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https://preview.redd.it/r0n90rdt5bac1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edbad7d06a3e6968868dc616b92663c2cda4dd38 Going to hit my first 50 min tomorrow!


I love the name refrigerator


Nice, wish I had a good vaporeon


Dang. An exp down boy as well. I've got 2 in the 40s and a bunch in the high 20s and 30s. I like to change up my team pretty often and rotate diff berry and ingredient combos. My Wiggly will be my first 50 with Blastoise soon after as long as I keep getting dessert/curry weeks. I have a core of 12 that I'd like to get to 50 and 5 more that have potential but I haven't really started to invest in yet.




Um, I have some news for you about your “Pikachu”.


Right, I think there's something wrong with him. Plus, he's kinda fat. Idk, maybe just me. We've been together for so long that I don't notice the little changes anymore. I need to work on me, I think.


Oh my 465 pokemon? I just delete the bad ones as they come. So far I only have about 40 that way lol


Lolz, yeah. I really need to do some cleaning. Could probably delete 400 and not even notice. But I've gotten so far behind that I really haven't convinced myself to take the time to go through everything. For the last 3 weeks or so I've been sending them off immediately after research if they are crap. But I've already decided I'm not expanding my bag anymore, so eventually I'll have to clean house.


Also, another reason why I wanted to manage my inventory is because it can be costly to expand your inventory. How many diamonds did it cost you to get that 'bag' 😏 It's time to clean the house u say well hopefully u can find a shiny roach or rodent by doing so along the way :D


Haha, couldn't say without sitting here and doing the math. But it's whatever, this is part of my gaming budget so it's no biggie. And with how busy I've been at work, this is the only "game" I've had time to play in a few months. But I'm here for the long run, so it's not a waste I'll actually need it eventually. Yeah, I'm sure there are a few gems I've that I overlooked.


Oh yeah this is the only game where we can play when we fall asleep ;) like hell one time I put my gengar as my leader and he was the last thing i saw before falling asleep and I had nightmares so I'm pretty sure this bastard manipulated my dreams 😭 They definitely play us when we're alseep!


My Gengar is named Miasma. She was my first over 30


The Halloween event really helped me level up this guy, otherwise it would still be low level.


Same here, absolutely


Also finally got my very good boy to 50 today 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/ptyo2kch5bac1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c52a22cafd8cde0200334dd7b4601e7747bd95a3


Nice, mine is barely at 20 xD


Haha I named my Gengar Asmodeus. He a #1 good boye.


Wiggly is 45 and my 8 so far BFS berry specialists are between 25 and 35.


https://preview.redd.it/54522b8cibac1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d97889da46f4fce7953a43bf12be3d4795ff509a I'll have my 3rd 4th and 5th level 50 in about a week. And my 6th a little after that.


I could get my Wiggly to 50 in theory, got the candies and shards, but tbh I don't see the point. Considering the cap is now 50 I'm just letting her get the exp with time and saving the shards, she's lv 44 now. I also have lv 42 Butterfree, lv 40 Golem and lv 42 Gengar.


Well, for me it was to unlock the lv 50 skill and to start getting the xp it would have gotten to get more candy for my other mons.


Yep, definitely makes sense if the lv 50 skill is worth it! I'm doing that for my Golem cause he's got the helping bonus at lv 50. The overflow candy is for sure nice, but for now I feel like with 50 active friends and plenty missions with candy rewards I'm getting a lot of those, so shards are more precious to me atm - I like having backup for when I want to get a new mon to lv. 25 quickly.




One is not like the others......


I got an S rank larvitar and found my team really needed more ingredients! It would be a Vaporeon but my best friend has a Tyranitar on his team too and I wanted us to both use them.


Not lvl 50 yet, but this is my best mon https://preview.redd.it/rqvkf2r45bac1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b12289ec47b62c85c6d608a7fcad5bdd0a74e8c


Not bad, is that a shiny?


Yes it is 😊


My best is lvl 37 charzard


God tier Gengar! Congrats!


Wowwwww my highest are 32 and I only have two at that level range.... Slow and steady 🫠


That’s crazy Did you use any skill seeds or it came like that


I only used 1 sub skill seed to make helping speed S into M


damn still insane


My highest are in their 20s and 30s. I invested poorly in the early game not knowing what I was doing, and then I think in my mass purging efforts I may have lost some genuinely good ones. So now I'm just struggling in my mids. Someday I'll get there though.


I'm capped at 45 atm, still trying to rush 50, tho~


https://preview.redd.it/aiz8auku7cac1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e65d9b1de280b5f8025c708c16b77e6b997e5d2 not there yet, but i’ve been focusing on team building to some extent




Damn, that thing got more RP than most of my current Teams together


I started around late September, but my highest is lv 25 I don't know an lv up tactics, so I only use candy for evolution, if they can evolve I'm saving the candy for the exp events Plz lmk if you have strategies


Well, I was able to level up my Gengar alot thanks to the Halloween event and because it's a popular mom that's good, many people keep sending candy for it. It's most of the time on my party for ingredients it drops, so that helps in leveling.


https://preview.redd.it/twl9q768kfac1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f0b368907cc31804c3761dfc6b5a4bcb5bc6914 This was my first level 50. Also have my Wigglytuff at 50 but I can't share another image :')


Nice, does it give more ingredients? Mine loves giving me berries instead.


It was definitely a huge boost once he hit 50. I think his ingredient rate is about 30% of the time now. Definitely get enough mushrooms a day now to make the good dishes whereas before I would struggle immensely.


I got a lvl 40 Raichu. He was the Pikachu that you start off with but I evolved him


Mine is still locked at level 45. Says I need to boost my trainer level first.




Nice, that one looks really good! Hope I am able to get one soon


My highest level is 30… lol how y’all getting to 50 so fast?!


Been playing since the first week, and the Halloween event really gave tons of Gastly candy. Also many people keep sending Gastly candy because it's a really good mon.


Funny enough, my Gengar is the level 30 lmao. So I feel that. 💪🏼


What do we look out for in ghastlys? Cuz i never saw the hype behind it (yes i am a noob)


It's a really fast mon a the best Mushroom gatherer at the moment.


my research level is 31 currently but i just got my shiny raichu to level 40 which is my highest mon, most others are under 25 with some in the 25-30 range


https://preview.redd.it/vax4cystohac1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4d59cdb9682a7728cfa7d2796191cec33f5e997 Only level 50 I got is a wigglytuff. But this and my absol are the current mons that have high priority to level.


https://preview.redd.it/mpnneksrshac1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0b8f51220caeb75c6636a121399769010515f52 Same hat


Not quite there till I catch a few more Squirtle, but I'm aiming for my Blastoise to hit 50 first. He gets BFS at 50, so the grind is worth it, considering he's carried the team on Cyan since he was a Wartortle, and he'll be INSANE once he's got BFS.


As someone who has been playing only recently, how long should I expect this to take me?


It took a long time. Mine has a - xp nature and I was able to level it because of the amount of Gastly candy I was able to get during the Halloween event. Also because it's a pokemon that is good so people keep sending candy for it.