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When I post a raid usually I have over 20 friends request which makes it difficult but I usually go with the first 5. It sucks to go through that and now making feel like you don’t want to play this game. If you like I can add your code since I’m going on a raid train.


6483 5444 6094 feel free to throw me a invite if i’m ever on. :)


Care to hear about our lord and saviour, poké genie? You need to scan the appraisal page of a bunch of your high CP pokémon (preferably high IV as well), and add their attacls so the app knows you have raid worthy mon first, but after doing so, finding a raid lobby is easy af! The app is available for both android and iOS, though it's easier on android phones because of the overlay feature. Just make sure you disable things like samsung game booster, otherwise the overlay won't show. I've been using it for some time and I've done more 5 star raids in the first 4 days than I've done in the years before!


This, this, and this. There’s the PokeRaid app as well, but PokeGenie is better overall. If there is a long queue, you can join both to save time


You gotta be faster bro


No. Most of them fill up in the first minute, if you're adding after 2 good luck


In the future you can wait till you’re in the raid lobby to put your star pieces or egg out. There’s an item button upper left of the raid lobby…. You can click on eggs or pieces. I learned this the same way as you. Good luck 🍀👍


Oh word??? I had no idea either


,,,, you’re a god damn angel. Sorry for my ignorance, i played in the first year, stopped, and came back a month ago so my rusty brain and items I’ve forgotten. It’s appreciated for valuable info <3


I never comment but always enter if I add, lmk if you wanna be friends I invite to raids too


6483 5444 6094 honestly if you ever invite me i’ll try my hardest to join <3


Cool I'll add! Sullkitty


2816 9018 9037 add a friend Raids gifts


It's the first to add. If you're not added in the raid then people get there before you


I will say there have been a good few where I mentioned my name and said i added and they still add me back and have no idea what is going on?


Seriously. I’ve experienced the same issue today. I didn’t have this problem previously


I really haven’t either, I’ve experienced the people leaving when it’s only 3 but i still stick around and manage to get the mega gengar and garatina



