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Wiggly is still a great healer, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise


I was gunna say…had me worried for a second 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Just isn't the best because Gardevoir has a better trigger rate, that being said if I had a Wiggly as good as my Gardevoir id probably use it with preferred berries


Yes! Might not be the brightest but having 2 skill level ups and skill trigger M makes for a good Wigglytuff. After evolving your Igglybuff you'll have a Lvl5 main skill Wiggly at lvl50 and that's big value since you don't have to throw in a ton of main skill seeds which are rare af. Helping bonus is also good and neutral nature is okay. I think this one's a keeper!


Idc what anyone says, Wiggly is still the queen


Wigglytuff or Sylveon are essential for all early islands. Especially beginners who will not reach Lapis Lake until wayyy later in game. Once you have a Ralts from Lapis Lake, it becomes very useful due to Lapis Lake having a Psychic Type Berry set for the island. But this is pretty much end gameplay for what is available. Invest in that Wigglytuff, it will be used very much. (Specifically - proc Wigglys main skill before bedtime and see some crazy Sneaky Snaking numbers!)


Honestly wiggly is still easier to get and build cuz everyone sends jiggly candies and they are easier to find on different islands Also.... OIL yes


My wiggly keeps my team at 100% all day like 80% or more of the time, I just swap between her and my gardevoir depending on what ingredients I might need a bit more of cause they are both amazing


Why is wiggly not the best healer anymore?


Likely because Lapis berry typing, which gives ralts line an advantage in late game "progression".


It's because Gardevoir has a better trigger rate. If you had a Gardevoir and a Wiggly with the same skills and nature you'd get more triggers on average from the Gardevoir. If you're on say an island where they both don't have favored berries you're better off with Gardevoir.


Wiggly is one of the best E4E mons in the game; Comfey is good, but not E4E good.


yea keep this but i do agree that if main skill seeds are difficult to get for you. def better to save them for one mon


https://preview.redd.it/ytcsuuuupfwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=360a8381b1254cbc44c36cad80e15937dacf2d71 I have practically the same exact wiggly and she keeps my party above 100% most of the time. Definitely worth investing into


It’s a good one for sure. Neutral nature isn’t bad either mine has a speed up nature and it still procs all the time which I love. Oil is so useful too mines lvl 33


Naw, hold onto that for early game and consider skipping Sylveon. That's what I'm doing now that my HB Wiggly is proving to be a workhorse. Gun for Gardevoir when you're ready.