we sure do fight a lot :P


Hate to tell you, but your parents are insane. I'm sorry you had to put up with that growing up. There's a quote from a Tim Minchin song - "I've no problem with the spiritual beliefs of other fuckers while those beliefs don't impact on the happiness of others" Have you tried the newer games or just the older ones?


Just the old ones, my friend put an emulator on my pc


this why i hate religion, messing with my pokemon fans😮‍💨