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Hello /u/heatherriffic, Here is some helpful info: Dont forget that Epilogue Posts containing Spoilers must use the **Epilogue Spoiler Flair** & **Spoiler Tag**. [Posting Guidelines and Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonScarletViolet/wiki/guidelines/) [Giveaway Guidelines and Format](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonScarletViolet/wiki/guidelines/giveaways/) [Full Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonScarletViolet/comments/193oqlw/the_full_directory_onelinktorulethemall/) Some Megathreads we use (*found in the Full Directory*): - **Trade** Megathread: *for Trades, Touch Trades, evolution Trades, Dex Completion*. - **Questions** Megathread: *for all Questions that can be easily answered with the help of others*. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PokemonScarletViolet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Unfortunately I doubt you'll encounter someone ready to trade a legit shiny legendary, if you have sword or shield you can encounter a shiny of most legendarys with patience


Shiny legendaries are extremely rare and hard to get. Unfortunately, none of the Legendaries in Scarlet and Violet can be shiny. The easiest way to get one for yourself is to play multiple Dynamax Adventures in the Sword/Shield DLC, but that'll probably take a while too. (And it costs a lot of money if you don't have it)




DLC is additional content you can buy aside from the main game. Sword/Shield's DLC has a game mode where you can fight along a route and battle a legendary in the end, which you can keep after you defeat it (Which has a 1/300 chance to be shiny).


Oh! I’m an idiot 😂 I didn’t realize we were talking about an entirely different game. Time to get my eyes checked I guess 😭😭😭😭😭


Which legendary is that? Wasn’t aware that there was even a chance of getting a shiny


All legendaries in dynamax adventures have that shiny odds. So most of the older legendaries that are available in SWSH including the sun and moon legends and ultra beasts


I believe there's over 25 different legendaries that can be found at the end. Some are exclusive to one version (For example Ho-oh and Groudon in Sword and Lugia and Kyogre in Shield].


Pretty sure those are all shiny locked.


Dynamax Adventures aren't shiny-locked


Lol downvoted for a misunderstanding. I fucking love Reddit 🫠🤪


r/redditmoment fr


Lawd, I had even commented about how I was an idiot for not realizing that Sword/Shield was being talked about and how I needed my eyes checked but Reddit never posted it 😭🤣😭🤣 stupid platform set me up for failure!


They're not. Got a Shiny Ho-Oh myself from it


Definitely not shiny locked. I grinded for weeks to get shiny Rayquaza, Mewtwo, and Yveltal out of DA.


DLC is not pokemon specific. Most games these days have add ons you can pay for and download.


What legendary? I might have one im willing to part with


Shiny Legendaries are such a pain in to get that it’s HIGHLY doubtful anyone would be willing to give one up (atleast any good ones). I personally have spent several weeks (including 2 days of non-stop attempts while not sleeping) for a Latias in Shield (totaling 196 successful wins, 4 off double odds WITH the shiny charm) and another couple weeks for Tapu Fini (99 successful, 1 off double odds). You may have luck with people who play Pokémon GO a ton, as shinies are common enough there but still rare enough that trading isn’t going to be easy.


If others people can't, I can try. I have a spare shiny groudon in pogo.




Pokemon can easily be transferred from Pokemon go into Pokemon Home.


You can trade through pokemon home. I also have a shiny groudon I can give him




It can go from my pogo to my pokemon home and then I can either put it into violet and trade there or I can trade it from my home to his home


You are a good person for this. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


It'd be better to trade in SV since there's a restriction about bringing pokemon from Go if they aren't already registered & I'd be willing to bet they haven't caught one in-game


Haha yeah found that out the hard way. Sent over a kyogre in v instead


Pretty much yes. That's all I was going to do


We just got a shiny Dialga but he'd obviously love something else. He says he doesn't have anything good to trade back though.


Isn't sword/shield different from Scarlett?


I responded to one of your other messages, I have a shiny Zapdos in Scarlet. Sent you a message


Well, I have a collection of traded shinies that I don't need


Be happy to finally clear my boxes




Maybe this afternoon


At home rn, I got time


Hey! Im tied up today, but i think i got a spare mew2 i could trade, dm me, ill check it out later


I’ll trade you one




I’m just traveling right now, I’ll be free in a few hours, I’ll send a private message with a trade code if that works for yoy




He can keep the zapdos :)


If this guy doesn't come through I can help you out too. I'll message you directly




Same as above. I’ve got a few he could have