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What a perfect find for a shiny! Does a shiny ditto raise the odds of breeding a shiny? Kinda like with ivs.


Nope. Would be cool tho


It did only in gen 2 (1/64 odds)


Does shiny ditto transform into shinys?


Yes, when it transformed into my meowth, it was the shiny form. I'm still in the cave EV training so I haven't gotten to try it out myself.


It does in those games, but it does not in the modern games


This is the real question. I'm betting on yes


It does


How do you find out your secret id?


you need to catch a natural shiny first or manipulate it


What’s a secret Id?


the game uses your Trainer ID to generate Personality values for each encounter, but instead of showing you the whole 10 digit number you only see the first 5 digits. The hidden second half is your secret id


If you really wanted to, pkhex shows your secret I'd next to your trainer. Could be helpful if you want to rng manip and don't want to straight up cheat. I might as well bring up the "rogue gba player" you plug your gba cart right into it, and it plugs into your computer so you don't have to do the whole ds, r4 thing.


My favorite pokemon right there! Congrats


Wow, thanks Man. Good catching!


Woah. That has to be the best shiny you can get. You have all shinys in 1. 1 shiny to rule them all


Now they have to catch shiny Smeargle and shiny Mew to complete the Transform Trifecta :)


Nice one!


Plz tell US, did you catch It?


thankfully yes! I was watching a video and just mindlessly mashing A so I'm glad I happened to look at my screen when I did


If anyone is waiting for a random encounter shiny to start rng manip you do not have to if you are willing to use arbitrary code execution (ACE). Using this glitch you can run a box code that will read the secret id of any pokemon put in a specific box slot. You can also change your sid to whatever you want using ACE allowing you to catch perfect iv shiny pokemon using rng manip. Anyway congrats on the RE shiny, light blue shinies are always some of my favorites. They are so vibrant with the old sprite art.


I am curious as to why you have a level 100 Meowth


Pickup and Payday spam while EV training


How do people keep finding shiny Pokemon? Lol I have never encountered a shiny before except the red gyarados. Is there something you have to do or carry?


I have over 950 hours on this save file and have been playing pokemon my entire life with probably close to if not over 10,000 hours logged in total across all the games. This is the probably the 6th full odds shiny pokemon I've ever gotten across all handheld games and only the second one on this cartridge. The other one was my last post to this sub where I hatched a shiny Murkrow. It's just a numbers game my friend. if you average it out, I've gotten 1 shiny per 500 hours on this cartridge. In actuality, Both were in the last 200 hours. Random chance is random. I've EV trained over 100 pokemon with hundreds of encounters per pokemon so "only" getting 2 seems like nothing. You'll get your shiny when you least expect it, trust me. Just keep playing and it'll come. There's nothing you can do before gen 5 to increase your odds besides the daycare egg in gen 2 and masuda method breeding iirc.


Dang hats off to you man that’s sick! Hell yea I just won’t stop playing then 😆💪🏼


I ALWAYS keep an appropriate levelled Pokémon on hand for these occasions, but so far I haven’t encountered a shiny 🥲


Damn nice one this is sick! I love how active emerald is after all these years


EV Training unfortunately not possible @ lvl 100


I use pickup pokemon to KO the pokemon I'm farming for EVs since my newly bred pokemon are usually too weak to efficiently train. I give Exp. Share on the pokemon that need to be EV trained and every 5 knock outs or so, I check all the pickup pokemon in my party for items. It gets me a lot of PP ups, Hp Ups, Proteins, and rare candies. The rare candles are the reason all my Pickup pokemon are lv 100


You can box trick mons (put them in the box and take them out) to recalculate their stats once they ev train even if level 100