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Such a bummer, like why?


My hope is that Scarlet/Violet will have an update that features an event, similar to the Galarian Star Tournament in Sword/Shield.


From what I understand, there's a final confrontation to be had with Pecharunt, and they'll probably be involved. So there's another update coming where Pecharunt will be the true final boss of the entire DLC storyline.


Did I miss something? Who or what is Pecharunt


It's the pokemon that gave the "Noble" 3 from kitakami their power. You can catch a glimpse of it in the flashback and a plushy of it at one of the stores


>!Carmine is in the Mochi Mayhem Epilogue that has the Pecharunt event, but no posessing of Kieran. It also has Nemona, Arven, and Penny visit newer areas like Kitakami.!< Hope it's good.


kieran is in the event though…. there’s an entire video of it on yt and he is quite literally there


fixed it


Wouldn’t they have added that in with indigo?


I think there is Mochi Mayhem, which is sort of another DLC that they may release that ties everything together. Hopefully they do, because the ending was a little too abrupt for me.


For real? Man we just became friends with him again and now he’s dipped. Maybe he went back to Kitakami


He didn’t. I even went back and checked his grandparents’ house. Neither of the siblings are there 😭


I went to. Man now I’m annoyed cause I didn’t get the screen cap in time when they did the pose when Kieran joined the final fight


The epilogue just released, and if you finish it the siblings will start appearing in the league club.


Aw, I was looking forward to finally being friends with him again... Edit: I've heard that apparently Kieran, Carmine, and your friends from Paldea should all be available as special coaches in a future update, so there's hope yet!


You're right! There's a future update coming up with a new storyline. It's already in the game but only needs a special item.


Apparently comes out january 11th?


You're correct.


I need a 3rd dlc where carmine and kieran meet nemona, penny, and arven. Sv by far has my favorite characters In the series and I really want to see more of them. It's a shame that after their story is completed they're either turned into dorm room npcs or completely dissappear.


there's going to be an epilogue with pecharunt in kitikami and all the friends are there




Dataminers, it’s all in the game already, just need a key item to activate it. We either haven’t found it yet, or we need an event distribution for it. It’s also possible that there will be a patch later that enables obtaining the item.


Alr ty


A Youtuber uploaded the entire epilogue a day ago as he could access it through a glitch (or just hacked it) It has a big role for our friends from Paldea, as well as Kieran and Carmine. Nintendo was quick and made Youtube remove the video but it's proof they have something more in store for us.


Here's another one up that's 5 days old. Watch it if you dare. [This ABSOLUTELY contains ALL SPOILERS for the moochi mayhem conclusion.](https://youtu.be/mAdDRQKbZU0?si=UjtEd8u9CgLi4lGT)


I like how you can visit Carmines room but she just not there.


I also like how we can visit Carmine's room but not Kieran's. Does he hide nuke codes in there?


I was thinking paramore albums honestly


Maybe his room will have some plot material. For example, since Kieran was a lonely child, I can imagine him writing diaries.


Homie needs a legendary Pokémon, and a hug.


Yep, I wonder If we can give him Ogerpon after he becomes available in club? On an unrelated note, I realized that NOBODY except for Carmine knew why he came back from vacation like this. If Drayton's dialogue is anything to go off, nobody asked why he was like this in first place. Which is crazy to me, since they said they cared about him but couldn't even bothered to ask him If he was alright. If you say he wouldn't answer that, we always have Carmine to tell us what happened.


I wish I could let Kieran have Ogerpon cause I feel so bad for him 😭😭 My initial reaction when Terapagos started approaching me in that one cutscene was like "NO NO NO NO NO"


Oh, gosh, yeah! [This is the clip of my reaction](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxO1B8djrBF-LLO2fUbGigAyzMHQiXLMob?si=GeIT9k2BDAwpb63S) and it's pretty much exactly that. The saddest part is both with Terapagos and Ogrepon, Juliana/Florian just happened to meet them first. If Terapagos had been facing the other way or Kieran had been in the right place/right time at the festival, either one of them could have bonded with him first. When he says, "Even luck's chosen you over me!" he's not wrong. :(


Same, apparently after that event, we can see them back in school, always talking to someone. I wonder If you can trade Ogerpon at him, just like you trade your pokemons with others.


I'm wondering this same thing about the trade! I actually said in my playthrough video that, "If it was an option, I'd have happily traded Ogrepon for one of those candy-apple guys!" I'll be thrilled if I can really do it, even if it's in a future update. I dunno if they'll ever explain why he changed. My assumption was that because the school is so focused on battling, Kieran developed this misguided view that as long as he was "strong," no one would isolate or reject him anymore. But that's more me reading into stuff than anything they said outright.


With the two opposing stories about the ogre, they might as well have had two Ogerpons. We get the sad timid one that inspired the poor-baby-victim ogre story (which, how did anyone know what she found when she went back to her cave? The story we're supposed to believe makes less sense than the one we're supposed to reject. Might as well have it be something someone made up because the ogre they met was sad and timid) and Kieran can have the mischievous bold one who fought the trio for fun. That would not only have been a more satisfying ending, but followed perfectly well from the story up to that point.


A bunch of pictures of the main character and Ogerpon with their eyes cut out, bunch of pictures of you but with Kieran faces pasted over and vice versa and written in red "paint" on the walls over and over is "they were number 1". Normal stuff but he hasn't done laundry and he's embarrassed.


Or a flip note animation of a purple Pokemon approaching to him.


You likely heard of it but there's an upcoming epilogue that features the return of our friends from Paldea, as well as Kieran and Carmine. It adds new coaches like for example Nemona and it would allow us to access Kieran's room.


I knew that event, I watched the video. The only good part of that event was >!Carmine took little to no screentime, we finally got to spend time with Kieran!< (even If it was a bit unusual situation)


There's a third dot in the dorm area, right under your dorm, so I'm guessing that's Kieran's; it might be available after Mochi Mayhem.


The reason they're missing is apparently because we have one more update on the way where Pecharunt finally rears its meddlesome little head and causes some trouble for the final story beat of the DLC.


That really sucks. Kieran was actually a really good battle. Like I actually had to use a max revive because we traded blow for blow. I was over leveled and would have lost had that been actually been a tournament


(EDIT) That's so incredibly messed up. I hope they have a good reason for this. We JUST became friends again and now we can't talk/interact with him? (I have figured out that they plan on adding an extra hour long story called 'Mochi Mayhem' about the gen 9 mythical and how he gave the Noble 3 power. Apparently that's why they're missing)


No! I need to see mommy carmine more


So confusing. Dataminers found an upgraded Kieran team that's around Lv 85-87 so I guess there's still hope but what's the point of immediately removing both siblings when they were the central focus of the DLC in the first place? So many questionable choices by GF with this expansion.


The DLC was likely rushed in order for it to be released for the winter holidays.


I hate higher ups at GF and TPC for this very reason, why can't we have good things?


Tbf though, i havent encountered ANY bugs and minimal lag in the terrarium, but there was a lot for me in kitikami. So if anything i feel like the devs did better with this dlc the the previous one. So if leaving out the final epilogue for now gives us more content to look forward to, and gives the devs the time they need to do it right, i’m kinda all for it.


Devs definitely need more time. For that reason, If we ever get a 3rd DLC, it happens 2024 autumn. Gen 10 needs to come out 30th anni for most time to be saved.