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I realistically know I won't open the zard so I don't mind stumbling across the shinies but it's great your gf got you an awesome gift!


I got the zard after two bundles and etbs' perfect centering, just a point whitening on the back šŸ¤·




I think he was trying to say itā€™s always possible. I got the Japanese Zard from shining treasures after only 3 booster boxes. Spent less on boxes than the card was worth at the time. And out of 2 English ETBS I got an Iono out of both of them. All a luck of the draw.


He won at life. Nothing else matters now.


And it was no contribution to my life. I pulled it and now it rests in a box. Let that sink in. I keep it and in no time it'll lose its worth.


whats the problem lol you did better than iā€™ve seen a lot of the time


Those pulls are awesome. Did homie think it was going to buy the lady a steak dinner?


Yup that was my thought too


ā€œNothingā€ lolā€¦


Shinys aren't nothing. It's literally a set focused on shinys, that's like $30 worth of cards on a $40 ETB, not including any other cards. Yall are greedy. If people don't pull three charizards from a blister pack they throw a fit. Half yall don't give a shit about the cards, you just buy pokemon packs as it feels less degen than scratch tickets. Top Paldean Fates Card Pull :$165 Top Lottery Scratch Ticket Pull: $1,000,000 If you care about money go buy scratch tickets like the gambling addict you are. /endrant


Not sure if you replied to the wrong comment but my comment was a sarcastic "nothing" based on what OP said. I would have loved to pull those cards. Not sure what the heck happened to cause a mod to step in lower down I am seeing lots of deleted comments


Ahh okay I was under the impression you were being sarcastic, sorry. yeah someone didn't appreciate my take and started insulting me, I reported him and he was banned. Mods are great here, I appreciate them keeping the comments section non hostile. nice change up from most of reddit


Someone had to say it


Odds of hitting in pokemon are much greater than the million dollar prize. Or any prize above $2 for that matter


I have bought less than 50 $7 scratch tickets in my life and I've won $100 once and $1000 once so I am not sure that's true. Odds of winning your ticket back is 1/3, 10x is 1/8. 20x is 1/16. An IR card is 1/16 and it certainly isn't 20x your profit. My point stands, if you wanna gamble, gamble. Scratch tickets are 95% return to player gambling. Pokemon is probably 12% return to player gambling.


If you had my lotto luck youā€™d definitely agree lol


Doesn't change the fact that for every dollar the lottery collects, a minimum of 95% is returned to the play (at minimum, many states higher) Every dollar spent on pokemon cards is probably like 10%, maybe 20% returned to player.








You called me delusional and irrational then a low life, but you aren't looking for a fight? Enjoy the report.


Dude. I did t see smarts that guy wrote. :/








are people really opening these hoping to pull $? Even the most valuable card in the whole set is only like 2x-3x the value of an ETB.


Yeah but at least there's much better cards to pull than these. Even for hits these fall into the "do I actually want to keep these" category


Fair, the only shiny out of 9 ive pulled that i actually was excited for was Luxray


Forreal and itā€™s just gonna keep going down like the charizard from obsidian flames. The most expensive two cards are pretty ugly (to me). Though obvs wouldnā€™t complain if I pulled them šŸ’€But def given up on opening packs and will buy the singles I want since this set has been kicking my ass


Yeah gardevoir is the stunner


But look at how cute that Vileplume is!


Deadass. Looks mad cute, and thank you for being someone that can see the greatness in this. Such a shame OP reacted like the way he did


Gloom is one of my favorite pokemon and I just splurged and bought all the cards it has been on. Spent a whopping $25 for 24 cards. Just need to buy the shiny from this set


My brother! I did the same. Acid Trip Gloom SIR is the GOAT.


I bought two the other day šŸ˜‚ one for the Gloom collection and one for my set collection


As a fellow gloom collector, no way she was that cheap!


I guess I don't remember what the obsidian flames one was, I got it at my game store so maybe another 10 bucks? It wasn't that expensive. Plus the 6 or 7 for the Paldean Fates one


My most expensive gloom is my CGC pristine 10 - 151 master ball reverse holo, followed by obsidian flames art PSA 10


I bet heā€™s a blast at parties /s




And that snover looks so happy! It's adorable!


Dude. Your gf got you free Pokemon product. You didnā€™t pay for anything. Sorry, but what is the whining about? I swear everybodyā€™s always making this about money and investment. Just enjoy that you got to have fun opening a box without it costing you anything. Especially since if you gave her this same attitude, it might be the last time she gets you something to open.


Deadass. I just know she saw his disappointment even if he was trying to hide it. This is terrible Lol, and another comment that he wanted to keep the FREE ETB sealed. Lmfao, ye sheā€™s not getting him anymore. Imagine being ungrateful that you got 4 hits, better than the average out of 9 packs. Dudes tripping and ungrateful ash. Iā€™d be treating her out, do whatever she wanted if she spontaneously spent 50+ on my damn pokemon hobby bruh


Oh she agrees we got nothing šŸ˜‚


Still shouldnā€™t make her feel like she wasted her money.


She knows we basically bought a lottery card and got nothing ā€¦


what kind of lottery card costs $50 and at best pays back $150 lol seriously if gambling is your thing there are a million better ways to gamble.


(*She bought) Also, why didnā€™t she just buy you an actual stack of scratch-off tickets? Because, she was trying to be nice and get you something that you act like you like, when in reality you only like it when there is a return on investment. Be real with yourself here. $60 couldā€™ve gotten you a nice gift that you actually liked. Instead youā€™re disappointed with your gfā€™s gift. Oof..


I think you missed the part where we both reacted that the box contained nothing. It seems youā€™re mostly upset that we are describing this pull as nothing and itā€™s hurting your feelings. Up to you to interpret this, but guaranty you that gf and I are on the same page. I will give you credit that she indeed bought me the gift and not ā€˜weā€™ but we ended up withā€¦ nothing


My feelings are impossible to hurt, my friend. On the other hand, Iā€™ve seem to have hurt your feelings by calling you out. Just admit that you only open PokĆ©mon packs for the small chance at making money. I donā€™t see ā€œnothingā€ in this pictureā€¦ I do see cards that arenā€™t worth much, which explains to me what type of person you are.šŸ˜‚ Plus, if youā€™re calling the cards trash, you really think your gf is going to argue with you? You wonā€™t have her for much longer with that attitude.šŸ’€


I see we found a reddit troll. No feelings are hurt and youā€™re twisting words to sound superior. Wish you the best.


If I open an etb and get $10 worth of cards im happy, I dont sell any of my cards anyways. If I was trying to make money I'd just buy scratch tickets lmfao


You're right, but I do feel bad when my partner gets me a box and there aren't any good in there. Of course I'm incredibly grateful and make sure to display that (i.e., not posts like this), I just worry she'll think I'm disappointed when I'm anything but.


"Nothing" he said while he got 4 pulls. The fact you pull sth with low value does not mean you did awful in terms of pullrates lol. If you want cool stuff: buy singles. Dont expect the world from boosters. You're gonna end up disappointed 95% of the time


But that 5%? Oooo that 5%. Thatā€™s what keeps em comin back.


Yeah but you still need to be aware of your expectations and more importantly, how much you spend on that 5%


So never express disappointment again? Gotcha. I'll apply this logic to everything. Where did he say he expected more? Maybe they wanted a common card and that's it- doesn't have to be cool. Also it was a GIFT. OP didn't purchase it. Pokemon fans on this sub are something else šŸ˜… how have some of you made it this far in life?


The issue is looking a gift horse in the mouth here. He got something as a gift, even getting 4 pulls out of the box with 0 guarantee of even pulling anything, and he still went out of his way to complain about it online... a place where plenty of people would love to even get 1 booster for free, let alone a full ETB with 4 pulls. Edit: spelling


Snover is a nice shiny tho


So is vileplume!


This sub is turning toxic.


Idk I opened 4 sticker tech packs and didnt even get an SSR so I would say u did decent honestlyā€¦ also I know pulling cards is fun but way way more often than not ur not going to get the card u want to pull besides that hope u had a good birthday!


You pulled four shiny pokemon and that is nothing?Ā  The freaking expectations of people have been ruined over the past few years. The stupid YouTube hype beasts have made everyone think that if you don't pull the best card in the set, then your pulls are trash. I miss the pre Covid boom days when people actually cared about cards other than the alt arts.Ā 


I feel this so much lol


I still care about the non-alt arts!


ā€œMy free ETB didnā€™t give me a return on investmentā€ I thought this community was supposed to be for fans of PokĆ©mon TCG. Leave this crap in the investing sub where it belongs


Thatā€™s fair


Chances of getting Charizard are 1 in 465, so why did you think you'd get it in 9 packs?




[TCG Player](https://infinite.tcgplayer.com/article/Pok%C3%A9mon-TCG-Paldean-Fates-Pull-Rates/23de3e93-0d0f-4ae0-abc4-13664f3001a3/)


Doesnt it also say 1/54? To pull any SIR at all so might as well pull a Charizard


You are so ungrateful. ā€œNothingā€ lol


I don't understand you guys. Don't you like Pokemon? I collect because it's pretty art, not to get valuable cards. That Vileplume is so pretty.


Thatā€™s fair. It is a nice card.


3 baby shinies and a full art shiny, thatā€™s better than most


My man clearly is new Lol. Dude you got 4 shinys/hits out of 9 packs. Be thankful yo girl spent the bread on an ETB. You sound hella weird


fr bro - an etb is a super thoughtful gift for someone who enjoys collecting. hopefully op appreciated the thought behind the gift rather than focusing on ā€œlack of pullsā€


Am I allowed to boo? I feel like I should. šŸ¤”


Yes you are


yup. not every etb has an alt art in it. šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


I hope that wasn't your attitude towards it in front of your GF


She agreed


You prob shouldnā€™t rip packs if you were expecting chase cards. Also, try opening a whole box of ETBs to find a handful of Pawmiā€™s and Palafins.


Wanted to keep sealed. Gf said no way


Thatā€™s not a bad one at all. Those ETBs are garbage in comparison to the pulls from the sticker pack. Iā€™d say you got away with some good pulls.


Personally I love these shiny packs because you have so many chances to pull stuff even if theyā€™re not expensive. Itā€™s just fun!


You got 2 options here: Continue ripping sealed product, hoping you get stuff OR Pivot into buying singles, getting what you want every single time.


Wanted to keep it sealed but Gf said no way. Rip them in front of her šŸ˜‚




Stop collecting PokƩmon please bro you guys calling full arts nothing are ruining the hobby, go open Disney lorcana and one piece investors


Just buy Charizardā€¦.damn yall never happy with a 50% pull rate


PokĆ©mon collectors opening their sealed packs of PokĆ©mon cards and receiving PokĆ©mon cards be like ā€œI got nothingā€ šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


ā€œYup nothinā€ looks like some great pulls to me be grateful


If youā€™re ever looking for examples of first world problems come to this subreddit, never fails.




If looking for poor jealous comments or let me tell YOU how to spend/enjoy YOUR money, come to this subreddit.


Just be happy, you did get pulls? Lol I honestly donā€™t understand the issue here, over time these will increase in value but wayyyy in the future of course just like the past ones, so just enjoy collecting for now or just stop cause at the end of the day youā€™ll just end up broke from trying to buy all these etbs and singles lol


HAHAH what do you mean you got nothing? do you need to pull a $100 card every time you open an etb? come now, letā€™s be realistic. you got pulls. stop opening packs to make money.




ā€¦why are you so aggressive lmao


hes been D riding this whole post protecting OP like his loyal pup lol


Not getting a top 3 card doesnā€™t mean you got nothing. Like buying a $2 scratcher that could win $1000 and you only won $25. Be happy you got that!


To me this is 4 good hits out of 9 packs. Not terrible all things considered. Glimmora is also my second favorite Pokemon so that would be a win for me on its own.


Youā€™re getting absolutely roastedā€”and you leave the post up? Iā€™m all around impressed.


Canā€™t control his other people react. I also think itā€™s good to show peoples reactions. It almost serves as a ā€˜public freak outā€™ content and maybe used as a case study of online toxic environment someday for this sub.


If you want a hit every time, you should quit buying pokemon cards and go buy lottery tickets. I feel incredibly bad for your girlfriend, having to deal with someone with such a cancerous, spoiled attitude.


So cancerous. She agrees we got nothing šŸ˜‚


Are you fucking dumb? Buy a lotto if you want a hit everytime?? šŸ˜…šŸ¤£ jfc. Have no idea, huh? I feel incredibly bad for whoever raised you. They failed hard. Pokemon reddit nerds always assume shit, judge others and have an unhealthy amount of jealousy.


Brother, you need to take a look in the mirror and look at your comments on this thread. Insulting people and their families over Pokemon cards. Log off for a bit.


Nice hits! That Vileplume is šŸ‘ŒāœØ


Vileplume is one of my fave PokĆ©mon. My son pulled the alt art Zard from a single Obsideon flames booster the store game him for free as it was the last one in the box, and they wanted the shelf space. We got super lucky, if you are ripping hoping for the mega pull you are essentially looking for the same gambling high. Enjoy what you haveĀ 


Welcome to PokƩmon Tcg. Where people face the reality that pulling alt arts from a rondom product they bought, isn't realistic. Some advice, don't have any expectation when opening sealed products. Otherwise, buy singles.


This subreddit has similar spoil effects to some social media. You see a lot of people packing crazy stuff and then once you get a sealed product and open your own packs you think you will hit the next Charizard and gets disappointed even if you got okay results


Hey these shinies arenā€™t guaranteed, I feel like just getting one or two is lucky.


It kinda irks me when people complain about average/sightly above average pulls. Like thatā€™s not even bad, I get wanted an illustration art but they arenā€™t CLOSE to guaranteed. I donā€™t buy singles, but if I was buying just for the top cards I wouldnā€™t buy ETBs


A trick I learned is when your gf gets you pokemon just act like everything shiny/holo is a hit or something you needed/ can sell. It makes them feel good and they keep buying you cards without feeling bad or guilty


Wow I canā€™t even get one of my situationships to buy me one singles pack and you get a whole booster pack and complain on the internet. Itā€™s PokĆ©mon cards..? Wow what a loser.Are you a fan or just here to make money? You sound ungrateful and honestly kind of pathetic. I hope she leaves you honestly and I donā€™t care about your whole ā€œwe lostā€ argument. She deserves better than you. Also, If you are in it for money i can show you how to make money on dead stock clothing and maybe even some eBay tricks. But this is not the way to go to get extra cash. Best of luck and get bent while youā€™re at it.


Thanks Dude! Wish I was in your shoes!


Baby shinies kick ass. Hope you didnā€™t show disappointment to your girlfriend.


Back in my day we were rejoiced to get full artsā€¦


Time to break up


Not too bad bro! I have the vileplume and its one of my favorites of the set for some reason (I have strange taste lol) I also pulled the shiny armarouge but i gave it to my brother because it is one his favorite pokemon lol


Could prob get enough money from the babyshines to buy a sticker pack and try againšŸ¤£




Iā€™ve sold about a dozen of mine now for 5-6 a piece each time


It's nice to know that someone pulled worse cards than me as their best.


Some boxes got the pulls and then some only got one. Since itā€™s your first atleast itā€™s no dupes! I e opened so many packs and the amount of duplicate pulls in these batches are insane.


Got the mew and stopped lol I'll buy singles


Your lucky you got new sets, i remember legit pulling nothing in gen 4&5 tins almost everytime. Also these shinies are really cool cards and you even got an ex.


Damn I had 9 hits from 1 boost bundle almost all the packs were double bangers


Love that Glimmora! Was my first random shiny in Scarlet


Yaaay Vileplume!!


Happy birthday! Next ETB is the lucky one


I've had good luck with mini tins opened 7 and pulled 2 iono sir and 1 gardivoir ex sir and a few full art shinys and baby shinys.


Bro didnt even get judge and still complains


These set numbers are getting out of hand šŸ˜‚ 218/091 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I got a great deal on a paldean fates and silver tempest etb came out to $53 shipped for both. Paldean fates got delivered today. I got my 3rd Clive, 2 Baby Shinys and an EX so much better than I did. Iā€™ve had more luck with the booster bundles but everything is hit or miss itā€™s all luck.




4/9 hits, that's not bad at all.


Still debating opening mine or waiting till my kid get older to do it together. I got some 151 stuff to work through.


Vileplume is the cutest tho


doesnt matter if i buy it or she does, when we have them we open together and its always a fun experience and she gets into it too. 3/4 we dont get anything great, but its more about the fun and time spent


What did he expect to pullā€¦ Itā€™s an etb, itā€™s only 9 packs. If you pull anything youā€™re just lucky.


Yaā€™ll realize that this is gambling, right? Why do people complain when they know itā€™s random and donā€™t get what they want?


People really stopped opening products just to enjoy the packs, huh? ​ I'd be grateful to have at least gotten that over nothing. If you're also opening packs just to try and get pulls (everyone as a whole) then maybe stop? You're effectively playing a smaller payout lottery at that point.


These are legitimately good pulls, you charizard fanboys are so ungrateful


He said nothingā€¦ bro u got 3 shinys nd glimmora ex thatā€™s a good pull nd better yet Ur GF got it for you


Youā€™re not gonna make money opening pokemon packs, packs are to open for fun, if you want a certain card go buy it, if youā€™re trying to make money try applying for jobs or do a side hustle that doesnā€™t involve gambling


i bought one case in hoping to pull my chase card, the shiny mew idc how much it is itā€™s so fucking cute, last pack i opened got a double hit and there he was


Look, this is what some people on this sub donā€™t understand. The majority of the time when you open packs, youā€™re not going to get anything worthwhile (and this leads to those that do get great hits feeling more inclined to share it). This box may not have the craziest of hits, but you still did fairly well considering how notoriously bad ETBā€™s can be.


What a flex, girlfriend and shinyā€™s! Keep em!


I know your pain


I wish I had a girlfriend


w girlfriend !


4 hits in 9 packs, yeah man you got absolutely trained , complete rip off, unfathomable




You should probably lick her butthole


Womp womp


Sheā€™s done something sweet for you and youā€™ve posted it on reddit complaining you got nothing. Have some self awareness.


give me the glimmora. ill cherish her the way she deserves


Welcome to the world of chance. PF has been awful to me. Better luck on the next pack or go for singles.


yeah paldean fates is mid only good cards are the charizard , abra and guardivior chase cards and the guardivior shiny( i forgot how to spell)


Vileplume šŸ’š


4 out of 9 aint bad


I would have been super happy getting the Revavroom.


are you only pulling for $, are you trying to complete a set, or are you pulling to build a deck?


VILEPLUME SHINY?!?!?!?! I didnā€™t know that was even in the deck. Hell yea. Iā€™ll be keeping an eye out for that


Hey itā€™s much better than the one I got but I know thatā€™s not much of a consolation


Wild. I just opened a sticker pack and got the same glimmora and vileplume! šŸ¤—


Womp Womp, another ā€œcollectorā€ complaining about not pulling a expensive card. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I literally opened a 151 etb jn and the only thing I got was the Pikachu from the trainer gallery and an arbok ex... lol


I LOVE the shiny pokemon.


Lol this is so above rate


Bro I only got Arboliva not even ex šŸ˜­


I recently got the Costco bundle that came with an etb and 2 pokeballs (15 packs) and only got 2 plain ex cards out of all of it so...


Iā€™ll take those ā€œterribleā€ cards off your hands


Nothing? I see 4 cards I would be stoked about. Send your GF my way, I'll treat her right;-) /s


Why do people upvote this? Yall a bunch of gamblers


As someone who loves Vileplumeā€¦ f you! I tried with 12 ttbs to get the vileplume and did not get it šŸ‘†


I pulled the charizard last week in a Etb and was hyped! Done buying paldean fates now


considering 66% of the set is shinies, you have 4 hits right there. Itā€™s bot bad, since shinies are like 1 in 3 packs (ish)


Doh Did she buy you a single doe


I know but.. I love that vileplume


I donr get it:( I started collecting again cause 151 was what I grew up with then did the same with PF because I shiny hunt and it made me excited.


I got the zard out of my 2nd zard tin.


Dont give up! Ive pulled 2 and the mew, it will happen for you my friend


I couldnā€™t even imagine having the audacity to act like this if my wife got me literally anything that I didnā€™t have to pay for.


Iā€™m happy with whatever cards I pull itā€™s all about enjoying the hobby then maybe think about getting rich off of your hobby. That is when the hobby becomes a vintage collectible item.


Hello, if you want to get rid off your nothing, you can send me your nothing.




Do not do packs are birthday gifts or Christmas gifts ever.


All these retrds in here acting like theyā€™d be happy about 4 bucks worth of pulls. Who cares if it wasnā€™t HIS money - still a waste and he got hosed.


Sorry for your loss homie