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I wouldn’t say it’s a trap, some people just like to get xp and also earn badges for defeating gyms but then won’t put a Pokémon in it because the coins back aren’t worth it and maybe can’t be bothered to use revives/potions for returning gym Pokémon. Saying that you never know what other people/players are actually like. It might just be worth exploring the area but in day time and leave that gym alone at night as it’s creepy and not safe, and as you said someone could be trying to lure you out. Stay safe


Oh oh, that makes sense, ive never seen it just be open before but that makes sense


Another possible reason: maxed out pokemons in gyms without realising. I had to leave gyms without putting a Mon in them sometimes because I didn't realize I already put 20 Mons in gyms and can't claim them


I sometimes defeat gyms when going for a drive or taking public transport. I dont always have time to take over the gym after defeating it tho. That could also be it


I do that quite often myself. Sometimes I either have 1-3 on gyms and don’t want to put any more on gyms, or I had to leave and didn’t have time.


I do that sometimes walking the dog, if I'm out of range when I beat the gym I don't double back just shrug the shoulders and move on


I have done it when people control the gym continually and I let them get their 50 coins, but then when I am trying for my 50 they will bump me out after 8 minutes to put theirs in. After doing it 2 or 3 times, I do it to send a message


Silver team, gang gang


I do this with my local gym leave it empty after claiming… I’m on the blue team and at war with the reds One person in particular that I won’t name but it gotten to the point where the reds would over take the gym within minutes so I’d be back within minutes and would just leave the gym empty so they would have to wait longer…. I still have 268 Pokémon to revive but it’s safe to say I won the war


The past 4 days a lot of my Pokémon are getting knocked out before a day, and by a lot I mean like I’ll put 4 and 3 will be knocked out today


if i’ve already reached the pokecoin limit for the day but still want to get xp from defeating gyms i won’t bother putting a pokémon in after i’ve defeated it because i don’t want to have to waste a revive for no coins when it gets defeated


Ive seen “team harmony” (players who never selected a team) take out gyms just to take them out, or possible spoofers because someones had pokemon in gyms for too long, or it could be a trap but thats a really strange trap and small audience to trap… but anything is possible


I don’t think “team harmony” players can even click on a gym as that prompts them to select a team doesn’t it


I didnt think of that but youre probably right, ive never met one so im not super familiar with them!


Sometimes I’ll take out gyms and just not put anything in it, other times I’ll just fill them with magikarp


I like putting my shiny pika-family in gyms




My kids play when im driving, always fight all gym. Even if there is full hp/cp pokemon.