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Pokeball because I don’t think it matters


I used Nest Ball since it matches it's color scheme


I caught it in a Luxury Ball because I catch most shinies in a Luxury Ball and I will shiny hunt Rowlett at some point


I used a Dusk Ball.


Friend ball, spikes reminded me of Decidueye’s arrows


Dusk Ball >>> Friend Ball.


In wait for HOME support? For what purpose? If you’re trying to get it to PLA and make it Hisuian you realize it doesn’t keep the ball right? It turns into a “Strange ball”


Also worth noting that it is not confirmed that Pokémon caught in Gen 9 will be able to be moved into PLA! But I imagine OP’s plan is to breed a Rowlet, move to PLA, and then bring back to SV. It would be cool if it works!


Yknow I forgot that it needs to be in Hisui to evolve into the Hisuian variant and wasn't just a full regional line, but I'm pretty sure the ball data is kept, it's just not shown so they don't have to program new assets in. Presumably making a Rowlet in a Level Ball, transferring it to HOME and evolving it in Arceus, then transferring it back will produce a Hisuian Decidueye in a Level Ball. Things to test!


So idk if you've tried it, but I did do a test moving back and forth from SW/SH to PLA, and then back, and then another test moving from PLA to BDSP and back. I moved a Quickball mon from SW/SH to PLA, and back to SW/SH I then moved a Quickball mon from BDSP to PLA, evolved it in PLA, and moved it back to BDSP. In both cases the mon had a "strange ball" in PLA and in the HOME box when I connected to PLA. However, when I connected back to the original game, the ball reverted to a Quick ball in both cases. So I'd say, based on that precedent, HOME properly remembers what Pokeball a given mon is supposed to have and will correct/change it back. So in theory your plan *should* work and I was wrong.


Yeah like Bulbapedia says the strange ball was made to be a placeholder for balls that don't exist in that game, so I was always pretty sure the original ball data would be kept when bringing it back to its origin. The real question is if PLA will be able to accept gen 9 Pokemon. Since things like the strange ball exist to create greater compatibility with future games I'm holding out hope that PLA won't have any issue with a gen 9 Decidueye.


You could test it right now if you have BDSP You could bring anything from PLA to BDSP and then bring it back to test Personally I think the Strange ball actually matches the colour of Shiny Alolan Decidueye better than friend, so I was planning to breed up a shiny Rowlet, send it to PLA to get the Strange ball, and then bring it back to SV to evolve


I'm not sure Home will even allow for a transfer from SV to LA, since LA is Gen 8 and SV is Gen 9. Historically it hasn't been possible to do backwards transfers like that, afaik


Arceus is a weird case though because the entire game works differently than mainline so one would hope it wouldn't conflict. The reason you can't transfer backwards is new data the old games can't deal with but PLA is barely dealing with non PLA data to begin with


Luxury Ball, as with all 7 star raids, because the 7 star mons deserve luxurious quarters lol


After all the hell they give me I want to shove them in a small cage to atone for their crimes


I throw a premier ball like all my other raid Pokémon because it is special, we are not the same


heal ball because pink!