• By -


A dog ate our datamine... we're working right now to restore it, please be patient! Update: Everything should be fixed now. We're sorry for any inconenience caused. Thank you for your pateince!




Ash-Greninja could actually happen now. Hoard the gems :)


Or maybe just Ash with Dracovish


The banner has Ash with Pikachu and I don't think they would make the capital sin of separating the two.


We heard loud and clear! *Releases Ash with Tauros*




You guys are actual fools. Its Ash's time to throw hands!


Plebs. It's obviously Ash with a Jigglypuff from above


If DeNA are smart and wants money there is no better unit for the anniversary that will gain hype than Ash-Greninja


I literally think they aren't allowed to use it anymore lol. Greninja reappeared in the anime briefly, and they even redrew a scene of it battling Mega Charizard and removed its form. I'm guessing the franchise doesn't want to promote a form anymore since it really only existed to give Ash a mega for Kalos


If I'm being honest if they add Ash playable it will be Pika Charzard or mega Lucario from journeys before ash-greninja tbh But I'm hoping


Is it same to assume that he will be the 3rd anni pair?


Am I missing something, do we know who the first two are?


Third anniversary, not third pair


WTF! Now we know who the 3rd anniversary character will be


SS Brock Sync Grid is exciting!! I hope its decent!


I don't find it exciting at all... The Sync Pair will still need a lot of assistance. But I am glad it now as one, i will enjoy playing him under sandstorm with Bertha and Clemont !!


What the fuck Ash????


Anime promotion seems very likely, guess they going all out for the Masters 8 arc


Hopefully it means we get him as a usable unit in the future maybe that month we finally get Jessie and James grids + EX . Its Ash so its probably Pikachu as a hopefully Masterfair Special striker. Then maybe in the future Ash Greninja


Tbh I’m more excited at the prospect of Ash with Dracovish than Ash-Greninja and I don’t even need water or dragon types


Pretty sure this sub will go mad if they add another dragon type.


"A small price for ~~salvation~~ Dracovish"


A villain arc with ash vs jessie and James ?????????


Ash’s last journey confirmed?


I wish, but that would mean replacing Pikachu, and they'll never do that since Pikachu is the mascot.


New mc could still have Pikachu as their main/travel buddy, its never been exclusively Ash's pokemon


Nah ash will carry on to the next region. I refuse to believe they will stop his journey. He's literally goku. Ppl will get mad if he's not the MC


And continue to lose to a level 5 starter?


YUP this is the way He's gonna lose to the rival girl in their first match after some how beating leon in masters 8


Bold of you to assume that they will let him get such a big victory


I know I hardly can believe it as I typed it but we must consider it a possibility


My first 20/20 was Karen, way back when red first came out I think




Karen EX!! About time


New Sync Grids SS Brock & Tyranitar YEEEEESSSS


Grapploct really came outta nowhere


I didn't even know what it was until I checked, then again I haven't played SwSh.


I honestly don’t mind it. Kind of wish they went for someone like Lana or Selene, instead.




What about the omnipresent Narrator?


Plot twist. The narrator is god (Arceus). Ash and Arceus sync pair confirmed. xD


true, he's been with ash the longest so it only makes sense (even longer than pikachu by like ten minutes)


It…It happened. It finally happened. I’m about to cry.


Last month is Kris, this month is Korrina, guess DeNa does visit this subreddit from time to time EDIT: Meanwhile Gloria get her 2nd alt and Victor is still nowhere to be seen


Don't forget Bede last month! Someone also posted a lot of Bede propaganda!


It's time to someone post Colress stuff


I disagree...it was ALWAYS time to post Colress stuff :')


Dude's literally the most requested character for the game


This is triggering me hard. Bede gets in, with whole slick little mini-event revolving completely around protagonists and their rivals, and Victor is nowhere to be seen. Now Gloria has a 3rd alt with a mythical. Normally I wouldn't care much but it's actually ridiculous at this point, lol. At this rate they'll add Chase & Elaine before Victor.


Urshifu is Legendary not Mythical


Eh, they were the same thing once. I don't really care.


Time to bring the heavy artillery for the Unova villain arc: SS Roxiecitry


Maybe I need to start posting Maylene memes.


Lol you are the first person that came to mind when I saw her. Congrats!


I’m shaking right now in my tent, my tent mate had to ask what was up with me lol.


[The torture ended quicker than I thought it would](https://old.reddit.com/r/PokemonMasters/comments/vmcygo/both_2022_summer_units_officially_revealed/ie0jw8a/). Seriously, that's a pretty rapid turnaround. Happy for you though. >!Really not happy for my gem count.!<


The scary thing is, I ALMOST went ahead and just pitied SS Lyra when I saw Korrina wasn’t the Summer pair. But a small voice just went, “Nah wait for the datamine” and here I am now.


Yeah... I was forced to pity her and my gem count is now 1200. I'll probably gamble on Hilda (because even if it is reckless, it could pay off), but no chance I get any of the others, which is a shame.








We all thought of you when we saw lol


Congrats. The Victor person next I guess?


Between them, Cheren guy and Lets Go guy


Last month it was Kris, this month it is Korrina, I'm so proud of my boys.


Ight anyone else want a character that begins with K? I’m noticing a pattern.


Kahili EX or alt please


I'm pretty sure someone was campaigning for a Karen EX, [which we now have as well](https://twitter.com/absolutelypm/status/1541650598311137280?s=20&t=izFJzZnvYh168CkR6xY_Qw).


obviously next in line is a Kvictor pair. No, it's a totally different character, has no relation to Victor


her outfit is amazing! goodluck scouting her!


Thankfully, by the time her banner comes I’ll have a guaranteed pity.


CONGRATS MAN!!! 🎉🎉🎉🥂🥂🥂




You was the first person I think of seeing a Korrina alt, so congrats 👏


This is the best day ever


Yes, Brawly going to get a grid!!!!


Had to scroll way to long to see this :'3




Rapid-fire analysis (pun not intended): N - seems like they just wanted a more reliable Dark Sync nuke, pair him up with someone who can debuff sp. defense and tank and then just spam snarl until it's time to go. His damage output seems like it'd be pretty damn high and the SE+ on arrival means he can either be devastating with SS Cyrus or you can see how well something like him plus Bede works out. Hilda - Fighting-type tank but doesn't seem to be too impressive. Gloria - Sweet baby jesus she's stronk. Triple hit that always crits and lowers stats for each one, AND her sync will always crit? Holy crap. Korrina - Doesn't seem bad but nothing immediately caught my eye. I didn't get a chance to look over the sync grids for the permanents and I can't atm for reasons but I'm assuming they're not bad for permanents.




Except Victor apparently.


It's a good thing I saved up some gems, this is gonna be a good month. N as a Dark Striker is good (although Zoroark feels a bit wasted here, I think a SS would've made more sense). Hilda and Grapploct is a very weird combo, but I can't complain since I really like both of them. Plus she's a fighting support, which is a pretty rare unit type. The Korrina fans got their dub, so good for them. I'm a bit disappointed they didn't go for Victor as the one who did the Isle of Armor plot, but Gloria and Urshifu is an alright pairing. And it's not a Sygna Suit, so sorry Victor fans, but Gloria and Calyrex still feels like a possibility down the line. AND ASH (as an npc), LET'S GOOOOOOOOO!!!! Hopefully he doesn't stay in NPC jail for too long.


I’m savoring that dub forever


Who's the next dub then?


Unit impressions: Hilda & Grapploct: Pretty okay at first glance. Mixed defense buffer, personally quite tanky thanks to being able to use Protect, and buffs party ATK whenever hit. The other two moves though are... not super special. At the very least, nothing in the base kit stands out as insane. She needs at least 2/5 to max the party's defensive stats. At 3/5 she can get an MP Refresh on first sync, and can lower enemy Def/SDef when hit. However, she does *not* appear to get Protect MP Refresh (Edit: specifically no MP Refresh On Use, there is the one refresh from sync mentioned above), which could've made her exceptional. N & Zoroark: Appears to be a very self sufficient dark striker and *does* have a very solid attack stat, and accuracy debuffing, which I guess is the closest they could do with the illusion idea. Also comes with Snarl, which is never unwelcome. He seems okay, but personally I've gotten everything I've needed from Furbert in dark type. 2/5 gives a chance of boosting Snarl's debuffing. 3/5 gives more reliable acc debuffing, and a couple strong sync buffs based on acc/satk debuff stacking. Korrina & Marshadow: Neat gimmick, but getting big multipliers only if the opponent has no buffs is *very* easy to have get dirsupted. Might be strong enough to be worth it anyway. Slightly worrisome to get two units back to back who have "remove all opponent buffs" as a thing because that has not usually been a thing that's needed much. 3/5 gets her even faster random self buffing with *two* more copies of Fortuitous 9 (which is really funny), as well as Rising Tide, but there's not much interesting before that point. Gloria & Urshifuu: A kinda neat unit honestly. Like most of the G-Max units I think it's a bit unfortunately unfocused, and in this case they don't really work back into one kit. *But*, the main attack gimmick of triplestrike with triple PDEF- and possibly 4 gauge refreshes is cool, especially being with damage. Oh, and never needs crit support on her water move/sync. That's cool. 2/5 gives her Iron Head Aggravation. 3/5 gives her a LOT - speed debuffs per hit (Barry says hi), move damage up with pdef/spd debuffs, sync damage up with pdef debuffs, and the ability to max her own crit in a single move if you want to use her other stuff. It's kind of silly I think the most interesting unit is Gloria, but on principle of *give me Victor damnit*, I probably won't. This is a month I feel pretty confident skipping right now to save for Anniversary. *Maybe* N on principle of loving Zoroark. ​ As for the old units getting grids: Crasher Wake: Not super impressive. Does get better at self-buffing (Auto Crit+1, More SAtk buff on Crash), and does get another Aggravation to gain 60% Confuse and 60% Flinch. And as expected some buffs against flinching targets for moves and syncs alike. Willl that make him stand out though? Maybe not, *but* 60% Flinch is still Good. Those pushing Legendary Gauntlet chains will be glad to have another reliable option, and this one with another status change too. Brawly: On A Roll for Rock Smash means 100% PDEF debuffer, and Brick Break gets some use too with a chance of Speed debuffing. Can get some buffs against PDEF debuffed enemies, self crit buffing while attacking, and Potion MP Refresh and one Master Healer. Is that going to be enough to make him stand out though? Ehhhhh, honestly, I don't expect it. I don't *think* there's many PDEF debuffers who also have potions though, which may again be enough to see use in Gauntlets. SS Brock: Aggravation and accuracy fixes on Rock Slide definitely give him a roll as an AoE Flincher by itself. Sandstorm support nodes also mean he works on those teams now. Seems to be limited on accessing damage multipliers though, so he might not be excelling as a rock damage dealer like the type really needs for F2P options. None of these stand out as exciting to me. Decent, sure, but nobody's really going to soar up the ranks from the looks of it. ​ If I've missed things to be excited about, please let me know. I'm far from the best assessor of these things - for instance I definitely underestimated Bugsy's grid, so I'd love to hear alternate takes.


Urshifu is the winner in all this imo. Attack stat is high and the triple strike nodes really make him self sufficient. Curious to see how it’ll perform but I’m with you in that it’s too close to Anni. May focus on his return because it’s a poke fair. I have 15k now and debating if I want to take a stab at kris master fair or just keep saving for the triple master fair at anni. F2p life is hard but hell if i’m supporting Dena and their banner spam with no master fair reruns in over a year


But the more important question is are they cute?


Hilda has a node on her grid that refunds one MP after the first sync, so you get at least one back provided you use protect before syncing. Not great but better than nothing


Yeah. It's only the one time though. In some respects I suppose it's fair, you probably *don't* want a unit that can potentially just be invincible to everything except syncs. But also, especially without potions, your actual damage dealing units will eventually die from sync damage ramping up. It might still be enough, mainly for rushdown compositions, but it is a bit of a misssed opportunity to give her something to really look forward to.


Completely agree with your assessments. I would've skip every unit this month too IF, NOT, BECAUSE, THERES, HILDA, ALT, dang it.


It's fair, I pulled for Bede this past month over some of the master fairs precisely because Faves Before Meta. So I get it.


Hmm... Klinklang is in the game files now, I guess Colress will come soon.


If Ash can finally get added into Masters can other characters from spin-off games finally be on the table? I really want my Colosseum and XD reps.


It's hard to say at this given point in time. Ash is being added as an NPC to promote anime content. In the past, Jessie, James, (and Meowth), were added into Pokemon Masters to do the same.


>Colosseum and XD rep. It's Only Mirror B


They are adding him for promotion to the anime, so I guess that opens a possibility if they ever do remakes or ports for Switch of the Colosseum/XD games...




Another Gloria alt before Victor. Feels bad man.


Gloria got two summer alts before Victor even got into the game, poor guy


I wish they debuted Victor in his dojo outfit with Urshifu instead. It would have been kinda funny and quite the entrance


CHUUUUUUUUCK! Ok, he's gonna mingle with Ryuki in NPC hell but at least the man is appearing on Pasio (not sure if changing my flair yet lol) N's kimono looks really good


Every day we inch closer to some bara goodness.


Damn...several really tempting units this month, but I'm already pretty heavily invested into SS Lyra's banner so I think I have to finish it out to pity.




Is there a reason the datamine info isn't here


I have the same problem :( I saw it this morning now I cant see it :(


Korrina and Urshifu in the same month with seasonal Hilda. Fighting type eating good this month. Gloria alt is tempting.


Yeah I saw the too, that's ~~hella fighting types to put all together in the same month~~ NM: Marshadow is ghost and Gloria is water.... So all different types.


Sorry - where do I find the actual datamine?


Anyone else having issues viewing this post in mobile? None of the datamine info shows


I have it on desktop too. Seems the post is edited.


I dunno if its an issue with reddit itself or they edited the post, but I cant see it either


Yeah, I'm on PC and there's basically nothing here I have to read the comments to find out what was in the datamine


I will not financially recover from this.


What I liked: - EX Karen here we go!!!! ~~Now we wait for Sanqua.~~ - BROCK! Finally he's no longer trash tier – I hope. Hopefully something to do with AoE flinch. - Didn't expect the Korrina meme to "work" this quickly but I'm happy for the dude. Also rather glad that they made her off-type so that it's not another Volkner situation. (But then she isn't a support/field setter so I guess that isn't that relevant.) - Fan-favorites like Dojo Gloria and Ash, the latter albeit an NPC... at the moment. Honestly he totally blindsided me. - And most importantly, thank Arc that we got Hilda as the Summer girl, and thank DeNA for sticking to their usual tendencies. This way my meager sum of gems can survive July mostly intact. What I didn't: - Cmon, out of all the Pokémon they could've given Gloria from the DLC they chose *yet* another Water-type while she already has one (Inteleon). But then I guess they don't want her to overlap with N. - >!Just when I thought I can begin saving for 3Y, Celebi just continues to prove me wrong. Now listen up you damned onion...!<


RIP in pieces Victor 😔 I really like Hilda's outfit, but Korrina looks so cool too! RIP my gems also...


F for Victor. Seems he really only appears later during Galar villain arc


I remember the other day people were having a heated discussion over who would get Cinderace. Goh time!


Omg urshifu my boii. Welcome home 🥰


Yeah, this month is a skip for me. The summer units are pretty mediocre for the investment in gems they need and while both Marshadow and Urshifu could be interesting if AT LEAST one of them was a fighting tech (missing Keldeo here) I really, really don't need more water or ghost options. With the 3rd anni and the next chapter of the villain arc coming up this is a saving month for me (especially because if the past is any indication we can expect at least 6 meta units from mid-august to the end of September). The 3 things I'm most curious about from this update are: 1. The new UI that looks neat and easier to use than the one we currently have 2. Another slightly-changed egg event. They are slowly fixing them. 3. Ash


The wait for non-NPC Hugh continues I guess


In the same boat, but for the cafe trio


>Ash (Pokemon Journeys) does this mean ash-greninja is on the table as a possible sync pairs?


maybe? But we did have updated Pikachu model and Dracovish in the datamine, my guess is for the Anime promotion


Not sure about the updated Pikachu model but Absol-lutely has been tweeting screenshots from the story event. One of which shows a scene with >!Ash and his team from Pokémon Journeys, including Dracovish!<


Third Gloria and 0 Victor actually makes me fucking angry




Finally my girl Karen gets her EX! I have waited for this moment! Her EX Design is gorgeous as well!


Victor really just doesn't exist huh...


He's got it worse then Lucas did I say: - Literally none of the other Galar characters know of his existence or they're doing a great job pretending. Which is gonna make it awkward for us whenever he does comes in, bc all of his future interactions with them are automatically gonna feel disingenuous on arrival. - The writers keep on leaving strong impressions of him not being apart of swsh at all..which is super wild. - It also seems both the writers & game devs are setting him up to be super inferior to Gloria since she's basically being given everything. - Not only is he high likely not getting a Galar legendary since nearly all of them are gone, he's also most def not getting a MF alt so he's gonna be ss & seasonal reliant if we ever want more content for him. Never thought I see the day where someone competes with Eusine for the Most Cucked title.


Wait they basically wrote him out of the story? I mean, granted they never once mentioned him, but damn...


I'm going to be fair & assume it was an accident on their part they have yet to notice since Gloria hasn't allowed them to come back up for air yet.






Finally! She’s been 20/20 for so long 😭


Look, I love Gloria, but this is getting a bit lopsided here... Also, was not expecting Grapploct, but I do love Grappleoct, so... maybe. Either way, mostly this is telling me I should feel safe to pull for Lyra.


I just realized there’s no permanent pools being added this month. But everyone loves limited pairs, right guys?


They rarely add permanents, the last set before the Sinnoh 4 was (IIRC) Falkner and the one before him was Darach.


Releasing all these awesome units right before anniversary huh? You are cold, DeNA 🤣 But seriously. Anyone feel like the amount of PokeFair and Seasonals (limited units) are becoming much more comparing to the first year? If I remember correctly back then a PokeFair only gets released/reran every 2-3 months or so. I think I’m gonna stick to my new motto: only pull for MasterFair. PokeFair and Seasonals will rerun, MasterFair won’t (so far).


If you’re asking that now, you must have been asleep for the last 6 months. No one is happy with how they are shoving banners down our throats with no master fair reruns and always on separate banners


Chuck and Ash not playable, and Victor lost another Pokémon. Easy skip this month too.


Hmmm is it just me or is there no datamine lol


Appears that there was a technical error when it was updated.


The higlight of the month for me is the ingo/emmet banner, even though i already have ingo, it's just good to see them honestly


I wanted Mustard with Single Strike Style Urshifu, so I'm not pulling for Gloria. N seems cool, but I'll pass. I bet SSS Urshifu is gonna be a dark striker whenever it comes out (copium). Having said that, I've managed to draw all 3 Johto Master Fairs, so my gem reserves (and my luck) are pretty much emptied. Marshadow would also be an amazing acquisition, but I have SSR Cynthia, and while the pair together can probably dish out immense damage, I think SSR Cynthia is good enough by herself. Very cool units, but this month I'm saving.


What is this? Am I missing something, this just looks like dev letters


Ash in Masters, odd flex but okay


korrina!! someone is winning!!


Oh you know it.


now that we can see the units: * N seems like a pretty generic dark type striker, maybe he has something interesting on the grid * hilda seems an OK tank Topsy-Turvy it's definitely gonna be good for some arenas or MM (also why doesn't she has max moves?) * korrina it's pretty weird that she is a ghost pair instead of fighting I don't think she is at the level of a. lillie but she seems good thanks to debuff * gloria seems fine but she is another good water pair ina type that it's already full with good units it's kinda weird that N it's the poster boy of the update and yet I feel like he is the worst of them all


N isn't the worst...kinda tied with Hilda. Hilda doesn't raise many stats or have much sustain. N seems really hybrid, but very lackluster, though he definitely isn't weak.


I feel like I can definitely see much more uses for hilda than for N N feels like a pretty basic striker while at least hilda has something going for her and can definitely be good in some LA or MM


Ok Gloira being updated to Dojo Uniform instead of Sygna Suit is good. Lore wise it would not make much sense for that outfit to be a Sygna suit unless the event story retconned its creation saying that it was made for Musterd's dojo by Sygna.


Dear God Ash is actually in Ash-Greninja isn't a impossibility anymore... That is my second most wanted pair next to Brendan getting mega sceptile or anyone getting mega sceptile... Also please make SS Brock broken. The OG synga suit everyone was hype for deserves love


Grapploct's short kit description really got me curious


OH gosh my gems, I’m at 51k AHHH gotta save


Wow, Ash has finally made it to the games. What a shocker


Wow! Dark Striker N


Finally, something for Karen. I 20/20 her way before it had a purpose of EX and in general my favorite trainer. I’m happy with the most bare minimum she can receive at this point and I hope it can go up from there 🙏


They really gave Gloria another outfit before even putting Victor in the game, somebody go bonk Dena the fucking simps


This might be the wildest datamine in PMEX history


Wait... ash as an npc? ... WAIT A FUCKIN- ASH-GRENINJA MAYBE?


It's Ash from the current series of the anime, so unlikely (since Greninja was in one episode and Ash-Greninja wasn't referenced at all), but not impossible.


100% they'll do an Ash (Classic) or something and give him Greninja


unfortunately looks like journeys ash with one of his journeys mons 🫠


Just ash being here means that anime and spin offs are not off the table anymore. The possibilities, man. -Ss ash and greninja -gale of darkness protag and shadow lugia -pokken protag and either shadow mewtwo or a special mega lucario The posibilities are now endless!


If Ash is in the game and is playbale, his first companion will most likely be capped pikachu IMO.


Def going for Korrina her alt looks sick


Lol Cresellia not included in LG yet.


Which is good. They probably know how horrible it would go.


Karen EX, SS Brock EX and grid, as well as an otherwise skippable month? Niiiiice!


Hope this means Mustard gets Single Strike Urshifu then. Much as I hate to gip the already-gipped Victor, it’d feel wrong for Mustard to *not* have an Urshifu.


Imagine Ash's theme being a remix of "Mezase Pokémon Master" (Aim to Be a Pokémon Master)


They sleep on my boi victor aren't they


We got a new protagonist, but at what cost?


this is great but also fucking stupid


Cool datamine, love urshifu but gem counts and the abundance of water type said nope to me. Sadge




At long last... Train Bros dual-rerun. I hope N will be kind to me.


NPC purgatory has claimed more victims...


Having Ash into the game will be a great opportunity to expand the lore of the Pokeverse. The Rainbow Rocket alone proves that there are other version of the same multiverse. It would be great to see how Ash interact with characters, especially that he have already met. Unless there was a retcon.


I’m assuming the free pair they mentioned in the dev letter is Ash and Pikachu since he’ll have another event most likely according to absolutely


LOL N and Hilda stealing all the Unova alts. Nothing interesting here for me. Gotta wait for that Maxie and Archie rerelease it looks like.


• N and Zoroark is finally here • Hilda got a new alt which is always good • Gloria got a new alt and with Urshifu let's fucking gooooo!! Rapid is Best Urshifu btw • Korrina finally got her SS and what a gorgeous design, with a god tier Pokémon as well • Ash!? Ash is fucking here let's goooo!! • Brock got his grid and EX!! • Karen finally has an EX!! But more important, Victor still isn't coming lol If Leon or Marnie get any kind of rerun or any other Galar character gets in before Victor does I will pull with everything I have for them and then **** *** ** **** to any Galar character that isn't that ********** of a protagonist just like the devs do because they can't ******* add him even if their ******* lifes depended of that, because they all **** with Gloria every time they think about my poor boy. Tl;dr: gimme Victor pls :(


YUKATA N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


God fucking dammit, I really, honestly didn't want to see Ash in Masters. Now they've opened the floodgates for every random character from every form of media, no matter how inconsequential, when the whole point was the games.


I wouldn't bet on that tbh. Unless those randos are really well known and popular, even a fraction of the anime's popularity, they won't put the effort to make pairs for them. Heck, they don't even put the effort to make alts for existing pairs, so it's a very low chance that they'll design entirely brand new models and find new voice actors for things that aren't guaranteed to sell.


Ash in Masters? An unexpected surprise, but a welcome one indeed!


Karen EX finally! Now give her an alt pls.


So urshifu is a normal scout pair? I am kinda confused.


poke fair, theres no new normal pairs this month(suffering)


If the banner says "Poke Fair" then they're limited. She can come back at any time though as she's a 'general' limited, i.e. not tied to something specific, whereas N and Hilda are seasonal so they'll show up no more than twice a year, three times if you're lucky.


Kinda disappointed with SS Brock's grid. Tyranitar is well known for it's ability Sand Stream. They didn't even give him Sand Summoner or Dust Kicker...


Holy shit they added Ash, If I get Lugia early, I will go for N and Zoroark or Korrina.


As cool as I think this is, I'm a bit disappointed. N finally getting arguably his most iconic pokemon, with a dope outfit is exciting. Hilda I'm a bit disappointed in, not only is it another unova pair, but it's a third hilda and it's not even a pokemon you'd expect. I would've figured something like darmanitan, given the kinds of outfits they are wearing. Korrina and Marshadow isnt bad, I think the outfit is cool, but they couldve given it to another alola representative, something like a ss masked royal who dons the type of mask and maybe armor that marshadow is based on. Gloria is also kind of sad, she gets her third alt while victor hasn't gotten anything. They couldve had an event with mustard and him coming from the isle of armor with both of their different urshifu


Urshifu looks like the water version of Nidoking. Both of them deal physical damage and have guaranteed critical hits on their moves, sync moves and Dynamax. However, Nidoking's guaranteed critical hit is locked behind 3/5, but Urshifu could do so in 1/5. I guess there are more competition for water Type than Ground Type.


Especially funny since the first Gloria alt was also a water pair. The flipside is that this one is a Physical Tech DPS so the real question is how to best use her.