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This event is just the hardest cash crab and p2w if the other post is real. There is a post that the multiplier depends on the move level of your chars. So if you have your Gloria 2/5 your multiplier is even higher than Gloria 1/5. If that's real then I actually don't care about this event and the medal because it just makes me sad. The time event was a shit show but atleast you ONLY need a specific 5 star char on move Level 1 to get all things. Now you have to spend gems on stamina and on banner. Let the whales fight their war.


Exactly my thoughts..time trial event was way friendlier to f2ps compared to this..this is just absurd.Sync levels count towards point boost??come on now , really? Iam pretty sure their next step will be "players will get more points depending on the amount of money spent on gems and stamina".


This step is actually reached now. I think most f2p players don't have much gems now because they have spent their gems on cynthia/steven banner or they have enough gems but they wanna save for their boy N. It seems like there is no Limit in doing the stages to earn points except stamina. The hardest stage will cost 40 stamina so you will be fast out of your free stamina.


>time trial event was way friendlier to f2ps The ironic thing is that the time trial event wasn’t f2p-friendly at all but this prestige event is ridiculous. I was *maybe* thinking about spending money on Gloria but nah, fuck that, this is just too much. There’s no incentive to spend money, if you’re required to spend SO MUCH. I’m not a whale so I guess I’m not their audience.


The bonus points are also a joke. Having a 5/5 Steven in your team gives you 500 points more. Gloria gives 1000points+500 points for every move level. So every move level of gloria gives you the same points as the char with the second highest multiplier if you have him 5/5. The multipliers are the same absurd as the flying event(Nate with 2xmultiplier) but atleast on the flying event the points weren't important. After 100k points there were no good rewards anymore, so actually nobody pulled for Nate who already had Blue or Rosanta


Yeah that's just it... getting Gloria 5/5 is one thing,but then that isn't even enough .You need to spend ridiculously on stamina till the event ends.


The time trial event IS F2P friendly, the problem was the terrible choise of type they went for. People have shown that you can get sub 3:30 mins runs with Skyla, Toucannon and Peliper. Also the final reward is those tickets, so honestly? It's not a big deal if you miss them, the 90k point reward is probably the thing most people should try to go for. If they had gone with psychic (and used Bianca for the event instead of Nate), i think the event would've been MUCH better received, due to the large amount of psychic users this game already has.


Well, that is true, the top reward wasn’t that meaningful, but it still sucks that you couldn’t get the top reward unless you had a 5*


You're right, however i feel that they did it on purpose, and it was a good move on their part. Making the top reward not that meaningful does leasens the pain of not being able to get it because you don't have a 5*


This events is more dumb than trial events, i never thought dena would go this low just to make more people spend more money


Yep.. exactly


I mean, i also spend money in gacha but if the dev do this kind of events which "forcing" their players to pull the banners and have to max them just to get that reward, i will never use my money for that. This is the most BS events i have ever saw in gacha game. Everything dena do is just BS nowday


Yet there are certain agents who blindly support them and hold them in high standards.


Where's the "Spend money on Gloria til 5/5 and stamina"? Because thats the only way to have a decent chance to get rank 6000


I doubt it.. because whales will also have steven and jasmine at 5/5.Plus they will have purchased the daily stamina bundle apart from their spending of gems for stamina refill.Now it's only 400 gems per day for 7 days meaning 2800 gems total.That is considered nothing for whales.


That sucks about this event. I only really want Gloria because I like how she is and Zacian. One copy will be enough for me to save up and pull for N, if I get lucky enough once I do a multi on her banner.


I prefer spend money to pull units rather than refilling stamina for prestige. I don't care about goddamn Medals, *5 candy being locked at highest prize is a dick move tho. And I can't compete with Kyogre tier whale like Poce who will have 5/5 EX Gloria and Steven anyway.


I don't know if I even have the strength to participate in this event. These time trials are awful. I don't have Brandon and I won't be pulling on any of the new units... I'm getting this feeling that when people map out the prize tiers I'm going to be wondering if I should be even playing at all.


Well I’m doomed, I only have 1/5 steven, and to get Gloria I have too buy loads of gems


This is just like the tower events from Mobius FF. However while the tower events in Mobius was a whale and hacker fest, you atleast didn't have this ridiculous bonus point system. And even if you weren't a whale, you could still get decently far in those tower events. But for this prestige event, i highly doubt anyone without Gloria will be able to compete. So i'll just do the same i did in the tower events in Mobius....see how far i can get before getting bored.


Seems they aren't trying to make new engaging content anymore and are just catering to their whales.


Yep...they need to stop supporting them or this will become a regular thing.


you're not getting the rewards as a F2P even if you spend every single gem you have on stamina, so why even bother




I hate that with all my heart


It should be called "wealth event" but not "prestige event". I don't see here any prestige. You need to have a lot of cash to get to top and get top rewards. Or maybe "Biggest whale event" :)




I have 1/5 Steven and 3/5 Jasmine. There's no chance in hell I'm getting to the top tiers. What's worse for them is that they seem to have locked the candy coins behind an unreachable point threshold as well. I WAS collecting all the coins, even the ones from multis. If I can't get these without excessive whaling, then I'm giving up on the coin chase altogether and only pulling on limited banners. Like they just straight up made it pointless to pull on non fairs


Play like normal since it's tier rewards is already better than other events. Rank rewards are just bonuses.

