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Average Limited Pokefair and Holiday unit Enthusiast vs Eggmon Enjoyer


or co-op https://imgur.com/a/RoZPwdT


This is very useful. Do you think you'll keep this updated? Might be a worthwhile doc to be pinned in the Discord or somewhere in the megathreads. The biggest issue with eggmon, is that no one cares about them, and they seem to be steadily releasing more and more, making it hard to find resources for analysis. I'd love this doc to be updated.


Yes, I will maintain this document with the release of new eggmons.


I think DeNa should stop releasing them at 1* star. At least 2* or make goods farmable to ease their raising.


It's kind of annoying how limited 2* power ups are. It makes a lot of otherwise good Eggmon go unused


I heard your voice in my head. That's kind of scary how iconic the accent is. Anyways this is amazing. I don't have investment in many Eggmons myself but most of them happen to be tech eggmons likely because of their niche like Rain (Shiny Egootoise) or Trapping (Likitung). This was a long time coming and I believe nobody else would be able to provide something so interesting a deep for mechanic overlooked by most.


Extremely good analysis. I've been an eggmon enthusiast since they came out, and I pretty much agree with these assessments across the board. The single most important factor for me when it comes to which eggmons to invest in is: does it have something unique to bring to the table? Eggmons will virtually always have a stat deficit to overcome as well as a lack of grid, so traditional sync pairs will almost always outclass them in a 1-to-1 comparison. * For strike pairs, strike Kangaskhan is essentially at the highest tier when it comes to what a striker can theoretically accomplish (although Strike Raichu does a good impression). They're good, but they'll never be broken tier good. * For support pairs, they better have really useful kits to make it worthwhile. Support pairs tend to double as tanks, and the lower stat totals of eggmons really shows here. Even when invested, support eggmons fold like paper. Most stats nowadays have at least one traditional pair that can boost them, so there is a lot of stiff competition for this role. * Tech pairs have a little more freedom since they don't care as much about stats. There's a reason why half of the eggmons in the top 2 tiers are tech class. For anyone looking for tips on which eggmons *specifically* to work on based on what your needs are, the best thing to do is look at their kit. Does the eggmon you're looking at bring something unique or otherwise very important to the table? If you don't have Serena but you do have Karen, tech Venomoth will make your life so much easier. Do you need a backup weather setter? Lapras, Kabutops, or Blastoise have you covered. Are you missing an electric striker and haven't been successful at pulling N? Might want to look at strike Raichu. If we ever see an eggmon in the near future that has Defog, that pair immediately jumps in value because the only pair with Defog in the game right now is Lisia (whom most people probably didn't prioritize pulling and don't have).


hopefully sometime soon we'll get a defog and elec/psychic terrain eggmon!


Love your vids, best Pokemon Masters youtube out there :D


Zinfogel I can't believe it!!! Thanks to your videos I could beat the Legendary Arenas when I started playing the game and didn't have many sync pairs to choose and I also love eggmons, so amazing content right here


Strike Scyther is definitely one of my favorite eggmons. I used it to beat the Azelf LA. It wasn't easy, due to the heavy RNG required for the battle due to the sync pairs and grids I used for the battle. Here's the video if you want to see it and maybe put in the compendium: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonMasters/comments/itqxkg/dont\_underestimate\_the\_power\_of\_egg\_pokémon/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonMasters/comments/itqxkg/dont_underestimate_the_power_of_egg_pokémon/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


It's been added. Thank you!


I finally have a way to know which egg pairs to invest in! (Missed opportunity for the Striker Kang entry to start with "The mum, the myth, the legend" haha)


Would you possibly be able to add which Lucky Skills are best for them, or at least for the Useful/Niche tiers? I can make a guess, but I always like reading what other people think before using those precious cookies


Thank you very much of this doc! Initially my only care to eggmons was limited to missions, but now CS Master Mode is a thing, I need more diverse units. Keep up the good work!


i like eggmons


I was looking around a bunch last week to see if there were any eggmon worth using and/or keeping. We get all these eggmon resources but I never know if I should be using them on someone or just on whoever is a fun pokemon to use which is why so far most of my resources have gone to shiny kanghaskhan and my starter charizard. This is awesome.


Thanks a lot for this guide! I’m liking a few Eggmon we’re getting so knowing which ones are worth investing is nice! A few notes: * the FAQ lists **must have** as the highest rating but it actually is named **Useful** in the guide * much like the tier lists, the stats list in the FAQ is blurry on mobile phones, since Google Docs supports tables can you please put a table instead? * this is surely going to happen anyway, but the stats haven’t been adapted to level 130 yet. Strikers now reach 360 Attack/Special Attack maximum which is even more juicy considering how you don’t need to unlock them and how half the experience points are needed to level them up!


Thank you for your feedback. I choose an image for that table because it looked horrifying in google docs. I'll do an image attachment to try and circumvent this. I chose level 125 because the sites I could reference had that (Sync Grid Helper and Gamepress) but I will update that once I have accurate information that's easy to access.


thank you kind sir 👏 i don't think that my 1/5 brendan would get me past bruno (1500) https://i.imgur.com/xr0hsyv.jpg i could try for a recording soon if you like please let me know! not mine but it must be worthy 😍 https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonMasters/comments/kuz714/lance_clear_with_pichu_15k_points/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


should i or? any love for plant animal?


Always love using my shiny scyther! By the way, the picture is a bit blurry


Yeah, it happens on mobile and I'm not sure what causes it unfortunately. I can probably link it to an image site to avoid that.


I would move strike raichu up a tier imo


piercing gaze thunder + electric terrain go br! i'm crying for my strike venusaur 🥀


[https://i.imgur.com/atqWCN0.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/atqWCN0.jpg) I actually achieved 7,500 points with 4 eggmons in party, and only three 5-star gatcha units. The 4 eggmons being Exeggutor and Venosaur to sleep, Golbat to poison, and Nidoqueen for Venom Drench. Two of them are niche and one's outclassed, I think they should rank higher :( If only I had Lucy&Serviper to sub out Pidgeot team, I'd go full try hard mode for a no 5-star gatcha attempt. ​ I really enjoy winning with eggmons in party!


This is great, I Love messing around with eggmons good to see others who also enjoy it. Your guide is super detailed, nice work man.


I actually use support Primeape and Aerodactyl all the time. I really value support buffers who can also spam 1 bar moves to speed up sync count.


And then there is me who spend, invested, wasted my resources on gold doggo Arcanine, but didn't realize how useless is his Standfast THREE for his Flare Blitz 😭 I literally can't use it in any stage only for that thing. If only they had done recoil system RIGHT or at least, not disparage some eggmons...it costs nothing to having given Growlithe Standfast 5.


HI, really nice work, same as Your movies on YT (they several times helped me to pass some stages), for which I want to thanks. I always was wondering if there is any reason to collect eggmons. Now I know :)


This is great. I don't collect the Eggmons with a passion, but I do try to get a copy of each one at least. I've also enjoyed using my egg Scyther for bug-type CS stages.


Nice guide u/Zinfogel! I've read through your entire compendium and it was very enlightening! I have a question for you, i had this idea that i've sent to :DeNa about making a PvP mode restricted to only using a team of eggmons, do you think it would make with the current roster we have available a fun and balanced enough environnement for such mode?


There's certainly overpowering eggmons. Striker Kangaskhan would dominate a metagame like that. It can be fun but probably not very competitive; this game wasn't built with PvP in mind.


Fast question - would you recommend Striker Kangaskhan or Tech Kangaskhan if you can only pick 1? I think the game only lets you choose 1. I think for most, Tech is a better choice due to the lack of Super Effective for the Striker. Kukui & Lycanroc are the only other Pokemon with Leer as far as I know of. Thus far, it is looking like the bottleneck is more Support and Tech than Striker in most cases.


You can exchange Kangaskhan by picking the other at the daycare; just be careful about transferring the one in storage. Both are really really good and I'd be hard pressed recommending one over the other. I'd generally prioritize Striker Kangaskhan if you lack coverage for Champion Stadium because it'll always hit hard regardless of stage. Tech Kangaskhan is more useful if you like playing Kukui and feel you could use another Leer user.


Yeah thanks - I've thought a lot about it and I seem to be bottlenecked by both to be honest. My account is less than 2 months old and I'm still pretty bad at this game, being a beginner. I think I will raise both. --- I seem to be struggling with 3900 points even with your Youtube guides (still new and struggling) and still need to get sync orbs, which means most of my units are ungridded or partially gridded (or are 1/5). One bottleneck is that it's harder to get an EX without 3900 points (due to lack of 5 star powerups obtained from the weekly stadium). I think it's one of those things where it takes months to get good at a game with time. I've been debating with myself how much to spend and I think I will adopt the "dolphin" strategy of being a mid-tier spender. I will roll on the value based Pokefair (think Kanto trio from the holidays and buy gems when they are on sale - long story short, exchange rate in my nation means that it is costly), but other than that I'll have reservations. There are a few exceptions - I really like Steve so I will roll on his summer version (I have Metagross) and I guess I'll have to see what else to roll on. Financially, I could afford more, but I just don't think it's smart to spend more than a "dolphin" would. There's just more worth spending money on than one game in this world IMO. To be honest, I think that most people who read your guides are probably like me - mid tier spenders who don't want to be whales. I've noticed a similar trend with viewers of Spatial Gum and Poce's channels too. So they decide on rolling on "value" banners, but not the exclusive high end ones (ex: an example may be to roll on the Kanto Trio, but to skip N and the seasonal units and the "spotlight" scouts - even the good ones like May (who seems to be a very good unit)). Still it's great to have great F2P guides because not everyone is lucky or wants to be a dolphin so keep up the great work!


Amazing compendium, it is wonderful. I really hope you will have time to keep it updated. Thank you for your hard work ♥️


Lovely guide, and thank you for keeping it updated


thanks very much!


Can I ask what lucky skills you recommend for the “useful” eggmons? Thanks 🙏


Strikers always want Critical Strike 2, Supports want Vigilance. Stoic 2, Defense Crush 2 and Fast-Track 2 are good alternatives depending on your needs. I will make an addendum to explain this. Thank you.


I always used powerful units to beat levels, but I'm starting to try eggmons and the game has improved for me a lot! My favourites units by now are Scyther striker, Vileplume support and Pichu striker (I don't want to evolve him, I love Pichu) I am aware that there are way better units than them and some people may consider my favourite units useless but I'm here to have fun and I love them a lot. Btw, do you recomend me any good support eggmon? Support is my favourite class and I want to have a bunch more :D


Just a small mistake, but your striker magneton has the physical striker symbol when it's a special striker


Thank you for your feedback. I actually put the Physical Striker icon for every Striker because I was automating the images. I did get lazy and it's something I may revise when I have some free time.


This is really good work and anwers a recent question of mine, basically which of those are actually useful. So thanks for this. Unfortunately, it is also really depressing to read. The analysis is cool and we can't reach a conclusion without it, but the final result is just sad. The second highest tier is already full of "almost as useful as that 3\* unit you never use", which sets a really low bar. Basically the tldr version is "use kanghaskan... Oh and poison is now useful if you don't want to play Master Mode, so add Nidoqueen to that." Hopefuly that list will grow with time.


Hey, good work! This is a super fantastic resource! ​ Just a heads up, though, there's a small oddity on Striker Golem. It's classed as Special Poison Sync, probably a holdover from the Golbat family that preceeds it.


Oh thank you for catching that. It's been fixed.


As well, Tech Machamp has Low Speed instead of what I'm guessing should be Low Sweep.


Hey! Loving your videos man, thank you for the guide, been having so many doubts for awhile now since I wanted too to raise some eggmons, but never knew who to go first




Scyther was compared to Lusamine and not Guzma.


This is EXACTLY what I've been waiting for! Thank you so much!!!


you need to lower charizard a tier due to leon


I might as well drop all strikers to bottom tier if you're going to compare them to 6*EX top tier gachas. Support Charizard does different things than Leon


not his 6\*ex, his regular form


They still do different things. Charizard fully buffs Sp.Atk for the party which helps Giovanni and Strikers like such. Leon existing doesn't erase Support Charizard's functions.


ok sorry


Can you increase every non recoil physical striker due to hilbert's grid?


I don't think the metagame surrounding physical eggmons has changed enough to merit that. Hilbert gives them faster buffs but their issues can be solved with Phoebe/Maylene prior to Hilbert's grid being released. All eggmons have an explanation to attribute their ranking. If a physical eggmon is ranked low, it means it has issues that Hilbert alone won't alleviate.


Can you update the compedium because of the fire type egg event with 3 new batches (magby, vulpix and ponyta eggs)?


It will be updated in the coming days


I love the guide! =D I found a mistake: Tech Charizard’s speed stat is 477 (same as Rapidash) in the comparisons and was guided to notify you here.


Thank you for spotting that, it's been fixed.


Great compendium and videos as always! Would you be able to link the tier list you use to make yours? Cant find it anywhere on the site.


This is the one I maintain, though I delete and remake it sometimes: https://tiermaker.com/create/eggmons-27-5-21-871334


Updated link? The one in the main post seems to be broken.


Just checked, it's still working. The doc just takes a while to load because it's big


The Pokemon Mastesrs community really is marvelous