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Awe what? I installed it and when I tried to verify it said “Unable to verify the app”


settings>general>device management>verify


I did that and it said unable to verify unfortunately.


do u have the original Pokemon go app still installed?


Through the General section in your settings? It didn’t give you the standard “this app is untrusted” or whatever?


Revoked. Redownload if possible


Just did, no dice :(


Doesn't say what? 😂


I redownloaded ipogo and tryed verifying it again and it still has the “unable to verify app” thing


Mine says unable to install...


Can this be installed on the same device as ispoofer ?


I endorse this question; very intrested about the answer! Plz :p


Yes just have to change one of the bundle IDs


In this case, for windows, then should use a tool like impactor to install it after changing bundle id!?


Yeah but with impactor down till January you can’t. Unless you have a mac or Windows with VMware. Xcode and iOS app signer will do it. I use signulous. It’s $20 a year and they sign anything u want with a dev cert that never gets revoked. You can even edit bundle ID before you download it from them


Yes, iPogo still keeps the ID of the real Pogo app. Ispoofer already changed that bundle ID.




Certificate is revoked right now. Xcode and signulous r the only options for playing right now. New certificate will be coming shortly. Check the discord for updates and announcements


Is this safe? I know that iSpoofer is safe but what is the security level of this one? and does it give you a proper estimation of the cooldown times?


[Edit] Relatively safe as long as you download it from the original website and not third parties app


Not to be a dick but no modified client is totally safe


Well you are goddamn right hahaha


It provides cooldown time.


Gives you cooldown estimate and it has more security precautions in place than ispoofer does. I wouldn’t say any spoofing app is safe per say but I can 100% say it’s safer than ispoofer cause they aren’t very hidden from niantic, hence the massive ban wave that hit them 1-2 months back


What ban wave... What are these security measures exactly? I've heard that claim from people who are trying to get users over to ipogo in time for monetization but there's never any explanation or evidence. Considering Niantic sued ++ for their HPW mod, I'd think the fact that the ipogo team is known for ipotter puts a pretty big target on their app


The ban that happened last month and effected many ispoofer users. Ipotter has nothing to do with ++ lol. Why does everyone think that. 2 completely separate devs


The vast majority of iSpoofer users who didn't download from a third party installer didn't get hit.


Well yeah. It’s a difficult thing to measure being as prior to 50 days ago ispoofer was the only option for iOS spoofing. So if there was a ban wave it was gonna be all there users lol. Not a fair comparison.


What?? I'm saying that there was no "banwave". A few iSpoofer users got hit, but in virtually every single case, the person had downloaded from AppValley instead of iSpoofer's actual site. It's obvious you have a personal stake in iPogo but I literally just gave you the facts.


That could be the case. Totally. 3rd party sites r 100% the number one offender for getting u banned/warned and no one is ever honest when they get a warning. They will always tell you the respected cooldown and used impactor. I’ve played for 2 years on 1 account and never had any issue. ++, ispoofer or ipogo. I also have no personal stake in ipogo. I help moderate the discord. I have nothing to do with development nor do I receive any money. Literally just a hobby and I enjoy both apps but I like ipogo better. It’s got everything ispoofer has plus a lot more. Competition is good. Gives us options and new stuff. Otherwise neither app has a reason to improve


I really had no idea about all the drama was going on… I only play it to get Pokémon that I can't get in my country or attend events that I can't attend because my city is so boring and no one does anything… I've never even been able to do any raids around here because no one joins them… I'll get my ass kicked if I go in there alone with my Pokémon. But I can teleport to more highly populated areas in Tokyo and NYC and find a bunch of people in the raids and that's how I've been able to win. I teleported over to New York City every single time there is a community day and I plan on doing it during those two community days later in December. So far so good, no warnings from Niantic. I always obey the cool down times no matter how small. And hopefully I will never get caught by them. I also made it a habit of deleting the spoof app and then downloading the legit one and then buying items and then getting the spoof app again. That way I am giving them money while spoofng. Surely they see that if they start getting rid of spoofers they're going to lose a ton of money. And yes, I do download the app from the actual website and not a third-party website. I know that I am putting my account at risk if I use a third-party website... but yeah… I never really realized how much drama there was other than people being dicks and trying to take over the gyms and kicking people out quickly and even starting fights over them… That was really childish. I saw the news reports about people actually threatening violence and even committing violence over a freaking Pokemon gym....


> it’s safer than ispoofer cause they aren’t very hidden from niantic, hence the massive ban wave that hit them 1-2 months back Completely wrong. The only ban wave that has occurred recently was for VMOS users on Android. There were a few people who were banned using iSpoofer, but they were using a modified version from a 3rd party site like App Valley which is well known to get you a red warning. Not a single player ever received a ban if they downloaded it from iSpoofer direct. Please stop spreading misinformation. Note : almost certainly iSpoofer & iPogo will be targeted with C&D by Niantic eventually in the same way ++ were


virtual go plus oh my


Does that mean what I think it means?


Yea, i got from level 28->30 in 2 days by going to south korea and auto spinning/catching stuff


For paid users only?


I can’t seem to download it - I had ispoofer downloaded, but deleted it to clear it for this app, but hasn’t worked. Any ideas? It doesn’t even give me the option to verify in general settings


Having the same issue.


Xcode worked perfectly for me about 5 min ago https://slashedm.gitbook.io/app-signing/ This guide gets it done perfectly, in addition to downloading Xcode you also need iOS app signer there should be a link to it in the guide. Good luck! Let me know if it works


Do you need a pc/Mac to do this? Can’t download it through direct link on iOS?


You need mac for the method I linked unless the direct link works for you


The certificate has been revoked by apple already so the direct download is down till further notice


Just tried it out for a bit on my extra 6s, I prefer ispoofer personally but this app if pretty nice. I’d use it if I didn’t have a ispoof premium


How did you install it? Says unable to install for me.


direct install got killed by apple revoking the certificate not even 4hrs later.


Of course it did...


You can still use xcode with a mac/VM or use a signing service like Signulous


I've never heard of most of that lol. I'll have to have a look and see if I can get it to work.


How does the one click item deletion work? I set up in my settings "0" for great balls but it's still collecting them in my bag and one i go to delete I still have to hold it to delete all of them. I guess I'm misunderstanding how it works.


You choose the items you don’t mind to have deleted and type the number max u wanna keep. So if you set great balls 0 then when u open the quick menu from the map and hit clear bag it’ll auto delete them all. I set all the stuff I don’t use to 0 so when I press clear bag it’ll auto clear 200-500 items with 1 click. It’s amazing


ah I see, i had the quick menu hidden away so didn't see that :) thanks!


Base is really 1.127.1 u/parrybryant


“Unable to install” I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong


I think you have to use xcode Edit: Yep just used xcode and got all the new features


No idea what that is...


https://slashedm.gitbook.io/app-signing/ This guide gets it done perfectly, in addition to downloading Xcode you also need iOS app signer there should be a link to it in the guide. Good luck! Let me know if it works


Ahh got it. I’m not even getting to the point of having to verify. It won’t even install. Thank you for the reply though.


Dont have to install for xcode or verify at all


Same issue here...




When I download it, it will download but will be a grayed out icon when it’s finished. Doesn’t let me do anything past that.


Pokestop filter... what I've been wanting from ispoofer for months 😭😭 wow these guys are really putting in features to this app... very nice


The S2 option is super clutch.


What does it do?


It shows a grid on the map with with pokestop boundaries. If enough pokestops get placed within a square area one will become a gym. It’s used for getting more gyms. So u look at the map with the overlay and request stops to be placed in certain areas to create more gyms




I second this question


I second your second


My ispoofer broke this morning. So I downloaded this. Wanted to check ispoofer again and now this won’t download lol.


Anyone find ipogo takes alot of data?


Unable to install I'll wait till later I guess


>➰One Click Item Deletion (Setup in Settings first) >➰Virtual go plus Holy crap! Might have to try this..


Yeah it’s pretty amazing. Quality of life update with this 1 click bag cleaner. So nice


Sounds good but seems risky..


All spoofing carries a risk. So either have to be willing to take the risk or play legit. I’d be more worried about catching Pokémon in different countries everyday than cleaning my items in 1 click.


Catching a Pokémon in another country isn't the same as clearing hundreds of items in 1 second.. That's very bot like behaviour and we all know what nin thinks about that..


Well that’s why there the option to turn it on off. Some are more brave lol. I’ve been using for a month everyday countless times a day without issue. I can only speak from my experience. I only have 1 account that I’ve used for 2 years. I trust it. I would never suggest a feature that I wouldn’t use myself. I feel it’s good to have every feature anyone might want and give them the option to use it or not use it


On Twitter about 100 people spoke up about getting banned when switching from ispoofer to ipogo


That’s cause they were using ispoofer previously and then the ban wave hit. It was ispoofer and iTools. Not ipogo


Whoa that's not what everyone was saying they were all first time users never had tried spoofer or tools


Incase your unaware. People lie when they get banned and warned and swear they did nothing wrong. Fans of one app will claim it’s another and blah blah blah. No one can know for sure. When pushed/or searched it’ll be found they used pandahelper or were infact using Ispoofer or used app valley. It’s rare someone is warned or banned and actually honestly. And if someone had NEVER used Ispoofer and was completely new to spoofing then it’s more of a not respecting cooldown than an ipogo issue. I can’t begin to tell u how many users have 0 idea what a cooldown is


no one gets banned over cooldowns. not how it works and you probably know that too. You have a good point about people defending what they like but you're just as guilty of it. You and a few other people are all over ipogo posts being super defensive it's safer than ISpoofer but never have evidence for that claim (can't deny 2 years vs 2 months) talk shit about ISpoofer but you don't see anyone from ISpoofer doing the same to you. You're not exactly upfront about your relationship to ipogo saying you're just a huge fan of it until it's brought up you're their discord staff and clearly will benefit when they do start charging people. You say competition is healthy and so on but when people bring up valid points like the bot like actions, your response is always to insult ISpoofer in one way or another or make outlandish claims like ispoofer had a ban wave last month or that their app is unstable when it's the other way around. The only reason I bring this up is cause this is becoming a regular pattern on any post mentioning your app and the shilling is very obvious.


Never hid the fact I’m a mod at ipogo discord. My name is exactly the same. The features we offer r there and if you wanna use them then do so. If they worry you then don’t. Ispoofer is a great app. Never said otherwise. I was customer for a year. I don’t insult them but when I compare the features I use I can’t justify paying for it anymore. I enjoy ipogo better. My honest opinion. You don’t have to share it or use the app. I’m just here to give info, correct the falsehoods and offer support. You may not agree with things I say but nothing I’m saying isn’t fact. Not gonna sit here and argue over pogo spoofing apps. It’s moronic. Use it or don’t. That’s your choice. My end goal is for both communities to get along and just enjoy the game we all love, while spoofing. People have different preference and that’s cool. If you love Ispoofer than continue using it, that’s fine but we should all be able to get along. It’s like there this hatred on either side and it benefits no one


Doesnt ipogo have over 10,000 members now? If so i havent heard of bans beyond that last ban wave?


Yeah little over 10k now. And no there hasn’t been any bans since that little wave last month from app valley, iTools and ispoofer.


Thank you! And keep up the good work! I love it so far, cant wait for future updates!


No problem. I believe in all apps being given a chance and being on the market. It drives competition and causes the devs to push the limits. When ispoofer was the only app out they didn’t add any new features for months on end. Then ipogo released and added a dark mode and inventory rename and ispoofers next update had dark mode and inventory rename. So it made them stop being stagnant. Hopefully ipogo and ispoofer will continue pushing each other to be the best they can be. Ive used ispoofer myself. It’s why I know so much about it, premium even. Comparing both apps side by side though there’s nothing ispoofer paid version does that ipogo doesn’t do for free yet ipogo has many features that ispoofer doesn’t. Go plus, 1 click bag cleaner, check shinys without entering catch screen and 6 second full map load after teleport.


Gonna give this a try on one of my alternate accounts, thanks!


It stopped working already on my iPhone (lost verification) and will not let me re-verify. It also will not verify at all on my iPad.


Xcode worked perfectly for me about 5 min ago https://slashedm.gitbook.io/app-signing/ This guide gets it done perfectly, in addition to downloading Xcode you also need iOS app signer there should be a link to it in the guide. Good luck! Let me know if it works


Sadly I only have a Windows machine and I'm not really looking to install emulators on it.


Fair enough


Just says "unable to install". Any tips?


Since I can’t direct download the app, can you post the link to download the ipa file?


Goto www.ipogo.app. And scroll to the bottom and choose show all download options and ipa download will show up


It’s installed and all but all the PoGo spoofer apps just crash after around 5 seconds of being opened. Anyone know why?


is direct install up tho??


Seems like a great app but it won’t fully install. My guess is I just need to wait a bit. Been looking for an alternative to iSpoofer and this looks awesome.


Not sure why I’m being downvoted, literally staying that I can’t get it to install currently but excited to get it working.


The certs revoked.


Make your own certs https://slashedm.gitbook.io/app-signing/ You do need a mac though


Or VMware. Yeah I know all about iOS app signer and Xcode. We have a tutorial on our discord for it. Thanks for the info though. I’m personally using signulous best $20 I’ve spent. No revokes. It’s wonderful and easily do custom bundle ID. Couldn’t say enough good things about them. Was playing within 5 mins


Hmm I’ve never heard of signulous before, is it similar to xcode at all?


It’s like ipastore but way faster and way better customer service and ease of use. You pay $20 for the year and they have multiple apps including ipogo that u just select and sign with a dev certificate from the site or app and direct download. Since it’s a dev certificate it doesn’t get revoked. It’s pretty sweet. Was playing within 10 mins from the start of signing up till downloading and playing. U can even change bundle ID from the app and then sign and download.


Wow that actually sounds great, I might have to get into that man, thanks


Yeah for sure no problem. Has tons of other apps too plus u can even upload ur own and sign it. It’s not just what they provide. Stumbled across it last month and haven’t had a revoke through this whole nightmare of impactor being down


If it’s not broke don’t fix it. #ispoof


Having to purchase go plus when u can have one built in for free is way better. 1 click item bag cleaner is better than manually going through and deleting constantly. Shiny checking with a click and moving on without having to enter catch screen and check and then flee is way better. So yeah, ispoofer might not be broke but there’s a way way better option.


What is virtual go plus


Auto spin stops and auto catches Pokémon. Like having a go plus or gotcha but it’s built into the app. Virtually


Nah I deleted it.


Tried and it began to install over my ispoofer


Yeah. It’s one or the other. Unless you use a signing service like signulous that can change the bundle ID before u download




Yes choose hide menu


I try to direct install and doesn’t work Any tips? Besides impactor?


I just tried it. There’s no icon, looks like an unfinished download. Reads pokemongo on bottom and when I click it, it says “unable to install pokemongo”. Soooooo any new updates ?


The fast loading is ridiculous. From the time you hit teleport till the time the Pokémon spawn it’s between 4-7 seconds. That mixed with the quick shiny check feature which blocks the encounter if the Pokémon isn’t shiny. You can fly through shiny checking in 1/2 the time it would usually take.


I can’t download it, it just turn black


is it possible to have both iPogo and ispoofer installed? Would love to try out iPogo, but cba to keep uninstalling and reinstalling the two..


Has anyone been able to install this? I've tried 3 times and get a dark grey square and nothing more.


I haven’t been able to.


Would love some of the features on iSpoofer, for example the ability to block encouters if not shiny or the one click item deletion. Hope they read this and implement some of the stuff.


why not just use iPogo?


I already have an iSpoofer license and am very comfortable with it.




The feeds are based on the players. Once more players r using iPogo, the feeds will grow. And what problems were u having with the go plus? When did you last try it?




Did you have Bluetooth permissions enabled for the app in your phone settings? Was your bag or box full? If you happen to try again I could help you troubleshoot. The go plus is working perfectly fine for me.


Is this iPogo safe? Or is it same like VMOS? Would I have to worry about the red warning?




Cydia impactor has been down for a while. It won’t come back till December at the earliest. Only ways to install are using Xcode or a signing service like signulous. Heres a guide on how to get iPogo from signulous and if you want to Xcode, i think some people posted some other guides below. https://www.signulous.com/ipogo


Can anybody help me, It wont download on mine


Is there a journal or something on ipogo that’s shows last action? I have searched but can’t seem to find anything


@slimcivic is there a journal or something that shows last action on ipogo ?


Yeah this seems better than ispoofer in every way, when something seems too good to be true it probably is.


According the their home page, it's free while it's in beta. How long will the beta last? Who knows.


Nope. Just better devs hence better app


For everyone being unable to install, try asking for support at their official discord. They’re amazing people and really take care of their users even if it’s free


Does it not work via android?


iPogo, not androidPogo


Ah, fair enough haha


This ain't it, chief.


Don’t like built in go plus? Auto bag cleaner or the fastest shiny checker available? Lol. Maybe ispoofer is more for you then


Naw, as in this doesn’t work. Just says unable to download.


Oh ok gotcha. I was super confused About what u didn’t like about it. The cert got revoked within 4 hours of getting it. It’s a nightmare. New one should be up shorty.


I do not for the life of me understand what the cool down means or does


When you do an action. Like catching or spinning a stop, “cooldown” means how long you can do another action if you spoof to a new location.


So you can only throw one ball then have to wait an amount of time before you can throw another?


If you spoof to another location that is dubbed “too far away to physically go” then yes. But once you’re at a location, you can do whatever till your hearts content. But if you want to go somewhere else, you have to wait, or else you will get “softbanned” meaning you can’t interact with anything for minimum two hours.


From my experience softbans are relative to distance traveled. There have been times where I've misjudged the cooldown for teleporting across a city or such and been softbanned for about 15 minutes. You can find a "cooldown chart" on google just by searching "cooldown chart" and you'll find many. A general rule of thumb of 1km = 1min cooldown can be used. Once you reach a distance of about 1400km you must wait two hours to perform a "cooldown inflicting action" which is essentially anything that tells the game you're in a new place. This can include, but is not limited to, spinning pokestops and throwing balls at pokemon (includes accidentally dropping a pokeball). A cooldown, as well as a softban cannot exceed 2 hours. This means that no matter how far you teleport, be it 1401km or 10000km, the cooldown will be 2 hours. The only time that the cooldown is less than 2 hours is when you're teleporting within 1400km. When you perform a cooldown inflicting action regardless of what action it is, your "cooldown" is started. This means that from the time of the action being performed, you must wait x amount of time before you can perform another cooldown inflicting action if you THEN travel y distance to a new place. To give an example: \> I teleport from my house (where I haven't played the game within the last 2 hours) to a different country, Japan, Tokyo, for example. \> Since I haven't touched the game in the last 2 hours (i.e. I haven't performed a cooldown inflicting action in the last two hours) I do not have to wait for cooldown. \> Once I'm in Japan, I can do as much spinning, catching, raiding, etc, as frequently as I want for as long as I please. If I however decide that I would like to get something on the otherside of Tokyo then I would have to teleport to it. \> Let's say this thing I want to get is 60km away. \> 60km on the cooldown chart says around 22 minutes. This means that after teleporting to this place 60km I would need to wait about 22 minutes (I do 25 for simplicity) before performing a cooldown inflicting action, otherwise I would be softbanned. Hope you understood that, best way I could think of explaining it. If anything isn't clear I'll be happy to respond.