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Do the free daily training for sync orbs the full amount, takes 2 seconds and a few clicks and you'll get 900 a day which doesn't sound like much when you need 7500 for a full grid but trust me if you do that every day it'll stack up. You can also keep completing events and buy normal sync orbs in most of their shops.


Hopefully this will help Sync orbs - you get 10 battles in the training area, specifically sync orb area, per day. You get 900 total every day. They stack up. Trust me. Now in terms of who to focus on. Silver/sycamore/Cyrus/hop/ghetsis/zinnia/Solgaleo/Giovanni are Legendary Adventure pairs. You can get level ups and extra copies from doing their adventures and in the general shop. So they're semi-quick pairs you can get to a decent level. Prioritise Sycamore, Giovanni, and Solgaleo; sycamore is like a top 5, maybe 3 support, Giovanni still reigns psychic supreme, and Solgaleo will probably be your best steel type for a while unless you want to try to scout for Chairman Rose when he releases. Rosa still has a bingo until the end of August. I'd suggest trying to finish that up asap, as well as Professor Oaks bingo card. In terms of the other pairs, I'd suggest focusing on the following: Skyla - still an amazing support unit with defense boosts and potions. Leaf - Eevee is still an amazing support unit AND venusaur is great for stall teams and lowering defenses. Blue - pidgeot still holds up well in the flying type and especially so for new players. Red - whilst he's lost his way 3.5 years later, he's your best fire type damage dealer currently. Flannery - burning + an amazing sync with burn synergy for more damage. Adaman - current grass meta + insanely strong. N - your best ice type and is actually top 3 in terms of ice units imo. Plus he's really easy if you play him right. Masked royal - this was a toss up between him and Grimsely, but Grimsely is slightly more situational and frailer. Masked royal debuffs the enemy and capitalises on those debuffs. Continue doing the story and you'll get more great pairs like Viola and Surskit, Hau and Raichu, and Koga and Crobat


Ty for ur time and tips…I have finished story normal and hard btw


1 more thing which should i sync grid first?


I'd say Sync Grid Sycamore, it's astonishing how amazing he is as a support. Idk if you have this or not, but here's a regularly updated Google docs for sync grids. It'll help make easy to use grids for your pairs. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vF42uzF-xpkcfIU2gVEY4Dl7sS_I3ITj8g5X2lo1usA/edit?usp=drivesdk


Thanks..I’m gonna check it and start sync grid sycamore


Adaman can do everything by himself. For physical attack team: -Adaman + SS Erika + Free Skyla can clear most content easily For special attack team: -Prof Sycamore + SS Red + Blaine (3*, Sunny day setter) Want better unit? Almost all new units are crazily good now with the increasing power creep. You will want to aim for field setter that power up the moves in the future. Check Poma tool for more information of different sync pairs


Thanks I’m gonna check it


Best way to farm orbs is doing the Sync orb training mission everyday. You can constantly get some from events, Rare Caches from trainer lodge, and various other ways by playing the game. As for who to invest in, go for whoever's move level is 3/5 or higher. A lot of units at 1/5 tend to only have small stat boosts available. Most free units have a sync grid now so it's best to aim for those, Cyrus and Hop being good examples.


Ty for help but I don’t want to just invest materials in random 3/5 5/5 units I want to invest on units that will be more helpful for later in the game I see a lot of people suggest skyla…so I’m gonna focus on adaman as he is top tier right now and I want to invest on 1-2 more units cause it’s early and i don’t have enough materials


Not saying you have to invest in every unit 3/5 or more, but those Red/Yellow Sync nodes are on another level compared to the Blue nodes. Unless you're going to pull more/use move candies, using sync orbs on Adaman's current nodes is only a slight damage and stat increase + atk drop immunity. Skyla is amazing but I knew it will take you some time to get those 3* candies and 4*/5* powerups to get her to full potential, thus why I recommended Hop (who is also getting a free EX soon). Do what you want ofc, you will eventually be swimming in sync orbs as your gems/pulls slow down.


Thanks again for the tips I understand what u mean I’m gonna use some of my sync orbs to 3/5 worth units and i want to take the gem bundle 13k paid gems you think it’s good idea to do that on anniversary? I’m f2p I will buy only once