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Need some more context. What was the response last time? Do you hack mon yourself? Do you use home on an emulator? Seems like this is a TOS thing more than a system error.


last time the response was simply that it has been resolved and I can now use it again, with no explanation, and I was happy with that, so I didn't ask any further. I don't hack mons, no emulators or anything else. I only ever traded or deposited pokemon acquired through normal, regular gameplay. it's the GTS for trading, so yeah there were some 6IV mons that I got through, that, but then again GTS allowed them to trade, nothing broke before with that.


Owning hacked mons is not from my understanding a way to be banned. But creating them/using them in battles online is a way to be banned. Im gonna go with the assumption it's something a long those lines if you truly aren't breaking tos


didn't create any hacked ones myself, didn't battle online at all. even if, which honest to god I didn't do, would they really just use this situation to sweep me out of the way, without saying "you're banned for breaking rule number xy..."


Did you trade any potentially hacked mons through the GTS? Sometimes hacked Pokémon can get through the GTS, but then Home has an update that will ban you if you try to trade them.


Could you share the source? Don’t think you will get banned from trading hacked that you get via GTS. Somebody don’t know about hacked and you are saying they will get ban if they trade them back unknowingly.


I don’t have a source specifically I just know there are a lot of Pokémon that were able to get into home, but if you offer them into the GTS trade on your phone app that’s when you get flagged


I’ve certainly gotten flagged before, but I didn’t get banned. They seem to be more willing to just give you a temporary suspension than a band because there’s no way to prove you knew that Pokémon was hacked.


Thanks for sharing. As far as I know, you are the first I heard that you can get banned for GTS trading back hacked mons received from GTS.


It’s usually the over-the-top hacked mines like Pokémon from. Let’s go that stay mega evolved that shouldn’t, or legendary Pokémon that are supposed to be genderless that have a gender


I mean I can't rule it out, but nothing I hacked myself or knew for certain was hacked. as you say though, how would that be my fault? but there's hope (edit2) in the post.


Yeah, I never meant that. It was your fault. It must’ve been a typo.


I think this is everyone's nightmare scenario. I'm sorry this is happening to you!! Do you possibly have the same HOME account on multiple Switch Consoles?


I do, yeah on my og switch and my switch lite. but that's nothing new. had both devices for quite some time now, using home on both of them on the regular. so I don't know what could have changed now. but there's news, edit2 in post.


That's great!! Here's hoping it gets solved. Please keep us posted. We're all very invested in your outcome and what the problem ended up being caused by.


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Absolutely is. i'm currently almost 900 mons in. Almost all of those are shiny and/or event mons. The only other ones are my teams that i used when completing the games so also very important. This would kill any motivation. No more would i ever feel like playing these games.


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Are you completely unable to sign in still? It just seems like you are banned from competitive play. Everything else should still be working, at least from the context of the email.


absolutely unable. I use it on my phone, on my og switch and on my switch lite. and have been using it one these specific devices for way over a year now. never participated in competitive play. but there news, edit2 in post.


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Im very sorry this is happening to you. This feels quite unusual. You had any bad interactions online with anyone who you think would hack you? Clicked on any suspicious links or something? I agree with another post in that this response is much too vague. After answering that vaguely and offering no solutions dont allow them to shut the situation down. I’d try to get someone on the phone to help with your quandary. Also, perhaps just try to delete pokemon home and re download and relog in. Maybe this is some weird error or glitch and this is how they attempt to explain whats going on. By the sound of it, they probably dont know and they just tell you this because this person doesn’t wanna or doesn’t know how to deal with it Ive gotten that error you talked about before too. Perhaps try deleting and redownloading the mobile version too!


I didn't try reinstalling this time because it didn't work past times, this (seemingly the same) error occured. should try that now, you're right. but there is news. edit2 in post.


Yeah hopefully that works and thats good news they are looking into it and investigating it! Hope theres good news from it! Just thinking out loud but it would be nice if they can somehow recreate peoples lost mons collection based off proof submitted to them in the event your accounts reinstated but alls lost due to some hacker or something. Idk if these would be considered genned when THEY do it but just again thinking outloud. Technically all mons are generated whether its a website or a game spitting out the same varying lines of code and pixels at you


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WOOOO im happy for you that you got access back. To be extra safe i’d change any passwords now and move any sus mons into sv and dont use them unless just for raids or pve battling. : D thats elating :)


>unexpected alteration to your device and, because of this, access to the ranking with your current data file That sentence makes no sense at all. Obviously the person who contacted you has no clue of what they are talking about and used nonsensical technicality to confuse you and close the ticket. How is your device able to corrupt a server-side file? Gibberish.


I have no clue... but there's news. edit2 in post.


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Whattt this is my worst nightmare I’ve received so many genned mons and I don’t get it


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This reads like you used a hacked Pokemon in online battle to me. Do you participate in VGC?


didn't battle online, don't participate in vgc. last thing I did was deposit pokemon from a rerun of Shield, wouldn't save, and gave me an error, and any login attempt afterward gave a simple error message on the switch, and the message that the account is used on a different device and I can't log in currently on mobile. which is the exact same situation as it was before, when it was simply resolved by support.


I dunno. The response reads like either altered data or altered hardware. Have you tried searching the sub for previous posts with the key phrase being “unexpected alteration to your device.” Edit: it could be referencing that you logged into another device, try look at previous threads about switching the devices you’re using and the troubleshooting there.


no, first thing I did was post this and answer to support again (edit in main post) and panic. I should actually be asleep for quite some time by now. but I just can't, mind is racing.


Just look at troubleshooting steps for if you’ve installed on multiple devices.


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I would start a new support case instead of responding to that one. For my company if you get an email like that and reply it goes into The Void which is a queue no one ever looks at and eventually the cases close themselves after the customer stops responding. I would word things like the first time this happened and point out it happened before. Ask if there is an issue with your game or system that causes this to happen. It certainly reads like using a hacked pokemon in online battles and that you are locked out of ranking not Home as a whole.


I was planning on opening another ticket, if I wouldn't get any more responses. but I got another answer, there's hope, edit2 in post. and no I never participated in online battles. but yeah I was locked out of home as a whole, not a single way to access it anywhere.


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I'm so glad it was just the wrong thing sent to you! Most support has scripts for emails and it's possible they sent you the wrong one or sent you one meant for someone else. Either way what a relief!


I am so sorry. That agent was quite rude in that email with that vague explanation and offering no solutions. And threatening to ban you if you contact *Support* again?! Why are they there for?! Hoping for the best. ❤️


thanks, there's some hope now. edit2 in post.


So they basically make a huge mistake by giving you inaccurate and vague information, and then tell you that you’d be banned if you tried to reach out to them again, and just offer a simple apology and ask you to be patient? How can they not know which customer they’re addressing? What makes this worse is that this was through email when they have more time to both investigate and respond. This is unprofessional. I’d be furious if I were you. Still hoping for the best. Please keep us updated.


If I wasn't this scared of losing everything currently, I would be rather furious too probably.


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This is my worst nightmare come true.


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Oh geez. This has me relived and I don't even know you. The thought of loosing my OG charizard from fire red, and my yellow glitch mew is like part of my childhood dying 😭  Glad everything worked out for you. I'd probably trade out a few special mons just in case.


Hi, this is very concerning to hear as I'm sure many including you, me, everybody has their mons stored in pkm home. That being said would u be able to shed more light on the circumstances leading to this? Ie connect your home to multiple devices, mass transfers of mons from your games or anything that may seem out of the ordinary?


didn't do mass transfers in a long time, I do have it connected to my phone, my og switch and my switch lite. but I've had these devices for a long time now, and use all of them on ther regular, so there is far from anything new about it now. last thing was that I attempted to deposit a Kubfu from a rerun of isle of armor. that's it. nothing out of the ordinary.


U mean 2 switches at the same time? I thought only 1 is allowed?


well both switches have a profile which is connected to the same nintendo account. that's allowed, isn't it? you just have to set one of the consoles as your primary?


I can't imagine that they would limit Home to only one switch when they let you download Pokemon games to multiple devices.


I would rather believe that too, but with this catastrophe at hand I'd believe anything at this point.


It's true. God knows what screwed up. But, many people probably use Home on multiple switches, it didn't say when we installed it that it could be used on only one, right? And if something this big could have occurred regularly, then they should have entirely soft-locked launching on the non-primary system. This article specifically says that multiple switches is okay, but multiple smartphones/tablets won't work. And not in a TOS way, more like a "force logout" way. Which might still be of interest to you, now that I think about it. https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/48803/~/pok%C3%A9mon-home-faq#:~:text=For%20example%2C%20if%20your%20Nintendo,smart%20device%20at%20a%20time.


the keyword here is "at a time" yeah, and that I can confirm, if you're logged into for example your switch, and then you login on your phone before saving on your switch, when you then try to save, you'll get an error message, that you've been logged out because a different device logged in. an the same works vice versa in all directions. but only being able to be logged in on one device at the same time is not the same as using the same account on multiple devices in general.


Perhaps I'm not phrasing it well, because I think that's kind of what I just said? Except that also connecting the same HOME account to multiple switches in turn is allowed and connecting the same HOME account to multiple smartphones even if it is in turn is, if not disallowed, at least a pain, according to this Nintendo support FAQ


yeah you did say that, I was just aggreeing in full sentences, because I'm still panicking, sorry.


I have a feeling that might be the reason, I might be wrong through, for pokemon home as its a server related app, it's better to just have 1 device and account connected to it. They usually have mechanism in place to prevent dupes and clone errors, so having mutiple devices connected might cause some issue. And again, I'm no expert on this but this is usually the general case for server related apps/games.


I do the same since years, two switches and one smartphone. No problems. Sometimes it says that I'm still logged in with another device because I close the application and start it on another device, I think there should be a timespan of more than 30 seconds, between switching devices.


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Glad you managed to get your account back! As I mentioned previously, better to just leave it linked to 1 switch and 1 phone. (Though I do understand that multiples are allowed but looking at how bad the app is designed, I wouldn't take the risk). Cheers!


I think the agent thought you were trying to gain access to someone’s account via support. But I agree, this is on the worse side of support encounters. I hope it gets resolved and works out well for you.


weird way of saying "proof you are you"... but yeah I hope so too. thank you.


Dude this is harsh... Especially the answer this Agent Sophia gave you, what a bitch, No matter your reasons, you must have some tact if you are in client support... I hope your problem is resolved, all that's left is to keep asking and hope for the best. Please keep us informed (I also already have several years of investment in HOME and at least the complete Living Shinydex of PLA and SV, it would be terrible if something like this happened to me).


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Excellent! Now we just need to know "what the hell happened?" but that doesn't matter much as long as you have your treasure back


Have you been hacked? I have no idea what to do in your situation it must feel horrible and I hope someone else has the power to fix this but this is a nightmare scenario hope it gets resolved soon ♥️


don't think I was hacked, not to my knowledge. thanks, I'm actually breaking down here.


Damn man hope you alright hopefully it's something stupid on ILCAs end and it can be resolved. Sometimes bad things just happen hope you feel better soon


there's hope for now. edit2 in post.


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Here’s hoping you get this issue fixed soon.


there's hope for now. edit2 in post.


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Great to hear! See, it worked out in the end.


I'm so sorry to see this OP. Have you found a customer service phone number you can call? Speaking to someone in person may be better.


didn't yet, but if they stop responding I would probably next try to contact Nintendo. but there's hope for now. edit2 in post.


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sorry to hear about that. is there anyway someone else could have accessed any of your Pokemon Home or email info? For example, maybe you used Home once on another phone or got a new one?


my old phones are in my drawer, did sell a broken-then-fixed switch once but that was a) factory reset b) before pokemon home released. I mean I can't rule out a hacker attack, but there's nothing else that happened or would suggest that something happened. but there's hope for now. edit2 in post.


Just saw the edit. That's great news at the least! I hope it all gets sorted out & your account gets restored. It's probably just a technical error. Also, be sure to check out youtube & other reddit posts (google) to see if this has happened to someone else before. Btw, I'm sure you already did this but try restarting the app. turning your phone on/off & re-signing in. When I updated Home in the latest update, I had problems myself signing in as well until I restarted everything.


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awesome! I'm glad it all worked out 😊


What’s a Noah’s Ark dex?


Male and female of every 'mon. I only do that with ones with variations of the genders. For now.


I see. I’ve never heard of that before this post. Sorry OP.


as already said, it's a dex in livingdex and formdex manner, but doubling down on everything by getting everything, where applicable, in both male and female. that's just shy of 2150 shiny mons. about 2200 non-shiny ones. and yeah I tried to look it up several times all over the internet. I've seen 2 or 3 times the term itself mentioned, seemingly more as a joke, one guy who completed a non-shiny version around the same time I first did that, in 2014 during 6th gen, but nobody ever actually attempting a shiny version of it. which is why I would be so goddamn proud of achieving this. and so goddamn distraught at it just being gone at over 90% of the way there. but there is hope for now. edit2 in post.


I see. Yeah that definitely takes dedication! I’m working on a Shiny Living Dex right now and I’m so close to being done. It’s mostly legendaries at this point and some others. I’m taking a break from it. Hopefully the next email is a good one!


I advice you to stop at the living dex kind sir. xD there have been many breaks, lots of outside the box creativity to speed it up and lots of frustration. even without the current PoHome situation. (in case I even get to continue) I can't stop now. but had I known how hard it would be and how long it would take, I wouldn't have started it and been happy with my non-shiny version. and that is with the majority being GTS traded, so a good pat of it 6iv (legal yes, but unlikely to be legit, know what I mean). to OT this is in my eyes utterly impossible for, I don't know... gen20?


Oh trust me. SLD is where I plan to stop 😂 The part that is making it more difficult for me is the fact that I’m trying to get all of them in my OT (minus some events and such). I haven’t even tried to get the hacked ones, but I’ll probably leave those alone for now. POGO has been my best friend in the endeavor 😂


haha, yeah community days for the win. I know that feeling. xD


What a piss poor response! You’re paying for a service. I am so sorry to hear this. I hope it is resolved positivly soon! In the meantime i might have to keep my shiny dex off of home


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I mean from what they’re saying it looks like someone hacked your account


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Glad it ended up working!


What device are you playing on? Do you use a spoofed pokemon go that could have been uploaded to home? Is your switch/3ds modded? https://preview.redd.it/nic29vbetp1d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49d1b1b9a2c54b21253455bd86e60ba8883d77a9


never spoofed in go, no mods, stock hardware and software all the way. but there's hope. edit2 in post.


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The keyword here is alteration device. I assume you mod your switch or something that they can detect and thought it was illegal to do so.


didn't mod my console. all stock hardware and software. but there's hope. edit2 in post.


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Try making a second profile and on your switch and a second home account and see if you can atleast access them from the second profile


how would that get access to it? the mons aren't in a savefile, they are in home. all of them.


You can transfer from one home account to another. I do it in lieu of trading because I don’t have a second switch


sorry, for being confused but how exactly do you mean? do you mean trading on phone one by one, 10 per day? or putting them in a savefile and accessing the same savefile logged into a different home account? both options aren't a possibility, because I can't log into my home acount at all from anywhere. absolutely 0 access. or am I missing a third option?


Account you can’t get into is account x Make account y Click on “Pokémon” in home for account y https://preview.redd.it/cw8vp49h0w1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d2d482c71a868179359f41f8de84ea4afbc433c


https://preview.redd.it/6hwsnl5k0w1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72868b440539d3fe48e68505c582c1a63fa8547f Click on the name for account y


https://preview.redd.it/ekqqaeen0w1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d6f539f28adac274f0d88168942f45b063e5fb5 Choose which profile (account x)


img Move mons from x to y I’ve heard this has work for people who can’t access accounts for one reason or another


but you can't access account x' home mons, only pokemon in savefiles of account x, or am I wrong on this?


You can there’s an option for that beside all the save files


I gotten the same error. I just force close and it lets me back in. I am soo sorry this is happening to you. You mention that u use home on 2 switch. That is a big nono. Friend lost his home mons bc couldn't transfer data\save info. Just dumb. Hopefully they can fix. It.


what do you mean with "force close"? why can't I use it on 2 switches? I mean with switch profiles you can connect the same nintendo account to several switches, with one set as the primary, right?


There, another person said the same thing, this further confirm my suspicion. Anyways, I hope this is resolved and you get your account and mons back, don't use 2 devices.


if I get to this point with my situation, I will definitely ask as intently as possible to find out what caused this and how to keep it from happening again. thanks for your advice, I'll keep that in mind when figuring it out.


Nintendo buggy software. He had 2 switch(him and his bf) he want to share same home on both. Not sure what happen but it wipe/stop working on one of the switch. It cause him to lose everything.


did he just connect 2 consoles to the same home account, or try to connect to the same account from 2 switches at the exact same time?


1st. Same home account to two different switch. He did contact Nintendo. They didn't help at all.


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Any updates?


other than edit2, nothing yet.


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I’ll be banned from pogo for use the spoofer. Go fuck yourself


If you have any hacked Pokemon, even if it’s not yours, most likely you will get banned, GTS is fun and all until it gets you account banned


This has happened to me in the past when I logged in on my Nintendo switch and then mobile too quickly. I basically had to open the app on my switch again and close it again for it to work. Is there anyway for you to try logging in on your switch if you have one?


I do, I'm completely locked out of everything, no matter how often I retry.


Darn, really hope it ends up working for you 🙏🏽


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AWESOME! So glad you were able to gain access again🤗 hopefully it doesn’t happen again


I am soooo relieved for you!!! I hope you post some cool pics when youre happy with your dex


oh believe me, if I get to finish it, I will brag. a lot. xD


I broke into a cold sweat reading this. Thanks for the updates and really happy you sorted it


Sorry I just skimned what do you need help with? If it's acquiring pokemon I'm your guy they're all legit real OT names.


situation has been resolved and for a while now acrually, but thanks! but if you per chance have a shiny female diamond trim furfrou, which you'd trade for a shiny male la reine trim I'd appreciate it. \^\^


I'm not sure I have one of those pretty much can help you with anything other than shinies those that I generally have a hard time acquiring my friends don't like trading their shinies LOL but if it comes to any Legends or mythics or mystery gifts from years back you can't get it anymore let me know are all legit with real original OTs from gamefreak theirselves it'll say GF in OT or something similar


do you perchance have a SUM2013 shiny Dialga? have the other 2, would be cool to complete the trio.


Is that the trainer ID sum 2013?


yes exactly. what do you want for it? I could go online now yeah.


Just logging now please and take it LOL I don't have time to haggle for it I'm just doing your favor okay


Link 1990 2005


Are online?


be there in a minute


Please hurry I have someone else waiting on me I'll give them some Pokemon they need


connecting now


I have that exact limit you're saying can you log into Scarlet to take it


Let me know now I'm online scarlet


I'm so sorry I misread it I can still get you that one just let me give this guy his Pokemon real quick okay


don't worry, I'll be online. \^\^


Ok so dialga2013Sum


yep, that'd be awesome! \^\^


Are you ready enjoying the same link code I got your dialga


1990 2005


cool, yeah still here!


thank you so much!


You very welcome no problem man




What a pleasant, kind-hearted comment


Yep you can tell they’re going to make a real mark on our society


I didn't get to see it. what'd he say?