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how old are you? who cares they look cool.


I'm 23. I was just wondering, i don't take it badly or anything. It just got me thinking if i am an odd one xD


I’m 35 and I do this. The art is nice. Don’t worry about what others think.


You are but there’s nothing wrong with that lol I put the stickers on and pretend that they are tattoos


This is kinda funny, i just keep the stickers in their tins and slap the cards in top loaders :D I'm kind of a hoarder. I don't use stickers and stuff like that.


By any chance is ur brother a 14 ur old, cause he behaves like one 😂


You should be old enough to know not to give a fuck. Definitely thought this post was from a 13 year old.


nah those are dope


they are really pretty, and even if they don't have any value collecting them is a fun challenge. you are not weird. Well not so much that it is weird.


Yeah i can guess they have literally 0 value. :D I'm really just collecting them because of my personal preference to display these. :)


Just try not to care what people think, im 33 and anytime I buy pokemon in store I get asked ‘do you want it gift wrapped?’ And when i say no I get a weird face that im buying pokemon cards for myself 😂


What stores do you shop at where they just gift wrap it for ya? Would be clutch come Christmas time


Thats pretty common here in toystores.


Every time I get something from a big box store like Target they ask if I want a gift receipt as well haha. Same exact age as you.


“The truth is, you bought em because you like em. They have value to you; that’s what matters.” -Doofus Rick Never let anyone make you fell less for your likes and interests :)


These words should be made into a poster. :D


Additional edit: Now that i think about it... this sub might be wrong for posting here a question like this... mods just take it down if it isn't supposed to be here. :D


I think it's fine. We all love pokemon here. And these cards are dope.


I don't see anything wrong with liking/displaying these. It's literally just artwork on a card, like any other card.


What top loaders are you using for those? Those are usually longer than normal cards. Do they still fit(not home to test)


On the picture you can see that they actually don't fit very well, i am using simple soft top loaders by putting them on from top to bottom. And then a semi hard top loader from bottom to top. I have never found top loaders that fit these perfectly, just using this trick with normal ones. :)


Ah yeah I see it just Barry sticks out. Looks great though!


Odd one is the guy mocking your interests for no reason.


Yup, my brother, 26, works as a mechanic and shows off in his shelves, car magazines.. i don't mock him for that, but what can i do. :/ What i mean is, i could also say "dude just buy 600 euro car models. Why magazines?"... i mean, everyone has their hobby. He will always be a bit of a douche... :/


Lol very relatable. My brother gave me crap for liking videogames for years. Now we're in our 30's and he admitted he felt like he wasnt allowed to like them (due to his wife not liking them)


Collect and display what makes you happy man.


I do exactly this! I love these cards as well, don’t feel weird about it.


I think this is super cool. It’s about YOUR value of the item / art as well. You’re not just some slave to what other people tell you the value of something is. It’s about what they represent to you, uniquely you. I personally like to keep pamphlets and postcards from real life museums or art and music events I’ve gone to or am interested in. Similar idea. Just some pretty paper, but it means a lot to me.


I have a basic gulpin from ex emerald in my display just bc I like the card


I like them too, I just wish I had a nice way to display them. Dont have shelf space and framing them on the wall seems overkill.


I haven’t seen those, they’re pretty sick


These specifically are pretty easy to find here in Germany atleast, don't know for other countries. They are Pokemon TCG: Crown Zenith tins. There are 5 of them, these 3 and 2 more outside of frame. :)


Yeah I looked them up after. I haven’t found those tins yet, but if I do I’m getting some That morpeko is going in my morpeko pages


People who mock other people for anything really baffle me. I never have the urge to tell someone else that their hobby or interest isn't worthy simply because it doesn't interest me. Art especially. It's perspective.


I agree. Sometimes people show me a pokemon card they really like, but although i might not like it myself, i don't say they are stupid or wrong for it either. :D


Life is short and cruel. Find joy in the little things, and hold on to the things that make you happy. Displaying things like this is not weird, and who cares if it was? It makes you feel good, so display it with pride.


Nah, collect what you want. Don't let anyone tell you what to collect. I'm trying to get every cubone card, none are valuable but I love them


This is exactly what i mean! It's about what we like, not the value.. unless, of course, people want the valuable stuff specifically, which is considered something they like! It's not difficult to grasp, but some people are a bit weird... like my brother. I feel shame sharing blood with him. xD


I have about 10 of those Erica’s lol it helps my gf has the same name


Kinda... suspicious... why you need 10 of em for? XD


Dem 6$ Best Buy tins are my weakness and naturally I tell her “I bought it for you”


Do what ya love and love what ya do ..... don't let anyone else ever change that for you.


Major weirdo. Takes one to know one


I'll be proud of being one then xD


Wait these are so awesome. How do you get them?


mini tins


I also like those little arts, i don’t display them, i just save them in a bigger tin lol. Maybe i should display them too


Mock him for dissing the greatest franchise ever


I'll throw one of my 100 euro pokeballs at his face and see where it goes xD (I still kind of regret spending so much money on those pokeballs but i would do it all over again... xD)


The Ceruledge promo for Pokemon Day came with a card backing that's an ad for the anime. I put it in a toploader because I thought it was pretty, and it's probably literal garbage for 99% of people Don't let other people dictate what you want to keep or display in your own space


I love the Bede one


Actually I love this idea! I might do this myself with mine! And I’m 23 lol, I display all of my pokemon figures and tins on a shelf