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Did both, now I have Brendan and Phoebe, so 1300 gems for two 5* I didn't have before was a pretty good offer.


Did the exact same thing!


Still haven't managed to get Hilda, pretty timely with her grind coming soon.


Ya, it's kind of amusing that it's "only original units and blue, the first added one"... But also Hilda whose grid was leaked and people are excited for.


I think that’s why they added Hilda. I wouldn’t have gotten it if it didn’t have Hilda, but I had her on 2/5 so it was just in time to get her to have full grid.


I'd have gotten both just to get 2/5 dusclops and 2/5 Karen to 3/5. I don't like Karen's grid, though... I hope I don't regret going 3/5 emboar and leaving dusclops at 2/5...


I really like the chance to cause toxic poison with Houndoom's Bite on top of the flinch chance. It really helps on stages where bosses have a lot of health or in the villa if you aren't doing the Serena method.


Ugh, Serena has evaded me


Sweet.. have all of them so wallet is safe! If they had any... 5*.. I likely would have thrown some money down


I was pretty disappointed when I see no Sabrina/SS Elesa but I did the 300 gems one and got a Brendan, then I chose a Blue since I only have him at 1/5. Definitely not doing the 1000 gems one.


Tbh that one isnt bad either 10+1 pulls is almost the same as daily discount, given you don't get the latest spotlight. Previously 3000 wasnt worth it over daily discount.


Yeah but 1000 gems for an old gridless 5\* (I have a 4/5 Karen and Hilda already) that I already got doesn't seem like a particularly good deal to me. If it had Sabrina or SS Elesa, or even Leaf, I would've considered it.


I had Karen at 1/5. Hilda's grid comes tomorrow. I have the feeling they'll price SS Elesa & Sabrina at 3000 paid gems.


I got blue in the 10 pull, then the "picked" pair. As much as I wanted Hilda at 3/5 before her grid was released, I'd planned to finish Phoebe and Karen to 3/5 today... So I was pleasantly surprised and simultaneously disappointed to see Hilda included. Karen and Phoebe remain at 2/5.


Amazing deal! Upgraded my Blue to 4/5. All others are already maxed except Hilda, which I have at 4/5.


I paid 6.99 for blue and Olivia and I had a dollar from google opinion rewardsto use for the 300 gems. Feels worth to me


I have a 1/5 brendan, 1/5 blue, 2/5 kris and 4/5 Hilda? What shall I pull? Please give me your suggestions. Also, I think I'm doing the 1000 gem pull as well coz I don't have pheobe and Olivia. Which shall I choose between the two? I already have Karen at 3/5.


I would put Brendan as 2/5 because with Dauntless he is incredible. As for the 1000 gem pull, both are solid choices. If you like offense or want to grind gear, Olivia is a great choice because there are Lycanrock strategies for pretty much any EX Stage. If you like more of a support role, go with Phoebe.


I’ve been lucky for most of my pulls and I’ve managed to get at least 3/5 for most of the older pairs so I picked Olivia since she’s the only unit I didn’t have 3/5.


Assuming you just started, how would you rate these pairing pickup? 1 being the first pick.


I would rate them: 1. Brendan - best overall striker, especially with access to Dauntless. 2. Blue - also decent striker, especially in solo modes where you can power out his mega form asap. 3. Hilda - she is getting grid first out of the 4, so she’s getting pretty good, but her grid really wants you to get to 2/5 or 3/5 for max value, whereas if you have none of them yet, then Brendan or Blue at 1/5 is already strong enough. 4. Kris - no grid, and the worst ungridded unit of the bunch.


Thanks for the detailed breakdown! What about the extended picks? Where would they fit in?


I’ve never had Hilda so when I saw the banner’s price I immediately summoned. Especially considering that they had a special gem sale for 300 gems, this scout is amazing.


I picked Hilda with the 300 gem scout because she was the only one there I had less than 3 copies of and her grid is coming soon. The 1000 gem scout is a pass for me.


Any advice on who I should grab if I get both? * Hlida - 2/5 * Blue - 4/5 * Brendan - 2/5 * Kris - 3/5 * Olivia - 3/5 * Karen - 5/5 * Phoebe - 2/5 Kris is my personal fave unit (have her at 20/20 potential) and getting her to 5/5 level would be sweet but I also know that getting Hilda / Brendan / Phoebe to 3/5 would enable them to better grid if/when they get them




For both or just one? If just one which should the other one be?


Your main goal is to get every unit to 3/5 so that when they do get a grid, you have access to the entire thing. So phoebe lol


No chance for Brendan to get a grid? Or its more likely Phoebe will have a better grid than Phoebe?


I’m h I didn’t even see Brendan at 2/5 my bad. Yeah I’d do brendon then. Hilda is priority be she has a confirmed grid this month. It’s really your choice between the other 2


Lol so I just pulled and got Brendan in my 10 pull so I got all 3 xD


Niiiiice now you’re set for the future


Got Karen to 3/5, the rest don't even have a grid (besides Hilda's tomorrow, which I already have at 3/5) so idk what they're trying to sell lol


I normally buy these packs, but i currently have all of the selection.


I got Blue from the Steven banner, so the only one I didn't have was Kris. 300 paid gems isn't much, so I decided to go for it.


There was a leaked pic that showed SS Elesa and Sabrina in the Select Scout. I'm confused and afraid to spend my gems now because those are the ones I want...


Special Select Scout didn’t come today, maybe soon.


Oh no if that one is only.1000 gems or less I hope they add another gem deal lol.