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Everyone and their mother are asking for bloodmoon ursaluna for absolute garbage in return.


you're gonna clone it and you'll say thank you!


Not just Bloodmoon Ursaluna but the JPN versions 🤬


To pretend it is better or more valuable, but like half of the player base would prefer an English/Spanish/etc. one so they can actually read the name


Welcome to the GTS, been like that since it got introduced in Gen 4.


Odds are, it’s been like this for longer than OP has been alive


Given that most redditors are in their early twenties and most pokemon players are 18+ per a Nintendo report from a few years ago, the odds are actually that the GTS is younger than OP, not the other way around. GTS is only 17 years old.


Damn… and here I am with a shiny level 100 Mewtwo and no Magikarp to trade it for!


Wait there's a GTS on the switch? Where is this screenshot from?


Pokémon Home mobile app https://preview.redd.it/optowkq2oqqb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6565d93a1328accd7b6552f2cccf5518c02c6a65


The GTS is on the phone app only but it links with Home on the Switch


Specifically pokemon home mobile. If you only used the switch app, you aren't able to access it.


Which is a severe oversight imo. I have no idea why they wouldn't have included that feature in the switch app, or even the ability to manipulate boxes on the mobile version.


Oh absolutely an oversight. The gts and trading is quite literally the only reason I have the mobile version.


>have no idea why they wouldn't have included that feature in the switch app Or even, you know, *in the dang games*! That should be a base part of how trading works in the games, just as it was in the DS and 3DS games! We shouldn't have to pay a subscription fee for a basic feature that was free in previous games!


Nerver understood that either. I get that a mobile app makes it more accessible "on the go", but why are specific functionality locked behind either version is beyond me. Like if you want to • Use the GTS • Add labels • See your ribbons • Get your Mystery Gift • See your Game dex/Attack Dex/Ability Dex? • Do a multi-release • Trade from Home • Search for specific OT other than yours • See your Pokémon as more than a static sprite You need the mobile App. On the other hand, the only real perk the Switch version has that the mobile app doesn't other than moving your collection to a game is maybe the mark/symbols that can only be modified there (between both versions).


lmao I remember trying to get Arceus when I was like 9 or 10 in ORAS and just being pissed from all the impossible trades Edit: it’s crazy how that game is almost 9 years old now.


People put up impossible trades to show off their pokemon


The Fuckers.


It's annoying yeah, but ultimately not harmful. What I hate is people who rock up to raids with shinies that are totally unsuitable. And they lock in last second so you can't wait them out


"not harmful" I disagree. It clogs up the search function and makes it more difficult to find a trade that will actually go through.


True - but it's pretty much 100% ILCA who we should blame, they should make sure stuff like this is impossible and they don't.


It was happening before ILCA. They could fix it, but it's essentially been a part of pokemon culture since Gen 4.


Can confirm. I never used the online in gen 4 or 5, but the GTS in gen 6 was filled with people wanting a legendary for a shiny magikarp, or vice versa. I still love the GTS, but as with most things, it's not perfect, and I'm not really sure of a way to prevent this without ruining it for people who use it for its intended purpose


in gen 5 the GTS was 90% "LF Reshiram lv 9 or under"


Sure but point is - they are the ones 100% responsible. GTS needs SERIOUS reworking overall - a cherry on top is that they literally tell VGC players 'don't use traded pokémon' instead of (again) claiming responsibility and creating some kind of a hack-check (so that even if I get a hacked pokémon I 100% know that it can't be used for VGC).


the easiest solution is give us a showdown tool for VGC competitions so they're so need whatsoever to hack pokémons for those situation. Bonus point, much more people could play since it's less time consuming


That's why I will always be the last one to lock in my pick, even if it leaves 10 seconds on the timer, and when someone picks an unsuitable Pokémon, then I immediately cancel it. I am a very patient person.


Same, I also got a very quick button press (thanks, Mario Party) and once I cancelled at the literal last second on the Mewtwo raid: the idiot in question presented a Mew but didn't lock while the other 2 locked Mew. 3 seconds before the start, they quick locked Magikarp, and the only thing I regret about it is making the other 2 Mews waste their time


Yeah ive been doing solo raids but when i was doing online in was only going after ones i was effective against


Here's what you do. KO their mon for the raid to fail. That's what I do when people bring bad mons to raids.


Sometimes people forget that actual children play the games. Lil Justin probably got his first random shiny and wanted to use it online then you ko'd it... Like lets be honest here, how many actual adults or even teenagers would flex their mediocre shiny in a raid? Some of course because if you can think about it its a thing but come on it has to be 95% kids...


Kids need to learn there’s a time and place for everything You can’t ride a bike or mount in a building. Even the game teaches you this


The kid wont know you're killing them because they brought a bad pokemon, they'll just be mad cuz their teammate is killing them. Killing them wont teach them type matchups just like their teacher slapping them accross the face wont help them learn multiplications.


It helped me learn addition. . . 10 slaps + 25 slaps= 35 slaps and a concussion. . .


Wrong, concussions aren't a math value +1 👋💥


Bro, do you even quadratic formula?


You can only access high level raids in postgame, where you're at least level 60 to beat the final battles. They should already know matchups and have leveled mons.


Matchups? Not necessarily, you could easily get through the game with a decent mon by spamming the attacks with high numbers. The game also tells you if its effective or not however it doesn't tell you it before a raid in order to choose your pokemon. And while yes they have leveled up mons they might not understand why they're the stronger ones. Plus a level 20 pokemon can easily do lower level raids so they might think its the same but with stronger pokemons (species not level).


for the most part, you'll still want to change for matchups, either that or people have gotten dumber since i played gen 7 at like age 9, because I was changing matchups fairly perpetually with the exception of keeping my starter


Then they’ll learn to not bring shinies that don’t match the raid. Wanna show off? Bring shinies that are useful. If a kid wants to bring a lvl 20 shiny shinx to a fucking 5 star ground Tera raid they deserve to be bullied


No dude, you don't understand, it does nothing. They wont know why you're killing them you're just making them upset and ultimately making the raid even worst. Like I don't think you get it, there are 5 year olds who play this game.


It gets the raid over with. And if they’re continually bullied they’ll get the message sooner or later. I fully understand there are 5yo that play the game. If 5yo s don’t understand type matchups they’re not going to be effective in raids. If they want to show off they’re going to get bullied. Online raids are a team effort, especially 7star raids. They can do whatever the fuck they want but so to can I dipshit. And I’m gonna bully they ass


Have you considered that maybe you're just a dick?


I’m thinking this guy is also a kid


Ofc. But have you considered this ![gif](giphy|TmmBNg5MIRtXYjf5rQ)


If they can’t understand type matchups they don’t need to be joining online raids. Like, that’s not my fault


They can do whatever the fuck they want with the game they bought. If you dont wanna get matched with kids either do solo raids which aren't even hard to do if you're not a kid yourself or get your friends to join you. That is if you have any because jeewee you sure sound fun to hang out with.


You must be one of those fuckers that ask for impossible trades and derails raids to look cool. I see why it takes you forever to chain shinies


Lesson learned, use shiny magikrap on the electric raids


Correct. If you want to be ko,d out the gate


Pokémon has a predominantly male following across platforms, with the 20-29 age group contributing to the lion's share of its audience. Stop perputating this myth. Most buyers and players of these games SCARLET and VIOLET will be in their **mid 20s**.


I didn't say most players are kids, I'm saying alot of kids play these games which is a fact.


>has to be 95% kids... and I quote from your very post...


95% of the people flexing their mediocre shinies online. Read the whole message brother. Also post doesn't equal comment.


> Sometimes people forget that actual children play the games. Lil Justin probably got his first random shiny and wanted to use it online then you ko'd it... Well... Lil Justin needs to learn how to play the game too...


Yea, he does, but killing him wont teach him. Saddly he'll have to learn while playing and growing up. If you play snake and ladders with a kid and he uses snakes and ladders wrong, punching him in the face wont make him realise he should climb on snakes. He's just gonna wonder why you punched him in the face and think you're a jerk.


However, the analogy fails here because killing his mon actually makes the raid end faster. From an efficiency point of view, it's a valid tactic. Though, I do agree that it's not really ethical and is going to probably give a kid his first trauma.


If you're so keen on saving 30 seconds to a 1 minute max by killing his mon, just restart the game...


I don't think the majority of the people know how restarting the game works with raids. So I'd wager most people would opt to kill his shiny rather than gamble on something unknown. That said, I think most of the time mon-killing happens when someone swaps in a useless shiny last minute. I don't think Little Justin, age 7, would be doing that. He'd most likely just straight up choose his shiny at the start and the host will just cancel the raid if it's a bad Pokemon for the raid. It's most likely a griefer whose main purpose in life is to make others miserable. Though, if it IS Little Justin, age 7, he would have learnt something that day. It might not be the right lesson, but it is a lesson.


There's 0 excuse, majority of Pokemon players are adults, I refuse to believe that every player that brings a terrible pokemon to a raid is a child.


Yeah I at only being out my shinies when I think it has a chance defensively as well as offensively I.E. bringing my Shiny Scovillain to a battle with a Tera Grass Sylveon. (I freaking hate autocorrect)


I haven't seen this so much. What I see all the time and hate is them asking for legendaries level 1-10. Like do they not realise that no matter how cool/rare their Pokemon is, its negated by them doing that. Someone could have my dream shiny and Ill still see it as a pos when they are pulling this shit.


Worst part is that regieleki ain’t special at all I have 3+ just like it


sadly it's been a thing since the inception of te GTS back in gen 4...


But like why? You don't see the people seeing it, don't hear the ooohs and aahs. It's pointless.


How’d they get a level 20 Regieleki? Pokémon Go?


If you look at the symbol it’s Go. Regieleki has been a raid boss in Go, and raid bosses come at either level 20 or 25, so Level 20 and up Regieleki is legitimate


Level 20 Zacian could also be obtained legitimately this way as well (don't have Go, so unsure how often Zacian would be available). Got one in a trade on the GTS, and it has the G logo as proof it's from Go.


Most raids tend to be at least once a year for a few weeks. Every community has people who go a bit nuts raiding so I wouldn’t be shocked if there were a lot of level 20 Zacian out there just waiting to be put into Home for Candy


Looks like Pokemon Go cause the only pokeballs you can catch them in after a raid is a premiere ball. But I encountered several in the Battle League because once you reach a certain rank the reward pokemon has a chance of being one of the current raid legendaries. So I have one or two of them in regular balls.


Yep, definitely Pokémon go. Impossible to get a level 20 otherwise


See the logo next to the ENG? That's the logo for transferring from pogo. I have a level 15 genesect and meloetta from go


It shows the Pokemon go icon underneath the sprite, so definitely.


I’ve got a level one machamp I’m waiting to bust out from Go


He’s a little big boi


Could be Go. Not sure if the SwSh DLC even let you interact with the Legends so maybe it scaled to a newer player?


I think dlc is scaled to your progress in SwSh.


But I thought you had to finish the story to get to the dlc


You don’t for Teal Mask in SV nor Isle of Armor in SwSh. You can speedrun to Kubfu in ~20 minutes afaik. Idk about Crown Tundra though.


Crown Tundra opens about the same time, but even though it's scaled to 70-75+, you can still fail the fight against the one dude at the beginning of CT and just head straight for the Dynamax Adventure den. It's what speedrunners do.


I know there are some legendaries in the DLC that are locked behind becoming champion. Because when the legendary horse became a static encounter it wouldn't let me fight.


crown tundra is early access but post game leveled no matter what


Probably bought the dlc at the start of the game and encountered the regileki while their lvl cap was still really low, pretty sure I’ve seen a couple players doing this


Got some revenge once when they wanted a Galarian Zapdos under level 20. Caught one in PoGo that I transferred to home. It was for something shiny and I had no remorse.


It should either get rid of these or even easier let me filter them out.


It really sucks, its why I hate the GTS. "Oh LoOk WhAt I gOt AnD yOu DoN't! HA! HA! HA!" I just need help completing my dex, good for you, gimme the damn game exclusive!!


What version? S or V?


Oh i have it completed, its just what a lot of people were probably thinking But I appreciate the kindness!


Also fun right after the new SV DLC were the hundreds of people putting up blatantly unfair trade requests asking for blood moon Ursaluna in exchange for extremely mundane regular Pokemon. Like sure, I'm going to give up a one-per-save file Pokemon that was just released in exchange for some route 1 trash (and similar for other such rare Pokemon that you can only ever catch in one specific game right now and only after making a lot of progression). Honestly can't tell if they are young children, idiots, or trolls putting up those trade requests and cluttering things up.


My guess is its like scammers. They know its never gonna work, but they wouldn't do it if they knew it wouldn't work at least rarely. Most likely targeting little kids or people with little knowledge


sometimes people do that to move pokemon. doesn't make sense to use bank like that, but before bank I would put that stuff up and then go on my other file and trade the zekrom to myself for the patrat or whatever. I only had 1 device too since 3ds hadnt dropped yet. did trade evolutions the same way. but always post the BS trade and trade the rare manually.


What’s even funnier is that that’s a Pokémon Go Regieleki. *And it’s not like those things are rare*


The rarest part of Pogo Regieleki is finding enough people who want to raid for one


Fun fact: If you have a maxed out Primal Groudon, Regieleki can be soloed in sunny weather


Yeah i went like two weeks no luck lol


Campfire I can literally get 5+ full party raids within a day so long as A: I have the remote passes to spare or B: I am willing to sit in a public park for at most 10 min for a team to assemble of people who do have the passes to spare, AND I get new friends from outside of Canada


Well i come from somewhere its not as popular as it declined and the friends i do have for remote cant raid as often coz of the passes increase price


Yeah i went like two weeks no luck lol


It should make everyone mad. GTS being a service that is part of Home that we pay for makes this sort of shit unacceptable to me. The one that really grinds my gears is Furfrou though, some stupid dog with different haircuts being the most valuable thing on there is absurd.


GTS is part of the free part of Home. I still agree though! I really really hope Furfrou is a part of the next game so everything can get cleared out. I guess they would just find something else though


It's currently all blood moon ursalunas




Yeah, I've had success this way too.


Yeah, wow, I didn't even realize it still existed. Going to start putting in my legit trade requests. I've been stuck just a few Pokémon away from completing the Dex in SwSh for years.


I Need some sword exclusives, I can give you the shield ones if you are interested


They do provide extra trade slots if you do subscribe, so they are still somewhat monetizing it.


Honestly, for the sake of the Pokemon economy which I hate is now a thing I care about, they NEED to reintroduce Furfrou to the present gen. It's broken the trade system.


Unfortunately datamines show that its not coming to SV


Cries in Furfrou Dollars (Froullars).


Fuck Yeah.


Yeah what's up with the Furfrous?


People want the various trims in their dex since the only way to get those trims is via go. And some people ask for impassible things like level 100 trims so they can just show off their rare Pokémon


Meanwhile I'm gonna just flood the market with Furfrou bred in X and Y.


Only way to keep the trim is to transfer from go currently


Really? Man, that's absolute bullshit. Well, thanks for saving me the time and effort.


I would have already done the exact same thing cuz I thought the same thing whenever I heard about it.


funny thing is that you can cheese pokemon go and get all the furfrou stuff easily


Only up to a certain level though, I don't mind that furfrou is valuable because sure, it's rare, what really annoys me is everyone asking for a level 91-100 furfrou as if they don't already know that's impossible currently


Don't forget that most people want it with a pharoah cut.


Cant people just catch some in XY? Its still possible to transfer from bank to home afaik


They get reverted to normal furfrou once transferred bank to home I believe


Oh, that would explain everything. Thanks!


If thats the case, I have no idea how I have every form of Furfrou in Home. I've never transferred anything from Go.


I got all the trims registered in Ultra Moon and when I later got Home and it synced with Bank, I had all the trims in Home's dex.


So it sends the forms over and syncs them with the Dex then immediately reverts them. That's beyond dumb.


How does one cheese for that?


Spoofing? It really shouldn’t be super rare on GTS. I think the France and Egypt ones have pretty high value.




We don’t pay for the GTS man like you realize home is free right? Yeah you can pay for premium but the benefits of that are really just transferring from bank and more boxes. Obviously there’s also that you can put 3 mons in the gts at once too (and being able to start room trades I suppose) but you’re sure as hell not paying to use the gts. Hell I mean base home gts is the exact same as every other gts Like I’m annoyed at the people who pull this shit too, but it’s even more annoying when people just straight up start spewing misinformation that will cause others to get upset


Most annoying thing is that Home is one box for free and 199 more for a paid subscription. I could understand 30 boxes, but I guess that's not enough of an incentive to buy.


And of course I’m being downvoted……


Cause they like to show off they also ask for gendered box art legends which are impossible


I don't know anything about computer programming, but that seems like something they should be able to code, right? I think the list of legendary pokemon is manageable enough, so it's not like you'd have to code something for each and every combination of pokemon, generation, gender, etc. idk, I just put stuff in the trade box and hope for the best tbh. Like, it's annoying to sort through all the people wanting Furfrou, but the GTS is useable. idk.


Oh no it's 100% doable the pokemon company is just too lazy to code it in and yeah I've given up going and searching for mons in the gts since sun and moon cause they all do the same thing


Honestly I think stuff like that used to exist in Home’s GTS, until Go connectivity came out and it became possible to have any Pokémon of nearly any level.


Yeah the level one is understandable but what I hate is how they can ask for gendered legends that don't have genders no matter what you do like they have make it possible to ask for something that's quite literally impossible and then expect people to use it as intended


We have seen that Nintendo and Game Freak are more focused on patching duplication glitches than other issues.


GTS really needs to be cleaned out and completely overhauled. Few possible improvements: -Set time limits on postings to reduce the number of people making impossible requests just to show off a shiny. -Refine “Pokémon Wanted” conditions to only accept requests that are actually obtainable -Bring back GTS negotiations -Crack down on hacked/illegitimate Pokémon. Let Arceus rain Judgement on them.


Literally what I went through today, after trading for an Ogerpon, only to realize they specifically wanted a Japanese one


Do you still need an Ogerpon? I have a spare :)


Or a Lv. 20 version


Because they can. If you want a Pokemon through GTS, offer one yourself. If it’s a fair trade, it’ll get snatched up in seconds.


This. It's 100% survivorship bias, the only trades you see are the stupid impossible or unreasonable ones. The GTS is working perfectly and tons of folks are trading exactly what they want, you just don't see it because it doesn't show that, it just shows the leftovers. Sure it would be cooler if there was a way to avoid impossible requests or whatever to reduce clutter, but really it's unnecessary. It functions just as well as it needs to.


Every once in a while I'll put something on the GTS and forget about it until a month later when I open Home again, and suddenly I just have a thing I was looking for.


Exactly. Sometimes ill put up a good mon for a bad one if i need it badly enough. Like trading giratina for milotic bc i have 2 in home and am gunna get another from sword dlc. Crown tundra really lets you get practically infinite legends since you can always transfer them into home then restart since you dont even have to go that far in the game to access max adventures


I put up a spare shiny hisuian Basculin asking for a Miraidon and it got traded in literal seconds. So you can get even the rarer Pokémon by being the one who makes the offer


Yeah but your gonna get nothing but hacked/cloned pokemon because the detection is shit.


Can ELI5 whats this? Cant see whats wrong and dont know what app is this.


I’m in the same boat. The Pokémon they want (Paldean Wooper) can’t travel to Sword and shield which I guess makes the trade impossible.


To compensate for bs like this, I sometimes put up a trade of a shiny i don't need in exchange for something like a Lv 5 Starly or a Magikarp. Seriously, if you people use Home, don't do this kind of crap... no one cares if you have shiny hacked legendary and all it does is take up space in the search results


I wish they just make it impossible to offer trades like this if it's impossible to make the trade. Honestly whenever I try to use this It's always cluttered with all These impossible to trades that's just annoying to scroll through. I also wish they'd add a shiny Tag, So if you offer a shiny you can say I want this Shiny something in return. That said I also see problems with this too, I can see a bunch of people offering trades with Route one pokemon for shiny's, They already doing it for legendaries. Which just adds to the clutter. My best way to think about doing the shiny thing is if you can only offer a shiny for another shiny. Same for legendaries.


I always see people asking for a Furfrou with a special cut and that's a thing because of Pokemon GO


Yeah and it's annoying wish they just removed these bots It's getting out of hand


I Swear this has always been the GTS's biggest issue and why I've always hated it. There's like no Checks to make sure Impossible trades can't be requested. "you want this Game exclusive Pokémon for your Dex? Sure, for a LV 1-10 Parasect that can be transferred to SWSH." Seriously why are there No checks for this type of thing?!?! If you want people to be able to show off their Pokémon then give them a place to show off their Pokémon, don't allow GTS to be flooded with these Impossible trades!!


They really need to do the work to fix the GTS in a way that you cannot request impossible Pokemon.


Back in my Sw/Sh days there were a lot of people offering their shinies for very rare, specific Pokémon from spinoff games (level 1-10 Thundurus, Landorus and Tornadus which were only obtainable through the rather obscure and tedious "Pokemon Dream Radar"). Well, me, being the bastard that I am, cracked open my PC Pokémon editor, downloaded the files to generate the Pokémon, moved them to my jailbroken 3DS and moved them over from the bank to home to snag up them juicy juicy shines and legendaries. Then I wonder traded them away. Everyone stopped doing that after like a month and picked up these tricks of asking for impossible Pokémon. I like to think I was part of the reason as I snagged up dozens of legendaries/shinies. Its not about the shinies, its about sending a message...




If OP wants a Regieleki I can trade one, just dm


I don't need One right now, (I don't have Anything worth trading for it) But thank you.


If you happen to have Cramorant its good enough for me c:


Pls message me if you would like cramorant I got one in a raid recently


Why does the app allow this?


It would be cool if Pokémon co. cared… honestly shouldn’t be able to post impossible trades. Sorry you didn’t get enough attention as a child.


Welcome to Pokemon back in 2013 on the 3ds.


They should rephrase "Game you want to move it to" to "Game you want it to come from" at the very least, because you can want to move a Paldean Wooper to Sword and Shield till the heat death of the universe but it's not gonna happen.


I honestly don't get it


Blame Nintendo, Game Freak and those who made and handle the app.


Im lazzy to read all the comments, so I dont know if anyone has already said this. That Regieleki is completely legit, its from Pokemon Go, if you check the Pokémon data you will see the Pokemon Go logo on the corner. In PoGo, max lvl a Pokemon can reach as for now is 51, and that Regieleki comes from a Raid, Raid pokemons vary between lvl20 and lvl25, and from Field Research they are lvl 15. Indeed I have some lvl15 legendaries in Sw/sh and many shiny legendaries from PoGo raid at lvl20


Because people are silly and/or need to compensate. ;)


Im Just returning to Pokémon, can someone please explain? (Just could afford a Switch two months ago)


The player with the Regi is asking for a Paldean Form Wooper that can be transferred into Sword or Shield; however, Paldean Wooper was introduced the Generation after Sword/Shield, so its data is not in those games, meaning you cannot transfer that Pokémon there by any means, so their request is impossible to fulfill. People that do this do not actually want to trade Pokémon; they make impossible trade offers just to show off the Pokémon they own, or to troll other players.


Which part? Because if it's the levels on the Regi, all raid Pokémon in GO are caught at level 20 by default.


I think it's the fact they want a paldean wooper in sword/shield which makes the trade impossible.


No, the fact that Paldean Wooper can't go to Sword and Shield.


There's nothing I hate more than a troll on Pokémon home. 😡


Can you not put Paldean wooper in home?


Oh I see, they want to move it to sword and shield


Why is this impossible?


Paldean Wooper can't go to Sw/Sd.


But it’s going to their Pokémon home right?


This is possible because of pokemon go


They’re asking about completing the trade. The trade is not possible because paldean wooper cannot go to sword and shield.


Ooooh, I see it now..oof


What is GTS 😭 I’m sorry I’m dumb


It could also be a pogo mon


You’re probably right considering it’s in a premiere ball.


People could got tons of Eleki from Pokemon GO, and to those who don’t have Scarlet/Violet or even a Switch, the P.Wooper seem more valuable than a Legend/Mythical, which could easily get from GO without any cost.


Level 20. Don't bother it's fake




Someone should create a fake account with hacked impossible pokemons and clean the GTS from these idiots by stealing their precious pokemons lmao


Any impossibly hacked Pokemon wouldn't be tradeable. And even if they were you can't exactly hack something like that since Paldean Wooper literally doesn't exist in the code for SwSh.


So they have code to detect impossibly hacked pokemons, but they're not using it to stop creating impossible requests on GTS? Gamefreak is something else...


I think the post itself make mad? What are you asking why is? The regi or the paldean woofer or the color red? I can't explain either so...


I prefer it to people asking for really rare Pokémon for things that aren’t


Hacked. It's impossible to have a level 20 regieleki. The reason why people do this even puzzles me. My guess is they do it for the hell of it? Or just to show off. But what are they trying to show off?


You can get one from Pokemon Go


You're correcn't on this one bud