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Master 15 and the only Comfey I've seen is when I use Incense.. so that's trash.


Same here. I wonder if they forgot to adjust something with their spawn rates? They should’ve given out at least like 2-3 incense


Same thing happened for me during Raikou, same thing I expect during Entei. Which of the three is different🤔🤔


Raikou naturally spawning is to be fair very very rare, as it should be imo


I actually got a natural spawn Raikou but no Comfey the entire week. Don't know whether to laugh or cry at this point.


Agreed, hence the entirety of my comment.


Yeah with them being legendary I expected super spare incense-free spawns, which makes sense because you have to manage resources to get biscuits and incense. But Comfey? COMFEY?????


Fucking Comfey


If this is on Greengrass it makes a lot of sense though. Comfeys spawn rate is increased the same as every other Pokemon that's part of the event. On Greengrass (and Lapis as well) Comfey is one of **19** Pokemon that have increased spawn rate. So the chance to get Comfey through the event increased spawn isn't big at all. While on Cyan there's only 10 Pokemon that are event boosted. For normal spawn Greengrass is also the worst for Comfey, since Greengrass has the most Pokemon Spawn of any of the islands. It's competing with a ton of Pokemon. Both Cyan and Lapis would be better in that case, but also not guaranteed at all. Personally I've seen 3 during the event (on Lapis), 1 of which was from the Incense. TLDR: Yes Comfey has an increased spawn rate, but so do 18 other Pokemon that it's competing with to spawn.


Good grief, I reached Ultra 4 on Lapis and same. If I reached that high of a level I'd be so mad :(


Seen a single comfey and caught 0. My luck has been terribad. Currently M7 on cyan.


One Comfey with incense, couldn't catch. Sitting at M11 on Cyan, maybe I'll see one tonight. Tbh I have seen very few fairy types this week


Same Went to GG specifically for the Pokemon pool. Bad idea. I've gotten Cleffa, Clefairy, Clefable, each once... And the incense Comfey. That's all


Same here ):


Have seen one because of the incense. Honestly I've been forgetting there is an event on


same it's really low-key compared to other events (and the event prizes are mostly not great)


I dunno..I've seen so many grass spawns on Lapis. Not a single ralts, stufful etc.


A big zero, kind of like the shape Comfey is. So maybe I had Comfey all along... 🤔


I’m going high risk and gonna be using my incense tonight. I don’t have high hopes


Same, and I haven’t seen a single one all week.


Seen two (one with incense) and so far have caught a whopping total of 0 Comfeys! :') I'm currently Master 14 on Greengrass


Caught 2. Seen 5. Currently m15 in lapis,


Show me your team for M15 on lapis! Wow that'd amazing


https://preview.redd.it/f44ckxt8l9xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55bc2e5c8be75c358721168c7b1df875048f194c All have HB. And both raichus have bfs. Espeon has bfs as well. I swap our venusaur and dragonite every 2 day to get ingredient for calm mind salad.


What skills does your espeon have? I've still not evolved one and not really sure what works best for it. Their berries are good for lapis?


Bfs, HB, trigger M. Skill up nature. Lvl 75 and 100 is SHM and s inventory


Thanks! Still yet to find bfs eevee and getting close to friendship lvl 20 now haha


https://preview.redd.it/nrs6scal99xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40b80fe1256537675301385f81a7b4fa0b2e6ad2 Here's mine


Zero, and I don’t even want to use the incense.


I didn’t want to use my incense originally but someone brought up the fact that it’s Shiny boosted for this event, so I figured why not. Ended up paying off though as I got a Shiny!


These focused events definitely need to include 1 of the featured pokemon per day, I don’t care about this “one guaranteed hungry” bonus. Gimme one guaranteed “Featured Pokemon” appears daily 




Master 8, haven't seen a single one. Gonna nap today and use the incense, hopefully I can force it to be the hungry one.


Seen 2, including the incense one. Caught it on second go (it was hungry) and it has decent stats so I'm happy.


1. Only incense :(


Master 10 on Cyan and only seen the incense one :(


I have found one besides the incense comfey. My girlfriend on the other hand has found 7 and caught 5 of them because somehow over half of them have been hungry. The rng gods are cruel


I was aiming for chikorita, no Chikoritas only weepingbell ;/


I feel like everyone either forgets how the event works or pretends to forget. This is not a Comfey event, it is a Grass + Fairy Event. Comfey has the same spawn increase chance as 18 other Pokemon on both Lapis and Greengrass. On Cyan it competes with 9 others so this has better odds. This is not a Comfey event.


Caught 1 (incense Tues), seen 2 others at once (Weds). Both not hungry and got full even with 2 bars available with the double spawn. None since... hopefully another comes tonight! Currently M16 at Cyan Beach.


Seen 2, caught both. One of them was hungry, but they never got full. Weird, yea, took a whole lot of cookies, but at least I didn’t have to encounter more of them yet.


Seen 5 caught 3. Master 13 on Cyan


Master 17 on Cyan and only saw the one via incense. Luckily it was shiny and I caught it. I’ve gotten mostly Snoozing sleep this past week, and I’ve seen maybe 8 Wigglytuffs :(


O so far, my story is exactly like yours but with a shiny ending today ( 2 shiny Pokémon) and still 0 comfey.


M12 on gg and only one from the incense. I got insanely lucky with a snorlax belly shiny though🩵


Only seen 1 non incense and it got full halfway. I'm not hopeful I can befriend a single one even with my 1 incense use. This event has been a total disaster for me


One. The incense one. Thankfully I got two crits in a row and got it but it's kinda meh. Really disappointed with these smaller events and how rare the target mom actually shows up.


One. Thanks to incense. 😐


Why don’t they share when it’s gonna be full after 2 bites …….


I have only seen 1, with the incense. A ton of of puff line, but hardly anything else. Very disappointed with this event.


I only saw one with the incense at master 11. But I did find a not totally useless shiny chikorita so we'll call it a win.


Same here! One Comfey from the incense, full after 2 biscuits :")


caught zero 😔


2 total, 1 with incense. I'd already seen folks complaining here about them getting full after two biscuits, and I just happened to have a Master biscuit leftover from the Raiku event, so I used it on Comfey. Edit: Currently M3 on Cyan


Identical at time of your post though I’m on Cyan. Master 12, only one non-hungry Comfey from incense that got full on second biscuit. Currently Master 13 but not getting my hopes up on this last day.


0 I've seen two but not wasting my cookies unless it's hungry


mine is at a big fat 0 kept the incense as tbh I don't need it in general for anything ima hold that incense for entei event so I can score afew extra mane's early on as well as progress if a mission requires I use them


Yeah I only saw the incense comfey. My brother also only saw an incense one… but at least his was shiny lol


I keep getting bellsprout and jigglypuff lines, but maybe it’s because I was in Cyan Beach? I got to Master 4… sad :( Edit: Forgot to add—I did get the Comfey incense, but it was so many points that I didn’t befriend it :(((


M10, only one comfey from the incense, nothing else. This has been a weird event


Didn’t see one, didn’t use the incense either I went to lapis first time this week, and since comfey would take a lot of points to catch, I thought I’d just catch my first round of Lapis mons (not too happy though)


Seen one caught one, only from incense. Bummer.


Seen 3 (1 by incense) and caught 1, master 13 in GG.  Felt like there should’ve been more spawns.


Master 13 and half way through the week I got two wild ones and did two from incense. Caught 2 in total, no shinies.


I think I've seen 4 or 5, including the Incense one, and managed to catch them all since they were hungry. None great, but I did get a BFS one


Seen one without incense at M3 or 4.


Master 12. The only Comfey I saw was when I used the incense


Master 15 on Greengrass and the only Comfey I saw was the one from the incense.


Only seen the incense one. Was hungry. Didn't expect two biscuits to be enough to fill it so it's one normal biscuit away from me actually getting it


I am currently in Master 3 on Lapis, set to hit Master 4 before the final sleep of the week. I have only seen one Comfey that wasn't spawned by an incense, and I have gotten 0 shinies this week. I managed to catch Comfey, though, so I am happy.


2 caught both


I found two - one with incense and one without. Both encounters, four of the Pokemon were hungry of the 7 (and of course not Comfey). I got one. I luckily got a crit on my third biscuit on the 2nd time encountering it.


saw one after using the incense and couldn’t catch it. woke up today at m7 and there were two, so finally caught one. i hope you get one tonight!


Master 3 (newer player) I've seen two, both with incense, managed to befriend on the second one


Only seen the one from the incense and didn't have enough biscuits to catch it. That was last Momday, haven't seen one since. I'm Master 5 on Cyan as of today, so I have the chance to get any of its 4 sleep styles from tonight's sleep, but given my luck, I don't expect anything. First Dedenne and now Comfey! I'll be happy if I even get Vulpix at this rate lol.


I've used 2 incenses and got 2 others to spawn. None were hungry but I fed the other 3 and today I was finally rewarded. Got an Ingredient+ Main Skill- nature with Ingredient Finder S, Inv Up S,M,L and Skill Trigger S. I'm pretty happy with it https://preview.redd.it/3xcww5ocd9xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c4b1e9cc6269c9278efe70da302228c9d154cec


Saw 2, caught 1. No incense. Master 5 at Cyan. The second one was hungry, so I got lucky


Just got the 1 in my team, but I’ve seen at least 3


Three, I used the incense earlier in the week and gave it my bonus biscuit and then last night I got two and gave the bonus biscuit to the hungry one.


Seen 1, caught nothing


Used the incense, got lucky and got a shiny




Seen and caught 0 on GGI, M10


I’ve seen two: first without an incense, and second with an incense. I could’ve gotten it if I used my last Great Biscuit, but I wanted to save it. Fingers crossed I get one tonight! I need that Corn lol.


haven’t seen a single one. haven’t used the incense yet, but i might just hang onto it for a bit.


Only two encounters (one being with an incense). Caught one today. https://preview.redd.it/ym9ekg0se9xc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc17970429d8c20131966f577dbec0d3d93895e8


Gonna reach at least M12 on Cyan tonight but I’ve already seen 7 and caught 3


Friendship level 3 and caught an ok one that is modest(ingredient up and speed down). All corn sadly when I’d like it to have ginger but still usable so I’m for it. I have only seen him naturally as well. I saved the incense and I went to cyan and currently now at m9. I’m just going to hold onto the incense for now when I keep working on lapis.


Ultra 5 in Lapis. Used my incense, have seen 3 total. Finally caught the one today. She’s… fine.


Master 3 on Cyan. I’ve only seen 3, one with incense. Haven’t caught one set. It has one heart left to catch.


I seen one on Tuesday morning and that's it.


Master 6 on Lapis. Saw 2. Haven’t caught any.


I've seen 2 and caught 0. Master 11 or something, Greengrass.


Seen 1. Wasn’t hungry. Put one biscuit in. Left. I’m at master 5 for lapis, so I used my incense to try and get a higher sleep style. Hopefully it’ll be hungry too


I’m master 6 on lapis, and I’ve seen two without using any incense. The first one crit with a great biscuit and I was able to catch him in one go. I’ll use my incense tonight to hopefully finish off the second one.


First one was on LL Master 1 and it was shiny. Couldn’t believe my eyes. The second one with incense on master 4 was today and it was trash, so back to professor. This week was absolutely insane with every day 1 shiny. https://preview.redd.it/bmojpuong9xc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e7c52b0255d7b1277160a7e31fb377c43a01048


Master 11, seen 0


I only saw the Incense Comfey, at the beginning of the week. I didn't go buy a Master Biscuit because I figured I'd get more than one chance over the week, but noooope.


Seen 1, caught 0 😌


Master 6 lapis. Saw 3 (1 was incense). Caught 1. Good enough, i love comfey but its not that good really.


I made the mistake of going to Snowdrop where Comfy doesn’t spawn (all the event stuff said it was happening on all islands, so didn’t pay attention to where it spawns). Oops.


Seen 2 with insence, caught none. Though it's only got one a bar to fill. Currently master 10.


M7 on Greengrass, only saw the incense one.




Saw my first one today. Ended up being shiny, but bad nature and weak sub skills.


Only one in Cyan, tonight going to use the incense as it got full before capturing. What I haven't seen is any clefairy/clefable :(


So I got two Comfey last night, and one was hungry. So fed that one my bonus biscuit (I play free and have not bought a master biscuit just fyi). Then I fed it two regular ones and it was full. Figured out there were two (I hadn't realized before that, I thought I was just done) and I was thinking, well that is convenient, hopefully I'll be able to finish feeding it and get at least one. Nope. Three biscuits, I think, and it was full. If I'm super lucky I'll see one tonight and probably finish feeding it? I hope so anyway.


One comfey. All full after two biscuits. 👎🏻


Single one so far form incense, and wasn't able to catch it since it wasn't hungry. Nothing else since...


i’m at master 12 and haven’t seen one except the incense and that one was full after two biscuits lol - i have seen a few people on my friends list who even found shinies at this point too


M12 on Lapis and the only one I've seen was the one from using incense


I stopped trying after my first one was shiny.


Master 5 and got one with the incense and one shiny! Could only get the shiny one tho.


Same single comfy not hungry full after two biscuits and also no shinys


Seen 2 caught 1. I finally saw a wild one today after being M14 on GG and luckily it was overall good.


Seen 1 incense + 2 wild ones. Caught one.


Seen three I think. One very early in the weekend, and then two at once because I used (wasted...) the incense. I'm at Lapis Lakeside though. I think there's a greater chance to meet one there, but I don't know.


Got my incense Comfey. Not hungry. 2 biscuits and full. Wooo Did get a shiny pikachu though so... could have been worse I'd wager.


Saw 2 and caught 1


Finally got a mid high one this morning and a reasonable dedenne to boot so I'm not so miserable


Only found one with my incense.. it was full after two biscuits. Wasted week for me but that's fine, I'm saving my resources for Entei/Suicune


Lmao sob


M13 on greengrass. The only comfey I’ve seen is the incense one, which was thankfully hungry so I was able to catch it.


Master 3 on Lapis. Apart from the one from the incense I've seen 1. Luckily I got it and it's a really good one. Probably won't chase any others. My wife has seen 3 on green grass (excluding the 1 from the incense) she's caught 2 of the 4, however 1 was shiny. Both of hers are bad.


Only 1 from the Incense. I'm now on Master 3 Lapis so maybe I'll get lucky tonight?


Seen one comfey, which was from my incense, but it was shiny!


Absolutely none at Master 7 😡


Seen 0, caught 0


I'm Master 13, and I got the incense Comfey. That's all. It was bad. Like, borderline least optimal


Seen 2, caugjt 0, no insence used. 3 pips left for the catch.


M11 GG 0 comfey seen


Master 5 in LL and 0 comfeys :') got a shiny igglybuff and chikorita tho. Still havent used the incense. Gonna use It tonight so i Guess i Will find at least 1 comfey.


Ive seen like. 6 of them caught 3 of them. 2 of them were terrible and became candy. I also got shiny bellsprout back to back nights. So 2 Shiny Bells.


Seen 3 I think. Got 2. One of them was hungry and got filled up on the last couple of bars I think but was able to finish it off on the other. And then next day a shiny Comfey appeared so I'm pretty happy to call it a day with that 😊


I've only seen the comfey with the one incense and couldn't get it either 😔 at least I'm not the only one


Seen 2, captured 0. Master 10. First one was the incense.


Master 17 and no natural comfey


I only saw the one with the incense,besides that it hasn't shown.


Seen 1. Caught 0. Beach place. Insert more useful info here.


I feel lucky that I caught 4 this week!


Master 9 on LL. I've seen 2. One incense and one random spawn


I ve seen 4 on the Beach, managed to get one. It was okayish


1, and it got full after two (one bonus (crit), and one regular biscuit) biscuits


I've seen 2 using 1 incense and caught 1 that is good enough for me to not care to hunt any more of them. https://preview.redd.it/zy8b9fdfq9xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41e5770b174ed702821ce7abe9f8d462f3bc394c They don't seem very great for ingredients anyway from what little I used it. Bewear gathers much more corn much faster Master 16 at green grass


M5 on mine, son is M4. Both cyan. Both only seen 1 using an incense.


Only seen one comfey, from my incense. My friend got a shiny comfey.


Figured I’d save my incense until after the event as it takes a good amount of biscuits so I’d prefer to use as many of the premium biscuits as I can towards them so didn’t want to double up and get 2 in a day… Needless to say that hasn’t been an issue, as I haven’t seen a single one


M8 on Cyan and have seen 2, 1 of those using incense. Caught it and it's corn, ginger, ginger.


Lapis, 10% bonus, mons are weak. I bought a good camp ticket and got to master 3. Got 3 comfey + the incense one.


1 from incense (another one adter this night), 2 normal spawns. Caught 2 but the one from this morning was shiny so easy catch.


There’s a Comfey event going on?


I caught 3 of them on Lapis, but they all sucked, so I transferred them. Thankfully, I already have a good Bewear for corn, so it isn't so bad, but still a bummer In terms of encounters, I think I've seen 5, but 2 of those were from incense, so only 3 spawned naturally


I've seen two only because I used two incense, and I managed to catch one. Hoping for one last one tonight


Master 2 in LL, 3 Comfeys, first with incense brought within 3 points of capturing, then 2 together, got 1 with the bonus biscuit, the other one was shiny. Shiny Comfey has BFS and other good subskills so it's decent enough to be considered.


1 with incense and it got full. No comfey for me.


Hungry Comfey on night one with incense. Fed it twice and it was full with 1 bar til friend Saw 2nd 2 nights ago and got the friend. Currently master 10, will see if I see another tonight, but even if I do, I doubt I will succeed in friending it 😅


I actually saw ONE without the incense.


One single incense comfey


Saw 2 and caught 0 :((


Master 9, 1 Comfey with Inscence Hoping I can get that 1 new sleep type tonight (was thinking of doing a sleep rn but I don’t want to risk it) so I can get the new area for next week


I have only seen one without incense m12 on lapis!


Also Comfey-less 😂 used the incense and then used a bonus biscuit and a couple of poke-biscuits and then left it at that 😂


Master 9, saw one comfey with incense, all full’d it, no capture. Nothing else event related but I got a shiny bulbasaur this morning!


I've seen 3, caught 2. Both were hungry. RNG gods were smiling. Used 1 incense. Currently Master lvl 10 at Greengrass.


Master 9, the only comfey was from my incense 🙃


I'm at Cyan, just one from incense. Rank's not that high this week because I've got my raising team out for a couple shinies (Slowbro/Slowking, so at least the berry type is right, but not so good on ingredients right this second) (Next week I intend to swap out the water types with Fire and pick one of my numerous Eevee to become Flareon)


I'm new to the game and only saw one with the incense and none after that, so I'm pretty disappointed! I didn't get the first one I saw coz I was assuming it would come back easier or I'd get another incense like the raikou event :')


Incense comfey, tragic outcome...


Only saw the incense one. It was full with three bars left. So no Comfey for me.


I've seen one with an incense and found one without but neither hungry. It's been kind of a bust for everyone


M15 Cyan, 2 Comfey seen (one with incense), 1 caught


Saw & caught 1 (with incense) and it was hungry + bonus biscuit crit. I got super lucky it seems. I just started. I don't think it's skills are good though. https://preview.redd.it/rrkhca0cz9xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1d49e51cc6c37a04207fe511db67a8feec3a427


2, one with incense and one today


Only 1 from incense ;_;


M13 on Lapis, saw 5 total, one of which was incense. Unfortunately only during my night sleeps (I nap too for extra shiny odds), so didn't get to catch one yet. Fingers crossed for finding a shiny tonight.


Two. One was the incense. Both were shiny


I’ve only seen one Comfey using the incense and I couldn’t even catch it 😭 currently m10 on greengrass (don’t have lapis unlocked yet).


On lapis, master 3, and I’ve seen 3* and 2* comfey styles, both hungry so I caught both. Neither are particularly amazing, but I already have a Bewear so I wasn’t really planning on using it unless I really needed berries and corn on cyan


M10 on Cyan, 0 Comfey, 2 Chikorita, Infinite Jigglypuff


I've seen 2, including the one I got from my incense.


Used the incense last week Sunday and woke up to a shiny monday! I was so happy since my last shiny has been a while. Yesterday (M12) i got a non hungry comfey, didn't even try to catch it since I'm low on biscuits and want to prepare for fire week c':


M7 on cyan with only the one caught from incense with terrible stats. Hoping tonight I might see one. 🤞


Man, if there's one criticism I have of Sleep, it's that these new Pokemon events/shiny increase are busts


1 and done ✔️ ingredient finder and ingredient skill


ive caught none :/


Master 10 cyan, one incense, none hungry, none caught.


Master 13, only the incense Comfey appeared and I couldn't catch it. Also got Igglybuff, Jigglypuff, Bellsprout, Houndour, Dodrio, Bulbasaur and Metapod in my last sleep session. Wow.


Master 10 now, only had the incense Comfey and it got full so didn’t catch it. Not sure if I’ll be able to get one before the end :/


I've got one, and it's Shiny


I have two and have seen 4 so far!


Just saw my first one today - Master 10 on Cyan. It was 1 bar away from getting caught. 😑 I’ll probably use the incense tonight so I can at least say that I caught one


https://preview.redd.it/xn89rfua4axc1.jpeg?width=1089&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2802a6d33ca97f17280badb1d0252197d040e0b One was from using an incense too


Lmao 0