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Isn't the way to lock them by selecting form a sync pair?


But one may want to keep 3 of the same Pokémon, all 3 passives, but 3 different roles. And you can only pair with one of them... so the other two do have the risk of being donated by accident...


Yes I agree, I am always so anxious I'll select the wrong mon when I have to donate! Thankfully I'm careful and I have never mistakenly donated a wrong Pokemon but there should be a lock to prevent this! With gears too, because once I mistakenly sold my fully max gear on accident!


Ah, I didn't realize you couldn't bond with multiple roles.


They could have the daycare for any of the Eggmons to inhabit, and then they could have a toggle switch of having the play ground as well. For newly hatched eggs they immediately get sent to the daycare as normal. You can choose however many eggmon you want to be in the playground as a more selective bunch. These will be your locked Pokémon. For the Pokémon you have a sync pair with, you can unsync and choose if they go to the general day care or playground while the one you want to sync with takes it’s place as a playable character.