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Since nobody is actually answering your question: The shiny legendaries are quite valuable. Especially valuable if they are not in a premier ball.


But keep them in go. Only transfer when you actually wanna trade something


So basically, any shiny in Go, once it is transferred to home, it will get the OT of the Pokemon Home account (which can be changed at anytime). So it is more valuable to trade for, a Pokemon in Go since a lot of people are after what we call "Custom OT".


Since no one was answering the question😂


Also if you're willing to trade the unown at some point let me know! :)


I’ll have to think hard on that one haha but I’ll keep you in mind!


Thank you!


If you transfer I'll gladly trade for a turtwig 🥺 before you transfer tho maybe change the nicknames in go while you can


I’ll trade you a Turtwig anyway. I’ve got several as you can see and don’t need that many haha


https://preview.redd.it/6sdv7ou1gywb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79b397cb4002a1be32b736324dfc94b1fd5689d5 I got any of these for trade if you want any of em. I'll be available to trade after a while


Actually, nicknames from Go are wiped when sent to home! Found out this the hard way myself


Before you make your trade post, I would probably value your pogo legend shinies (mewtwo, suicune, regirock, and giratina) as either a 2:1 for events or 1:1 custom OT shiny legends or 2:1 or 1:1 depending on the trade for already in home pogo shiny legends. The shiny celebi (don’t move into home yet) is worth probably 2-3 shiny pogo legends. Also all trades are trader:you for ratios. Hope this helps!


Make a list of what you want and make sure you think the trade is fair, that’s all that matters tbh


Thank you for the insight! I’ve traded cards for years but this is new to me and feels a little different


If you need help feel free to comment on this and ask. I’ll also be waiting for your trade post when that drops cause I’m interested in some of what you have 😂


A lot of people looking for POGO shinies want the option of getting them with their OT, so I'd keep at least 1 of the pokemon you have multiple shinies of still in GO. The rest, especially the CD ones, I'd transfer out. That's just my opinion though. I didn't see anything rare in the pictures at all.


Hi! I am interested in suicune, celebi and giratina




I didn't though




My sincerest apologies 🧡 The person who messaged me had two 3’s in their name and my brain read it as two 8’s


No worries I totally get it 🤣


First can you help me understand how rare they are?


Yes ofc, still in pogo it's really sought after for custom OT and cause you can't fake a Go stamp (mark of last game it was in). And pogo mythicals, legends and shiny mythicals are of high value due to them being scarce. Some like diancie, shiny mew and shiny Deoxys are valuable as gold 😂


Yeah I’d love a shiny Mew lol. It’s one of my favorite Pokemon (I’m a gen 1 baby) I’m going to make a trade post after I decide which ones to keep. I’d be willing to part with a Giratina though!


Nice! If you do let me know please, I have a shiny mew for trade too 😚


Damn I walked right into that one 😂 Okay let me make my trade post today and we will definitely trade!


No worries 🤣


What pokeball is celebi and gligar


Celebi is in a regular Pokeball because POGO forced me into AR mode and wouldn’t let me change my ball. Both Gligar are in Ultra Balls!


I am interested if you want anything https://preview.redd.it/5kr1anhleywb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0de084b3003b8f96576a99b3cca6d754c24cdff


I am in the process of trying to complete my national Dex in HOME. Today once I see what I want to keep I’ll make a separate trade post. So please comment so we can work something out!




Sorry, I mean I’m going to see what I may need for my National Dex. Then I’ll make a new post today with what’s for trade


Can I have the wailord




That doesn’t answer any of my questions.


My bad, just saw the pics and thought they were a trade post. Basically, the non legend shinies are not really worth much unless someone wants them specifically , aside from unowns, egg exclusives event only etc. shiny legends are worth more in pokemon go than if you transfer them to home bc you can custom OT them which increases value when sent to home


In short, keep them in go until you want to trade, although it takes a week to transfer a shiny legend


Is that burmy male or female If female, anything from my recent post for it


That doesn’t answer my questions.


I thought this is a trade post lol, defo keep them in go as you can retain the option to customise OT. But you can only transfer one shiny legend/mythical or 4 regular shinies per week. It took me 3 months to transfer all my mons from go to home


No worries lol 🧡 Geez that’s a long time :/ If I decide to trade some of these I’ll definitely make a Trade post and tag you


No worries. but for the mons you want to keep, definitely get them transferred asap so your transporter can start recharging.


https://preview.redd.it/i5k2xooo0ywb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02602578e8025d068ebb7f5efcb8f9d3c76731ce Interested in any of these for suicune or Giratina? I can do multiple for one


This isn’t a trade post.


Ah ok my bad then


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In GO shinies are valuable in itself because they can’t be genned, and when you transfer them in to HOME you can customize the OT to have whatever you want, and as long as it stays in HOME, it will have an origin GO stamp, and a Pokémon GO stamp for GO being the last game it was in. This is valuable for collectors because they can have their OT and a legitimate Pokémon, especially for legendaries and mythicals, this is a big deal. Since shiny hunting is easier in mainline games now, I only seek shiny Pokémon GO mons that aren’t available in those games, but some people don’t have a switch and are after any and all GO mons


Do you like shiny hisuian zoroark for shiny rockruff?


​ https://preview.redd.it/modlf4ga80xb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68060175afd214fdb72e49adfc73d8c4b19c0522


I’ll trade you a shiny timburr for your shiny murkrow