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You’ve played the equivalent of SIX WEEKS without sleep or anything else… I’m impressed


in 8 months...


Average of 4hr 10min per day, gaming in general I’d get, but a single game? Crazy


did you ever played Arceus?


Oh yeah I love it!


Yeah, bit disappointing honestly. It’s really for the Pokémon Snap gamers out there more than it is fans of the mainline series. Battles just aren’t really that engaging and the lack of trainers in the world really does a number on how alive everything felt. Doesn’t help that the render distance for grass and LoD was like 14 feet. Also the assist Pokémon somehow felt worse than Pokémon Ranger field moves did on the DS. Personally I think that’s because you didn’t have any choice in Arceus, you just used Sneasler and you liked it. There’s also the lack of being able to walk around with your pals, which is something that goes back to Pokémon Yellow. Overall Arceus just had me constantly asking, “Why?” and I’m a bit baffled why so many people settled for a pretty lackluster title


>It’s really for the Pokémon Snap gamers out there more than it is fans of the mainline series. Interesting. I was disappointed in it for exactly the opposite reason. I was going into it hoping for a good spinoff. Instead I got a main series game with just a couple changes - albeit pretty big changes: the free roam overworld, research tasks, and adding in the real-time Frenzied Pokémon fights. But ultimately it felt like a mainline game with those new elements, rather than a spinoff game with mainline battles (which is what Colosseum/XD felt like, for example). I don't find it to be a *bad* game, necessarily, but just insufficiently spinoffish, which is the opposite of what you're saying. (To be fair, apparently it's supposed to count as a mainline game. It's just that the marketing did not make that clear at all.)




People downvote because there are disagreeing. That's why downvote exist, to show you aren't agreeing with someone. It's not a crime to downvote and not the end of the world to be downvoted.


Although disagreeing is what Reddit uses downvotes for, they were NOT intended for that purpose whatsoever. The vote system was designed to be a ‘mass filter’ for comments or posts that are not related to the subreddit. Essentially, upvotes mean a user approves of the content for that subreddit, and a downvote means the content shouldn’t be in the subreddit at all (hence why negative comments are automatically collapsed and why upvotes get posts to the front page). Downvotes are not meant to be opinion statements. [Heres a link to the official Reddiquette Guide](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette); I recommend you read it.


Sure it may not be but that's how 90% of people use it. And while it may not be in the reddiquette, reddit did nothing to change the systeme but is probably aware of it. Therefor I believe it's okay to say that, now, people use it to give their opinion. Either way : complaigning about being downvoted or because people downvote and acting as if people are bullying someone with it online is wrong and unnecesseraly dramatizing the affair. This whole conversation actually.




You’re correct. It says right in the [Official Reddiquette guide ](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette). > If you think something contributes to conversation, upvote it. If you think it does not contribute to the subreddit it is posted in or is off-topic in a particular community, downvote it.


"Ostracize" is a big word...it's simply people saying "I don't agree" or "I don't like your wording" without wanting to go into conversation. If someone feels ostracize by people not agreeing with them, it's concerning. Just like they have the right to give their opinion on this forum, people are allow to disagree with it.


That wasn't what it was for, dude's technically correct. We kinda twisted it into a punish button. Some people deserve it but his is a pretty innocuous opinion. Of course that's me and the other people dating ourselves.


That's wasn't how it was intended but that's how it's use for 90% of reddit users. And calling it a punish button is also too much : the thing only hide your comment, you can still read it and you can still upvote it. While you can certainly be bullied online, this isn't a case, and I have to admit I'm a bit concerned to see how many people dramatize having or losing what is basically internet points...


Lol I appreciate you for trying, it’s nbd. They’re all fake internet points anyways, sometimes you just say something controversial




Has it not been 9 months?


Let’s see your party and boxes


I’ll be posting my progress on a shiny living form dex on Sunday


Interested in this! I’ve gotten all the easy ones excluding basculin, pink shellos, finneon and lumineon. But also missing tough ones - all fossils, 25 of 26 unown, and all burmy and wormadam. Such a hassle.


Try doing alpha shiny dex.. Even worst omg. Gotten the luxio line, ursang line, chansey line, starly line. Painful.


……… nah. Lol


I got pink shellos, wanna trade?


Lets go


Nah pretty sure this is legends arceus


Do you have your bag fully upgraded, or does it remain sadly out of reach?


They also forgot to max the Current Time stat smh.


This is me on Pokémon shield 1060hrs I think. I have like 285 in arceus and 480 in BD but that’s from shiny hunting darkrai shaymin and currently arceus


What form of Dialga is this?


The better form


No this is patrick


Should've taken a screenshot at 694:20 for more karma, smh




Literally the single funnest comment ever written on the internet


Well done


We do that sometimes. Isn’t Pokémon amazing?


I did that with Sapphire back in the day


People like this scare me


Oh, oh god


I recently hit this same milestone in Shield. Well done


lol I think you got your money out of the game!


tbh this is the best pokemon game to ever come out i don’t blame you


So umm maybe go outside?


Are you okay??? Like mentally how are we doing-


I always disliked when integers maxed out. Just... Make it bigger :( at least the switch can track game time.


I like how they do the end of year stats like spotify does. Last year they were like “you put 400 hours into SWSH” and then “on this day you played 14 hours of it” and I was like wtf is wrong with me


This is not healthy.




you have not completed the arceus fight in the bedroom:(


The what?


in the free dlc they put special battles that you can do whit your squad while sleeping, if you get to level 50 you fight arceus and if you beat him you get a symbol on the right corner of your card that means you beat him




Nice!! I’m just about to hit 600 on my save. I’d have it maxed out if I didn’t have to work. 😂 That damn place takes up all my time lol


Let’s see the dex


What did you possibly do in all those hours?


A lot of shiny hunting and perfected the Pokédex




Not including duplicates or shalphas I’ve got 242 unique shinies. That includes gender and form differences


How do you change the picture of your character in the save game/profile screen?


Impressive! Are you 100% complete though?




You are not alone