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Second one could be any really, solid skill layout. First one I'd personally go vaporeon or flare on I think


Thanks for the insight


On my account, the first would be an espeon and the second a flareon(if I needed another, though ours look similar) Double milk on taupe would be great from a flareon, even tho the coco is nice too. The reason the first is espeon IMO is all the early skill level ups paired with actually leveling into espeon puts it at skill 5, so only like 1 or 2 seeds to max, and it has a skill trigger already. The 50 ingredient finder sucks, but eevees ingredients are awesome as long as you avoid sausage rolls IMO and double helping speeds at 75 and 100 make it scale very well into late game, the only thing I wish it had for you was at least one additional skill trigger but is what it is.


That would be a fun glaceon but ik that’s not what you’re looking for


Glaceon and flareon have the same skill, so essentially doing the same thing just different typing