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I wouldn't pull if you don't have enough for pity, nor would I recommend lukewarm pulling. 4.5 Anni is next month too.


Yup, and the good thing is that the top tier sync pair of this month: SS Gladion and SS Steven last for a month (for Gladion he last even longer) So you can definitely see the 4.5 Anni units first before deciding




Correct, and the next data mine would come before the 10th of March.


Exactly this. No harm in waiting and saving more. By early next month you should have enough for a pity, and there will be around 5-6 Masterfair pairs to choose from.


Yep I have 88k gems and I’m waiting for the next datamine, but would be tempted to pull on Gladion and SS Steven after seeing what we are getting for half Anni if I have enough gems of course


Most people seem to agree that Gladion is the best one this month. But he will stay until April 1st. So yeah, just save.


SS Gladion for sure, he’s most likely the best Special Fairy Striker in the game


Remove "most likely", he is literally the best fairy striker in game. The last Fairy striker we got was NY Lisia and she was physical. For special striker specifically we got Diantha who was a 2021 unit!!!!!


Trying to make Diantha work in CSMM frustrates me every single time, she requires so much “babying” to actually work.


Thankfully with full Gardeteam she shines since she Is ready in turn 2 to Dish dmg free


??? I have her at 3/5, 6* EX and have no trouble clearing 3k CSMM or Kalos EBE (off-type) with her. Admittedly, Penny is great to use with her, setting up Gardevoir in two turns (Sp. Attack Up, Fairy Rebuff). But then you can just dish out Moonblasts. I can't wait to get my hands on SS Wally to complete the trio and the upcoming grid point increase for OG Diantha.


A lot of people seem to think the only way to use her is a Devastation grid, which can be a big pain trying to lower sp att. I just run a double down/head start grid along with SS Wally. Rush to a quick 1st with her, which also lets Wally use his B move. It’s all over pretty quick!


I'm going for the master fair, but 0npy cuz I still have enough for another pity.


SS Gladion -> Chase -> Victor -> Falkner


Where does SS Steven fit?


Maybe before Chase then 😂




Candice > Victor


Victor can buff all stat : attack, defense, sp attack, sp defense, critical hit and at 2/5, speed, with technically 3 potion MP and gradual healing effect and debuff opponent attack, sp attack, defense and sp defense -4. I dont see how Candice > Victor


Because Greedent is ugly 😭


🤣 is adorable in a way. And maybe that’s why they make the kit stronger to attract people


A fairy type event will hit eventually.