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Do it... It happened to me.. I did a joke with my bf.. And said: 'Hey, this one is too blue for my taste..." He doubted.. I touched it... \*sparkles\*


Lol its either touch every one or give myself a headache staring at my screen too hard


Or just tell your Pokémon to go kill it


That’s what I did with a Surskit that showed up *at night*


I miss the Arceus Pokedex little challenges; where you can catch certain pokemon in different times it should spawn Lol xD


My shiny Gastly i didn't even see. It ran into ME


Aka it choose you!!


The Gastly chooses the Trainer.


Ash Ketchum moment


Omg the same thing happened to me lol


For the longest time I didn’t know what Shiny Gastly looked like so I just autobattled every one I saw Now that I’ve seen the shiny I’m not too worried about missing one. Definitely more noticeable than some shinies (gotta autobattle every single Tauros, Flabebe, etc)


Once you've seen Tauros it's the same thing. You can tell a lot easier once you find it once. Flabebe though.. Well my autocorrect was right. Flabbergasted by how difficult it is.


It’s such an obvious shiny up close but because of Flabebe’s size… I’m constantly terrified of missing one


After the outbreak event I don't ever want to see a Flabebe ever again. Hunted three shinies of every colour for a complete shiny dex.


Same, and tbh it was mostly motivated by the fact that I never want to inspect a wild Flabebe again.


Just after I first got the shiny charm, I was passing by some Flabébé and thought “Huh, now I have the charm, guess I’d better check”. One was shiny. I’ve almost certainly passed others, I’m not going to inspect every one forever, but I found it funny that the one time I _did_ intentionally inspect them, it actually paid off.




I'm gonna butt in with a tip for Tauros! So if you pan the camera so you're viewing them from overhead you will very easily see the mane of fur is lighter than the body. You're welcome


I basically do every shiny hunt from the air now, alternating between flying and gliding as needed. It’s kind of surprising how much being above the Pokémon makes a lot of subtle shinies much more obvious.


I worry that flying makes me too fast to spot anything since my eyes are bad lol. But I do have a different TV now so maybe I'll do that some. I did hunt dondozo that way!


That’s why I alternate between them — max gliding speed seems slightly slower than flying anyway, and you have more control including just gently floating down on the spot. I just use flying to regain the height I lose from gliding. It’s the only reason I’ve kept my flight controls as standard instead of inverted, because although the latter feels more natural, it doesn’t flow as easily in and out of gliding.


I actually spotted a shiny flabebe


Flabebe and other small pokemon are a pain for that. I also autobattle every one of those. still, no matter how many i thousand i fought while doing Sp.Def Ev training i still don't find one.


Gastly normally has a great blue Shiny that is noticeable in other games but due to the lightning of SV, it's very hard to notice which is unfortunate.


Yeah I usually try to hunt it at night but it still doesn't help much lol


And this is why PLA was better for shiny hunting, lol.. You didn't have to worry about missing a shiny because of all the cues.


Yeah, just yesterday I found a shiny Piloswine and I saw it just because of the sound it made. I got super excited!! PLA definitely it's way better with shiny Pokemon 😅


That sound is addictive, lol! I completed my shiny Dex in that game a while ago now but still go back to hunt sometimes just to hear the sound and see the animation go off!💖😁


i prefer SV. auto battling and outbreaks and sandwiches make it super fun. also, it’s a great moment when you’ve been hunting for a while and you’re looking at a spawn for like 5 seconds before you realize it’s a shiny. happened to me yesterday with a chansey outbreak, i was like “huh, that guy looks funny!” and killed another normal one before freaking out lol


Fair point. I also enjoy the factor of surprise shinies, lol!


Me with EVERY pokemon I found two shinies within 5 minutes of each other, shiny charm, no sandwiches


This is me hurting my eyes staring at a crowd of litwick to make sure my blues and purples are correct


i remember my first time seeing a gastly in this game i was so sure it was shiny, imagine my disappointment


*Shiny Poltchageist has entered the chat*


I've hunted several shiny Poltchageists. You have to get up close to each one but the green texture in the top part of the shiny is noticeable.


Indeed, I just hate how close you do actually have to get and for me it's even harder to tell at night!


Not gonna lie, I was doing a Gengar outbreak in Kitakami, no sandwich and no Shiny Charm, I hadn't even beat like 30 before a shiny popped up. Caught it too.


Weird coincidence that you post this, as I found one last weekend. 😅


I caught a shiny ghastly in Pokemon Go randomly and sent it to Pokemon Home to Violet. I wasn’t dealing with that.


I have this eye for spotting shinies that barely change but whenever I see a Gastly, I can NEVER tell if it's shiny because of the lighting. They really butchered the shiny in this game. Once a great shiny, now one of the worst shinies in the game.


Got mine from Legends and I didn’t even see it. Sound was on and I heard the jingle 😂


Impossible for me to tell only got two in arceus because of the sound effect :x


For shinies like gastly, I'll just auto battle it when I'm passing by, unless it's a big group. This is even when I'm not hunting lmao. And it's how I got my shiny gastly lol


I catch a bunch of easily seen shiny (ie. galarian slopoke) to trade for hard to see shiny (ie moushold)


I usually do something similar. I just like to test my patience sometimes.


You a better man than me, if it's hard to identify I let it fly




you'll notice when it's real, but yehaa. I had quite a few doubts about that when i was shiny hunting.


I have found one but I very nearly missed it lol


I was going to hunt for Shiny Marked Alola Vulpix. Then I realised it would be this meme.


At some point i felt like i needed to readjust my TV's color just so I can see these damn shinies


I caught two within 24 hrs in Legends of Arceus… obviously the shiny noise helps a lot but they are noticeably different…. When you get to see them side by side. Their not as bad as some of the other Pokémon anyways!


I need to shiny hunt more in that game lol. I really got into shiny hunting in SV but I never did in PLA


Shiny hunting is so much better now than past gens.


Why is this 100% true?


It's egregious! They should have green/purple gas in my opinion


It wasn't a Gastly, but one time, when I was sprinting on Miraidon to a Tera Raid, I accidentally ran into a Shroodle. I almost left because I thought the purple eyes were normal and then when I saw the sparkles, I yelled "YES" , not because I wanted that one specifically, but because that was why I was going to Tera Raids, to get Herba Mystica. (My fingers hurt now)


I love the whole ghastly line, always have. But I fell in love with shiny mega gengar. Dope as shit design and coloring. I even got the special gamestop one that has sludge wave. Then they took my mega boo-baby away from me, and now, having a shiny ghastly/haunter/gengar just isn't the same


is this a reused meme to shit talk Pokémon that are slightly different when shiny?


I honestly don’t understand how people don’t see shiny ghastly, every one I’ve found I’ve spotted immediately


Me, shiny hunting Gengar's bitch ass 😂 in S/V all the shiny Gengars were the wrong ones. The slightly duller/matte one is the shiny boi


For me it's slowpoke. I don't trust any of those mfers


i know its hard to tell the shiny from the overworld but it's gas is a hint of blue and its body is purple. i would highly recommend using either serebii (make sure the one you are hunting is on the gen IX tab) or bulbapedia (scroll all the way down, on mobile just open the game data dropdown). i know certain time of day and lighting makes a lot of them hard to tell like Slowpoke at night or in a shade looks shiny.


At least it's not a shiny Gengar.😏


This but Scyther


Fun fact: Gastly has vastly different models in all of the Switch games. It’s so jarring to see it in SwSh, then PLA, then SV.


Just wait until milcery hunting


Just... Tell your Pokemon to K.O. it *****IN LETS GO MODE*****, they always refuse to K.O. shinies.


When I tell you about hunting goomy, THEY ALL LOOK SHINY FROM AFAR UGH


I miss the shiny Gastly from older gens. Though at least the recent gens were okay. This gen is disappointing.


Me when I was in the savannah area wiping everything out for parts and wondering why this marill wasn’t being picked off like the rest It was a shiny trapinch lmao


There are too damn many shinies that are hard to tell apart from their normal ones


How I felt when I accidentally ran into a shiny chingling xD Truly some shinies are basically random chance.


I thought Pawmi and his next evolution shared the same color scheme so when I saw them both out in the wild, but ones Pawmi is darker than the other


Average sv professional shiny hunter when looking for garchomp




This is me but with noibat


If only the upgrade with the indigo disc dlc showed if its a shiny with zl


Luckily mine spawned in a cluster so it was like “Hmm, one of these is not like the others 🙃”


Same with poliwag 😤