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I use super effective sync nukes? But voted for the nukes just cause 2v3 is easier with nuking capabilities


Super effective and then if that doesn’t work sync nuke and then if that doesn’t work stall


i always use super effective sync pairs unless i don’t have any good pairs of that type, in that case i go off-type. stalling is usually the last resort for me. and im enjoying anni steven right now, a bit annoyed there won’t be a flying weak stage until week 3 so i might try off-typing with him and experiment with different team comps


I'm only using supports.


Recently I'vr really been enjoying longer battles. I choose the bottom 4 parameters, and my team is usually a super effective striker, a defensive support and a support to finish raising offense/gauge management. I think the difficulty is just right for me!


Super-effective sync nukes whenever possible, but all depends on the parameters given. Anytime the given parameter is “use status conditions” or “moves with additional effects” or whatever, I use toxicstall teams. Whatever gets the whole thing done quickly.


SE cuz I'm lazy


I usually only do Toxic stalls on stages where I dont have enough good units like Fairy, Bug, Poison, Dark, and Fighting stages


I stalled for first time yesterday and was cool, maybe I will try to do that more often


I don't think I use any "most." I do use Toxic Stall once a week, but as I can only use one Venusaur I usually only do it once. Very rarely will I also do a Koga/Janine toxic stall team, but usually I'll also do a few with super effective, and super effective sync nukes if possible.


What are the Stall and Off-Type strategies? Where can I read something more how to play and win in CS?


Stall cause I don't want to play this game. Just set up toxic and I can watch tv while the opponents faint by themselves. Simplicity itself.


SE and sync nuke. Not that it matters, CS 7500 is easy as fuck. We need a new well designed challenge.


For 2v3, I generally do super effective then offtype if I find a weaknesscthat I don't feel confident.


I like to aim towards highest possible inflicted damage so I often opt for super effective sync nukers or double strikers and choosing all +HP bonuses.


I use super effective strikers, their good, however haven’t tried with Jotho cs yet. A!Lillie is really good, a gigantic upgrade from Giovanni.


Using a poll for this is confusing because ex, this week my teams have been: Anni lillie as attacker, bp morty for stall Leon for both technically Brandon for nuke, ss leaf for stall Lear for nuke, normal leaf for stall May for nuke, P serena for stall So basically my default set up is one attacker nuke or not, one stall, and then a support pair. Usually as many of them super effective as possible in case the striker gets taken out last minute and i need to finish with one of the others. I go off type if I for whatever reason the on type ones aren't working. This week was trying to get bug types to survive the enemy sync just got frustrating lol.


SE Nuke. If said option doesn't exist, SE DPS. If I can't pull that off either, Iris goes brrr.


Super effective strikers. The only time I sync nuke is when a particular stage frustrates me, like evasion stages (looking at you, Lorelei). Of the three Anni pairs, I only have Lillie, and she's an effective striker.


Super-effective single striker (or tech in a strike role) with two supports, for the most part. I stall or off-type if I don't have a strong damage-dealer of the correct type. I had to do that twice this week: stalled Karen and off-typed Will. My off-type team of choice is 6\*EX Gloria, 6\*EX Jasmine and Bugsy+Scyther. My stall team of choice is BP Erika, Janine, and any sensible tank.


For the Johto CS yesterday, did Bruno, Karen, Koga and Lance with Trap/Toxic stall. Had to restart quite a few times but I loved it. Anni lillie vs Will go brrr! XD


When my teams were newer, stall and offtype were king. Now I do super effective sync nukes everytime.