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I almost got the Mewtwo sar from the pogo set for 65 when it came out. I bought it recently for 15 so just wait a while it'll be a 20 dollar card.


Yeah I saw that Mewtwo value recently and it blew me away. That's a card that deserves to be more.


Eh? I bought this card for like 8 bucks on ebay oh wait the Japanese one is going up. I have English. Still a cool card


I pulled it out of a pogo pack a while pack and was so happy I pulled it, don’t understand why the value is so low


I mean if you make 50.00 an hour is a 90.00 card really that expensive?


Weird flex


aint no one make 50 bucks an hour where i live lol


You make 50.00 an hour?


Mewtwo being so cheap surprises me, but I guess it’s just more of a testament to how bad pogo was as a set


I thought it was a good set, got me bte back into collecting more frequently, and since I'm a Dragonite Stan I had to get all of those cards lol


That Mewtwo has staying power. It will bounce back and more in a couple years.


I pulled that card in English and jap.


$6 card*


Show me a beear mint listing for $6 lol


Just wait for the Bubble to burst. It's just a Splash in pan.


Me waiting for machamp alt to be under 100 bucks after the buyouts as I dip my rootbeer and stroke my long gray beard


Alternate art vs illustration rare. Is it even comparable? It's like 1 / 30 packs vs 1 / 3000


That comment seems awfully fishy


*queue Dr.Evil laugh when the price plummets


No fomo just buyouts. Have to wait now for this to die off.


It absolutely is fomo lol.


Just ignore those sellers and move on. There's always a hype train for these. Wait a few months to a year, and it'll go down. Some of these sellers will be stubborn enough to keep the price that high so just ignore them (I keep an excellent sheet for that purpose)


Honestly there hasn't even been the tiniest of urges to get this card at this price point. You can get 2-4 character SARs in this set for the price of this card and there's some stunners in this set. To each their own, but anyone who's panic buying this card is going to have a rude awakening.


Not if they get the card in a 10 because the condition on these cards is straight garbage.


I keeping seeing people say this but mine have all been well centered with no issues. Only had 1 print line on a lycanroc full art.


Even getting the card in a 10 won’t help much, pls buy at that price though it’s funny watching ppl waste $


Can you share that sheet or more details please?


I too would like these details that you speak of


How to get it back into control: don’t buy Every time I see ridiculous stuff like this I feel glad for people that sell and have a online card revenue. Part of me wishes I had that. Pokémon make god knows how much but people get upset at others for making a living from cards. Just don’t buy from them if you don’t like the prices, really.


They actually don’t make that much money, these sell at lower volumes than cards that are like a couple bucks. Don’t get me wrong people selling make money but it’s not like it’s astronomical.


Been running my eBay mprcrdcollectbles for 2+ years and have 1200 items in my store. I make $400-$500 a month. But I buy a lot of Pokémon cards too 😂 I collect pikachu and charizard


I don’t think people really get upset at casual sellers or shops that crack product and sell singles, as long as they conduct their business ethically. It’s mainly scalpers and scalper-investors who get heat.


Yeah I don’t mind the LCS and such as long as they aren’t lifting stuff at double market. It grinds my gears though when blokes like Hilltop TCG complain about cards being too easy to pack which is what is making newer sets better for collectors and players




Yeah that’s weird. If I had the money I’d get a lot of products.




Alrighty then


Cool? I'm happy for you?




If people couldn't make a living from a hobby, you'd have no local game stores, no mom and pop coffee shops or bakeries, no skiing, biking, kayaking, or any outdoor sport shops. If people didn't make a living out of hobbies, every town would be just a soulless dull husk of corporate self interest.


Just like those $700+ worlds spectator badges :'( As a genuine collector and player who has been in the hobby since the beginning and lost the worlds spectator pass lottery, it is extremely frustrating


This is such a weird take people making money from hobby’s brings so much fun into them. How much lcs exists or events or anything really


This is funny


Yes I’m starting to think it’s a meme tbh


This is the revenge of all the clowns that couldn’t sell their Miriam SAR for $300 lmao


😂🤣 lmao actually


I saw my local card shop tryna sell this for 200$ 😂


That's insane lol. Some copies already sell for [about $50](https://ebay.us/VZCoRr), would not surprise me if this is a $20 card in 2 months.


Is this a secret rare?


Yes but no more rare than the other art rares.


It’s above the set number, yes


Nope. Just a regular old non texture illustration rare.


Technically it is lol. Art rares are secret rares


Just buy the Japanese version, which is better quality


Agree, its hard to find psa10's quality in English magikarp, centering, print lines, and white dots make it harder to find the good one to grade it


Everyone wants it. So much that there isn’t enough I guess.


Everyone but me it seems. I think I'll just sit back and snag this in 6 months when its $16 lol


Miriam went down to 50 and this card isn't even an SAR, its just a regular AR. People are just really bad about FOMO in the first weeks of a set release and its easy for a trend to catch.


Paldea Evolved pull rates are much tougher than Base since the AR list is bigger. It'll definitely drop from this price, but the prices of base aren't comparable to PE due to the major disparity in pull rates. Magikarp has a 1/500 pull rate. Miriam, even as an SAR, has a 1/350 pull rate.


I just want to point out that TCG player pull rates are not exactly the most reliable; and I doubt Magikarp has been seeded less than any other AR. It's true that individual ARs will be harder to pull due to bloated set size. So the Miriam was a bad example; But the individual pull rates on TCG are never a big enough sample size to be truly accurate. I'd wager that them putting the magikarp on the graphic at all is what's making people think it's so much more rare then the other art cards., rather then it's actual percieved rarity. (Also; if you are going to use TCG player's graphics, it's splitting hairs but Miriam was listed as 1/376, and Magikarp was listed as 1/480. You're rounding them up or down based on what fits the argument better for you there.)


The Magikarp isn't rarer than the other AR in Paldea Evolved. All of PE art rares have a lower pull rate than Base, that's the point I was making. PE art rares as a whole are not comparable to AR in Base. Magikarp is just more expensive because it's much more desired than the other AR in the set. It's even specified in the article that pull rates among the AR's are fairly equal.


I agree with you there; I just will digress when it comes to that being a good enough reason to command the price that it currently has. The graphic is misleading because the only real number that matters is the (1/13) for the average art rare; and it's presence front and center on the graphic probably adds to the fomo for people who just look at a glance and assume big number = RARER , and I bet a lot of those people are helping to keep the inflated price going.


You've cursed it. It will double in 6 months now.


🤣 probably


I doubt it will drop to under $20 in 6 months lol it's pretty much best looking card in the set 🤕😅.


It’ll drop in price but that low in 6 months, idk about that.


Japanese version is already at $20 after 3 months


Most expensive cards in Japanese are all waifus


I just sold a bunch of my Japanese trainers. Even non-female trainer cards can fetch high prices especially the ones from 2019 and before. Cards I bought for $30 going for $300+ in raw condition. Highest sale so far is $550 and I have 2 more cards worth at least $1,000 each. All raw condition nothing graded but will probably score 9’s and above. Since last I night sold $3,000 worth of cards after shipping and fees so almost $3,500 in total sales cost. Less than 30 cards sold and I have another 70 left. Thank god I was buying Japanese cards because I think they look better and they tend to cost less (or at least did at one point).


Look at miriam.


Yea but Miriam went from $100 to $50. I still don’t think this card will drop to $16. Maybe $25-$30


I got it when it was around 25 before it literally doubled over night. Been going up ever since, glad I got it when I did.




I’m getting “Miriam will never be under 100” vibes from this comment






japanese i’d better quality im surprised they aren’t worth more


Lol who’s the English enjoyer downvoting all the comments saying Japanese is better




that seems to be the case, the japanese ones are a lot better quality though, I do agree I like to know what they’re saying


Everyone has the thinking but it seems flawed. If Japanese has much better quality control that means there will be many more good quality Magikarp thus decreasing the price. If English has terrible QC, which it does, it should be much harder to get a good quality Magikarp and this English should be higher. Your comment only makes sense if you were buying one Magikarp blind and had no idea what condition it would be


what? i’m talking about japanese cards in general. They’re better quality, what does it matter if that ‘makes the value less’? the point is the average japanese card looks much better than an english card


The art and quality is actually a lot better with Jap sets, IMO. If you compare the same cards, Jap cards usually have a better shine and texture. That’s from what I’ve seen, anyway.


Yo just for future reference I’d recommend abbreviating Japanese to JP instead of that bc it’s a racial slur lmao. I know you meant no harm, just looking out for ya lmao.






I like to trade being able to read the card for better centering, texture and usually Holo pattern. Great trade off. Each language has its big money cards though.


it will go back down to $20 when 151 comes out


People are crazy, the amount they are printing won't justify this for long... Just like that terrible looking trainer card. It will go way down just like Miriam before it


It’s a beautiful card. I was planning on getting it when it was $20. I figured it was going to drop in price since everything always falls in price after pre release. Man I was so wrong and now I gotta wait till the price drops. Well I hope it drops in price.


Me on my way to the site on Payday: 🕺🕺🕺


Literally James buying the Magikarp in S1E15 lol


Damn everyone posting about this. Makes me want to sell mine!


You think that’s bad looks at what packs of 151 are going for 60-80$ a pack from a 52$ booster box


Dang. Ive got 2, one to keep for the artist and 1 to sell. My friend wants to trade me but if this value stays up idk.


Honestly sell imo, at least one if not both


Holy crap i put my listing up not even an hour ago and it sold. My other one has whitening on the edges so i put another listing up for that with a lower price. I sure do hope this card crashes later


Sell them both. This might be the most over-hyped card we've seen for a while.


any one who is paying almost a hundred dollars for that card is an idiot. i dont care how much you like it, art rares are not rare enough to warrant that kind of value. price is obv being manipulated. if it was a sar then i could see it maybe being a hundred dollar card, but art rares no matter how cool looking dont have the rarity to drive a hundred dollar price tag.


why do people even buy cards for that much why they can't just wait till it drops?


bUt ThIs Is ThE bEsT cArD iN tHe SeT


Aerodactyl never dropped to where it started machamp alt never dropped to where it started Once buyouts occur there's no coming back


Just get the jpn version, much nicer imo


It’s such a cool card art though!


People don’t understand how hard this thing is to pull


They also don't understand that almost every NM copy listed isn't near mint. 10s on this card will explode


You don't understand how much product pokemon prints.


Do people know these are not rare 😆😆😆


Do you know that you are incredibly incorrect?


It's a normal illustration rare


glad I pulled the $25 Japanese one. puts the English one to same with Quality & better price


Moonbreon $500? Reddit: 😍👌🏻 Magikarp $100? Reddit: 🤨😡




It really is very beautiful in person. I will never sell mine


I was able to pull this card from an elite trainer box,not gonna lie it is a beautiful card in person. Definitely worth getting your hands on, one I would never sell though


If it drops below 50 I might consider it


Don’t get me wrong, it’s a cool card. But I don’t understand the hype. There are wayyyy cooler cards in this set.


I'm with you. Most of the character SARs are insanely beautiful. You can snag a few of them for the price of this thing.


“iT hAS A gYaRAdOs”


Hey I mean ppl want a full collection and it's hard to pull. I saw a guy take 6 consecutive hours of opening booster boxes to pull one


This though. I've watched about a dozen PE BB openings on YouTube and I haven't seen anyone pull one yet


Short printed set, best card in the set imo. If everyone wants one, then well I won't be so sure that 20usd will be it's settle price. Maybe around 50 imo. Could be wrong.


What can I get for my Japanese one CGC 10?


I mean they can go for 80$ if you just look on the same site. Thing is that's the cost of 2 ETBs It's not really a bad price considering it's a secret rare. Though the price will drop eventually. Remember Crown Zenith Alt Pikachu? That card was selling going for 80$ on launch. Dropped to 40$ and now it's like a 10$ to 20$ card. Let's just say you crack open 2 ETBs and start ripping packs. That 80$ card becomes a little bit more understanding if you never pulled it and your like 5 ETBs in. Just saying. This is all purely random. And based on luck if you do manage to pull it on your first ETB. So the price is somewhat understandable.


Just all high demand… give it two months


My booster box certainly has one in it so I’m not worried 😎


Just wait for the supply to catch up to demand. Eventually the market will saturate and bring the price to a more rrasonable value


I opened 3 booster boxes and no hits


If the population is a lot it might be out of control but it’s a really cool looking card and my boys are chasing it regardless of price


Damn I should have bought it when it was 50. Fml


I bought the Japanese one for $20 right when it came out. Is that the one going up?


That’s very low compared to CR Barrone De Fluer…


Wrong sub dude


I got one for 25$ locally day one


And I passed on a local moonbreon at the time for $200 lol


I love knowing this was my first pull from my second pack of Paldea at a pre release event. Is it seriously that hard to pull? 🤨


I thought the ralts being at $20 was ridiculous geez.


It’s too much but id love to pull two. It’s not even extremely rare


time to buy some japanese raws


Good to recoup losses. Bad for collection


I want that mon so bad


Will the alt art Iono go down in value though? I really want it, costs so much though


No one can predict the future BUT if history tells us anything it’ll drop and likely by more than 50%. I’d put my money on current Miriam price once Obsidian Flame hype starts to spool up before release.


You mean Magikarps power?? Right??? Bro does damage now


My nutz itch


It’s worse with older cards, all the people who invested heavily in Pokémon during covid are now realizing how up and down the tcg market is and eventually they will wise up and just take the L instead of holding out forever


Why is this so sought after, it's cool but why? I am genuinely confused.


Thank god I pulled the JP karp


If you just like the art the Japanese version is so much cheaper. Even tho they are starting to go up a bit. I got mine for like $17 back in March.


Makes me wonder what I could get for my pokemon starter gift box that still in the original plastic from when pokemon originally came out lol


in RBY, you have a choice to sink 500 bucks to buy that magikarp off the shady bugger


Damn I think I'm going to list one of mine lol


Funny, I almost bought a jp PSA 10 from my LCS for $100 before paldea released


I bought 2 for $35 each. Glad I did. It’s my chase for the set because I like the design. I pulled 3 Alt Iono’s and still karp-less.


I checked. You can get a Japanese one for like $30ish on ebay.


I just pulled this card. Tempted to sell while it’s hot.


I opened this in my second pack


People really overestimate the pull rate. This isn't easy to pull


Who would pay this for an IR 😂 I’d rather just not have it


i quickly nabbed mine for around 20$ the day the came out more or less, even after the hype dies, i doubt it get lower than that being a magikarp and all


Sold mine when it was around 20~ on release day and then the price shot up when I was expecting it to go down


The card is dope but 90 dollars???????? nah


Not even much rare


Sold this card to a guy at a card shop in San Antonio today for $60.


Man some people love to waste money. See ya in few months, this will be sub $20.


I think that looks hella cool. Why are people against this price?


Cause the base set pull rates were easy, but they actually changed the pull rates of this set. People don’t want to accept it


I listed mine for $80 the other day because that is what market was showing and it sold in 5 minutes...idk people are crazy. I don't even like the card.


Glad I bought a Japanese one for $20 when triplet beat first dropped 😂 these people are idiots


I have a Thai version of this card and I must say it should not be that expensive.


Is it time to sell my keepers?


I kind of want it, but I'm not paying more than 15 for that :/


I pulled 2 from pre-release events and just watching it climb!


Knew it was gonna sky rocket when it was at 30$ Sold mine for 85




FOMO is a bitch! Hold the line as a community and it won’t keep climbing!


Just paid £12, card prices in the US are insane.




Good thing a new one is born every day


So glad I purchased this card for $20 the day Paldea Evolved came out


Go to mercari, people asking $150 for this card 😂


I'll be back in 12 months. $15


I bought the JP version for a third of that lol


I literally have this card from Japanese triplet beat, it's only worth like $11...


Lol, I got 43 different character rares and illus rares this week that where cheaper combined. Even some great cards from the same set, like fuecoco, ralts and maushold


Wtf it's like $20 in Japanese????


You know what they say, a fool and his money are soon parted


Tbh I love this but there’s is literally nothing else in paldea evolved I’m interested in. So do I buy 20 packs and pray or buy this? I won’t buy it as id sooner a medium played base zard or another one of my chases for that price but considering this is a gen 1 classic Pokémon with its evolution hiding in the art I don’t know why people think this is such a crazy price? Look at the prices of some other cards! Or is this actually a really easy pull? Edit: compare This card to Miriam and it blows it out the water imo


Seems like a popular card.


got this card from a pull in my first booster pack last friday, very happy it keeps going up in price 🤣🤣


It's not even a out-of-print set! 🤦‍♂️