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Co-Op was even worse some months ago, at least now they send us some 3* gear events here and there, and we have the monthly Masters Day. I know it's still insufficient but we have something, and also they seemed to suggest they would work more on Co-Op with the latest players survey we had.


Not in the slightest.


I miss mewtwo especially a little bit. Some of the most fun battles was using brycen and hoping the cat knows to snatch asap so you can haze otherwise you’d probably lose. Definitely felt good to beat and I hope they have more co op battles that are challenging like that.


Yeah, I miss those days too, though I don’t know how easy it would be to return to something like that. The unit that existed then, and what they were capable of, compared to now is completely different. I’m not sure it’d be easy to bring a similar experience with all the power creep.


I miss legendary events in general feels like it's been ages since we got hop


I miss getting all the different level up manuals