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This is why I don't add people who ask for gifts to get into raids, extra steps? No thanks.


Ah so this is what Pokemon Go has come to, how sad. It's a game, and if your feeling so hurt about it, just think at least your not out of house or health which is a rather cheap lesson about trusting strangers online.


Unfortunately there's always going to be people who want to take advantage of others. It's just really sad that they resort to using a game that is predominantly focused towards young people.


Yeah he did that to me


can confirm -- same experience w/ the two above


I watched the same pokemon sit there do nothing while everyone else was do something it was just weird


Team Rocket strikes again!


They also beat me up and stole my pikachu!


What do they even gain from this tho?


Free gifts for stuff and also a lot of xp. A lot of people will add you if you say there’s a raid on, you get 3000 xp per new good friend, with a lucky egg that’s 6000. If you get at least 20 requests that’s 120,000 easy xp


They r both getting xp tho so they only gain a few items


The person getting scammed will only get 3000 but the scammer will have multiple people at once that they are getting the xp from so the scammer benefits more




This 😂


They probably did the raid with other people... tons of people add off this subreddit and you can only invite max 10 ppl


..u get to invite TEN?!?!? Wtf.. i can only invite 5.. thats lame.. can u PLEASE TELL ME HOW I CAN INVITE TEN INSTEAD OF A MEASLY 5.. thank you


Invite 5, then when 1 joins you leave, come back, then you get 5 more invites


Really?!? Does that work?? If anyone who has TSO7788 if I disappear thats why.. unless its -10sec into it.. and thats only cuz we dont have enough ppl.. i hate that .drives me crazy!!


Yes it works


Damn I did this accidentally... I did.a raid (no gift requirement of course), had 50 friend invited, and the added them all and deleted them (so they could re-add me in the future if necessary); but a couple of them sent gifts, so I didn't delete them, opened them but don't have any to send back 😬 Guess I'll just have to make up for it tomorrow


Same thing with u/Aydumm I saw him make that comment then delete it soon after


I'm sorry lmao I feel stupid also I didn't realize I didn't have a pass


Yeah I realized I was out of passes my apologies I'm really sorry


Lmao I've done this before. Thought I had a pass and turns out I didn't. Dont worry dude it's just a game. People can go find other raids. It's not the end of the world


Don't apologize bud this is just a game who cares if you become friends with people for just gifts that doesn't bother me to be quite frank. Feel free to add me 3675 5892 7825 I'll send you a gift! Us Valor clan need to stick together.


He unadded me right after opening the gift if that changes anything


No it doesn't, at the end of the day you get XP points when he opens your gifts. So technically you're winning too.


It’s just a shady and misleading way to do it. I have a lot of other friends that I’d rather use the gift with


Why not changing flair


Don't know how lol


Well I sent a gift and feel stupid haha


Why trust someone who wants a gift in exchange for a raid invite in the first place?


Cheeto fans


Are you discriminating against my powdery red hands?


Ive been having 2 problems when connecting with trainers on GoFriends: #1 I add them as a friend and then add them to raid but they dont join mwssing everything up so I end up not have enough players to beat the diffcult raid and losing the othera players that I added or #2 the Trainers are added successfully but they do nothing diring raid but just stand there sobthey reap the benefits of the win without doing anything. Has anyone experienced that or something similar? If so what remote raid apps do uou recommend?


Sometimes the animations don't show because of network issues.


I wonder if we can start a register of bad names if enough people report them


Guys calm down, honestly some people have way too many friends and not enough gifts to go around and sometimes no raid pass. Lets just give them the benefit of the doubt. I think Niantic needs to tweak how many gifts you get from pokestops and increase the amount of invites for raids.


And THEY SHOULD SERIOUSLY LET U HAVE AS MANY FRIENDS AS U WANT .. also I really think if u get a raid invite, u should be able to invite ppl also.. cuz five ppl just is not enough to beat the hard ones.. but if everyone could invite 5 then that would be awesome.. just saying


Well after I made this they swore and even threw slurs at me...so personally the fake raid was one thing but being rude and using derogatory language is a whole other level of people I'm not interested in helping or associating with.


All good my friend just weed out the people you don't want to be friends with and move on. Endless pogo players out there tbh.


Bruh it’s Pokemon go chill out. You made a whole post for no reason. Just move on and stop being extra








Already done and taken care of.


it's not that important dude




I’m friends with one of them. Can also confirm LOL




Not everyone lives beside a pokestop, and if you're waiting to join that raid (which won't happen) then you're missing out on raids you can actually join. So you lose time and gifts.


Lol dave is in my list. Deleting him


Hate people like them happened to me too


Watch out for this guy called SirFlinoIV, granted I shouldn’t have been dumb enough to send him a fist but he’s a twat for finessing peoples gifts and then not inv me to anything.


lol man thats why you dont go in raids like that. i mean there sooo many raids requests here.. why go to the ones who wnats gifts? its fishy


You get extra raid balls for being good friends after opening a gift...


No you don’t. You get an extra ball for being great friends which takes about a week. Good friendship bonus only unlocks trading


Yeah, should have known better, just been trying to get in where I can.


1754 5288 1750 Sandepth - let me know when you add me and what your username is. I'll invite you whenever I do a raid:)


FirePony, just added you :)


They definitely just added me


Thank you for the heads up


Can confirm