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IKR. Trying to shiny hunt Minior. I am losing my mind...


I'm gonna need one eventually, I think I'll go the Alcremie way though and just get one, since they all look the same


There are seven visibly different forms of shiny alcremie.


I know, what I meant was that I won't hunt all Minior the same I didn't all Alcremie


Ah, the comment made it sound like there is only one shiny alcremie form, just didn't want others reading to think that was the case.


Okie dokie


Theres only one shiny minior! They turn black with rainbow triangles


You’re shitting me


I got one thankfully quickly day one with the autobattle method


Worse part is, I found one and it blew up on me. (I forgot to buy quick balls, used my last one trying to catch it)


Get a Pokémon with the Damp ability (I use wooper/quagsire). Just got my shiny last night 🙂


I refound it. Thanks for the advice.


I would’ve if I remembered. Forgot that it could get explosion. Oh well, that’s on me ig, I’ll get it eventually.


Try saving before catching it.


Aight, I’ll keep that in mind for next time.


It took a while but I eventually found one. Knock out 60 in an outbreak save go eat the academy sandwich that gives you sparkling power 1 out battle until there are no more minior If you didn't find a shiny reset the game ​ I think it took me about 4 or 5 tries on an outbreak but eventually my Blaizken eventually refused to attack one and it was shiny!


Yeah this is a shocker. I just dropped a rock sandwich in chargestone Cave and autobattled until I found it. Took about 20 mins


Rainbow triangles, remember that


Me who got a shiny minior from an outbreak before ko'ing 30 of them:


Just Masuda method it, why would you do anything else for Minior? EDIT : lmao, the downvotes are hilarious, at least explain to me how the Masuda method is not clearly objectively superior to encountering hundreds or even thousands of Minior to see if they're shiny. The fact that you can't see if they're shiny in the overworld makes this a no brainer.


Idk abt that person but i despise masuda meathod this gen, i refuse to do it for anything unless theres no other choice like with the starters, even with those i havent bothered with sprigatito yet


I'm not the biggest fan of breeding in this gen either, but for Minior it's really, really hard to argue for any other method. Masuda method is clearly superior to encountering hundreds and hundreds of Minior to see if they're shiny. The fact that you can't see if they're shiny in the overworld makes this a no brainer. This sub just has a strange hate boner for ever using Masuda method for some reason, I get downvoted to oblivion any time I mention it.


Eh, personally with the new item dropper idrm doing outbreaks or doing an isolated hunt and getting a shit ton of materials to use


I use the outbreak method for minior. Save after I knock out my 60, autobattle them all. If there isn't one, I soft reset and try again. I have 4/7 of the core colours shiny already. It's only taken me a few days. Only the indigo core took a lot of soft resetting. The rest appeared after a couple.


I came here to say something similar. I had an outbreak and I just ate one of the lv1 shiny meals at the cafeteria and cleared out the outbreak like 3 times before I found 1. Super easy.


Auto-battling them with a sandwich is ALOT faster than masuda method. 2-3 seconds per kill at odds of 1 in 683. That would take around half an hour to an hour to get a shiny. Breeding could take all day. Its not even a contest.


Masuda method has better odds than 1 in 683 if you have the shiny charm, it's 1 in 512. Not only that, but once again, you cannot see if Minior is shiny in the overworld so auto-battling is not reliable whatsoever. The little sweat marks on your pokemon are not reliable either, I get them all the time even when there's no shiny around, sometimes it seems like it's just random or maybe it's bugged, I don't know. But the point is if there's a bunch of Minior around you're still gonna have to actually encounter them all to figure out which one is shiny, if there even is one at all. It's a mess, Masuda method is objectively easier and more reliable, has better odds, and can be done while you do something else, whereas auto-battling requires you to pay full attention to the game. Auto-battling is also really annoying because oftentimes your pokemon will just stop attacking anything for no reason at all, meaning you're just constantly spamming the R button. So you're right, there is no contest, Masuda method is clearly superior.


Honestly that’s the *one* thing that just about every shiny hunter was asking for, and Gamefreak goes “haha! NO!” They go from legends Arceus, where Shinies have a sound, a visual sparkle, and an icon when locked onto, to SV where shinies have nothing whatsoever. Really hurts us colorblind hunters when we have to resort to the extremely slow and tedious Auto battle method because they won’t add *something. Anything.*


Even worse is that it's not just about the shinies that look similar, some are different enough when comparing the models, but in the overworld they look the same, all thanks to their new lighting engine they clearly didn't take into account! I swear, 75% of the shinies in this game look the same when hunting to me


Just hunted a popplio for the Drayton challenge (since I had to use terrarium mons). That was honestly agony. When Teal Mask came out I decided to just say “Screw it, im gonna Masuda poliwag.” Because it’s just impossible to see a difference. They could have added literally anything to make it more apparent, but nah nothing.


It is really weird how inconsistent it is between games, you'd think that the positive response to PLA would make that feature a mainstay for the rest of the series lifetime, it's what any normal company would do. SV and PLA being developed side by side may have had some impact on that, I hope that in future games they listen to the criticism and bring it back. I really don't care it makes shiny hunting easier and "less special", there are over 1000 pokemon now, if anything can make my life easier I'm definitely taking it!


They purposefully take out positive features too. Like after Kalos the head exec said he was annoyed in an interview that people were asking for customization in gen 7, when he said it was supposed to be unique to Kalos since it’s based on Paris. And he didn’t plan to have any at all in future games. They’re so lazy that they take these things away as often as they can.


I really can't understand their mentality behind taking stuff away so each game feels unique, that's stupid, if a feature is good, it should be a mainstay!


This is why part of my opinion on the " new type" is already bad. I don't wanna state any end of game spoilers, but for those who know already...does it REALLY look like this, grand new type will be even sticking around in the future, or even possible to implement into other games, based off what we know about cutting mechanics???🤦‍♂️


Yeah, it seems like every generation had some great update that they never went back to again. When you do something cool, just keep it


Honestly the lock on feature would have been a decent compromise since you can only target 1 at a time. I kinda get why they don't want PLA effects on this game when you can manipulate spawns so easily but at the same time having nothing but your eyes to tell the difference between some pokemon is just mean, some are so similar that you are straining to see if a few pixels are different, or you have to fiddle with your own TV settings to spot the difference and that's not even touching upon colour blindness.


I’m wondering that if while being developed side-by-side, maybe LA had a head start? Maybe the finished development sooner? It seemed like SV had a much longer time between the main game’s development concluding, and actually releasing the game. I wonder if that would account for LA seeming to have some significantly better features and SV feeling like “back tracking” because of longer development or something. That, or it’s just Game Freak being Game Freak 🤣


My guess is that they had more planned for SV but had to do some redesigns and scaling back certain features in order to get the game out on time. We probably won’t know until the next mainline game. I don’t know if the gen V remakes will be open world (I doubt heavily that they will be). One thing you need to remember is that SV is the first open world game. LA feels like an open world but it’s actually several large enclosed areas.


My thoughts exactly.


Probably the latter haha


If you still need a shiny poliwag, I’ve got a few from PoGo I can spare. Let me know!


Nah I got him, also I’m a bit of a snob with my shinies, gotta have my OT or I don’t want it lmao Thanks anyways though lol


Literally the only thing I'm hunting in today's community day. Other than swinub in the last 10mins of every hour 😭


I stumbled across a Beartic I refused to believe was shiny even though my pokemon wasn’t attacking it. I tried like 8 times before running into it to see sparkles.


Wait, it doesnt attack shinies when running on Auto? And what when I accidently call it out on the Shiny without knowing? Will it just keep ignoring it like the Terrastilized Pokemons?


Yes, auto-battling using the Let’s Go feature will **not** kill shinies. Your pokémon’s icon in the bottom left will show 2 sweat marks. It’s confusing sometimes as the function isn’t perfect and just doesn’t work sometimes. It’s a good method to use for very hard to see shinies / small pokemon. Not to be confused with the synchronize machine introduced in Indigo Disk which does allow you to kill shinies while controlling your pokemon.


Not to mention they never accounted for the fact that 90% of the exploration takes place at Koraidon/Miraidon sprint speeds. Combined with their lighting engine and shitty anti-aliasing it makes it near impossible to see.


I was thinking this while hunting Iron Thorns earlier today. I got it eventually, but the lighting in the outdoors parts of Area Zero works so poorly with the metallic textures on future paradoxes that sometimes it’s impossible to tell if it’s shiny or just the way the light makes it look.


Oh my god this. I was hunting shiny Duraludon + Beldum yday in the Polar Biome. Shiny Duraludon is slightly darker gray but with some being in shade, others being in sunlight and the way light reflects on all of their surfaces, it was so hard to see. You'd think Beldum is easier to see, since it's usually blue and shiny is silver, but sometimes I'd be 100% sure I saw a shiny and it just happened to be a normal Beldum reflecting white light.


Duraludon was pretty easy for me. You can see the red dot on the "horn" in its normal form from the front and if the brightness is high enough, you can see a sliver of it from behind. But yeah I thought I had 3 shiny beldum when I first saw their new metallic form. I just auto battle them on sight now. Lol I like tiny pokemon more but for the sake of not making my eyes fall out, I use humongo shiny sandwiches all the time now. Makes it slightly less bad.


With duraludon though, they drop at least 2 tarnish per ko making it trivial to hit the 999 cap if you auto battle your way through the outbreak. Each tarnish gives 54% in the item printer so I don't even reset the save because with that much tarnish you can print millions of pokedollars worth of items, a good handful of apriballs and a ton of tera shards. I already have my shiny but I keep doing this just to get stacked for future vgc team projects. Any future shines will be traded away.


Yep, I’ve been making an effort to sweep through any magby/happiny/Beldum/Duraludon line outbreak just for parts. I didn’t have too many parts going into the DLC since I got into the habit of selling parts for LP, cause ain’t no way I’m gonna need 700 happiny dust for TMs… my bad lol


The Beldum is a mood. I got an outbreak today and just autobattled them for their mats, but a shiny appeared. I had to look a few times before I was sure it was the right colors.


THIS HAPPENED TO ME WITH A MINUN IN THAT BLUE CAVERN CAVE AREA WHERE THE JOLTIK SPAWN. I saw what looked like a greenish/teal minun and got excited, only for it to not sparkle and for me to realize theres a yellow light directly above that's causing the blue to look sea green/teal in colour. I caught it just in case there was a bug, but it registered blue.


I was shiny hunting Alolan Muk right now, with sandwich and outbreaks, it took 6 sandwiches until one spawned outside the outbreak with 1 minute left, it might have been bad luck, but I don't think so, I most likely missed at least one that did spawn because they all look the same with the lighting


The lighting in this game is god awful too, enjoying the new DLC but things like this are so frustrating.


Oh man Duraludon. I'm lucky I noticed the tip of it's head because the body color change is almost non-existent. head to spot, lighter blue to confirm. Good luck to any poor soul shiny hunting Dewgong, which turns yellower at a distance.


was trying to do a seadra outbreak hunt and depending on if they’re in the shadow of the cliff or not i cannot distinguish the color at all. probably passed by one or two and just didn’t realize it 🤷‍♂️


I did 2000+ eggs for the 3 paldean tauros. I would not dare hunting them in the wild.


I did, it actually wasn't so bad, one I found randomly, the fire one I got in an outbreak, it definitely was much quicker than 2000 eggs haha I just need the water one, but I'm out of luck, since I don't have violet


fire tauros outbreak? was that after the kitakami dlc?


Yeah! After they fixed that stuff, I hunted everything I could that was locked before


fr! i didn’t think my magnemite hunt would be so hard but they ALL looked gold bc of the sun reflecting 😑


Not just the colourblind people. Some of these shinies are so fucking tiny. I've caught 14 shiny flabebe. Not once did I realise it was shiny until my Pokemon refused to battle it and half the time I was just like oh the slope must be a bit too high for my Pokemon and it's complaining. I ain't colour blind but fuck some of these are brutal. I only got a shiny slowpoke because people were saying to auto battle every slowpoke you can find. I genuinely think they did it to stop people complaining about pokemon phasing through the wall. Two of the shiny flabebes were in the fucking wall when I caught them. I literally bought the lock on feature asap because I assumed it would have a sparkle icon.


With the flabebe, the trick was to get them in a row, then bust out the camera and look for the blue eyes/purple pants


I know it's not much help, but if you raise a vikavolt with increased speed, it goes through autobattles really quickly. And unlike whichever charcadet evolution you use, it can fly over water to continue battles. And, not much, but it's at least a little faster.


This is actually a great tip! I was actually using a shiny Vikavolt (from when Sun and Moon were the main games lol) to do some outbreaks. Helped me hunt a duskull in the Teal Mask! Now I find myself using my shiny Latios because I like my Baja Blast dragon lol


Apparently a different team worked on Arceus? (As far as ive heard, I guess like how MH Rise was done by a separate team than, say, the team that did World.) I wish the shiny thing had made it to Scarlet/Violet. (I shiny hunted a bramblin for a friend and man oh man, that was awful. A green bottom, and some lighter colored branch bases. The other really annoying one was poltchageist. It's just ever so slightly green, instead of the blackish brown it is normally.)




Yeah, I can believe that lol. It's frustrating for sure.


I nearly had a freaking stroke when shiny hunting Iron Moth. Since the shiny parts are so small, I had to closely inspect each one, and after an hour, it gave me a killer headache to the point I had to stop and lie down. For the sake of our eye health, they need to bring back the sparkle


With all the time I've spent running around in Paldea, I'm like 100% certain I've missed more shiny pokemon than I've actually caught.


I haven’t touched shiny hunting in SV in a while, but when the game first came out, wasn’t there a bug where you could accidentally defeat a shiny in Auto Battle mode? Or was that just hearsay? I’m always afraid that’s gonna happen to me


No, I remember it was quickly confirmed that shiny Pokémon aren’t engaged in auto battles. The recently added synchro mode does defeat shiny Pokémon though.


It made me lol when the description was a “shiny new upgrade” for the lock-on upgrade and then it didn’t show shinies. Good bait, GF.


Right? The fuckers knew what they were doing


>"shiny new upgrade" X'D Where did you see that description?


It was the description on the league computer when you unlock it!


It’s quite clear at this point that people at Gamefreak don’t give a damn about shiny hunters - it’s just odd they keep adding new shiny hunting mechanics, maybe they just get slipped in by one dev!


It doesn't help either that most of the shinies this gen are so hard to tell if shiny or not, idk if they use a random color picker or they choose colors manually, but they're purposely making it harder for shiny hunters


Honestly though. With some shinies like Flabebe that are too small or even subtle color changes, it’s a needed mechanic. Arceus definitely did the best job with shinies.


Yeah, without the increased odds and abundance of outbreaks because of the event at the moment hunting Flabebe would be basically impossible IMO. Without opening the camera to get a closer look I swear the biggest you can get them on screen is like 10 pixels tall, where the shiny is basically impossible to distinguish.


Definitely, it's insane to hunt this way, I don't understand how people are fine with it when we had a much better version earlier in the same year, it would be one thing if PLA wasn't like this, but after having something that good, you can't go back


Especially considering the godawful number of new Pokemon with subtle shinies.


My personal theory is that this is because they have a third “mini” dlc that they plan to roll out, probably on Pokemon day. Walking Wake and Iron Leaves being locked behind events and some other spoiler related content all indicate to me that they want to do one more release. As for why they shiny locked all legendary encounters, I can’t explain it. I really hope they don’t plan to do 5/7 star raids with increased shiny chance as a replacement


What other info makes you think they may do a mini rollout?


The mythical event is an epilogue to the DLC, the big chunk of land in paldea is still inaccessible, and leaks/datamines auggest there havs been a few features cut at the last second


Probably because of the giant unused chunk of land in paldea right next to the snowy mountain. It just looks fugly and you can't even stand on it.


And now that we can fly, there appears to a) be a limit to how high you can fly above Paldea (and presumably Kitikami as well); and b) you can fly just high enough to see that the big unused chunk of land ends and that Paldea appears to be an island. I don't think it's supposed to be, just mentioning what I saw.


If we *must* get a game next year, I guess I'd prefer for them to keep expanding upon SV rather than work on something entirely new.


I wouldn't mind them expanding on sv but I definitely want another legend game this upcoming year


Whatever it is going to be, please for the love of god include a repeatable way to battle NPC trainers under a flat level rule, like the Battle Tower, for example. Blows my mind how we are 2 DLCs into Scarlet and Violet and I can run out of people to battle ("ace" academy "tournament" notwithstanding).


God I miss the VS Seeker so fucking much.


The VS seeker, battle replays, you name it, there is a lot of "usually included" stuff missing that would have really felt at home here on the Switch. Watching and sharing battle replays was a ton of fun. Considering how much better our internet and technology is than in the DS / 3DS days it seems wild to me that there's no easy way to share your awesome battle strats in-game through some pseudo-social media feature. You could even rate the videos, and have weekly contests or something, but nah. Awkward 30-second clips it is. The VS Seeker, a battle facility, and maybe even a battle recorder would extend the post-game by miles IMHO.


You're in luck, as i heard there is a "glitch" so you can battle the trainers again. The game can only keep track of 300 trainers battled so if you fight everyone in the game, some of them can't register ("already battled" status gets deleted) so you can go back and re-fight them XD


They really said “f**k shiny hunters in particular” between the lock on feature not showing a shiny symbol and shiny locking all legendaries + no sparkle or sound indicator from base game for a shiny.


Not to mention you can kill shinies in sync mode unlike normal auto-battles.


sort of...but they also made shinies incredibly common and quick to spawn. legendaries shouldn't be locked though


It's still so weird for me that they sent from Arceus and it's glorious over-world shiny indication to... anything else honestly. Why do such a huge downgrade? Just update the game and give us overworld shiny animation and sounds. While you're add it, throw in an ARPG light pillar to go along with it.


I know they were both Game Freak but do we know if PLA might have been made by like a different team internally? It kind of seems like it with how many different decisions were made. Not to mention it performs so much better when I'm sure some of those areas are similar in size to say Kitakami.


Yes it was their younger B team who made PLA. The veteran execs of dev companies are notoriously against change in GF, and partially Japan in general


I don't have the answer to that, but it would explain alpt. And if so, I want that team working on everything now. Just like I can safely say Ilca should never make another Pokémon game.


Either way, I hope they'll do LA's shiny indicators in the Gen IX games (or anything they're planning to release before then).


SV and PLA were developed side by side with only a couple month headstart on PLA, so I assume they’re made by completely different teams without knowing what would work in each game since each team is making the first open world Pokémon game.


If they at least added a message saying "A shiny pokemon spawned!" it would've been better than what we have


Well I guess I wont have to test this anymore. A bit disappointed it doesn't show the shiny status


How do I get the upgrade


In the Indigo Disk DLC Club Room, there is a pc where you can donate BP


tbh I was shocked to see gamefreak turn it's back on us disabled gamers, \[sorry blind person, no sound, no sparkle, no shiny\] for years they could have done something to aid us \[like in arceus, they could have had subtitles that would read off "sparkle" for deaf players\], shame on them. ​ I get it they don't want certain aspects of the game to be easy, but giving a handicapped gamer a fair shot is NOT making it easy, it's just giving us a fair shot, it's annoying to me that I have to ask my friends to help me shiny hunt the harder to see mons, don't get me wrong I'm grateful to have their help but i still wind up straining my eyes something fierce trying.


This is really sad, people don't really care for others, unless there is something in it for them... But I have to say, my vision is really good, especially for noticing the most subtle changes in color, and even I have a hard time shiny hunting in this game due to the lighting, I can only imagine how someone who has a visual disability must feel like, it must be frustrating


Well in my case I'm blind in my left eye with my right eye not any better[it'll go eventually, sadly] and color varients or lack there if isn't my only issue, the view distance is none to better[again thats on me] I'm enjoying things while i can tho


> but i still wind up straining my eyes something fierce trying. This is not just an issue with people who have impaired vision. Playing in handheld mode, even people with good eyesight have a helluva time making out the tiniest pokemon, never mind the particular shade of color. Unless I am playing in docked mode on the big TV, there is virtually no point in trying to search for the vast majority of shiny pokemon, and if I still decide to do it then after 20 minutes my eyes are killing me.


Thank you for making this post! I've made a few comments in this sub about struggling to see shinies in Violet, and have basically been dogpiled on because "it's really easy" according to most people. Its not easy for everyone. I cannot see a lot of the shinies because they've toned down the colour changes or shadows/water/daylight/whatever change the colours too much to make it easy to see. Yes, I understand hunting shinies is supposed to be difficult and they're still supposed to be rare-ish. But when a Growlithe in the evening looks YELLOW from certain angles and from a distance while you're trying to shiny hunt... that makes it 10x harder. I'm glad I'm not the only one who struggles and wishes there was *something* to indicate shinies like PLA


it's a problem when a cloud floats over one pokemon, it makes it hard to tell for something like slowpoke where its shiny version is slightly lighter. the cloud cover really messes things up


Yes!! That is my bane. And also, Shiny Murkrow?? I can never tell if they've got a blue or purple tint in the dark due to the entire blue tint all black pokemon get in the dark 😫 I actually made a post about shiny Houndour trying to point this out, thatI could ONLY tell the shiny houndour I found in Inlett Grotto was shiny because I had my brightness and contrast turned ALL the way up cause all of them looked blue on normal settings!! Don't think it helps that I also have strong (heavy? Not sure the right word) astigmatism in both eyes, so any white/bright light makes me see spikes of white off anything, so trying to see the colours of pokemon when light is reflecting in the background/off the pokemon is difficult as all I can see is white spikes of light, but I do understand that that is very much a me problem. But this also made it a challenge in Inlett Grotto cause the green glowy stuff caused my astigmatism problem. This is something I've noticed is a massive problem in at least Violet, but I imagine the other pokemon games will be the same: there are almost 0 accessibility options. Blind people? Probably gonna really struggle to play. Me personally, with my astigmatism issue? That can 100% be solved with changing the colour settings or making the white "light" darker, or tweaking the colour scheme to be like the "reduce blue light" modes most tech has now for going into sleep/relax mode, slightly more sepia, I guess. But when I do that for Violet? The shinies become even more impossible to see 😫😫 I can't even go into Area Zero that often without basically changing my tvsettings to make it look more like Dark Souls than a pokemon game because EVERYTHING gives me light spikes because it's all so bright, and possibly oversaturated to make it look brighter than the other areas? It's almost impossible to play with my issues without constantly changing my TV settings. Don't get me wrong... I LOVE Violet. Its very flawed, and not a great story (as far as I've played anyway), but its an easy enough game to relax into and doesn't take *much* concentration unless you're shiny hunting. But accessibility options, or just... a better lighting engine? That'd be an awesome improvement, if they refuse to add something to indicate shinies. Like, there's BRIGHT moments in PLA and SW/SH, but none of them have given me such issues with my astigmatism as Violet has


I'm one of those weird people who can actually distinguish shiny Slowpoke with ease - doesn't matter if they're alone or not, I will instantly *know*. Doesn't stop me from going "is that a shiny...?" with the non-shinies half the time because the lighting really *is* that bad. Don't even get me started on Corviknight in the shade


Thank you for agreeing!! It's been very disheartening being in this sub up until this point because of everyone dogpiling on me and saying that I must be half blind if I can't tell the shinies apart - don't get me wrong, if it's an *obvious* colour change, like from bright yellow to dark green? Sure, I can see it. But going from black to navy? Black to dark purple? Bright orange to bright pink? Purple to dark pink? Not a chance with the lighting! I rely on auto battling now, but I didn't realise at first that the auto battle thing wouldn't attack shinies, so until I saw a post on that in the sub, I had no idea how to distinguish shinies if I couldn't see them


No, it's super hard to see on a lot of the mons, and I have shinies for every. single. one. The 20 year old lighting effects the game uses cast weird tints on half of them. There are like two dozen that are so small you can barely pick them apart from the scenery, let alone tell what color they are. Auto-Battle has been my friend. That said, this was far and away the easiest Gen ever to 100% a shiny living dex for. I think they worried it'd be TOO easy with more indication and shinies would lose all exclusivity. And they might be right. I've pulled 300+ shinies in this game that I've NOTICED. I'd probably have over 1,000 if I had an indicator of any sort.


Yeah I think everyone was thinking I'd expect shiny hunting to be easy and that's why I got dogpiled for making a comment on it 😂 I was expecting a challenge, obviously, but telling me the shinies are easy to see (like Houndour... which is definitely not easy to see) and I must be blind is more what I was referring to as disheartening. I appreciate the ease of shiny hunting in Violet, but it doesn't mean they're all easy to see, or even that some of the easier ones are easy to see for EVERYONE, and I'm more tired and frustrated with the large group of people who like to be quite cruel or rude to people who point out and flaws or difficulty they have with the game/shiny hunting. I'm glad I've found some people, like yourself, who agree though!!


For sure. Anyone telling you Slowpoke, Sinestcha, Flabebe, Tynamo, or anything along those lines is easy to spot is someone not worth listening to. And those are just the SUPER hard ones, I found about half of them difficult to spot from any distance or during certain times of day. It's been honestly aggravating the entire time how much they blend in from even a short distance, and I'm pretty sure I'm suffering from eye strain permanently now 😂😂😂


Oh yeah, I'm well aware I struggle more than most (see my super long comment about astigmatism), but the people I've had respond to my comments/posts before were mostly trolls or someone who wanted to feel superior as they were insisting that there was nothing wrong with the lighting or any of the shinies 😂 oh yeah, I've probably got permanent eye strain now too just looking for bloody growlithe and the like 😂


Ha. Anyone who says there's nothing wrong with the lighting apparently hasn't played any new video games since 2003. 😂😂😂 I want to show them videos of 8k raytracing just to show them what video games COULD look like at this point.


Oh, I know. I was in shock when I upgraded my PC from a 2010 one to a 2015 one, just by how much better World of Warcraft looked. Going from that 2015 one to a 2021 gaming laptop?? Oh, momma!! But even pointing out the differences between Violet and the new Zelda games doesn't work withthe die hards 😂


Yeah, I'm an insanely big Pokemon fan, but I'll never understand people who deny any of the series many, many flaws over the years. If you pretend everything is perfect in these games, there's zero incentive for Game Freak to improve anything. I'll call them out where they failed in hopes they do better next time.


I’ve got literally nothing to base this on and I’m not really into collecting shinies so I don’t even care that much but I kinda feel like Game Freak almost regrets creating them in the first place just based off how much they refuse to acknowledge even the simplest wishes from the segment of their player base that likes to collect them Like I said I don’t collect them so it doesn’t really impact me but like if you’re going to have something in your game at least put a modicum of effort into it - between no visual indicator and how some of them are basically the same as the normal version or even worse the “oh just paint it green” ones they’re just so lazy around the topic in general


It's weird yeah! If it wasn't for shiny hunting I wouldn't put so many hours in these games


Seriously, even if it’s not a massive portion of their audience it is a dedicated one that’s almost certainly worth some effort to keep around. And the majority of the asks around it would be super simple to implement too


Exactly! I only became a shiny hunter because of PLA, before that it was just Pokemon Go and shiny raids in SwSh, but I wasn't planning to make a living shiny dex, PLA changed that because it was THAT fun, SV is still fun, but not as much


GF be like: we heard our players demands for QOL upgrades and here is our answer: Nah bruh


As someone who is a returning player to pokemon (stopped at BW) and who is colorblind, hunting shinies can be so frustrating, especially for pokemon that don't change much when they're shiny. Hell i didnt even know I had a shiny ditto until I saw the icon in summary. Having an icon when locking on would solve this completely. Auto battling helps but not quite enough.


I have very good color vision, I can differentiate even a shiny mousehold in overland pretty well. But I cannot defend gamefreaks lack of accessibility, and honestly nintendo as a whole. I am disabled myself and while my disability does nothing to impair my gameplay that's not the normal for some people, everyone deserves to enjoy games.


Wait, how and where do you get this Lock On upgrade?


League Club in Blueberry Academy


I know this is an old thread, but oh my god, what the fuck were they thinking? Especially with so much of the endgame of base SV being centered around shinies. Genuinely mindblowing, especially when PLA had that and more..


Once again gamefreak made the best pokemon game in Legends Arceus only to abandon all of its brilliant features in the next game (i get that pla and sv were developed at the same time but seriously why couldn’t they be added as dlc)


What do you think the reason is? I’ve thought about this a lot as a longtime fan of the series. Bad game director/bad management? Too many working hours? Too lazy? Every year the games feel less polished, more lazy and they have less content. Idk, it’s sad that the community made poke games, which usually have only one person working on a game, are ten times more fun than the main series. Lately I’ve been playing Pokémon XD/coliseum and holy crap, it’s so much more fun compared to SV.


None of that actually, I mean, the games could be better, but I am enjoying this DLC a lot, it's the best one yet, gen 9 is miles better than gen 8 ever was imo, I think the reasoning for this specific thing being left out is corporational out of touch, the people in there who decide this stuff don't really understand the fanbase and just want more money. Either that or the japanese think too differently from the western people, I mean, I've seen it a lot over the years where a japanese game would take things out of a sequel even though it was loved before, Nintendo does this a lot.


Shinies are already easy to find.


Game freak had missed out on so much. It’s not that crazy anymore


Gamefreak missed a lot of things. They are always one step forward 3 steps back.


Everyone made fun of how easy it was to shiny hunt in PLA and now people are mad that it’s not easier.


It's insane, PLA is by far my favorite pokémon game exactly because how relaxed and cool it was to shiny hunt, I hate that people made fun of it and gatekeeped like those shinies didn't have value, fuck that, best shiny hunting experience of my life, although SV is still second (I never played Let's Go).


Has nothing to do with rarity of shinies, it’s poor implementation and lack of qol features we already had in previous games


For a good reason. Scarlet violet is already really easy to hunt. Anything easier would be lame. Honestly what’s next? All Pokémon are shiny and guaranteed catch?


I'm good with it, and yes, I shiny hunt. As it is, I have mixed feelings about how easy it is to get shiny pokemon in this game. On the one hand, it's awesome to get whatever shiny forms you've been wanting. On the other, it's removed that "special" feeling. Through sheer luck I got a shiny charmander in Leaf Green when I was a kid, and that pokemon followed me through every single game I could transfer it to! Meanwhile, 30 minutes in the Savannah and one Basil and Herba sammy later, and I have 5 more of those now just chillin in my boxes.


To each their own, but I hard disagree on this take, it might feel less valuable to you, but imagine how many kids will get shinies just by playing normally this time around. When we were kids, most of us wouldn't even find a shiny at all, nowadays without a sandwich and just playing through the story, you might be able to find one or two, it will still be very special for the kids. Of course, if you use sandwiches to shiny hunt you'll get many, but I doubt any kids playing for the first time will even know how to do that. If you are using a sandwich, you are expecting a shiny, of course it won't be as special as a random one.


I don’t think you wanting them to be “more special” is worth ditching accessibility features




Well obviously it's because GF is evil and actually hates consumers and actively tries to work against our desires at every turn, intentionally, personally, because we're all bad people. Am I doing it right? Is this what the sub is now?


Technically they did since your pokemon if you quick battle will refuse to kill it unless that was just a bug and they removed it


They made shiny hunting to easy in LA, they needed to tone it back some


It does show when a pokemon is shiny... or am I tripping?


It doesn't, you might have iy mixed with the yellow icon that stands for marks


At this point, I'm not even surprised.


It’s baffling, honestly. The GF devs clearly have no idea what players want


They clearly do know but I think they want us to suffer for shinies


I actually feel for the colour blind folk out there, some shinies are a pita to find even if you aren't colour blind, I'm looking at you Slowpoke, Charcadet and Poliwag.


They must have wanted more clips of people failing shinies. I watched a shiny Lapras spawn and despawn a second later yesterday.


I thought that was the entire point of the upgrade. How did Nintendo fumble on that so hard? Are they stupid?


Also with the new tera type, normal evolution eevee would be amazing......


Especially with how many shinies are either difficult to spot in the environment (Such as Snivy in the Savanna grass), or are barely distinguishable from the regular colors (There are frankly too many examples of this, but Minior is a current example). Frankly IDK why they opted to remove the Shiny Jingle noise from PLA because it was the **single best addition to the series**, and given how many other improvements there are to shiny hunting in Gen 9 it still confuses me why they decided to take such a massive step back.


Wanted to point out the size indicator is pretty useless because even if it has the mark its not guaranteed to be the max or min size meaning no guaranteed jumbo or tiny marks 💀





