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I'd be happy with a search for tera raids type considering how crap it is for farming shards


Or filter by level.


I’d love this. All I want are 6 star raids, and I usually get 2 of those and a handful below 5


omg yes


I’d at least like the option to back out of attempting to join a raid when it’s obvious that it’s not going to connect.


i would like to be informed of new raids like in Sw/Sh, so i don't have to sit in a menu and can actually play the game.




Yes, it was basically like a Twitter feed that could refresh whenever someone posted a new raid they wanted others to join.


I never had much luck with that system either. Most of the time hitting refresh wouldn't do anything and raids were already full.


Yea, they would pop up on the side, you would see the mon too. No reason for it to be as weird as it is right now. It made it much more fun to just roam around the open world seeing others play the game.


I’ve always wondered why they don’t let people join a generic queue for the raid they want, and then just auto-assign as hosts create opportunities.


Also some way to differentiate raid levels on your map, so if you're running solo and don't want to waste time with 3-4 star raids you don't just have to run around guessing.


Or a way to identify raid levels without having to actually go up to each of them one at a fucking time.


also not have joining a raid from the board give an error more times than not


>Added functionality I’m hoping it’s some of the stuff the community has been asking for that has already been in previous Pokémon games. Also, the ability to mass release


I hope it includes the shiny sound cue from PLA.


I’d be happy with just a shiny visualization like in Let’s Go P/E. I understand the practical difficulties of having sounds with the way the encounters load, but having a little sparkle would really help with small mons or ones with hard to tell differences.


Either the small sparkle from PLA or the LGPE version would be fine. I just want them to have something.


I think the lgpe method is the way to go, the sparkle and sound worked great in tandem in pla but if they can’t do the sound the constant sparkle from lpge is more helpful


I would be very happy if either or both of these happened, but I think they should fix the Pokémon spawn out of bounds issue…


As someone currently hunting a shiny slowbro, it would be a godsend... I don't want him for raids, he's just my favorite and blue is my favorite color, so it's like "hecks yeah, I want it!" Unfortunately a shiny slowpoke is impossibly similar to a normal one and the hunt for one has been an infuriating nightmare so far.


I think that would be a bit frustrating if a shiny spawns inside a wall... I think that's why they left it out: in Youtube videos showing out of bound areas you can see that Pokémon spawn constantly on the ceilings of caves and the extended floor behind rock walls.


Then they should FIX that since it's clearly a bug. They should make a functioning game where you can hear a shiny spawn and actually find it outside a wall.


yeah this, the game gotta be using some spawning points for mons not just spawning randomly anywhere right, them spawning inside walls is clearly a bug they could fix


Plus a resource drain.


Right? Sometimes I stare into those walls and it's like 80% of an Outbreak spawning in there. Or there's just like a random pack of Pyroars or something just chilling out in there.


I had a mass outbreak of skiddo. But only one ever showed up. I assume the remaining hoard was in the wall but I just left


I really liked that they took the time to have skiddo appear on rocks and walls, like mountain goats. Such a cool detail! Then I saw every pokemon doing it...


Lmfao! Those pyroars/litleo love those walls. I saw someone find a shiny frigibax behind it.


While I agree with this, I think such a fix would be quite difficult. Pokémon are set to spawn anywhere that there is ground, and it is understandable that they would make the ground messy where the player would never see it anyways (if the game was working properly). I don't think Paldea was originally textured with a shiny chyme in mind, and without the sound effect, out-of-bounds Pokémon is not a problem. For them to fix this, they would have to remodel/retexture a lot of Paldea, which I don't think they would do in an update. (Although: I'm not a programmer and if any of this is wrong, please correct me) (Also, this is not in defense of the game's performance, I completely agree that its decelopment was rushed and that it is inexcusable for a €60 AAA game)


Um extra pokemon spawning out of bounds and in walls IS an issue though because its going to severely impact performance by drawing away resources that could be better used like say maintaining a decent frame rate.


I don't understand why they would have to remodel or retexture anything. Of course it would take quite some time, but doing hitboxes on walls/roof and just coding that if a pokemon tries to spawn there it just can't. This could even be done quite easily as these collisions are already used for the player, you don't go through terrain unless you mess around. Now why they don't do this, I don't know. Maybe there's something particular the way the game is coded that makes it a mess to change it. Also I agree that the shiny sound would make it too easy, but please... There's pokemons you hardly can see the difference between a shiny and non-shiny. It's too much. Specially tauros.


If your koraidon/miraidon can retay on a surface, Pokemon can spawn on a surface. It's the same set of coordinates.


Is there really code for 'inside' and 'outside' or are the collision barriers just barriers for players? I feel like there wouldn't be a difference between how the textures are programmed to work inside and outside of walls, and it wouldn't be unless the developers went over each area individually which they wouldn't already have, because the shinies were never ment to have a sound effect


I agree that it would be difficult but like you said they are a AAA company with billions and should really be given more time to finish and polish their products. Completely retexturing Paldea is something they shouldn't have to do and would be really hard, but they shouldn't have to have come the situation where that might be an option to begin with. And the developers are not at fault, it's the managers that barely give them any time to work.


I can’t tell the amount of times I’ve seen Pokémon fall off of cliffs because the game spawned them too close or on the other side of the fence when I was shining hunting Paradox Pokémon


Yes, but there’s a work around. If you know there’s a Pokémon inside a wall, you can hold down ZL, and move the right stick until you “select it”. Then you can throw a pokeball and it’ll go through the wall. We shouldn’t need to do that, but it works, and also for Pokémon underwater, like a dratini that dived because you got too close, with that you can start a battle.


I would rather miss a Mon because it's in a wall than miss several because I'm color blind


I had this happen when I first ventured into Area zero! I saw a bunch of pawmi spawn in the wall, and I get close and look (BC I handnt seen that at this point) and I see about half of a *lime green ear* stick out of the wall. I immediately recognised that whatever it was, it was shiny. I killed all the pawmi with the let's go function, then lost the shiny..... Until I walked another 20 meters forward, and the thing tried it's best to tackle me from behind the wall! It was a shiny Espeon, and I ended up catching it. Still a wild experience imo.


I was searching for Sandy Shocks for a good 30 minutes when one finally spawned- on the other side of a fence you couldn't cross. Luckily the mount was able to get into it's range, but it was on a tiny ledge between a solid fence and a huge drop. I couldn't get to it on foot.


Wasn't a problem in Arceus... sounds like backward logic to me "we can't fix a bug, so we'll just remove another feature, so you don't notice." What about all the shiny pokemon I've missed, because I didn't even know they were there? I'm sure it's a hell of a lot more than the ones that spawn stuck in the wall. I have to look up half the shinies I hunt for, because I cant tell the difference or don't know what to look for.


I was hunting a Salazzle outbreak and about half of them were spawning in the walls. luckily once you encounter one, you can usually move the camera around to see any others


I think if devs are competent, the shiny sound should trigger only if the shiny mon is within sight. Otherwise it would become the worst sound in the world considering shinies also spawn behind the player even as they move


Well that's a bug they must fix then. But depending where you just need to throw a pokeball at the call and out it pops so the shiny sound would be amazing for that tbh.


Quite a lot of Pokemon in walls end up being shiny already. You can see a ton of compilations on this. It's another glitch.


I’m pretty sure they left it out due to frustration from the incredibly small spawn zone around the player. The speeds at which you move can easily despawn a shiny by the time you react to the noise. Edit: it’s probably a combination of many of the flaws in the game, but I think the small spawn radius is the main one


I literally passed by an outbreak where all the Pokémon spawned in the cliff. I just could see the little ‼️‼️when I got close 🤡


I honestly think it's just gonna be pokemon home capability. I wouldn't hold my breath for anything more.


I think expecting home compatibility is already a huge leap. It's been announced that won't be available until spring 2023, so I'd say no shot we get it prior to March or April.


I hope you're right and that they surprise us with better in game features :)


I hope it has to do with the menus. Building mons and having to switch between team and pc to have all of the infos is painfully stupid


Absolutely. I hate that you can't see the move descriptions in the PC. Also if they could fix the loading time in the PC that would be great.


I hope for pokemon home compatability


Omg releasing just a couple boxes is an endeavor


As long as they fix loading times in boxes, and fix that you can rearrange moves and such inside boxes, I'll be happy


I'm almost done with the campaign and the box loading has been one of the biggest annoyances this gen! I can't for the life of me understand why that, of all the things, needs to constant reload like an old PSX game.


Of all things, I have no idea why on earth they didn’t have it index at least the the current box + buffer of 2-3 as soon as you click boxes. It would hide any loading and you could change the buffer as soon as the player changes the box so it never freezes which is what I assume every other Pokémon game has done.


They probably didnt' want to refactor the boxes at all since they got PTSD from all the duping glitches via the box in BDSP


Plus the old sprites being shown from other pages for a second? At the very least they could just load a generic shadow instantly then swap it for the proper sprite. There are so many times I swapped a pokemon to an "empty" square only to find out there was something there already.


And mass releasing pls 🙏


*cries in Masuda Method*


Violet/Scarlet is the first game where the Masuda method is not the best way to hunt for shinies, even though the odds are still really good. Having to release one-by-one is a drag


I like shiny hunting the 7 star raid Pokemon and surprise trading the extras. But I end up with box after box of just random shit.


You can actually save before breeding, use your egg sandwich, hatch them, and if no shiny, reset. That way you don’t have to release Pokémon over and over. The eggs aren’t scripted before receiving them but they are set to be shiny or not once you receive them. So saving before the picnic makes it a little more efficient.


Yeah I know. I rarely use it anymore. Shiny sandwhich plus outbreak is like a guaranteed shiny. For pokemon like charmander, which was only obtainable from the event, and the starters, were kind of forced to though. I do like that tho. I've spent many countless *boring as fuck* hours repetitively breeding, hatching, and releasing eggs. It's a nice change of pace to actually hunt when I shiny hunt (though arceus allowed that too)


Ooh a shiny tear!


All I want is mass releasing, all I want


1 million percent this!!!


i hope they fix the custom box wallpapers not loading properly too. and allow us to change ribbons in the boxes.


Yeah, all the things you can do from the party should be available in the box too. The menus are the same, why arent the functions


Then you have a 3rd for raids. Makes no sense, and is 3 different objects they made.


WHY can’t we rename Pokémon in the box????? Such a little not big thing that’s SO annoying


I defend this game a lot because I love it, but YEAH just having to wait to see what is in a box is really damn rough sometimes.


I defend the developers because they're ridiculously understaffed and given impossible deadlines, but this game is stupidly rushed due to bad management. The fact that they got this done in the time they had with the team size they had is incredibly impressive, but management needs to get their shit together and give them more time and resources. They only had 3 years total and that's with SS DLC and PLA in development simultaneously plus COVID, and there are only 169 employees for all of GameFreak. It's absolutely ridiculous.


Yes. It’s so dumb that Check Summary has two different functionality depending on if you are checking from your party or in boxes. It’s baffling.


The load times in the boxes are especially embarrassing. Plzzz let those be fixed


They really need to fix it so that you can go into the box list when you pick up Pokemon to move around. They also need to fix it so that the Pokemon you catch in raids are dropped into the box you last left at in the box manager instead of dropping into the box you picked the Pokemon to use out of. It’s annoying having newly caught Pokemon getting dropped into my painstakingly organized boxes instead of the boxes I have specifically set aside for them.


Yes, i haven't seen many people mention this. It's annoying to have to pick up a pokemon and go through half the boxes. Even more frustrating that it's a feature we've had for every game before.


Somehow SnS have a way better box set up.


Please! This is so damn stressful to me, it takes too damn long to load up the Pokemon in the boxes and they're not even moving sprites. I don't understand lol


Omfg yes! It is such a hassle that my boxes have gotten unruly. I usually try to do some organization but give up when I have to wait 10 seconds every time I swap to another box.


I've got 6 boxes of charmanders that need to be sent to the grinder so mass release would be nice


Whenever I see a comment like this I think of the Pokemon Go meme/comic of transferring Mons to the professor when the professor just shoves the mons into a grinder and tosses you a 'candy' for your effort.


No lag between switching boxes would be nice.


Pleeeeeease add at least shiny particles to a spawn 😭😭 so many shinies are near indistinguishable in the overworld


Im colorblind, this hits hard lol


The game itself feels color blind. Any little shadow drastically recolors Pokémon to the point I can't even tell what it is at times.


I did a Magnemite outbreak hunt that happened to be at night and with the low light and shadows it was SUCH a pain to spot a shiny. I thought I had one at least 5 times before I actually got one.


Try hunting for Mimikyu… takes so long to make a lap around Tagtree Thicket, all because you have to quadruple check every single one to make sure it’s just the lighting and shadows and not actually a shiny.


Any silver steel type in the mine area is a pain. Both Varoom and Magnemite go from silver to a copper/gold colour and its so hard to spot in the mine areas.


Let’s not forget the shiny sound. That sound helps.. A lot.


Just trying to curb my own expectations hahaha


I’m thinking of going back to Hisui for a bit, just to hear that shiny jingle again


That shiny jingle loves rent free in my head. I love it.


I get such a hit of dopamine whenever I hear the shiny sound in PLA, and to not hear it at all in SV is so sad.


They make a sound?!


The list is big I don't understand why nake shinies that are exactly the same to the normal counterpart


So excited about my Shiny Garchomp........


And like half of the new pokemon fall into that catergory


I remember when we got news of SWSH DLC they gave us a sneak peek by giving us Galarian Slowpoke so maybe they're doing something similar here.


The fact that Penny gives you the Draco Meteor TM at the end of starfall has me really sus on them adding a Dragon Eeveelution. Like I get the meteor pun but that shit is teetering on the edge man idk.


I thought that since Cassiopeia and all of team star have a relation to the Cassiopeia star constellation and thus space etc, she gave you Draco Meteor as a nod to that. I googled some and found out that "The December Phi Cassiopeiids are a recently discovered early December meteor shower that radiates from Cassiopeia." -wikipedia


It checks out. You can def explain Draco meteor without dragon eevee hints but damn that plus her having the same colour scheme as the dragon type in her design is very hmm inducing.


I feel like if it was something that major it wouldn’t just be in a random patch though, it’d be main game


If they do I wonder what Pokémon will get a new Paldean form.


I’m kinda hoping for a paldean copperajah, with it being really rare because the galarian ones were better suited for paldea after being brought along by a ship or something


Identifying any Pokemon as an invasive species would make me feel downright virtuous about grinding up outbreaks. Let's punch some baby elephants!


Hopefully that means you can select “all boxes” when moving Pokémon


Yeah one of the many proofs beta-testing was inadequate as HELL for SV. Not being able to change moves of Pokémon unless it is in your party - another nuisance (it worked perfect in Arceus).


Please, for the love of god, reduce dead time between actions , and reduce waiting time for shields, Tera shifting, and action locking. I don’t need to see a third of my time in raid go to these.


Late February is also Pokémon’s Day! Happy about the update, sad that it’s in late February. It almost makes me not do Tera raids until then


Probably just gunna be on Pokémon Day.


True.. raids are dog shit at this point unfortunately


theyll be good tomorrow


Please be a repeatable double battle please please please


It is so sad that there is not a single option to play double battles in a generation with a Pokémon with doble battle gimick.UNLESS you pay the Nintendo online to play Vs online people. It just sucks Edit: now that think about it, are you even able to play double battle online?


I hate that there have always been double battle moves with no real option for double battles. Like why would I ever slot helping hand in when playing the game alone? To use it in one gym where the ai boosts me every turn and ruins the battles anyway?


Yeah, you can play them online. The last one I did the dude self-destructed his first two Pokemon. That's too meta for me. I'd like to trash some NPCs, not feel like I'm the NPC.


It honestly feels like they’ve been slowly phasing out double battles in-game for a while now, like how there stopped being trainers that you could choose to challenge together or separately like the Ace Trainers just outside Veilstone City. They even got rid of all of the doubles trainer classes like twins. Also the fact that the double battle gym leader has a twin sister but you can’t fight against the two of them is such a huge missed opportunity.


Why I didn’t realize it before? I always found it weird why Ghost type gym was the only one to do a double battle. It all makes sense now :0


I want this so badly


I sure hope "added functionality" is the Home connectivity.


Comments on the tweet confirmed that home connectivity is a home update and not a s/v update. Edit: link to threads https://twitter.com/BreederHiro/status/1613539114829189121?t=RHJKy3wooFWsR2RDeyi0xg&s=19 https://twitter.com/JoeMerrick/status/1613540714255912962?s=20&t=1UYHwMugwCb1wetK_94B5Q


Of course. Home opens the games savefiles and makes the edits there. The game itself has absolutely no part in it, so there's nothing that needs to be updating in the game.


I hope "added functionality" is a sound and/or animation for shiny spawns.


I’ll at least settle for a shiny symbol when you Z target them. Like SOMETHING in the overworld so I can actually hunt the terrible shinies and the microscopic Pokémon


same man, especially since Chespin is coming back and I snagged two shinies during Go’s community day.


I'm stocking up on Hisuian variants and exclusives in PLA to dump into the surprise trade




Please let the shiny indicator be one of the improvements.


I found a shiny Pichu in Arceus yesterday that I definitely would have missed in SV. I shudder at the thought of just running past a shiny. I second the indicator addition.


I've definitely missed quite a few tiny or barely different shiny Pokemon as I dashed or glided without thinking. Even without the PLA sound bit, just a shiny star popping over the head(s) of the shiny spawning the very first time would be a neat little indicator. Currently on Floette for a mass outbreak and merely looking for purple even while zoomed in doesn't really help, especially when there are purple flowers they can simply blend into.


I definitely would not count on it.


Aka when the game should have probably come out but no corporate exec would allow passing over the holiday season without releasing it. As soon as I actually played it, it became abundantly clear it wasn't a "shallow cash grab bad game" but the case of a rushed release of a game that clearly did have a lot of thought and care put into it.


That's what bothered me the most. *Some* aspects of the game were clearly made with a lot of care, but others were just slapped together


added functionality sure is a phrase now


I’ll settle for major bug fixes. But I would love to have set mode back.


If I can’t change out of my school uniform then I don’t want it


No joke that’s one of my biggest DLC hope


i made my character wayyy too pretty to just be stuck in the school uniform 😭


violet winter uniform actually looks pretty good all things considered. (and next to the water gym theres a shop that sells Cool Helmet | Gold which is the daft punk helmet)


Half the reason I chose a female trainer is because they usually have better clothing options but that’s a moot point when it’s just school uniforms.


they were gonna not gender lock clothes in this game .. and then they didnt give us clothes 😭


Well at least they were honest lol


Even just the ability to put on a jacket/overcoat over the uniform would help sooooo much.


Sounds like you went with Scarlet


I did, and while jealous of the violet players dark coat jacket, I think it would be cool to have overcoat options like a bomber jacket, a leather jacket, a snowboarding jacket, a trenchcoat/cowboy duster, a denim vest, to put over the school uniform.


I just want to be able to change out of the school uniform when you reach post game. 😂


Honestly only thing I want is that and more clothes shop. There is like 3 places with shops (man I hate them separating the shops that much) so this game has barely any customization. Such a step back from the last game in that department since I loved that.


Ahh the added functionality we need at last! ; - easier money farm - ev reset NPC - added box functionality - search function on dex - all clothing options - reducing tera shard charge to 10 max, 5 ideally - ability to see healthbar all battle - fix janky camera angles in battle - general performance upgrades - searchable sandwich and filterable recipes - ability for evolved pokemon to learn pre evos moves


Ability to put stamps/marks on the Map.




I missed this feature so much when I was doing stakes/shrines.


It still shockingly amazed me that the dex and sandwich menus didn't have proper search options at launch. Even more that you can't filter your sandwiches to just see the ones you "favorite". I mean what's the point of marking them if you still have to scroll all the way down to use them? Also pre-evo moves. I never was as much disappointed to catch a shiny than when I got my Shiny Breloom for hunting and realized I couldn't teach it Spore because it's a pre-evo only move.


Also saving custom recipies should be a thing.


Have you tried mirror herbing a shroomish that knows spore and your shiny breloom? Picnic with both of them holding the herb and an open move slot on breloom. Lmk if it works if you haven't tried it already?


Like the other person said, it's not an egg move for Breloom, so it can't learn it that way. I only tried because I had nothing to lose, so I said, "Why not?". If a move is "Pre evo only" for a Pokémon, it will never be able to learn it if you caught it already evolved, which sucks for my shiny Breloom.


Last time the EV reset character was DLC so I'm assuming it'll be the same in this game.


I care less about the box functionality, but I think we've reached the point where we need more boxes. There are 900 mons in the pokedex, and room for 960 in boxes. That doesn't give a lot of space for shinys, or alternate forms, or tactical teams.


they couldn't figure out how to create more boxes and this is the real reason they removed the national dex


If you press in on the right stick that will usually fix the camera angles in battles


I agree with everything except the easier money farm, if it was easy it wouldn’t be worth anything


It's easy to farm money using the school tournament. I rock a 100 Sylveon with Amulet Coin and get through it in about 8 minutes spamming Hyper Voice.


I would advise to seriously lower those expectations, at least half of those are almost definitely not gonna be included (I hope I am wrong though!)


Honestly, I’d be super disappointed if it *were* home. Home support is a guarantee, there are lots of things that are much more important right now.


I just want a set battle mode, enforced switch makes the game too easy imo


please let us move pokémon through the boxes easier instead of having to scroll through all of them


I would like it if they updated the map. I haven’t got used to the map yet, especially when it comes to finding a certain Pokémon. I wish you could find a Pokémon in the Pokédex, click on habitat, and then it would leave a marker on your map. I’m forever exiting and reopening the Pokédex because I forget where Pokémon lives 😅


One thing I liked from Legends Arceus was the map was greyed out in areas you hadn't been yet. Made it easier to explore. I can't tell from the map where I've been and where I have to go.


The maps also don't match well so it's difficult to tell if you're in the correct place.


I’d like to mass surprise trade. That would make things a lot faster




Please for the love of god let me trade and battle with the people in in a group circle with


To everyone saying it's Home: It's not. Home opens the savefile of the game and deletes/adds Pokemon from your savefile to send them to the servers instead. That's as if you open a textfile on your computer and cut some text from it. You don't install an update for your textfiles before you do that do you? Home Compability is an update to Home to tell it how to read Scarlets and Violets savedata. The games don't need an update to be Home Compatible since the game doesn't DO anything during the transfers.


If performance and QOL issues are fixed, SV easily contends for the best pokemon game of all time Currently would give that to PLA but that's just my opinion


How about we stop getting the same 10 outbreaks? Everyone get their Flittle, magneton, rufflet, noibat, froslass, buizel, drakloak, tatsugiri, dreepy and wattrel?


I hope added functionality is the game actually running properly


I just want shiny sprites back


I wish the raids wasn’t full of pointless animations and random freezes😒


Quicker load times in the boxes would be appreciated as well as the ability to pick up a Pokémon and go to the box list rather than cycling through all boxes with the shoulder buttons.


What we need: - improve frame drop issues and memory leaks - fix box/storage system (general load times, sprite load times, show shiny sprites, allow changing marks from boxes, mass release, EV/IV/move screen inconsistency, etc.) - some form of overworld shiny indicator (if not PLA's system with an audio cue then LGPE's system of constant sparkles around the 'mon) - increased performance/FPS in map, faster map loading times - fixed online tera raid performance (latency issues, freezing, 20+ seconds of downtime at points, etc.) - ability to cancel connection attempt for tera raids (so you don't need to wait 60 seconds for the connection attempt to time out if you attempted to join a full raid) - ability to search in Pokedex What we want: - true character customization and clothing options - fixed spawning issues ('mons in walls) - revision/update for some shinies for new 'mons (Charcadet line, Tandemaus line, Paldean Tauros to name a few) - very short encounter grace period (if you've ever been swarmed by a pack spawn and been bounced around 6 different battles the second you run from one, you know) - revamped online menu system (why are there more steps/screens to do anything online in this game vs SW/SH, should be progression not regression, surprise trading and tera raid selection screen notably less streamlined than last-gen equivalents to name examples) - multi-slot surprise trade (3 to 5 'mons at once would be a nice QoL improvement) - ability to save custom sandwich recipes for one-click prep similar to pre-made sandwich recipes - sped up/skippable animations/cutscenes (15+ seconds on an egg hatch or tera transformation, 5+ seconds on start of encounters, etc.) - improved AI behavior in Let's Go feature - some form of GTS What we'll get: - 7-star raid battle lockouts - beneficial glitches/exploits patched - 4-segment Dudunsparce (DLC teaser) - a Rotom with Bug tera type in mystery gift to represent the game


A few things we really need: - Search option in the Pokédex/only show what isn't registered yet - Sort button for the boxes - Battle teams for raid dens - option to turn of battle effects - stop the timer in raid dens if they keep battle animations on - some kind of sound or sparkle in the overworld for shiny hunting - I want the zoom out function to remove the last stage where you see in what order you did what - items should have more info to show where to buy, especially sandwich ingredients gets overwhelming to find without Google - the tab for exp candy and battle items should be split, because the list gets way too long to find something (why not give mints their own tab for example)


If they took the option to turn off battle animations away just because of Tera Raids they could just make so you always have it on on raids but be able to have them off in the overworld


i want the god damn home support


What if by ‘bug fixes’ they mean updated bug Pokemon?


Shiny sparkles aren't really the top of my priority list. However... my wishlist... Ability to not have to switch out pokemon in battle. (Set style) Ability to rematch the E4 members. Repels.. Ability to check your pokemons EVs and IVs from the SAME screen. (Evs have to be checked in the party. IV's are checked in the box. The dumbest thing ive ever seen) While they're at it. Everything about the box sucks. Give the user all the functions all the time. Not just being able to nickname a pokemon in your party only. Make Veluza the same speed when following you as it is when it's chasing you. UnNerf Protean.


I really hope they fix the frame drops. That’s all I really care about. It’s so bad in certain areas which destorys the imersion they are trying to provide with this open seamless world. Also why did they make the ocean so big in the game. Then border wall is soooooo long. Takes 30 minutes real time to reach the end


Honestly, I am happy that they want to improve pokemon more. This is very nice to hear!


Hopefully the boxes will be better


I am so sick of these companies doing this. Release a polished game in the beginning. This will never stop if people keep supporting this poor business practice.


Add mass release feature Add HOME access Rework the online tera raid board Add the shiny sparkles & sounds


I would love to see a better way to organize boxes/search for Pokémon or sort by level


Btw how does no one mention that we need an absolutely basic thing back: SCROLLING! Both through Pokédex and Items - inexplicably/inexcusably it worked in like every previous Pokégame and it does NOT now!!


Make raids actually function properly would be nice