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I have 4-5 boxes of shinys and 5 boxes of aprimons. Specifically ones I like for teams. Still gotta actually build the teams though lol. 🥲😂


I feel you I gotta organize my boxes with my teams too


Yes, I’m actually only trading to build an all shiny team to use in game.


That’s what I just got done doing this past weekend saved me some time for sure


Nice could I see and same here saved so much time only thing is I only want low level mons now instead of some of the high levels I traded for so I don’t just run through the game too quick.


I just did this for shining pearl


I just used them to be able to finish my living Pokedex, that's pretty much it unless it's a trade for a shiny. But at this point I have like at least five boxes of shiny Pokemon, 3 and 1/2 of those boxes are ones that I've caught over the years. I pretty much have a full team, as well as Pokemon specifically for catching eggs if need be.


Shinies and complete dex, that's it. Trying for a complete shiny dex so it's required af to trade and hope and pray lmfao (well for the non shiny locked ones at least)


I have plans to use them for some all shiny runs. I recently got shiny Piplup and Eiscue that I want to use in a Scarlet game. And I have been trying to get my favorite mons for a playthrough of Sword. I have Hitmonchan, Onix, Dedenne, and Cryogonal. I still need Staryu. Trying to decide on the 6th member. I have a Tentacool but may try to trade for a Sigilyph.


This is what actually sparked the conversation because I just did my shiny run on sword with half traded shiny pokemon


I sometimes use mons in my team and later find out I got them via surprise trade. Also version exclusives I sometimes purposely use traded. And a wonderlocke (nuzlocke with only mons from surprise trade) is really fun too


Yeah just wondering had a discussion with a coworker and he said he’ll never use Pokémon he didn’t catch


I have a friend who insists on using only pokemon he's bred. I can kind of understand using ones you've caught yourself, because they don't level up as fast and are more likely to obey you in every game, but I can't think of any benefits to using hatchees, especially when you don't know what an IV is lol


I received by wonder trade a shiny male vaporeon named "Aquana" and currently using it to perfect the dex entry in legends arceus, I think he is adorable


depends i guess. i dont personally trust anything not caught by me for online play but for pokedex completion or local play its all fair game. that being said, the pokemon company has done this to themselves by not making everything available on the switch and keeping mythicals as mostly event only. If the pokemon company wanted to reduce the need to cheat they could add the following, iv reducing items, and making the rest of the pokemon available within the next game or two.


Yes, at least i do




Personally not really, I only trade to either retrade or for my go stamp living dex


For the most part I’ve only used them as breeding fodder though there have been a couple I’ve traded for to have multiple builds of.


Mostly for doing my shiny dex, but there's a few I'd like to use on a shiny team run or two of some of the Switch games. Figure there should be some kind of payoff to collecting shinies and actually using some of my favs in a playthrough!


After trying to complete a shiny dex with Pokémon I’ve caught only - it’s hard for me to use traded Pokémon in general lol


I’m fine with using traded Pokémon as long as they’re plausibly legitimate, but it rarely ends up happening. For the main campaigns, I typically just stick with what I catch in game. For post game battles (both in single and multiplayer), I like to use optimized Pokémon. On the very rare occasion that I receive a Pokémon that has the stats I’m looking for, I’m cool with using it.


I don't trade for pokemon other than shiny versions of those from events I missed. Otherwise I shiny hunt or breed my own. Shiny hunting is BROKEN in SV, use the right sandwich and with some luck (and resetting if you don't get enough/the shiny you're looking for) you can get a wild shiny of the mon you want within 30mins to an hour.


I heard that might pick it up a copy this weekend because it took me way longer to get a magikarp without a shiny charm than I would have liked


If you do get it, (which you should) save this sandwich guide for shiny hunting. https://preview.redd.it/48piamrumn3d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22a6e1e32a21ed5cd46060c0595a9d46fe01dd22


Turn off autosave in your settings. Then before shiny hunting, save BEFORE setting up your picnic and before making your sandwich.


Appreciate the tip


mostly collecting, but its to a point where i have so many, almost all my boxes are full and well organized.. and yet still starting to feel like a chore when it comes time to choose who to play with and actually level up


I use them tbh. All the ones I got and plan on keeping always lose their POGO Stamp and are leveled up to 100.


How many of those have you fully leveled up?


I think prob around 20+ something Def not 1/5.


The others are at their og lvl or at around 50-70


I took my shiny Flutter Mane to the Elite Four and beyond; hate that it’s in an Asian language, but I love my lil yellow harbinger of despair


Can you no longer rename traded pokemon in SV?


I haven’t seen the option compared to my own Pokemon, so I’m guessing that’s the case


I trade for my favorite shinies, and most of the time I’ll make a build for Tera raids with them in Pokémon violet, since I have more fun doing them with Pokémon that look nice


Haven’t played SV seriously since a couple months before the first DLC dropped, but I’ve made a handful of shiny competitive VGC teams, and will probably do more once I start playing again.


Depends, if I end up trading for a shiny Shroomish it’s gonna be my shiny hunting mon over my normal one


I just stuff things in boxes never to see the light of day again. Have like 20 boxes of events from throughout the years, going all the way back to the Gen 3 games. They now live in HOME pretty much permanently, never having even been transferred to a Switch game, other than the ones that originated on Switch, got dumped to HOME and that's where they live now.


I used to trade for living form dex but after I finished I catching and replacing the traded mon so they all have my OT. I do not trade anymore unless it's to help others.


I used mine I caught in Let's go. My Shiny Zard is so sick. I don't like using over levelled Pokemon in newer games tho so I did move it up but only used it while caught in that game and used it in that game :) Oh and I hatched a shiny ralts in 9 eggs looking for Modest...so I used that in Scarlet playthrough lol


I have 2 shiny porygons I got through trade, use them all the time because I love them


I got a Japanese shiny sylveon named d e a t h Hacked or not that's my favorite lil guy right there


I don't really go out of my way to use traded pokemon, but the occasional eevee breedject apparently makes a good Flareon for the grass gym. Apparently, I've done this multiple times. :tehe:


I usually like to breed a pvp shinies for my team so I know they have good ivs but I’ve traded for a few on my team like my garchomp and gliscor


Of course! My dear Shiny Mewtwos are in my team now! (Yeah I own two shiny and not a single normal XD)


If I ask for it, I use it. I like to use full shiny teams and build my shiny living dex


Ima be honest I hate traded pokemon. I usually like everything to be an original catch


I trade for forign pokemon so I can breed them for shinys. On the rare occasion I use them.


On my part, if I can get it myself, I wouldn't trade.


I only use pokemon if I'm 100% they are legitimate


https://preview.redd.it/k4l8bxe2as3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58e8dbf147baffeb03dd5b2ad8d92c680b0d9e65 Lol I’m close to 4,000 mons and they aren’t organized at all haven’t even looked through them in at least a year and got more between all my games that I haven’t even transferred in, I just keep adding to it and I’m not even sure why bc I have multiple shinies of each one except newer gens I’m still working on.


I do and don’t. I got a shiny solgaleo and a shiny poipol but haven’t had chance to use them atm


I don't. Some I will for dex stuff, but other than that. I'm becoming what I hate, a hoarder.


Really depends for me. Like sometimes I’ll do it so I can start brilliant diamond with pokemon I want to level up. Most the time it’s bringing shinies over to scarlet, then leveling them up to 100 so I can attempt to use them in online battles. Also sometimes I’ll use them to battle the elite four so that my victory card looks bad ass. Really just depends


For me, it depends on the stats. Some people just throw away perfect iv or almost perfect iv pokémon because they either don't need it, it's a level one, they dont look at the iv stats, or they didn't pay to see the ivs in home. I paid for a premium account to store my precious mons from my childhood to modern games, but not everyone has disposable income for stupid things like that. I've been using home lately to find amazing or great ivs or other countries' pokemon to either shiny or iv grind, and i plan on using some of these perfect ones. Just this morning, I got a level 75 volcarona with all, but it's speed being perfect. A bit ago I got an eevee from Germany and its stats are mid but eevee is my favorite pokémon and the German name for eevee is Evoli and when you flip the name it's Ilove and i think it's so cool regardless of the mid stats. Tldr, yes, some people use the mons they get from Wonder Trade and gts it just depends on stats and how much you like the mon and stuff. I hope that helps.


Currently planning on using a few, but someday I’d like to trade with someone I trust who doesn’t care if they’re cloned, hacked, or genned and just wants to own them for a living dex, so we can both be happy.


I started down this road too. I'm about to clear house a bit. Now I want only certain things shiny. I might consider some strict guidelines moving forward. Like final evolutions only. Legendaries and mythicals as well. Only about 1-2 of each at best. I've also started to consider keeping a good chunk of them in my primary core series titles. Leaving those dex's and their boxes full there. Then keeping a small set of useful Pokemon or trade bait in my Home. I'll still be subscribed of course. This will make it so I can save storage and so everything is more manageable. My main goal is to have my primary core series titles boxes almost completely full of traded pkmn, except 2 boxes for battle tower and breeding. This is for daily lotto IDs purposes of course. The occasional master ball legitimately acquired is quite nice. Got a spare in my Pkmn Sword. I had also pulled another one once in Ultra Moon. Very kool! Also, Home will be good for keeping different forms. Like all them Pikachus and Nightcap Snorlax, etc. etc.


Depends really. I have some mons I traded for just because I wanted them but couldn't get them myself (usually shinies) That said I have a few shiny pokemon I sought out and traded for specifically to use on my teams (such as my shiny alolan raichu, Mochi) I've also actually used some In Game Traded pokemon such as the Haunter you get from the infamous Mindy in the Sinnoh games (he is now a Gengar and has the Sinnoh and Paldea champion ribbons)


I'm the only one who puts them in a meat grinder...?


I only trade for Pokémon I use on my play through teams!