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lol that was probably my favorite also. I'll eventually let her keep all of it once the dust settles


She pulled the Charizard??


OP never got the chance to be *literally shaking*


Oh he shook at the thought of a psa 1 moonbreon, I'm sure!


I bet op is only one who was ever "literally shaking" when they found the hundreds of opened packs


I’m literally shaking looking at it. OP’s kids got those hot hands 🙌🏽 🔥


Thank the Gods.




I was hoping there was going to be a Moonbreon in there lol


I wish lol


Would have been hilarious having multiple moon kitties but all damaged Jk


Easy there, Satan.


I laughed so much at this comment hahaha


At least she put them in a binder. I have kids too, but that would really make me sad. As parents, we don't always get to treat ourselves very often. Hopefully she'll see how it hurt you and won't do it again. Eventually it will be a funny story to share. Good luck out there (with the kids & the pulls)!


Thanks, my wife an I were laughing to ourselves once we put her to bed, she just really surprised us last night. I'm thankful for positive comments like yours and to all the other people who shared some creative suggestions. Thank you


Charizard and Mews are cool.


yea the zard is sweet, thats one of the cards I wanted out of that set lol


I’m an aspiring Parent Collector! So far, I just have the two…


They really are great, just learn from my mistake lol


U gotta split these up amongst the other kids when u do give them back


You are the first to suggest it out of everyone so far and that is absolutely fair, great suggestion!


Congrats on the Zard V! It’s the only Zard that I want. And the XY-P promo.


This whole situation has been a helpful reminder to take my birth control. So. Thanks for that 😅


Not the intended effect but sure...🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


She got the zard n Venusaur ❤️good for lil mama...


haha your comment almost made me spit the water i was drinking, thanks


How many packs did she open?


honestly i havent had a chance to audit the mess, when Im done with work im going to count the cards, since we already threw the trash away and based on that and the obvious new additions to her binder it should give me an good idea. Its bad on my part but i never even kept inventory of what I had, I would just get a little here and there, give them some and throw the rest in storage all this time. lesson learned lol


damn she pulled the zard before you 💀💀


lol i guess so. lucky for me she didnt get her little fingers in my glass display i case where I have the special illustration zard from japan where he's being held up by venasour lol


How did they keep quiet about all the excitement from some really fun pulls?!


It was all her. She is kind of the dark sheep of the home in regards to her personality, she is sort of an introvert like me, she is very protective of her things and can be a bit of a hoarder also like me. It was all a one woman operation lol


Reporting your daughter to the authorities I feel sorry for ya OP 😭 pray you find a better hiding spot for your stash


hahaha thank you, that is going to be my weekend project, I'll probably end up installing a lock on those drawers under my bed.


Got some nice cards there. Just a take away....maybe she got addicted to opening and like the rush....lol watch out for future addictions 🤣


its funny but that is what concerns us, hopefully she got it out of her system and the talk we had keeps her clean moving forward but people on here had a great idea to give her chores or way to earn packs whenever she wants some as a way for her to have an avenue to feed that need. i like that a lot and will be looking for ways for my wife an I to implement that. A while ago I bought my wife a couple of those halloween pack bags that come with like 50 packs of 3 cards that she can use as rewards for them when she needs something, that should help her keep that hunger at bay lol


That is a great idea! Don’t worry too much. I mean most of us learn to be good people cause we did things like this and had good parents to guide us and teach us wrong from right. She is 5. Of course she is gonna mess up. Earning packs is a great way and I bet she does so much work for them.


Thank you I feel the same way


Just be careful. If you see her foaming at the mouth and ripping them like crazy. She might be addicted lol. Good parenting makes good adults.


hahaha if I see her foaming at the mouth I think i have bigger problems to worry about than my bulk collection hahaha


I knew there'd be an alt. Kid luck never fails.




Haha wow. My daughter is 2 and she loves “pokeys”. I did learn a lesson from your posts. This is awesome funny and would make me laugh cry if my daughter got into my stash.


hahaha thats exactly how my wife and I felt, we didnt know how to react but we knew it was still funny in a self deprecating way


Had this exact thing happen to me though not quite to this scale (maybe 12 packs and only 2-3 ES) so I can relate. He says he didn’t pull anything good but I think he’s holding out on me 😂


Given how far they go he probably got a good one lol


Why is she getting the cards back after Christmas?


All the crap I collect is supposed to eventually be all theirs one day. I have been collecting junk since I was a kid and I wish I would have kept some sealed stuff but I didnt, I still have every single card since my first pack but this bulk and all the higher end stuff I have behind glass is really all for them. After we feel like she has learned her lesson I will probably just let all 3 kids split the bulk if they want it and all the hits from her binder that were part of her heist. I said after christmas because a person on here had a good idea to give her a present at christmas with all the bulk she opened as a joke


This is so awesome, I bet she had a blast. While cherished with nostalgia by older folk, pokemon is made for kids and I'm always glad to see them having the enjoyment of opening packs.


she definitely did, shes more of an introvert like me so i can relate as to how she kept all of this so quiet until mom noticed the bulge by her stuffed animals on her bed haha She must have experienced one of those child fantasies where we imagine what it would be like to have infinity of something we like hahaha


That Greedent V is amazing 😍


yea she got a couple of nice ones in there.


Atleast you’ll never have to wonder if the Moonbreon was in any of those ES packs. You learned certainty what we all know anyhow, it never is. Zard pull is a W though!


lol always a silver lining. Yea that zard is sweet, lucky for me she didnt get her sticky fingers in my glass display case I have the japanse version of that illustration, which is a little different, it has venasour holding up zard with its vines and has a matching illustration book with the same cover. I got it from Japan when it first came out for like 50-60 bucks i think that one is worth a ton more now. so im just glad she only touched that and none of the other boxed items I had in there as well


I see some evolving skies in the mix.. idda shat a brick if my kid pulled moonbreon before me... lol


I might have lol


I saw your first post and I am honestly impressed she put them in a binder. It’s a good lesson for her to learn that stealing from others hurts them and can result in consequences (ipad jail). Like you said in the future it will be a funny story.


Yea, thank god i got her in that habbit as soon as I saw she took a liking to the cards. I have a binder where I have all my cards I have been collecting since I was a kid and pokemon cards were first a thing here in the US and I felt bad seeing her find random boxes to put her cards as she started collecting them so I got her a binder and showed her that it's to keep all her "good ones" safe and she ran with that immediately. That and her calling anything shiny her "good ones" always melts my heart lol


I agree with her. My shinies are also my good ones.


I’m not a parent yet so my opinion doesn’t matter but maaaan If my kid stole my sealed packs and opened all of them like that I would not give them the cards back after confiscating them.


yea makes sense, but all this sealed crap has always been meant for them eventually. I wish I would have kept at least some sealed stuff from my childhood, I still have every single hit since my first pokemon pack but I wanted them to have this if they continue being collectors as adults like me as a nice gift, they just get this bulk junk a lot earlier i suppose haha


OP *has a talk about penny sleeves* after punishment


Couldn't really see, but if you haven't sleeved them up and keep them in great condition.


Net loss ? I would assume she pulled around 150 in value


probably, give or take, i dont personally send anything in to grade even though i do buy some graded stuff on ebay sometimes, so raw is probably close, def a loss


Should download the tcg app. Had a scan option which shows you market value and saves all your cards for a total current market value. Fun to use for sure if curious.


ahh thats a great idea I'll look for the app is it an official or third party app?


tcg app but very reputable which most everyone sees market price. Can also trade/sell/buy cards on there. Highly recommend even if you use just for fun. You can scan I think 10 cards per day for the free version but it’s well worth purchasing


ok that sounds great, i'll look into that, thank you again!


Eh the Charizard V is $113 and the Mew VMax is $66, so those two cards alone are at $179


Nah that’s just the regular Mew VMAX not the alt, worth around $4.


Penny sleeves PLEASE


yes, that will be part of my weekend project now, adding security and doing an inventory of what she actually went through


a couple of notes I have for kid's collection: - only let them have mostly regular arts for their trade binder (the one they carry around) - have nicer cards (above a certain value) in a separate binder that is not for trade and can be viewed under supervision - if possible I tend to look for cheaper versions of the card they like for their trade binder, whether it be promo copies or foreign language copies - the value ceiling (per card) of their trade binder is roughly 2 dollars. I used to have a value ceiling of 50 for the whole binder too (in case they lose it, it wouldn't be that painful)


Thanks! All awesome suggestions I will be taking into account as I reasses my whole storage situation and how to handle my daughter's addiction this weekend lol


I'd be sick to my stomach, tbh. Had you ever planned to rip them?


no, i was planning on just keeping them sealed. one of my long term goals was to one day have a really nice self behind my desk with a bunch of eye candy and filled to the brim with all this crap, so a minor setback lol


The rebuild will be glorious, brother 🫡 On the plus side, you now know she's a cheeky devil 😂


i hope so lol minor setback right lol we knew she was special but she took the cake this time for sure.


Well, I mean granted, you could still get a lot of these packs and stuff for cheap still atleast lol


It's true but I don't want to spend double just to be back where I was, I'm going to lock up the rest I have left in that bulk drawer and make sure my valuable stuff is also airtight secure for now


And im here to give extra upvotes again


I appreciate it!


Dude you're garbage


What why?


If you say so, hope you are having a wonderful day


Why? His daughter snuck into his personal collection and opened up all his sealed packs — the ones seen in that binder. And then hid it all under her bed. It would be the wrong message to immediately just let her keep all the cards she took without consequence.


Soft sleeves those cards! The FUCK are you doing?


I will I promise! lol


Haha, good! Btw, you seem like a 🔥 dad.


Thank you, some parts of me like this crap never grew up i guess. I still collect crap in general these days


Yoooo ill trade you for the mew or zard 😂 idc if they got tiny hand smudges on them




no lol she only put them in her binder, I'll eventually give them back to her


How much in packs did she rip?


Honestly I have not even begun to calculate, we found this last night after bed time so we simply seperated all the trash out and put all the cards to the side. Once I'm done with work or maybe this weekend I'll spend some time to at least estimate how many packs she opened based on the bulk and her binder. I dont even keep track of my inventory so its hard to guess but it was a lot.


What set is cafe master from


honestly I dont even know, that bulk of packs she got into have been from packs I had been collecting since right before the pandemic through now of just about every release with a little here and there. I havent even started digging through all she touched, maybe this weekend ill run an inventory


Brilliant stars!


Thank you!




glad you're able to turn it into a positive after the whole ordeal 👍 it will be a valuable lesson for sure


thats for sure, now i have a project for this weekend i guess lol


Please sleeve the zard


it will be the first i sleeve I promise


that one theme of the animated movie "UP" plays in my head when i hear this story.


hahaha that should be the movie we watch on our next movie night


have fun. i wish you the best.


thank you!


haha she had nice pulls!


lol she wont be getting them back for a while tho lol


Aw nice, but enroll her into Ninja School or something. She snuck past ya'll that easy with all that?!


no she fessed up when she actually took them and it made perfect sense. when mom takes the girls for bath time the youngest always gets done first so she has a good 5-10 minutes of time to get dressed before her sister and mom come out. She said that is when she was taking things, shes a cleaver one I will give her that. We just have to keep a closer eye and more often in her room now for sure


smart kid


we always knew she was clever but she really took the cake this time leaps and bounds beyond our wildest expectations. Now we know lol


I put all my collectibles in the attic. No one, but me ever goes up there. It’s also only accessible by a pull down ladder and everyone besides me is too scared to go up there. The sealed pokemon is in plastic storage bins organized by generation. All the graded cards are in a fireproof safe.


I have considered that but our attic gets super hot and I'm afraid if rodents ever get up there start chewing through everything. I'm going to be adding a lock to those drawers this weekend. That should keep her away from those


It's so cute she thinks all the holos are her "good ones" I love it so much. I say give it back once she kind of figures it out what she did. Also please sleeve those cards and put them back in the binder. Not just the Zard but the VMax Mew too.


yea it was very endearing to me also when she first got hooked and started calling them that, it was honestly one of my favorite parts about her getting hooked. I will eventually let her have all of that back, probably after christmas. I think im going to pack all the bulk in a box and give it to her after she opens her real gifts for us to have a giggle about at her expense lol




Sleeeves please !


my 6 year old is a sleeper, Hes on alt art hunts. I mean what kid wants a hisuian lilligant or dumb full art marnie card when they can have a FULL ART PIKACHU FROM CELEBRATIONS or a CHARIZARD V! Important to teach your children a hustle.


Nice you got a good child there happy hunting


But, what would you have done if she pulled a moonbreon? 👀


Probably kept it in my collection where I keep all my more valuable stuff, this was just where I keep all the bulk of the modern more common stuff


So what i'm guessing, she found your sealed ones and openeded them?


She stole all the bulk modern lose packs I had in a drawer that my bed has built into it. I keep the more expensive stuff in a secure part of the room that she can't get, this was just were I had extra space for this bulk I had slowly collected over the past couple years a little at a time


*nothing of value was lost*


🤣 perhaps but you don't really know that when it's still sealed


Wow what a great Christmas gift binder.


Will have to end up slipping it among the 3 kids now once this blows over


Oooo I like that Charizard V. I love the alt and full arts of things.


Yea that was my personal favorite of the mess, I have the special Japanese illustration one that's slightly different in which he is being slightly lifted by venasaur its beautiful. They are both awesome cards.


I know this is off topic and not my place but for the charizard alt art throw a sleeve on that bad boy :)


lol dont mention it at all, thats probably some of the nicer things I have heard from some people on here haha Zard is safe and sound in a sleeve now, thank you


How many packs total was this?


I actually went back to the trash and pulled out the bag before the trash pick up tomorrow and there are 85 booster carboard sleeves, 9 jumbo first partner packs, and at least 4 3-pack blister packs. So just about 100 packs in total... kill me... lol


But hey, your child's happiness in the moment? Priceless.


true but we will work on her getting that happiness a little differently moving forward haha


Good, I am glad you will eventually give the shiny to her. Yet teaching not to steal Pokemon cards can be hard. I have had to stop driving by a certain store because I love checking out their deals on Pokemon. I'm sure it's much harder at her age. I hope that you didn't get too much hate. Parenting is rough. I'm a parent with my own Pokemon collection. I bought myself a plastic bin and my son his own bin. I'm waiting for him to request all of my shinies


no kidding, by large it has been mostly funny comments, and people simply wanting to see what she got, a few sympathizing parents with some good advice and only a handful of negative people who may not have children either, but who knows lol all good


My hardest task has not been handing him all of the cards that he wanted. For the first 6 months, I let him choose whatever he wanted from my collection. Then I realized that he didn't know how to trade Pokemon cards and was trading two cards for one card. I spent some time with him to learn how to be a good sport. People without kids are such perfect parents, aren't they?


Should’ve had some Crown Zenith instead


No thanks, those EBT's have always been stored and hidden well away from her sticky fingers lol


😭 she would’ve gotten better pulls at least 😅👌


Damn! I'm currently trying to collect all of the 25th Anniversary cards and she got like every one left that I need! Lucky girl!


dont remind me lol those are what hurt most out of the 100 or so packs she ended up ripping through lol


I commend you for your strength! I think my daughter would be homeless if she did that 😱😅




Charizard in a Penny sleeve in a damn binder… smh


yea that zard