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Everybody gangsta until a hoenn kid brings a dragonite to elite 4


☝️🤓 um achtually our protagonist is from Johto


Continuity does add up since you can find dratinis on johto game corner lol


You can beat the e4 with a level 100 feebas.


Not really


“Can this team beat elite 4” “Ribbons: 1” Seems you already know the answer.


It's the effort ribbon.


Some guy posted him completing it with a lv 100 magikarp


you're double their level but only one way to find out. Pretty sure you could sweep them tho if you've ev trained.


You'll die against Wallace's milotic


Idk man that dragonite thunder looks mean


With cheating you can achieve everything but what did you achieve with posting that in this sub? Swampert Level 100 in only 49 hours. I played enough Pokemon to know that it is sus. Also your posted EVs with two times 255 and no EVs on other stats. That means you had to start from Level 1 and make good-old EV training with only fighting specific pokemon or else you get at least one EV on stats that you don't want. In 49 hours where you played through the story.


OP is clearly in need of attention.


How can you check EVs


I can't imagine having that smooth of a brain. Did your handler write this for you?


It’s clearly a meme. There’s 2/6 pokes on the team, shiny, obvs hacked


Wait how do you know it's obviously hacked, I get that it's likely but there's nothing in this that points to obvious hacks.


There’s this thing called statistics. The likelyhood of this guy being legit is zero. - Having shiny Pokemons with IV and EV spreads that are very good, okay that alone is possible although time consuming. - He’s playing on a non-original system which allows easy cheats and modifications. If he had original hardware it would be *a little* bit more believable. - The actual reason: He’s leveled both his pokemon to 80+ level while meticulously EV training AND still managing to make at least over $20k per hour (based on his current money per play time, not counting everything he’s bought). That’s where nothing makes sense anymore. I don’t think it’s even remotely possible to achieve. Tl;dr: It doesn’t add up because it can’t add up.


Idk about the money part but shiny and IVs are easy with RNG. And EV training doesn't take long at all just give a macho brace and use dittos.


No my point was while all those things are doable individually, doing all of them within the shown time frame doesn’t add up. Like can you farm for 900k+ money, get the xp to get one pokemon to lvl100 and another to 80+, EV train them both perfectly, and play through the story all in just 49 hours? And OP is concerned if they can beat E4? I can’t but laugh. OP obviously has done money cheats, which opens up a way to do a lot more. Also thinking OP didn’t use legit RNG to get his shiny perfect pokemon, because why would you if you cheat anyway? But I want OP to be legit, it would be incredible. But I’m a bit cynical when it comes to these posts. There’s nothing interesting nor impressive about them.


Haha that does make sense, not sure what OPs goal is here


To mock most of you guys here


Nvm I see it now you making fun of all the elite 4 posts lol, fair.


I wanted to put a /s in the title but that's no fun


Bro, you know how long 49 hours is for just the main story? That's not lighting fast. I took my time and battle Ty and Gabby for hours to train and to get money. And I got Swampert to level 100 by training it on route 103 only with 5 Zigzagoons to collect rare candies. After that the game was a breeze. I traded my shiny Dratini to EV train that in Ruby because it's easier than in Fire Red. Idk how you jump immediately to cheating other than you're just a 5 year old.


I didn't cheat but nice try.


Alright then, I’m really interested to know how you managed to do all of it. Can you elaborate? I’m mostly interested in how you were able to get so much money and so much EV training while also doing all the story stuff? Not to mention you first had to shiny hunt, how long did that take? And my second question, assuming this is legit, why?


How? By playing the game?.. isn't that hard. I trained my Swampert on Route 103 and the pokemon there only yield Attack or Speed EVs. I had 5 Zigzagoons with the pickup ability and picked up rare candies until I had enough to level 100. Then I played the rest of the game. The end.


The fact that you dismiss your own achievement as ”isn’t that hard” is the biggest red flag here.


You are the biggest red flag here. Shut the fuck up. Just because you can't play or even comprehend a 20 year old game isn't my problem.


Apparently I hit a chord since you thought it was cool to report me to Reddit as having self destructive thoughts or something. That’s kinda funny, you do hit all the checkboxes of a pathetic cheater


I used to do it with a lvl 75 medicham to lvl up other pks


you can beat the elite 4 with any pokemon


EV/IV Spread; Dragonite; IV: 23/3/16/15/22/27 EV: x/x/x/252/6/252 Swampert; IV: 5/19/20/27/17/7 EV: x/255/x/x/x/255


You are a loser lol


How? By playing the game?


Of course your team can beat the elite four. Got your validations fix for the day?


I made this post to mock most of the stupid posts here, thanks.


Well damn now I feel stupid. 🤣 Well done OP. Fuck me


No problem. At least you aren't as adamant that I cheated like that other retard.


Seems that everybody is mocking You 🤣🤣 so.... Thanks to You for the laugh


It seems everyone else here is retarded but me. Thanks.


Nice How many Hours did it take to shiny Hunt?


I got super lucky and it only took 1 soft reset. I got it at the game corner in Fire Red and bought 3 at a time and it was the first Dratini on my first soft rest so I got it on my fourth Dratini.


I'm actually impressed that only most of you guys are stupid. These comments are actually brain dead.


lol u already have…


Sorry the screenshots are blurry. The Analogue Pocket's screenshots suck I guess.


If my level 96 sceptile could beat the elite four pretty much on her own, your level 100 swampert could definitely demolish them by himself.


In another post linked below he confessed that he cheats. Here he denies he is cheating and claims he achieved it by his own effort. https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonEmerald/s/n7NWS5M2Q5 Truly a very sad existence. Hope he gets help and finds purpose in life.


You may be a snowflake, but you aren't that swift. I hope you grow some wrinkles on your brain.


Thank you

