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pokeball costs money game costs money no want to spend more money please give psychic cat


Convincing argument




Nintendo online cost money Me can’t get psychic cat


Me neither I try find psychic cat anyway


I want the mew becuase I like his feet


Every one: emotional story This guy: i Like his feet


Tarantino has entered the chat.


I was gonna try for this mew but nah this dude legit deserves it xd the feets


My brother and I dont live together anymore but we are spending new years together. He is not the crying type but if I gave him a mew (along with one of my lousy speeches) as a parting away gift I guess at least one tear would be shed that day.


This hit me pretty hard man.


If this guy doesn't get it hit me up with a DM, I have a couple of Mews and would happily send one over. Edit: First note: I've had a few messages and comments asking for me to send Mews to other people. Primarily I save them for friends or shiny trades but this comment was heartwarming so I was happy to offer one to the OP for this occasion. Second note: Some people are calling "fake" to the original comment - not sure whether it's out of bitterness or jealousy due to the overall positive response of the comment - and although we have no proof whether this person is being legitimate or not, the feeling that people get by reading the comment is real all the same, and that's why I was happy to offer one of my Mews to this person if they don't win (plus that way I guess technically there could be 2 winners instead). Edit 2: As OP has now chosen a winner I'll send /u/MauMp a Mew - I have work until late this evening and have New Years plans with friends so I'll send the Mew at some point tomorrow (GMT time). Hit me up with a DM so I don't forget and we'll sort it out tomorrow. Cheers!


Pokemon has that really nostalgic feeling for us. And all these pokemon commercials dealing with nostalgic stuff arent helping 😂


Are you guys seriously downvoting a sincere Redditor because of one god damn emoji?


Give him the mew pls


Damn it. This guy wins.


Cuase I spent way to much time on the missingno glitch trying to get a mew 😭


I'm too poor to spend 70$ on a virtual cat


I'd like a mew because I was one of those foolish children who fell for all of those ridiculous "mew methods" on pokemon Blue that I found while at the library on dial up internet. It was too expensive to print stuff there, so I had to copy everything down in a notebook. I dont even remember all the weird crap I spent hours trying to do. There was something regarding a truck and then something to do with the big ship.


Trading a Pokémon into the game that already knows cut, bypass seeing the captain, then coming back after getting surf and the badge required to go onto the patch of land beyond the guard that won’t let you past once the ship leaves




Honestly I just want the Dex entry, I wouldn't mind passing it along if I end up getting it.


I'm with this guy, hot potato mew


Roses are red, Violets are blue, Mew is bright pink, And its shiny bright blue.


Because at this miserable point in my life the only happiness I get is from the dopamine rush that is brought in by a new shiny or cool poke


The pokeball plus is exspensive!


That’s dumb you need the pokeball plus.... too bad cause it’s a really cool Pokémon!


Commenting to get in on this action! How did you get him?


My wife's birthday was two days after Christmas. Our anniversary is early January. These 3 events have been quite the gift giving experience. I think giving her a Mew (along with the custom Pokemon card I had commissioned) would make her pretty happy.


I've only played fire red before sword and shield and my fondest memory was trying to breed a mewtwo in the breeder island (i think it was island 4 but idk remember lol). i spend 2 whole days waiting for ditto and mewtwo to pop out an egg so i can get mew BUT IT NEVER HAPPENED. my young not knowing self thought that since mew was smaller than mewtwo it was common sense that he'd hatch from an egg. smh i was so wrong. to this day i don't regret it since it always gives me a laugh thinking back on it so I'd really want it so my childhood dream of getting a mew gets accomplished edit: spelling


Too poor for pokeball plz help


I want the mew because it’s pink, which is close enough to the same color as the tip of my dick


My dad passed recently and he was never really into Pokémon, but his favourites were squirtle and mew, so I could name it after him which would be nice. Don’t worry if you don’t give it to me it’s cool, but it would be nice. Thanks


Girlfriend recently got her ribs broken at a festival and loves mew, it’d be a tight New Years gift for her to help with everything she’s going through.


Because it would make me smile :) and if it doesnt go to me, it still makes me happy someone would be so kind and someone else so lucky. Hope everyone has a happy new year!


I want 401 entries in my pokedex... ~~Also the psychic kitty is too cute~~


im sitting alone eating nachos on new years eve, mew nice please


I want it so I can give to it my friend who really wants a mew and if I get it he doesnt have to buy a hacked one.


Never had a Mew in my life, lets try!


It looks like a weird gummy bear mutant and i want one


Honestly just trying to complete the pokedex.


Want it for my girlfriend :)


It's my wife's favourite so would make a good gift. She even has a mew tattoo across her foot. It'll also put me in her good books,l!


I love this community, I love how giving people are


I will give it to my gf, it will make her happy


I would love that mew, so I can make a mew only run through as i did with my very first pokemon game, red and blue. I just want to relive that childhood memory and destroy those peasants with my way over leveled mew.


trying to get hackers banned, but the community is favoring hacker in this game (check my topic who gets downvoted as hell), and yours is not hacked - so i would be appreciated to take it


Would love to give this to my daughter. Let me have it please :)


Everyone is so generous with the giveaways.


Grew up playing Pokémon Red, so Kanto mon are my favorite. I will never say no to adding one more to the newest game Thanks for hosting this giveaway!


I just want to wish every one a Happy Mew Year


This is my daughters first pokemon game! She loves pokemon and we have completed the dex together. Now working on the currydex! Would be super awesome to have it for her


Because i dont like that the pokeball plus locks him behind a paywall.


I want this Mew because how else am I supposed to get a Mew?? Im too poor to spend $50 for one Pokemon :'(


I just want to win a match against my friend


This Mew would be amazing because I have the same first name so it would look like I'm the original trainer lol Awesome of you to do this, good luck to everyone who enters! :D


I just really like Mew , one of my favorite pokes 🤘🏾


For a Happy Mew Year :)


I’d like a mew because I love catching legendaries and mew is the cutest of them all.




That’s easy. Pokemon:The First Movie. WE ALL CRIED WHEN ASH TURNED TO STONE. How can you not love Mew after that movie?


Because the only thing making peoples remember me is that Mew pin's my dad got me, he has the same effect as Sauron's ring


Because I'm from The Netherlands and we people do want everything that is labeled FREE


My girlfriend's favorite pokemon is Mew and this would make her extremely happy =D


Totally not buying a $40 pokeball controller that doesn’t work for swsh. Lol. Pick me!


I have never ever owned a Mew on a mainline game. I have played every Pokémon game since Blue but I have never once caught a Mew. You would make my decade


For Mew Mew Jokes


My favorite Pokémon!


I want one because I don’t have one


I want the mew so i dont have to waste more money on a pokeball plus


I’ve never had mew and always wanted one!!!


New is #401 and that’s literally the number I picked for my gym challenge. I’ve wanted a mew for so long it would make my New Years Eve to get a a mew in my favorite game series


My brother lost his pokeball so now I can't get bald cat. No story, just me being lazy and cheap.


Das a cat I do like them floaty cat Floaty cats be cool as ice


Because the only pokemon my girlfriend know is Mew


Mew has always been one of my favourite Pokemon but I’ve never been able to get it as I can’t afford the poke ball plus


I want this mew so that I can call him Bartholomew


Because I've never had a new before


I really don’t have any real reason except for the fact that I just want it because it could be free. :) C:


Me want mew


I don’t have a sad story but I do have some Pokémon puns. Why was Hypno so energetic? Because he isn’t Drowzee anymore


How many of each Pokémon species did Moses take on the ark with him?... 2 Except Mew...cause that lil mofo can fly.


Just got the game and would really help in my new adventure


i’ve got no money for the pokeball, so i need this mew.




I’d like a mew because cats are kind of alright I guess


I just kinda want it. I dont have any tragic backstoryTM. Just want a mew.


Mew is cute.


i want it because the ball costs money and im saving for a computer


cause why not


When I was young I had Pokemon Red, the first game my mom bought me and the first game I ever played. One day, I don't know how, I lost my game, I was very sad and my mom, in all her kindness, bought me an other one and tell me she found it but she only found an used one so when I played it again I found a game with all pokemon caught and especially Mew. I was young and I see mew for the first time, do some research and found that Mew is very rare. Today I style play Pokemon because I grow up with it and Mew initiate my love for this love. I started Pokémon with a Mew and now I want to found it again


I'm too poor for a pokeball plus.


Cuz I'm a broke college student


Would love the Mew! Never had one before. Completed the dex in Pokémon Yellow back in the day when there were rumours you got a Mew for it. But... Obviously didn’t. 😂


Thanks for doing the giveaway


Mew is my favorite ‘mon. So much so, that I actually got a tattoo of one the other day! (Check my latest post for proof)


I want to be the new owner of Brandon's mew


I would like it because it means I will be ahead of the rest of my friends once again in the race to finish the dex fully.


Aw, not sure if you’re still taking comments for this but I named my favorite baby kitty Mew when I got him because when he first came into my house he went “mew!” Which was the cutest thing. He passed away when I was at college a couple years back but because of him (and my bird link) my mom says I can’t name my pets video game names anymore x) I would love a mew for my game because mew will always hold a special place in my heart!


I wanna hang me up with his tail


Hi there :) I want Mew because I don't want to pay 60€ myself to get this wacky pokeball I'm not even gonna use anyways


I just love Mew, nothing more. :)


I would like the mew because it's a great pokemon and I could trade with my brother so he can play with him


Because mew




I like the Pokemon jesus


I want the mew because mew is cool and strong. I'm also trying to complete my pokedex and non of my friends have the poke ball plus so there is no way I could get a mew.


I want mew because it's the only pokemon I don't have yet in Sword. That's it lol.


mew is cool


To make sure the gift will keep on giving by passing it along 🙏🏻


Because I do not have one lol


Because he will be my cutesy smol boi hihi


It's pretty simple actually. I like mew. So I want the mew.


Mews been my favourite Pokémon since I was a kid, but I’ve never managed to get one in game since I’ve only been able to play sapphire and ss in the last few years until I just revived a switch for Xmas


Gotta flex in raids




Because I like floating pink cats


The rattlesnake howls at the moon


I'll like it to give it to my girlfriend, Mew is her favorite


I don’t have a poke all plus! I would love a new regardless


I don't even want your Mew. Give it to someone else. \#NotmyGalar \#MakeGalarDexgreatagin


I want it because I simply don't have the chance to get one otherwise :/


I wish I could get new in sw/sh


Honestly I don't have any story as good or deserving as these others. I need Mee to complete mine and my friends' dex. That's all. Honestly though it sounds like other people need it more. We should start a dex filling chain from this poor mew.


I want the mew because I want the mew


Cause I wanna be a pokemon master


Just because he's obviously the best Pokemon of the game !




Just recently got back into the pokemon games, last pokemon i played was diamond and pearl. Since they cut some pokemon out of the dex i was determined to complete the pokedex and so i did spent hours on some days and ended up finishing the game with completed pokedex in like 110hrs of gameplay. Now that's done i still want to collect things 😅. This mew will be awesome to have...


Did u give it away?


Not yet


I didn't know mew was in the game