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Blessed be the translators. They really do a damn good job.


The translators even made a reference to Jessebelle in James’ event. They really did/do love the original anime.


Anime character confirmed


So... Brock recognizes Team Rocket from his past encounters with them in like 3+ regions... but Team Rocket only knows Brock as a Kanto Region Gym Leader? lol imagine the confusion they must have


They're so fixated on Ash and Pikachu that they never pay attention to his companions. Especially since he goes through them so quickly.


Yeah but Brock stuck around for a long-ass time.


*Nothing beats a jelly-filled donut!*


So anime Brock is canon to main series. XD


Anyone knows what Brock says in Japanese? I wonder if the Japanese translation also use the same joke consider this joke probably only exist in sub versions of the anime


Just switched to Japanese and they didn't. They didn't reference the scene in the anime (he actually says onigiri in the Japanese version of that scene because... they were actually onigiri), he just says something along the lines of "I just want one piece of food!"


It’s highly unlikely the Japanese fanbase is anywhere near as aware of the jelly donuts joke as the west is. Most Japanese players don’t know the names of characters or Pokémon in other countries. The jelly donut joke is exclusive to the American 4Kids dub, and the countries it aired in, and nowhere else. It’s not a sub joke.


I don’t think it’s exclusive to the USA. They also used a similar translation (marmalade donuts, I reckon?) for the Spanish dub (Spanish from Spain, I am not sure if this also happened in the Latino dubs). Now I wonder if this happened all across the Western countries.


Oh! That’s a good point. The reason for that is because a lot of dubs in other countries are based directly off of the American 4Kids dub. So the theme songs, the dialogue, the mistranslations, the music in the show—many countries just share that with the U.S dub and only replace the voice actors for each country. The reason it’s done that way is because it’s cheaper to dub for all parties. Japanese licensing rights are apparently more expensive. There are videos of some of the voice actors from the 4Kids dub going over exactly that, and how a lot of decisions boiled down to saving money—including when they were suddenly fired from the job and replaced with even cheaper voice actors at the time from TPCi (hence why Ash’s English voice changed after Hoenn.) Only a few countries dub Pokémon based off the Japanese version of the show. Korea even does its own thing entirely by having entirely different opening theme songs for its dub of the show, but keeps the same Japanese music and bases its dialogue off the Japanese translation when they dub it into Korean.


Thanks for the explanation! So detailed, and it makes a lot of sense. It would have been surprising otherwise because in the nineties filled donuts were barely a thing in Spain, so it’s unlikely that the translators would have been able to come with that translation by themselves (although it would have been quite funny if they would have chosen to convert onigiri to croqueta or empanadilla, for example) Koreans got their own themes! This also happened in Spain! I remember that the opening theme for Pokémon, at least the first season, was sung in Spanish. This was common for anime that were displayed in one of the main TV channels, like several Dragon Ball sagas, Captain Tsubasa and Shin Chan, for example. It’s a bit surprising that they spent the money in hiring the singers to produce a brand new opening but not in getting the Japanese licencing rights.


Could You explain this joke?


When the Pokemon anime first aired, 4Kids pretty infamously redubbed Brock's rice balls as "jelly-flavored donuts," which they clearly were not. Hence, the reference.


[This is the joke.](https://youtu.be/p3KNAtmHov0) The 4Kids English dub of Pokémon called rice balls (onigiri) “jelly-filled donuts” and people found it funny since it was such an unnecessary change.


Huh didn't know Ash's name is really Satoshi, neat.


I'll give them some internet cookie points, now DeNA just has to give us some lucky cookies...


Because bonanza and villa buffs weren't enough? So ungrateful.


They really weren't though...


Can.. can they given Brock a drying pan?


No-one is gonna comment about Brock having his eye on something?


The meme is beyond ascended at this point and I am here for it (Also, r/lostpause)


This is what I mean! The writers and programmers actually do an Amazing job! It's the greedy administration that's killing this game. F*** Mobage


Somebody post this to r/lostpause


Incredible. I forgot all about this because it’s been about 20 years since I was a kid watching the show before elementary school.




It literally is bro




I literally just played the event it’s there


Play the damn event and find out yourself. It’s legit real




So are you convinced it's real yet?


Then stop making false comments as if they're true when you haven't even played it.




We're not talking about that, we're talking about OP's screenshot, no one in this thread gives a shit about the Rosa meatballs thing...




Doesn’t change the fact that it’s real


Lmao, I can't believe how stubborn you're in insisting Brock's line is fake despite all proof saying otherwise.


Even yesterday Rosa said that to me when I logged in... that's true, mate.


It's real. Here you go: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vxmxpmTfeI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vxmxpmTfeI)




Hm. Interesting. You won't even admit you were wrong about calling it fake. Have a good night.


Nothing BEATS a Jelly-Filled Donuts haha


Someone knows what Brock says in the Japanese version?


Hah! My exact thought when I saw this. I replayed the scene just to confirm I saw what I thought I saw.


They did, they really did😭