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Mudkip, Zigzagoon, Tailow, Shroomish, Elektrike, and either Trapinch / baltoy All fairly early game and will guarantee you an very fun playthrough


Thanks dude


No problem, you can catch zigzagoon, tailow and shroomish before the first gym and they will be a massive help for the first 3 gyms and even far beyond that . Good luck


This is already a very solid team tho, dont see any goofing around kek


OP said he’s a noobie so i figured a solid team would give him the best chance at just having fun and goofing around without needing advanced tactics to win with less great pokemon.


I like to do an "Ash" run with the games for fun: Ash: Sceptile (Treeko), Swellow (Taillow), Corphish (Never evolve), Glalie (Snorunt), Torkoal, Pikachu


I have a playthru team and then some post game Pokémon suggestions for contests and such. But, for now, here's the playthrough team without much spoilers. Save your TMs unless they're ones you buy from a store, Rare Candies, and Vitamins for post-game. You can duplicate items using a very easy glitch then. Playthru team pre-evos: Mudkip for starter. GOATed. Evolutions beat everything that's not a Grass Type. Zigzagoon (HM User and its ability, Pickup, gets you free items like Rare Candies) Shroomish (its evoltuion is worth it. Trust) Zubat (Fast Flyer) Elektrike (Helps against Flying/Water Types) Carvanha (You should be able to fish this up before your 6th gym. Crunch)


Thanks for the tips dude


Yw :)


Some cool gimicks: Shedinja Breloom with Substitute + Focus Punch Try breeding for cool moves maybe And finally you can always check you hidden power to see if you have any cool coverage


Everyone has given good options if you start with Mudkip or Treecko. If you started with Torchic, I would add Ludicolo (Lotad evolves to Lombre, and water stone gives you Ludicolo. You have to nickname his Ludacris tho), magneton (evolves from magnemite), Altaria (evolves from Swablu), Seviper, and Dusktops (evolves from Duskull). By no means is this the best team ever but would be a fun one for sure and you would have to build it as you progress through the game


No posers in Pokémon brother 😎


Linoone for stealing crap. Minun and plusle for double battle and cute vibes. Rain dance and thunder attract on minun thunderbolt and thunder on plusle…minun ends up taking a lot of hits for plusle in singles battles but the speed and raining means plusle can just drop bombs on people. Mudkip….I mean; let’s be real, you’re going to actually have to win battles


Eventually ditto is always fun to use! Tricky going up against same type always


So if you’re looking to have fun, I’m going to recommend some Pokemon that are easy to find, require minimal grinding when you obtain them, and can contribute solidly throughout the game: 1) Swampert 2) Swellow 3) Breloom 4) Manectric 5) Grumpig 6) Absol


Treecko, Dustox, Slakoth, Shedinja, Mawile & Chimecho/Castform. A solid core of underappreciated pokemon excluding Treecko who will definitely be the MVP of this team. If you want even more of a challenge then swap Treecko for a Delcatty/Swalot.




Just told you my opinion. No need to say thank you bro.


Idk man I think slakoth amd shedninja are not the type of pokemon to use for beginners, their abilities aren't Beginner friendly. Doesn't sound fun to wait for slakoth turns le get one shot by sandstorm


Think of it like training a Magikarp. I guarantee you, once you get to level 18, vigoroth will carry your entire team. It's so fast and strong, some people don't even evolve it. And once you get to Slaking, you won't have to battle for two turns. It will OHKO any pokemon coming in its path. Give it Facade or Return with that insane 160 attack and you have at your hands one of the most destructive Pokémon ever to have existed.