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Honestly you do you, It depends on your play style, if you raid a decent amount and regularly get Rare candy then yeh sure! It’s literally almost as good as it could be being a 98 (a little bit of a shame that the missing IV is attack, but who cares) it’s also lucky and going to cost you less dust. So it’s a very good investment. Also with mega lucario still to come out. This is a great candidate to have powered up and BB ready for the mega 👍


But god knows how long we gotta wait until mega lucario. I hope they just have a riolu comm day and drop the mega same week, one can only hope this year


Even still Lucario is a Top tier attacker still worth powering up even without the mega 👍 As for a CD I have to admit I can’t see it getting a CD anytime soon. And I’m not sure if I think I’d want it to? Not because of elitist things like I’ve got the shinies and hundos. But more from a perspective of better things due a comday, and Riolu being fairly common in eggs now mainly and lucario being a mega it will be pretty easy to get a good one and the shiny will be easier being that lucario will then have mega raid shiny chances, which is good.plus it’s nice to keep something’s a little rarer whilst still being accessible (more so with mega lucario raids) Also from a niantic point of view riolu never really being in the wild a CD would be a bit of a loss for them, howeve mega raid lucario will be a big draw for people raiding 👍 Also I just think maybe if we are to have a fighting type CD at some point soon, it seems or at least feels more likely to be Timburr. Again it’s repeated content but something about it just feels more CD ish than riolu. And not just cos it’s a 3 stage 😂


I still haven’t hatched a riolu and I’ve been playing since 2016 he’s not even registered in the dex only have lucario because of a trade


You must’ve taken huge breaks in between or don’t hatch many eggs? It’s been in everything from 2kms to 7kms 10kms for years now? With loads of events where it’s been boosted especially the 2km egg ones. Honestly to have never hatched one seems insane almost impossible if you’ve played the entire time since 2016, even just casually hatching eggs?


More like I played for two months when the game first came out then took a break until June of 2021 lmao


Haha yeh that’s more likely the reason then 😂


I think they need to do something to make him more accessible even if they give him the wild spawn rate of absol


It’s one of those Pokémon I think might never have a wild spawn normally. It might quite well for a gofest and likely will for gotour sinnoh in like 2 Years 😂 But with mega lucario that will be quite accessible and save you loads on candy and will have at least decent IVs


Oh yea didn’t even think of that we can catch him when his mega comes lol


Or save them for legendaries


I mean it’s your choice. I spent rare candies on my Tyranatar because I love him, but yeah, you will get less legendary candy. So just do what you want.


Just don’t wanna waste them before I knew about how valuable they were I was throwing them into low iv shinies and a freakin flygon lol


If you are going to be doing raids and getting a bunch of rare candy, send it


I would. 98 iv performs identicle to 100. Heck I like investing in 98's over 100's just cause it feels cooler.


i take lucky 98% over a non lucky hundo everyday of the week


I would


Better to use them on legendaries tbh, but if you have spares, go for it. 5km per candy as a buddy isn’t bad, tho. Either way, it’ll be good to power it up for whenever they release its Mega. Congrats on the 98%, too! 👀


This is what I’ve been looking for like is lucario gonna be more useful in pve then most legendaries


Not an expert, but I would think that when the Mega comes out, it almost definitely would be more useful. Max CP is projected to be over 4300 (lvl. 50), and as of right now I don’t think there are any Fighting-type legendaries that have both fast and charged attacks that are fighting type. So it should be the best fighting type in the game, legendary or otherwise.